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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10282623 No.10282623 [Reply] [Original]

Post cringe moments, ill start

>Be math and EE double major
>First class of last engineering math course in curriculum
>Teacher asks difference between any curve and a function
>I tell her that functions are always a mapping, whereas a curve is not necessarily one
> "Oh yeah thats true, I take it by mapping you mean like drawing dots on a plane and then connecting them right?
>Mfw this is the most advanced math course engineers have to take in my uni

Another one:

>About 2 years ago
>Having dinner with family
>Tell dad im starting another major in math
>Psychology undergrad sister immediately jumps in
>"What do you even study when you major in math?? Calc 1,2,3,4,5 and so on? Like what the hell??
>To this day I get a headache when thinking about this moment

>> No.10282628

How do you deal with your sister? Was the professor embarrassed afterwards? We need more details OP.

>> No.10282632

>I tell her that functions are always a mapping, whereas a curve is not necessarily one
Nigga literally what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10282640
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>tfw broke my perfect sequence with a C in Calc 16

>> No.10282650

The unit circle, for example, is a curve but cant be thinked of as a mapping as there would be more than one output value for an Infinite set of inputs

>> No.10282653


A conic is an example of a curve. A conic is not a function, it's a set of solutions to an equation.

>> No.10282657


Consider the function [math]f(x,y)=x^2+y^2[/math]. Then the unit circle is the intersection of this function with the plane [math]z=1[/math]

>> No.10282663

A curve is a continuous function for an interval to R^n or C^n.
Y'all kiddies need to leave.

>> No.10282688

The interesection of a function with a plane is not a function.

Not true. Not all curves are functions and they're many obvious examples of such curves.

>> No.10282693

You need to leave.

>> No.10282708

You don't actually know what you're talking about

>> No.10282711

>post 'cringe thread'
>"not all curves are functions"
ok you win dude, I cringed

>> No.10282715
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"The intersection of the range of this function (a set) and this set is the unit circle"

The intersection of two sets is always a set.


Please construct a function that maps an interval to this curve

>> No.10282738

Please tell me the function that maps decartes folium in R^2

Fucking retards trying to be smartasses when its obvious what op means

>> No.10282790

[math]f:[0,1)\to \mathbb C[/math] by [math]x\mapsto e^{2\pi i x}[/math] does the unit circle.
Alternatively the stereographic projection does the job:
If (0,1) is a point on the unit circle, consider the lines through (0,1). Any non-tangential line will intersect at 2 points, including (0,1). Add an infinity to the reals to add the extra north pole. This creates a bijective function [math]\mathbb R\cup\{\infty\}\to S^1[/math] which is actually pretty easy to describe. (exercise. Hint: use the gradient)

Similarly to above, using the point (0,1) too, one can create a bijection [math]\mathbb R-\{\pm2\}\to H[/math] where [math]H[/math] is your hyperbola, defined by [math]t\mapsto \left(\frac{2t}{4-t^2},\frac{4+t^2}{4-t^2}\right)[/math].

>> No.10282797


I forgot to add the extra point at infinity, so should be [math]\mathbb R\cup\{\infty\}-\{\pm2\}\to H[/math] with also [math]\infty\mapsto (0,1)[/math]

>> No.10282803

agggh I made the grave mistake to think (0,1) is on the curve (since for whatever reason you chose the non-canonical hyperbola). It is easy to fix however, with virtually similar formula

>> No.10282809

>make pretentious midwit thread
>say something dumb that other pretentious spergs jump on
>derail your gay frogposting thread

>> No.10282810
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>> "Oh yeah thats true, I take it by mapping you mean like drawing dots on a plane and then connecting them right?
I can tell you are an engineer because you were too autistic to realize that the teacher said that for a pedagogical purpose to make sure that everyone in the class understood what you meant by mapping.

>> No.10282829

You people are all morons. A curve is a 1 dimensional manifold. A function is a subset of the product of 2 sets where each element of the first set appears in the first position of exactly one pair. A curve in R^2 could be considered to be a function, as it is by definition a relation on R, and this would be the interpretation of "a curve is a function" that OP is using (this is correct albeit uncommon). Any other curve IS NOT A FUNCTION, rather it is the IMAGE of a function. If you don't understand basic shit like this, you should not be in math.

>> No.10282835

>a curve is a 1-dimensional manifold
consider the self intersecting curve [math]y^2=x^3+x^2[/math]

>> No.10282838

A curve is a product of a function.

>> No.10282840

or just a scribble

>> No.10282864

The hand functions to draw a scribble. If it helps think of angular momentum and positioning as the calculi derivatives.

>> No.10282883

That's not a curve.

>> No.10282890

>a curve is a one dimensional manifold
Ayoo holup.
So you be saying, that disconnect one-manifolds, like the graph of 1/x for a random example, are curves.
Nigga you got mental problems it don't work like that.

