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10272667 No.10272667 [Reply] [Original]

If every CS school is shit, then how should a good CS curriculum be?

>> No.10272673
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>> No.10272681

Mathematics program should be designed so

School program (exam Matshkolnik)

Euclidean geometry, complex numbers, scalar multiplication, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Principles of Quantum Mechanics (Kostrikin-Manin). Group of transformations of the plane and space. Conclusion of trigonometric identities. The geometry of the upper half plane (hyperbolic). Properties of inversion. Effect of linear fractional transformations.
Rings and fields. Linear algebra, finite groups, Galois theory. Proof of Abel. Basis, rank, determinant, classical Lie group. Dedekind. Determination of the real numbers. The definition of the tensor product of vector spaces.
Set theory. Zorn's lemma. A well-ordered set. Cauchy-Hamel basis. Cantor-Bernstein theorem. Uncountable set of real numbers.
Metric spaces. The set-theoretic topology (defined continuous maps, compact, custom maps). Countable base. The definition of compactness in terms of convergent sequences for spaces with a countable base.Homotopy, the fundamental group, homotopy equivalence.
p-adic numbers, Ostrowski theorem, multiplication, and division of the p-adic numbers in a column
Differentiation, integration, the Newton-Leibniz. Delta epsilon formalism lemma policeman.

>> No.10272684

The first course

Analysis on \$ R ^ n \$. Differential display. lemma contracting maps. Implicit Function Theorem. Riemann and Lebesgue. ("Analysis" of Laurent Schwartz, "Analysis" Zorich, "Problems and theorems of functions. Analysis" Kirillov-Gvishiani)
Hilbert spaces, Banach spaces (definition). The existence of a basis in the Hilbert space. Continuous and discontinuous linear operators. Criteria for continuity. Examples of compact operators. ("Analysis" of Laurent Schwartz, "Analysis" Zorich, "Problems and theorems of functions. Analysis" Kirillov-Gvishiani)
Smooth manifolds, submersion immersion Sard's theorem. Partition of unity. Differential Topology (Milnor-Wallace). Transversality. Degree of the map as a topological invariant.
Differential forms, de Rham operator, Stokes theorem, Maxwell's equations of the electromagnetic field. Gauss's theorem as a particular example.
Comprehensive analysis of a single variable (based on the book by Henri Cartan, or the first volume of Shabbat). Contour integrals, Cauchy, Riemann mapping theorem of any simply connected subset of \$ C \$ in a circle theorem on the extension of borders, Picard's theorem on the achievement of an entire function of all values except three. Multivalent functions (for example, the logarithm).
Category theory, the definition of the functors, equivalence, adjoint functors (McLane, Categories for working mathematician, Gelfand-Manin, the first chapter.)
Lie groups and algebras. Lie groups. Lie algebra as linearization. Universal enveloping algebra, the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt. Free Lie algebra. Campbell-Hausdorff series and the construction of a Lie group by its algebra (yellow Serre, first half).

>> No.10272690

The second course

Algebraic Topology (Fuchs-Fomenko). Cohomology (simplicial, singular, de Rham), their equivalence, Poincaré duality, the homotopy groups. Dimension. Bundle (Serre), the spectral sequence (Mishchenko, "Vector bundles ..."). Computation of the cohomology of classical Lie groups and projective space.
Vector bundles, connection, the Gauss-Bonnet, the Euler class, Black, Pontryagin, Stiefel-Whitney test. Multiplicativity of the Chern character. Classifying spaces ("Characteristic Classes", Milnor and Stashef).
Differential Geometry. Levi-Civita connection, the curvature of the algebraic and differential Bianchi identity. Killing Fields. Gaussian curvature of two-dimensional Riemannian manifold. Cell decomposition of the loop space in terms of geodesics. Morse theory on the loop space (based on the book of Milnor, "Morse theory" and Arthur Besse "Einstein manifolds"). Principal bundles and connections in them.
Commutative algebra (Atiyah-Macdonald). Noetherian, Krull dimension, Lemma Nakayama adic completion, integrally closed, discrete valuation ring. Flat modules, local criterion plane.
Beginning of algebraic geometry. (Chapter Hartshorne either green or Shafarevich Mumford). Affine variety, projective variety, projective morphism, the image of a projective variety is projective (via resultants).Beams. Zariski topology. Algebraic variety as a ringed space. Hilbert's theorem on zeros. The spectrum of the ring.
Beginning of homological algebra. Group Ext, Tor for modules over a ring, resolutions, projective and injective modules (Atiyah-Macdonald). Construction of injective modules. Grothendieck duality (in the book Springer Lecture Notes in Math, Grothendieck Duality, number about 21 and 40).
Number theory, local and global field discriminant rule the ideal class group (blue book Cassels and Frohlich).

