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10282594 No.10282594 [Reply] [Original]

>""""""""""advanced"""""""""" probability and statistics 2
>spends 20 minutes telling the class how to install R
>200 people use same wifi spot
>everyone downloading at 15kbs
>professor ((((phd student)))) doesn't know what "else if" is in R

The absolute state of the #1 ranked university in Canada

>> No.10282627

Toronto uni? Should've studied at uqam lol

>> No.10282654

phd students aren't professors

>> No.10282754

>using conditionals
brainlets. I vectorize all my branching logic

>> No.10282786

>else if
My R skills are mediocre at best, but can't you just use ifelse() to vectorize all that shit? It's better than having a long ass conditional chain which can be a bitch to write in R sometimes. It's not bad in Python, but there are tons of different ways to fuck up the syntax with R.

But yeah that's pretty bad on the part of the TA, looks like you'll be teaching yourself R this semester if you don't know it already.

>> No.10283764

>even considering UoT is awful

>UQAM is big meme filled with CdVM and Saint-Laurent graduates, UdeM and McGill are the places to go

>> No.10284595

>phd student teaching a university course in mathematics
>#1 ranked university in Canada

>> No.10284617

Welcome to CS, leave your brain by the door.

>> No.10284652
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>> No.10284716

>#1 ranked university in Canada
>200 people in 1 class
Not even from Canada and even I know that UofT has shitty undergrads.

>> No.10284738

This is why it is so easy to get a job. OP, don't worry. Just keep charging these stupid people out the ass and then let them fight for their life in the job market. Who cares about them anyway.

>> No.10284744

Yes most people in any profession are extremely incompetent.

>> No.10285157

The ranking system of schools is sort of bullshit to be honest.

>> No.10285181

All unis have retarted 'professors' who can sometimes shout false bullshit about stuff they think they know. Ex sociology prof talking about computers

>> No.10285191


lol, why is your university wifi so slow?

>> No.10285588
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should have gone to Carleton lol

>> No.10285610

This, I've TA'd a class i'd never taken and have no knowledge about, embryology, and that shit is pretty advanced bio. I had to learn the material before the labs I taught.

>> No.10285664

>having to teach brainlets how to install software
the state of universities

>> No.10285859

>waiting until class starts to download the software
It's your own fucking fault retard next time look at the syllabus