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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1029330 No.1029330 [Reply] [Original]

yeah you
what is your stance on the climate change debate?

A) humans are a major contributor to climate change, if not the sole contributor, and immediate action must be taken to prevent a runaway greenhouse.

B) humans are a pretty good contributor, but other forces might overshadow us. action now is nice, but not critical

C) the data is inconclusive either way

D) humans are a minor contributor, and while action might be necessary later on, it's not critical right now.

E) humans contribute in an infinitesimal way, and the current controversy is drawn from erroneous conclusions from weak data. Something else is causing it.

F) other (please specify)

not a troll thread, just curious how /sci/ breaks down on this

>> No.1029338

A is the only answer that agrees with the peer reviewed literature on the subject.

inb4 troll shitstorm

>> No.1029342

C) the data is inconclusive either way

also, I don't give a shit, let world drown, I will probably have a few lulz if I'm alive by then

>> No.1029349


>> No.1029375

A. Major, we overshadow major volcanoes in emission, and many times over, every day.

Also peer reviewed, blah blah, evidence supports.

>> No.1029391

the IPCC is a fucking joke. very few actual PHDs signed it, even fewer were in the appropriate fields. mostly lawyers. not to mention the report came to a lot of conclusions that the scientists who signed it did not agree with.
namely a guy who tried to get his name off the list for a very long time, only to be continuously cockblocked and ignored. only after threat of legal action did they remove his name.

>> No.1029417

you call yourself /sci/entists? look at more data.

>> No.1029418
File: 15 KB, 476x484, 1272564550670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first wave of trolls has arrived. If we ignore it it'll soon go away.

>> No.1029421

>implying the IPCC is not a joke
>implying i'm a troll for disagreeing with you
sounds like someone got lost on their way to /v/

>> No.1029428

oh don't mind me; just charting the scientific consensus


>> No.1029437

E. Climate change happens, it never has nor ever will be static, and it is arrogant of us to assume that our current climate is the one true climate.

>> No.1029451

F) Obama is using his special powers as AntiChrist to manipulate the weather systems of the world.

>> No.1029466

E before the flame wars

>> No.1029477


For the planet, the climate changing is normal, but were fucking shit up.

Either way, we shouldn't keep producing so much pollution.

>> No.1029486

Sounds like someone got lost on their way to /r9k/.

There is scientific consensus that anthropogenic climate change is real, and furthermore, the more specialized in the field of climatology, the higher the percentage of consensus among the scientists. Don't believe everything you see on fox news.

>> No.1029487

F) The evidence is not too convincing, but the principle is sound. Strong actions should be taken now to avoid possible regrets.

>> No.1029495

This thread: OP samefagging troll.

>> No.1029502

Actually no, Humans only produce 2% of the global CO2 output. Volcanoes put out many times more than we do. Get your goddamn facts straight.

>> No.1029508

D, if we only contributed CO2 and methane

A if we continue to use CFCs and the like.

THAT is what the scientific data shows.

>> No.1029517


>> No.1029521

Exactly, +1 internets to you good sir.

>> No.1029531


>> No.1029525
File: 15 KB, 476x485, 1272564550669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1029541 [DELETED] 


>> No.1029543

Troll, Really?

I officially challenge you to research the facts, you will be surprised.

>> No.1029547


The main cause of climate change is greenhouse gases, however, over 95% of greenhouse gases is water, which is something we have no control over.

Humans are responsible for the majority of CO2 (so it would seem), however, the effects of this, while significant and important, are not the primary cause of climate change. It is still a highlt influential factor, however.

>> No.1029549

It seems to me that there is evidence to support the claim that human activity has been a factor in the undeniable global climate shift.

I feel that we should make swift changes to our lives, infrastructure, etc to correct, or at the very least stop, whatever actions of ours have caused this.

Even if we are wrong, and there was no connection between human activity and climate change, having changed our ways will prove to be cheaper and safer than the path we were on before, so changing is win/win either way.

