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10274634 No.10274634 [Reply] [Original]

How do we make space exploration profitable?

>> No.10274639

>How do we make space exploration profitable?
What have you tried?

>> No.10274651

I don’t quite understand your question.

>> No.10274732

Nationalize aerospace companies and have the UN organize all space efforts. There can be no profit in space nor there should be. It must be entirely humanitarian driven for the benefit of the human race.

>> No.10274737

There is literally no way with current engine and fuel technology to make a profit putting humans in space. It costs millions of dollars just in fuel to put one human in low earth orbit and back.

Build a space elevator or magnetic ray to put people in space maybe

>> No.10274740

>have the UN organize all space efforts

>> No.10274758


manufacturing of ZBLAN fiber optic cable


and space tourism

in the long term, the most important factor is to reduce the cost of access to space

>> No.10274764
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More info:


>> No.10274765

Discover a planet made of money where it rains chocolate.

>> No.10274767
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>> No.10274812

Offearth mining

>> No.10275063

By having large companies invest in advanced technology to facilitate space tourism.

Governments should stay far away

>> No.10275070
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Streamline the procurement process for expendable launch vehicles

>> No.10275079

Why are there so many neoliberal fascists on this board?

>> No.10275082

before the muskfags ruin another thread, i just want to say:
this but unironically.

>> No.10275271

By printing huge amounts of money and giving everyone millions of dollars so they can afford the trip.

>> No.10275278

I've been working on reducing the Earth's gravity by vaporizing things at my house, thereby adding to the mass (and volume) of the Earth's atmosphere and increasing the numbers of atoms that are lost to space.

>> No.10275332

Because NASA wasted time, money and the lives of 14 people through the Space Shuttle

>> No.10275335

I got no problem with governments focusing on exploration, and encouraging exploitation through tax policy or whatever.

>> No.10275341

Gotta say, that beats anything I've done.

>> No.10275346

Except they don't focus on exploration, and any attempt to gets bogged down in politics and inefficiency. Just look at the SLS

>> No.10275351

Astroid mining, the amount of metal on a single decently sized astroid is equal to all we have here on earth.

>> No.10275355

Take off a bunch of the regulations that make it impossible and illegal for a normal person to attempt. This would blow the space industry up in a year.
Instead we have the cults of personality to maintain the status quo of "you aren't allowed to go, but it's okay, the government funded company will do it!"

>> No.10275362

How would you get them to foot the bill? If you want to go the nationalization route I think China has a good bet. But it wouldn't be the only element in the industry.

>> No.10275368

Take 10 trillion dollars and make the moon semi independent. Build a space elevator on the moon, use the space elevator to industrialize the moon and lunar orbit and begin the process of making a self sufficient moon base. Another 5 trillion to make the required agricultural manufanctories and ship Flora/fauna to Luna. After that let corporations buy property in space.

>> No.10275387

Holy shnikeys

>> No.10275999

Turn humans into ant people. No more entertainment, no more fun, no sweets or sports or computergames. 0 luxuries.

Only the basics needed for survival and the rest of our efforts, more than 99 % of all work in fact, will be directed towards space settlment and expansion. We could be throwing a gigantic interstellar orion drive colony ship each year into the void, even if 99 % of them die or find no suitable world it still means 1 successful colonization per century.

>> No.10276095

Currently, reducing the cost of access to space is the most important thing being done. In the long run, some companies will make money by manufacturing fuel and eventually other materials in space for use by other companies. At some point there may be large scale mining and manufacturing driven by the demand for cheaper resources for colonies / bases / space stations.

>> No.10276097
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>> No.10276134

Get the boomers at NASA as far away from the project as possible. They had decades and failed.

Deregulation, economic stimulation, social encouragement.

Any revolutionary technology has been spearheaded by private industry with financial backing from government.

>> No.10276144
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Hear me out here. People pay tens of thousands of dollars to buy a car just so they don't have to take public transit with blacks. People pay hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars to live in penthouses and gated communities and not have to be around blacks. Cities like Philadelphia and Detroit have depopulated 50% from their peak because the black population was intolerably high.

Imagine how much people will be willing to pay to not live on Earth when the majority of the planet is black. Elon Musk is South African, he's seen the future in person.

>> No.10276174

>Imagine how much people will be willing to pay to not live on Earth when the majority of the planet is black. Elon Musk is South African, he's seen the future in person.

This has struck me before as a very plausible scenario. He knows what's up.

>> No.10276192


>> No.10276198

further proof only dumb delusional racists care about muh spaceflight. it's not happening humanity is stuck here forever deal with it.

>> No.10276233

You didn't even try

>> No.10276234

t. this guy


>> No.10276256

Convince Americans there's oil in space.

>> No.10276258

>This would blow the space industry up in a year.
With thermonuclear war, yes.

>> No.10276270

High chance of methane clathrates on Mars. Maybe even more interesting hydrocarbons depending on the planet's history.

>> No.10276285

so far only retarded ideas, poltards, and muh privatisation retards who unironically think that "private" companies like SpaceX aren't literally surviving on government and NASA money

>> No.10276310

Can you tell me what exactly astronauts do in "space" besides do CGI cartoon shows for spherecucks?

