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10292016 No.10292016 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think stops his head from collapsing collasing under its own weight and forming a black hole?

>> No.10292022


>> No.10292026

If you are not Ed Witten, you are useless as a human being and should off yourself now.

>> No.10292055

Tall Anglo Saxon forehead scaffolding genetics keeps the dense but evil Jewish neural network genetics from collapsing into a Talmudic blackhole of bestiality cuck porn, Palestinian child killing and the destruction of all humanity ushering in the age of the Synagogue of Satan on earth.

>> No.10292064

brains don’t make use of neural networks there is no connection between them besides abstracted confusion and language games in information and computer science. Jewish cortical connections are probably more “dense” and interdependent than in other brain phenos but its by no means evil anymore than starving a whole subcontinent for tea and spice is evil or exporting global capitalism is evil, faggot.

>> No.10292079

Your autism is showing

>> No.10292080

Exporting global capitalism is a good thing.

>> No.10292114

He sat down next to our group in restaurant 1 at CERN a while back. He had pizza. Smart guy.

>> No.10292115

Not even an insult
No, it is the worst possible outcome the enlightenment could have yielded. Mercantilist inefficient empires would have been far better than sovereign, high hdi and gdp nations with mechanized headless economies mulching through the fitness and natural resources of the best populations on earth causing them to permanently supply vassal pop of subhumans with unwarranted aid and investment to extract unnecessary resources at extremely high cost to the biosphere and domestic social cohesion. Capitalism is ok, the specifics of it as it tends to want to develop in the international arena are very deleterious.

>> No.10293079
File: 396 KB, 798x1200, phenotype extended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Witten has received some media coverage for his condemnations of homosexuality, which include calling for homosexuals to be stoned to death.[21] He has referred to himself as "the sodomite slayer"[22][23] and stated, "I do think that anyone who promotes [homosexuality] as a lifestyle and tries to make it a national and international event and create warfare upon everybody else, then the appropriate response would be to stone them back to the Stone Age, or stone them back to hell."[24]

>Witten's views on homosexuality include the beliefs that "white homos are going to take the jewish woman's man"[24] and that President Obama is going to "use gay people to destroy the Jewish community."[25] He calls for the stoning of gay people[26] and for Tel Aviv to be a "homo-free zone."[27]

>In an interview with The Huffington Post, Witten stated, "The homosexual activists are flat-out lying about what Jesus would do regarding the detestable, abominable, diseased practice and act of homosexuality. They have been lying and saying that Jesus would simply love."[28] Witten has stated that Starbucks will be "ground zero for Ebola"[29] in the United States because homosexuals frequent the stores and "a lot of bodily fluids" are exchanged.[30] Witten has also stated that Starbucks puts semen in its coffees,[31] and that millions of people around the world "really think that the taste of semen is quite a flavor."[32]

holy heck based