>> No.10282909

A function just associates an object to another right? This association can be implicit or explicit. This definition also covers multi-valued functions. Depending on which properties you want to study you may have to set some restrictions on the function.
This makes
x^2+y^2=r^2 into a function and if you differentiate it with respect to x you get
which is true for either value of y making some basic continuity assumptions.

>> No.10282914

I am an engineer(student)... And Thats exactly my point.
My professor is using pedagogy used for highschool kids and college freshmen. To use such pedagogy in such an advanced class is an insult to the intelligence of the entire classroom.

>> No.10282920

obviously not "such and advanced" class lmao

>> No.10282958


function = input/s to output

function = map

when we use planes, we use real numbers

there is no such thing as a line or a curve but a series of infinite points at a specific x and y axis

we use functions to convert infinitesimal points (which look like lines or curves) into simple equations

this is elementary

>> No.10282992

That's not a curve, that's a union of curves moron.
Legitimate point, a curve is a connected 1-manifold.
In any case, my point was that a curve is a set, and a curve is not the same thing as the parameterization of a curve.

>> No.10282996

How fucking dumb do you have to be to unironically think a "multi-valued function" exists.
Who taught you that?!

>> No.10282999

What the fuck is a product of a function?

>> No.10283040

Its the most advanced class all engineers except EEs have to take.
The class does delve into some higher topics but this professor keeps rambling on stuff we have already known for ages.
Just today she was talking about how to study the concavity of a curve and actually spent a good half hour of the class explaining that.
I just dont get what the hell is up with her.
Hopefully we start seeing something new and not elementary next week or else ill fucking kill myself.

As for the dumb discussion derailing the thread, the context the professor asked such question was in the topic of parametrizing a curve that lives in R^2. I think most will agree that the distinction does hold water in this particular case as something like an elipse is a curve albeit not a R->R function.
Im sorry I didnt make this clearer from the start.
Now just post some cringe we can have some silly fun, this board can be too serious at times and 4chan is mostly a time waster

>> No.10283075

>tell me the function that maps decartes folium in R^2

Ever heard of parametric equations?

>> No.10283098

You're a fucking moron. Descartes folium is the image of that parametric, not the graph of it.
A function is equivalent to its graph, not its image.

>> No.10283109

C A L C 1 T I E R D E F I N I T I O N S

>> No.10283213


An elliptic curve is not connected either so that's irrelevant

>> No.10283222

Elliptic curves aren't necessarily curves either.

>> No.10283324


youre not a curve you fat fuck

>> No.10283559 [DELETED] 

>acurveis defined through acontinuous function[math]\gamma\colon I \to X[/math] from anintervalIof thereal numbersinto atopological spaceX
As you can see, a curve is a function by definition

>> No.10283569

>a curve is defined through a continuous function [math]\gamma \colon I \to X[/math]from an interval [math]I[/math] of the real numbers into a topological space [math]X[/math]
As you can see, a curve is a function by definition

>> No.10283594

>dumb engineer doesn't even know what a curve is

>> No.10283621
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>tfw made the calc sequence short exact by quotienting out the cokernels of engineering applications

>> No.10283874
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who the fuck uses that definition
that's a fucking path you moron

>> No.10284035

One time an OP made this one thread to blogpost and said "post cringe moments, I'll start" to cover up how retarded it was, and it was so cringe.

>> No.10284038


>> No.10284115

>That's not a curve, that's a union of curves moron.
show me the union

>> No.10284182

An advanced engineering class is not an advanced math class dumbfuck.

>> No.10284191

>entomology professor says humans cannot direct evolution
>anthropology phd woman says the more suger kid eats the more hyperactive it is, that leaky gut syndrome is real, and other shit
>biochemist professor says that selfish gene theory is false BECAUSE IT IS BASED IN MATH, and he says that math behing it was proven to be false, he also said we should take rapefugees in etc

>> No.10284654

>medfag 1st semester
>had an entire class dedicated to interprofessional practice
>literally just and easy class they threw together to cut back on resources by putting all the podiatry, paramedicine, nursing students etc.together
>run by some roasting who had obviously been fired from her nursing job and was now doing a PhD to pretend she wasn't a complete failure
>made us work up a care plan for a patient
>before we'd had any medical training whatsoever
>they went around the room trying to get us to debate over key issues in this patient's care (again, literally nobody had any medical training yet)
>some blue haired freak roastie gets all worked up trying to claim that breast cancer is worse than being an obese diabetic patient with serious heart problems and renal failure
>the tutors don't even tell us whether we're right or wrong about anything
>kept getting put in groups with chinks who literally didn't speak english and obviously cheated their way in
>had to somehow do a group assignment where we plan a patient's care
>had to somehow shoehorn in a paramedic, nurse, podiatrist, rad, pharmacist and general practitioner for a make-believe trauma case and do a roleplay video
>got a shit mark because we didn't display enough interdisciplinary care because obviously paramedics have a lot of dealings with podiatrists in the case of car crash victims who also have stage 4 brain cancer
Was the only blemish on my grades until our advanced anatomy unit but that's another story.