Don't give me Don Petite rhetoric, saying "science stuff" isn't enough

>> No.10276314

This. When the price goes down, more things become profitable or even worth trying at all. If it cost you a hundred dollars a mile to drive a car, you wouldn't drive down to the corner store to buy milk and bread.

>> No.10276324

Holy based and wokepilled

>> No.10276402
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>> No.10276409

>It costs millions of dollars just in fuel to put one human in low earth orbit and back.
The platinum in one asteroid is worht enought htat if anyone just putted right on up their big pants boy grown up costume, literally, we could have ten trillions dollars of wealth PER PERSON.

Like, imagine that, every single person enjoying the wealth of a couple of jeff bezos, seriously luxury for all forever, and it waiting right around the corner

>> No.10276416

>mouth breathing retard doesn't understand how scarcity works
You ruin the good name of asteroid mining with your drivel

>> No.10276421

lol, implying youw ouldnt take the money if you could you fucking right winger, there is an porblem with you faggots trying to have your facist utopia, it ownt happen in my lifetimer, eventually the only logical conclussion is wanting good for all like me. Its like, theres nothing more to think about. Trillions of political hours of books, not needed. Do you want good for all? yes, the answer will be necesarily yes. Then get the free fucking dollar bills hanging from the sky that could feed everyone for ever

>> No.10276423

You ever read a post and wonder if the guy is fuckin' with you or he's just a legitimate absolute Down Syndrome case and he goes through life like that 24/7?

>> No.10276428

Frame this conversation to the wall, once were all rich maybe ill have my asisstant talk to your assistant and set up a meeting, well laugh on all abot it

>> No.10276433

I think he's getting the available/exploitable resources confused with total resources.
Earth has a ton of iron, but most of it is tied up in the core and the deposits in the upper crust we can get to is a tiny fraction of that.
If you had a decent sized iron rich asteroid you'd have access to more iron than we have dug out of the earth since the iron age.

>> No.10276437

If you want hydrocarbons then Titan is you girl.
If mars did once have life I wonder if it may have had a carboniferous period in which case it could theoretically have oil deposits.

>> No.10276442

I don't need to wait to laugh at you, bringing down a million tons of a rare mineral on earth won't help anybody

>> No.10276450

It would help industries that use the mineral
would allow them to do a lot more for a lot lower cost

>> No.10276451

I mean I get what he's saying (I think). If I had to guess he's drunk and phone posting.

>> No.10276453
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>> No.10276454

It really doesn't matter how many resources you have. All wealth comes from human work.

I could give a 1.000.000 tons of gold to a latin american and he would just sell it for a quick fix of drugs and keep being poor.

On the other hand, an advanced civilization like norway or america , give him like, just a couple of stones and theyll organize to build a micorchip out of it

>> No.10276455

Even if he's missing half his brain, literally typing with his asshole from an underwater hospital bed while asleep and on drugs, it's still uncomprehensibly stupid

>> No.10276457

platinum isn't all that useful
it might make your cars a thousand dollars cheaper but my money is that the car companies will just pocket the difference

>> No.10276460

>lower cost
It's a problem of scarcity. If you brough down a billion tons of rare earth metals then it would become worthless because you ganked the "supply" part of supply and demand.
As soon as exploitation of mineral wealth in the solar system gets rolling you'd have to transition to a resource based economy because traditional capitalism can't handle that kind of abundance without wiping itself out in the correction.

>> No.10276483
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>> No.10276489

If you flooded the market with a million tons of gold, what would that do to the value of gold?

>> No.10276493

>the UN
As much as I'd like UN spacy to be a thing I honest couldn't think of a more inefficient governmental body you could hand off space exploration too.
Imagine NASA but a thousand times worse with bureaucracy and political considerations overriding actual exploration and science.

>> No.10276503

By not killing people

>> No.10276617
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I want to believe in asteroid mining for some future Wild Belt feelings

>> No.10276958

>human race
>not species
big yikes

>> No.10277088

I can't wait until we export queers like you to the colony on the surface of the sun.

>> No.10277857

you would radically boost its demand because it would finally be cheap enough to use for interesting wide-spread applications.

>> No.10277906
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>put the UN in charge

>> No.10278263
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>> No.10278366

Asteroid mining probably won’t crash prices on earth because at first the cost of delta-v will be too great and later that a corporation could keep a pretty tight control on what they’re willing to sell that and just sell right below the lowest earth competitor’s cost.
At first it’ll probably be hydrocarbons for fuel then we’ll get into rare minerals to earth and materials used for building larger manufacturies, ships, and stations in space.
The real worry is that current billionaires in raw resource mining are some pretty scary dudes and will probably try to have whoever attempts to develop the necessary extraction and processing techniques assassinated and their work buried.

>> No.10278376

Have the astronauts stream Fortnite.

>> No.10278381

Have you seen anything run by the UN?

Get people out into space! Once you have people living out there you can profit off of their needs!

>> No.10278455

>this is what the ZOG wants

>> No.10278532

that's exactly the kind of defeatist attitude I'd expect from a swarthy individual such as yourself

>> No.10278537

2 things, what is deflation on a (literally this time) ASTRONOMICAL scale. And who would do the work?

>> No.10278541

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