>> No.10272692

>math with some cs sprinkled on top

>> No.10272695

Reductive groups, root systems, representations of semisimple groups, the weight, the Killing form. Groups generated by reflections, their classification. Lie algebra cohomology. Computation of the cohomology in terms of invariant forms. Singular cohomology of a compact Lie group and its cohomology algebra. Invariants of classical Lie groups. (Yellow Serre, the second half, Hermann Weyl, "Invariants of classical groups"). Design of special Lie groups. Hopf algebra. Quantum groups (definition).

The third course

K-theory as a cohomological functor, Bott periodicity, Clifford algebra. Spinors (Atiyah's book "K-theory" or Mishchenko "the vector bundles and their application"). Spectra. Eilenberg-Mac Lane. Infinite loop space (the book Switzer or yellow book or Adams Adams "Lectures on generalized cohmology", 1972).
Differential operators, pseudodifferential operators, symbol, elliptic operators. Properties of the Laplace operator. Self-adjoint operators with discrete spectrum. Green operator and applications to Hodge theory on Riemannian manifolds. Quantum mechanics. (Book R.Uellsa analysis or Mishchenko "vectors of the bundle and its application").
The index formula (Atiyah-Bott-Patodi, Mishchenko), the Riemann-Roch. Zeta function of the operator with discrete spectrum and its asymptotic behavior.
Homological algebra (Gelfand-Manin, all in the last intermediate). Cohomology of Sheaves, derived category, triangulated category, derived functor, the spectral sequence of a double. The composition of triangulated functors and the corresponding spectral sequence. Verdier duality. The formalism of the six functors and perverse sheaves.

>> No.10272699

Scheme algebraic geometry, the scheme over the ring, the projective spectra, derivatives, Serre duality, coherent beams, replacement base. Own and separated scheme, valyuativny property and separability criterion (Hartshorne). Functors representability, the moduli space. Direct and inverse images of sheaves, higher direct images. With proper mapping higher direct images are coherent.
Cohomological methods in algebraic geometry, semicontinuity cohomology theorem of Zariski connectedness theorem Stein decomposition.
Kahler manifolds, Lefschetz, Hodge theory, the ratio of Kodaira, properties of the Laplace operator (zero head head Griffiths-Harris, clearly stated in the book André Weil "Kahler manifolds"). Hermitian bundle.Line bundles and their curvature. Line bundles with positive curvature. Kodaira-Nakano Vanishing on (Griffiths-Harris).
Holonomy, the Ambrose-Singer theorem, special holonomy holonomy classification, Calabi-Yau, hyper, theorem of Calabi-Yau manifolds.
Spinors on the manifold, the Dirac operator, the Ricci curvature, the formula Weitzenbock-Lichnerowicz, Bochner's theorem. Bogomolov's theorem on the decomposition of manifolds with zero canonical class (Arthur Besse, "Einstein manifolds").
Tate cohomology class field theory (Cassels-Frohlich, blue book). The calculation of the factor Galois number field commutator. Brauer and its applications.
Ergodic theory. Ergodicity of billiards.
Complex curves, pseudo-conformal mappings, Teichmüller space, the theory of Ahlfors-Bers (the book Ahlfors thin).

>> No.10272704

Fourth year.