>> No.10284662

>who the fuck uses that definition
Literally everyone.
>that's a path
Paths are maps from closed intervals. Normal curves are just from intervals.
If you have an algebraic curve fucking call it an algebraic curve you twat.

>> No.10284664

I meant roastie; just remembering that class sends my blood pressure up.

>> No.10284742

Do American chinks just cheat their way into/out of everything?

>> No.10284763

Just tell us what course it is

>> No.10284893

>Do American chinks
Oh no, it also happens to chinks in the UK too...

>> No.10284928

>something like an elipse is a curve albeit not a R->R function
Curves in R^2 are functions from R to R^2, not R to R. You're just dumb

>> No.10284937

so do you have poor working memory?

>> No.10285013

>>I tell her that functions are always a mapping, whereas a curve is not necessarily one
this is a fucking retarded answer

>> No.10285036

I say CURVE and sometimes I mean a map [0,1] -> R^2, sometimes I mean the image of this map, sometimes I mean a connected 1-manifold, sometimes I mean a level set of a function R^2 -> R and sometimes I mean a fucking drawing on the black board and guess what, NO ONE FUCKING CARES because it's always fucking clear what I'm talking about.

>> No.10285317

It's not the american born chinks, it's the ones who come here from china. You see them in all your stem classes. Usually clustered in a corner of the lecture hall talking in their language and cheating off of each other whenever there's an exam

>> No.10285541

see, i came back to this thread to argue for my connected 1-manifold definition more, but i can't argue with this. you're completely right. OP is a moron.

>> No.10285802

We are glorified technicians, sorry if our math knowledge is basic, anon.

>> No.10285803
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>mfw I forget to include enough space for wiring in my mechatronics project's enclosure

>> No.10285862

>double major
That's the real cringe.

>> No.10285890
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>first day at college
>arrives 20 min before first class begins
>its 7.40 AM, cold as fuck outside
>7.50 AM, there are no signs of life in this place
>7.57 AM, a dog passed by
>7.58 AM, well at this point its obvious im in the wrong classroom
>decides to open the door and step outside
>a wild wind has been summoned
>furiously hits an old guy with the door, he stumbles and falls down the stairs
>he has white beard so he is obviously a professor
>he is on the ground
>realize he hasnt seen me yet and there is no one else beside us both
>proceed to naruto run
>7:59, i see a group of people from afar
>relax and begin walking, this must be it
>8:00, we all enter the classroom and sit down
>8:04 no teacher yet
>8:07 ???
>8:15 autistic guy suggests sending someone out to figure out wtf happened
>its cold AF outside, no joke -3°C in non-retarded units, probably even less.
>8:20 after a bunch of retarded rock paper scissors nobody goes out in the end
>8:26 everyone is quiet waiting.
>8:30 finally a teacher
>yes, its the same fucking old guy from earlier
>He presents himself and starts explaining why he was so late
>"I experienced a poltergeist"
>classmates: D O U B T
>he shows his arm skin slightly peeled off because of the fall
>also a bit of blood in his shirt
>Everyone freaks out

>> No.10285901

are you a social sciences major? you sound like a social sciences major.

>> No.10285902
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I went to my thesis professor home today.
He lives alone and it was just him and me.
He made me taste his homemade wine and listen to some music.
I was never as closed to be raped in my life I think

>> No.10285996

Or a very unethical and mutually advantageous agreement o̶r̶ u̶n̶t̶i̶l̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶r̶u̶i̶n̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶/̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶e̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶ ̶

>> No.10286045

>Doctor asks me today why I'm suicidal
>Want to tell her it's because I blew my chance at being a doctor, and there's nothing else to live for
>Know she'd just feel bad for me, and I don't want that, but I can't explain it any other way

>> No.10286718
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>Taking into to bio
>people are failing test
>I skipped the final report because I didn't want to do it and still had a A-

>> No.10286760
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>science is my religion

>> No.10286773
File: 25 KB, 400x400, med general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK so I cheated on last semester's organic chem final.
>went to prof's office hour to prepare for the final
>he was out getting coffee
>saw stack of papers on his desk
>answers to exam
>take photos of every page
>later memorize all the answers
>score 98%, highest by FAR according to prof
>he suspicious.png
>emails me to say he thinks i cheated
>says based on my earlier grades he doesn't think i could've scored 98%
>fortunately for me he was lazy and left the grading and submission to the last minute
>gives me an A

>> No.10286777

>have penis
>want to stick in vegana
>remember science proved masculinity is bad in january
>I'm so 2018 in 2019 lol
It's funny and cringe because january is right after 2018 lol

>> No.10286929

In the most general sense, a curve is some one dimensional thing.

>> No.10286931

They literally are, for the appropriate definition of "curve", such as a 1D variety.

>> No.10286938

bro get some mental help