>> No.1029560

This suggests otherwise

It's obvious bullshit to claim that volcanoes emit that much CO2.

>> No.1029563


Sorry for the 2%, its actually 0.28%


>> No.1029599
File: 96 KB, 410x441, radiative_forcing_agents_present_IPCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="math">{\bf NO}[/spoiler] pic related

nice source brah, here's a better one:

>> No.1029613

can you please explain what I am looking at and source?

>> No.1029622

Volcanoes go off everyday.

>> No.1029625

how can you beleive in climate change if it is just a theory (a geuss)?

>> No.1029649

Cool, I have to know this graph for an upcoming exam.

>> No.1029689

Source (page 14):

What you are looking at is the relative contribution of different factors to radiative forcing (= their net effect on the energy balance in the climate system). If a factor has a positive radiative forcing value it contributes to warming. CO2 is the largest contributing factor.

>> No.1029767

it's silly to say that just because water is the dominant greenhouse gas implies that CO2 is unimportant. The factors affecting global temperatures consist of many feedback loops. Small changes are often magnified by other phenomena. The main problem is, even a temperature rise of 2 degrees is intolerable.

>> No.1029774

F) You and I are in an olympic-size swimming pool. I'm up against the corner at one end, and you're in the opposite corner of the opposite end.

I ate a burrito for lunch, and, consequently, need to shit. I could get out of the pool, walk to the bathroom, and shit there, but I'd get cold and be generally inconvenienced. It would be easiest for me to simply let loose a turd right there in the water.

My turd would be so small compared to the volume of water in the pool, that you'd probably not be affected in any way. Also, the pool has its own ways of cleaning itself (chlorine, filters, etc.).

Now. Is it OK for me to go ahead and shit in the pool? No, it's fucking not OK.

Whether or not we are the primary cause of climate change, no one can argue that we aren't creating pollution on a large scale and causing deforestation and loss of habitat for wildlife. We should find cleaner ways of living, and take the time to get out of the fucking pool when we need to shit.

>> No.1029828

best explanation ever...

>> No.1029836

conservatives: shitting in the pool

>> No.1029843

must be posted in /new/ daily

>> No.1029851

Even if you dont believe what they say about man made climate change or whatever, dont shit in the pool. Agreed bro.

>> No.1030314

god bless you man, I have never heard anyone put it so well

>> No.1030565

You and I are fish in an ocean. I'm up against the corner at one end of the atlantic, and you're in the opposite corner of the opposite end of the pacific.

I ate plankton for lunch, and, consequently, need to shit. I could get out of the ocean, walk to a tectonic subduction zome, and shit there, but I'd get dehydrated and be generally dead. It would be easiest for me to simply let loose a turd right there in the water.

My turd would be so small compared to the volume of water in the ocean, that you'd be completely justified in turning me into a pariah; denouncing me as a blind fool who is trading away our future for the sake of my maniacal, myopic, hedonistic lifestyle. For, surely though fish have shat in the sea since the beginning of time, I am a self-aware, civilised fish and therefore my liberal, neo-puritan upbringing and the accompanying middle-class white guilt and superstition should lead me to conclude (correctly) that every natural disaster, every slightly rainy season or slightly warmer summer, is a direct result of that one poop that I let slip from my fishy bowels. How dare I go about my business in such a fashion! We are fish of science, and rationilism, and therefore we know that in order to prevent the end of the world we must prostrate ourselves to unseen, primal forces that we do not and cannot understand; forces which demand our daily vigilance, mindfulness and sacrifice. Buy Al Gore's patented fish-diaper, only $99.95 from all good snake-oil peddlars - or are you a goddamn ignorant planet murderer!?

Now. Is it OK for me to go ahead and shit in the ocean? No, it's fucking not OK.

>> No.1032321

F. It doesn't fucking matter what our influence is, gas and coal are non-renewable sources of energy and we will eventually run out. It makes no sense to argue about our influence when the fact of the matter is that we should be trying to find and harness alternate sources of fuel anyway.