Rational homotopy type and profinite étale cover nerve cell complex homotopy equivalent to its profinite type. Topological definition of étale cohomology. Galois action on profinite homotopy type (Sullivan, "Geometric Topology").
Étale cohomology in algebraic geometry, the comparison functor, Henselian, geometric point. Base change. Any smooth variety over a field locally in the étale topology is isomorphic to \$ A ^ n \$. Étale fundamental group (Milne, review of Daniel VINITI and SGA 4 1/2, the first article of Deligne).
Elliptic curves, j-invariant, automorphic forms, Taniyama-Weil conjecture and its applications to number theory (Fermat's theorem).
Rational homotopy (in the last chapter of the book or the Gelfand-Manin article Griffiths-Morgan-Long-Sullivan). Massey operations and rational homotopy type. Vanishing Massey operations on a Kahler manifold.
Chevalley group of generators and relations (the book Steinberg). K_2 computation of the field (Milnor, Algebraic K-theory).
Algebraic K-theory of Quillen, \$ BGL ^ + \$ and \$ Q \$-structure (review Suslin in the 25th volume of VINITI, lectures Quillen - Lecture Notes in Math. 341).
Complex analytic manifold, coherent beams, the coherence theorem of Oka, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz for ideals in the sheaf of holomorphic functions. Noetherian ring of germs of functions, Weierstrass theorem on division, Weierstrass preparation theorem. Theorem on a branched covering. Grauert-Remmert (image of a compact analytic space under a holomorphic analytic morphism). Hartogs' theorem on the continuation of an analytic function. Multidimensional Cauchy formula and its applications (uniform limit of holomorphic functions is holomorphic).

>> No.10272709

Fifth Year

Kodaira-Spencer theory. Deformation of a manifold and solutions Maurer-Cartan equations. Solvability of the Maurer-Cartan and Massey operations on the DG-Lie algebra cohomology of vector fields. Moduli space and finite (see lecture Kontsevich, or the collected works of Kodaira). Theorem Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov on deformations of Calabi-Yau manifolds.
Symplectic reduction. Moment map. Kempf-Ness theorem.
Deformations of coherent bundles and bundles in algebraic geometry. Geometric invariant theory. Moduli space of bundles on a curve. Stability. Uhlenbeck compactification, Gieseker and Maruyama. Geometric invariant theory is the symplectic reduction (third edition of Mumford's geometric invariant theory, application, Frances Kirwan).
Instantons in the four-dimensional geometry. Donaldson theory. Donaldson invariants. Instantons on Kahler surfaces.
The geometry of complex surfaces. Kodaira classification, Kahler and nekelerovy surface of the Hilbert scheme of points on the surface. Castelnuovo-Enriques criterion, the Riemann-Roch inequality Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau. The ratio of invariants of the surface. Elliptic surfaces, the surface Kummer K3 surfaces and Enriques.
Elements of the program Mori: Kawamata-Viehweg zero freedom theorem of base points, the theorem of Mori cone (Clemens-Kollar-Mori, "Multidimensional complex geometry", plus not translated Kollar-Mori and Kawamata-Matsuki-Massoud) .
Stable bundles as instantons. Yang-Mills equation on a Kahler manifold. Theorem Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau metrics on the Yang-Mills theory on a stable bundle. Its interpretation in terms of the symplectic reduction. Stable bundles and instantons on hyperkähler manifolds, an explicit solution of the Maurer-Cartan equation in terms of the Green's operator.

>> No.10272711

Pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectic manifold. Gromov-Witten. Quantum cohomology. Mirror conjecture and interpretation. The structure of the group of symplectomorphisms (under the Kontsevich-Manin book Polterovich, "Symplectic geometry" green book of pseudoholomorphic curves and lecture notes McDuff and Salamon).
Complex spinors, Seiberg-Witten, Seiberg-Witten. Why Seiberg-Witten invariants are Gromov-Witten.
Hyperkähler reduction. Flat bundles, and the equation of the Yang-Mills theory. Hyperkähler structure on the moduli space of flat bundles (Hitchin-Simpson).
Mixed Hodge structure. Mixed Hodge structure on the cohomology of algebraic varieties. Mixed Hodge structures on Malcev completion of the fundamental group. Variations of mixed Hodge structures. Theorem on a nilpotent orbit. Theorem on \$ SL (2)-orbit. Close and vanishing cycles. The exact sequence of the Clemens-Schmid (the red book Griffiths "Transcendental methods in algebraic geometry").
Nonabelian Hodge theory. Variations of Hodge structures as fixed points of \$ C ^ * \$-action on the moduli space of Higgs bundles (dissertation Simpson).
Weil conjecture and proof. L-adic sheaves, perverse sheaves, the Frobenius automorphism, its weight, purity theorem (Beilinson, Bernstein, Deligne, plus Deligne, Weil Conjectures II).
Quantitative algebraic topology Gromov (the book Gromov "Metric structures for Riemannian and non-Riemannian spaces"). Gromov-Hausdorff metric, prekompaktnost set of metric spaces, hyperbolic manifolds and hyperbolic groups, harmonic maps into hyperbolic space, the proof of Mostow rigidity (two compact Kahler manifolds, covered by one and the same symmetric space X of negative curvature, isometric if their fundamental groups isomorphic, and dim X> 1).
Variety of general type, Kobayashi and Bergman metrics, analytical stiffness (Sioux).

>> No.10272724

A strong Critical Gender Theoretic foundation including special attention to post-meritocratic programming cultures and transgender rights.


>> No.10272735

Jesus man thats alot of work for a shit thread, im gonna pretend i care.

>> No.10272740

Lot's of schools have a good CS curriculum. For example CMU's 15-251 you do a tour of theoretical compsci subjects so the student can get interested in something.
Anything to do with programming, belongs in a 2yr tradeschool in fact industry should just train their peons like every other industry does. When you learn to be a plumber you apprentice. Programming should be exactly that, apprenticeships and various guilds teaching the new plebs industry programming.

University should be where you go to study the theory of computation, so understanding this book: http://www.nature-of-computation.org/ and writing papers in the field that solve one of the thousands of unsolved problems in theoretical compsci.

>> No.10272742
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a second major

>> No.10272803


Fall 1
C++ Programming
Intro to Proofs
Matrix Algebra
Calculus 3
Digital Logic + Lab
English 101

Spring 1
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++
Linear Algebra
Probability Theory
Computer Architecture

Fall 2
Algorithm Design
Linear Systems and Signals
Numerical Analysis
Combinatorics and Graph Theory 1
Networking and System Programming
Programming Paradigms 1

Spring 2
Theory of Computation
Real Analysis
Combinatorics and Graph Theory 2
Operating System Design
Programming Paradigms 2

Fall 3
Linear Programming
Computer Graphics
Computer Security and Cryptography
Programming Language Theory

Spring 3
Machine Learning
Nonlinear Optimization
Database Design
Software Engineering

Fall 4

Spring 4

>> No.10272852

>Probability Theory
>Theory of Computation
>PL Theory
>Linear Algebra

This is the only actual science content, that pertains to computer science (Calc 3 is vague and means different things in every other country). The rest you can learn yourself on google scholar with 10 minutes of time to review Von Neumann architecture (x86) or how a dbms works or buy a book on C++, no full course needed. Graph theory is already covered in any intro theory class, same with combinatorics. The high level view of compilers are already covered by the Linear Algebra class, and papers on parsing and instruction optimization are everywhere as implementation details.

So your school has one semester of actual computer science, and multiple years of things you could just read yourself

>> No.10272991
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First you do the standard first year of freshmen Calculus, 'Argument and interpretation' english style courses, writing for academia, ect. All the 'breadth' classes req for Bachelors.
To get entry to the compsci program you have to complete this class, and performance will be judged if you get admittance to the Computer Science program
>First year, 2nd semester elective:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaAvVNWvi4A&list=PLm3J0oaFux3aafQm568blS9blxtA_EWQv and working through these notes, solving exercises https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~15251/notes.html

Congrats you were accepted to the program. Here are the core req for 2nd yr(3rd semester)
>Undergrad Complexity Theory
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxhpiYKFQd8&list=PLm3J0oaFux3YL5vLXpzOyJiLtqLp6dCW2 which works through the Part 3: Complexity chapters of the textbook: 'Introduction to the Theory of Computation', 3rd edition, by Michael Sipser.
>Matrix Theory
A Matrix theory class that uses readings and exercises from Linear Algebra Done Wrong and/or Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction by David Poole.
>Probability/Statistics Theory
Any course on discrete probability and intro to mid level stats theory like Larry Wasserman's 'All of Statistics'

Fourth Semester
>Algorithm Analysis
Since you have exposure to complexity theory, this will now make sense. The book used will be 'The Design and Analysis of Algorithms' by Kozen 1992 which carefully goes through analysis and can fit entirely within one semester.
>Boolean Analysis
Boolean functions are a core theoretical field https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIruJ8edYYM&list=PLm3J0oaFux3YypJNaF6sRAf2zC1QzMuTA
>Complexity Theory II
Prepares you to do research in the field https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRnnEOAQZF8&list=PLm3J0oaFux3b8Gg1DdaJOzYNsaXYLAOKH
?? anything

Your last 2 years in undergrad you are working under supervision doing research in computational (insert subject) and this is your only required class: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~15751/

>> No.10273087

Notice none of the following were included as they are not computer science:
>computer architecture
>intro to programming
>software development
>GPUs or webdev or learning some library like a 'data science' class

These are all engineering topics and belong in an engineering course, which is the craft of taking theory and applying it by solving hard problems. Computer Science is the theory of computation and nothing else, but 'computation' is a gigantic field encompassing almost everything these days. You want to build things you become an engineer. You want to study computation, you become a Computer Scientist. The problem is universities blur this distinction in order to "prepare for industry" and tons of students have problems in computer science so they dumbed them down to trade school levels where if the same student went in as an engineer, they would have all the prereqs needed to understand things like real-time operating systems and how synchronization works. But they don't so they complain about how 'none of this applies to real programming'. This is not the students fault of course, it's the university's fault for not being honest with the student and telling them to be engineers if they want to build shit then half assing their curriculums to milk that federal student loan money and bamboozle students that should either be a 2yr tradeschool or code 'bootcamp', or taking engineering.

>> No.10273278

6 classes a semester?!

>> No.10273902


>> No.10273917

as if any of this is relevant to >CS
>complex analysis, PDE, dynamical systems, computer graphics/vision/image processing is not an elective
>control theory/robotics not elective
lmao stop posting you fucking retard

>> No.10273920

Standard for engineers.

>> No.10273960

>as if any of this is relevant to >CS
All STEM students should take them.
>lmao stop posting you fucking retard
And what courses would you require? Intro to IT, DBA, Cisco networking, Website design, iOS app dev, Android app dev, Steam dev?

>> No.10274002
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>Intro to IT, DBA, Cisco networking, Website design, iOS app dev, Android app dev, Steam dev?
is this cS??/

setminus mandatory ML/stats/probability (beyond discrete)/control theory, except, perhaps, intros. as these require well understanding of functional analysis and that is not some calc one can easily study by themselves. the chapters that don't require it are, ofc, welcome to be made mandatory.

unsure if making algebra (structures) mandatory would be good, although i sure do enjoy it myself, helps with abstract reasoning

>> No.10274007

>All STEM students should take them.
and your reasoning for mandatory bio and chem is..? nothing but a waste of time for a math/cs/whatever student

>> No.10274016

>probability (beyond discrete)

Probability is worthless without continuous, literally no better than probability for business majors otherwise.

>> No.10274020

>and your reasoning for mandatory bio and chem is

It says "Bio or Chem".

>> No.10274029

>nothing but a waste of time for a math/cs/whatever student

What else would you put in that slot? Without calculus, physics, proofs, or programming there's nothing STEM related you could do yet.

>> No.10274033

then have it as an elective. without fundamental knowledge of functional analysis you won't be able to understand a proof (or prove by yourself, for that matter), a single statement involving probabilities, beyond, perhaps, some trivial ones.

>> No.10274042

ok, reasoning for mandatory bio or chem? what use is it for a student, say, interested in nothing but mathematics? boring nuisance, as either are applied and experiment-driven >science disciplines

>> No.10274047

at no point was it suggested in my post to exclude either calculus or proofs

>> No.10274091

That's not what I said.

>> No.10274094

Mathematical Biology is a major field.

>> No.10275231

This is pure autism.

>> No.10275265

That's lightweight. A lot of people at my school take 7-9 per semester

>> No.10275267

how do you guys do it? that seems like so much work

>> No.10275269

Sacrifice of social life, and a decent amount of my mental health. Frankly you shouldn't listen to us if you want to live a happy, fulfilling life

>> No.10275276
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>t. brainlet

>> No.10275280

I don't have either. im always locked in my room but just law in bed and watch youtube videos all day. idk what to do

>> No.10275299

Start with simple things. Say, listen to some music and clean some portion of your room. Note the feeling of accomplishment, and use that feeling to motivate yourself into half an hour of study.

>> No.10275303

That's not enough for 6 classes in a single semester

>> No.10275318

The idea is that you use previous accomplishments to fuel your motivation. This is a long and continuous process which is bootstrapped with simple things like cleaning and working out. Obviously you don't ONLY clean your room for motivation. You set goals, accomplish those goals, and use the good vibes of accomplishment to do it again

>> No.10275551

A good CS program can't exist. CS should have never been an undergrad program, instead it should have been a math specialization.

>> No.10276435

If only the first two years you weren't suck learning rhetoric and US History

>> No.10276518

In addition to the other stuff that was mentioned, year 1 should get students to a good level in emacs with org-mode. Org-babel should be used as the de-facto standard for learning new language. Also they should have a course simply on doing deep work.

>> No.10276526
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>>>/g/tfo and never return here

>> No.10276797

You're like a little baby. Watch this.

Introduction to proofs
Calc 1, 2 and 3
Number theory
General, linear and polynomial algebra
Real, complex and vector analysis

Functional analysis
Nonstandard mathematical logic
Quantum mechanics
Aerospace engineering
Fluid mechanics
Antenna engineering

Analog EE
History and geography
Catholic theology
Ethnicity studies

Gender studies
French and Italian cuisine
Black cinema
Political science

MSc in happiness engineering
PhD in dairy product engineering

Gardening (2 months)
Babysitting (4 months)
Research in lemonade stand management (6 months + 100-page-minimum memoir)

>> No.10276814
File: 21 KB, 350x499, Real and Complex Analysis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how should a good CS curriculum be?
All CS Freshmen should learn Real & Complex Analysis from day one.

And Calculus should be taught in High School.

>> No.10276822


Wtf? What about the mandatory humanities classes?

>> No.10276831


Only non-racist in this whole thread

>> No.10276834

Real, complex, vector, fourier & functional analysis. Abstract & Linear Algebra. Partial Differential Equations. Quantum Mechanics. C/C++
Differential Geometry. Topology. General Relativity. Quantum Electrodynamics. Haskell.
Algebraic Geometry. String Theory. Quantum Field Theory. Particle Physics.

Gender studies. Poetry. Music. Afro american studies.

Mc Donalds, Starbucks barista, Wallmart

>> No.10276844

Gender isn't Race

>> No.10276853

>General, linear and polynomial algebra

Outed yourself immediately as a brainlet.

>> No.10276867
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>CS .... should have been a math specialization.
CS started as math specialization, originally.

Alan Turing... John von Neumann ...Donald Knuth ... were mathematicians with math PhDs not CS PhDs

>> No.10276881
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>>10274002 >>10273960

Those Html+CSS UX Design "code artisan" baristas are all Brainlets

>> No.10276946

It's totally not because CS wasn't as developed back then. Also, EE totally didn't used to be a physics specialization.

>> No.10276951

What kind of job will a CS degree get you? I like programming but don't want to be a code monkey or IT

>> No.10277022

Web dev, App dev, or IT.

>> No.10277141

If you don't get a PhD chances are you are only going to able to get code monkey jobs.

>> No.10277166

Damn. I want to go back to school and was looking at cybersecurity. My school offers a cybersecurity degree, but it seems like a meme degree with limited applications on a resume. More like something you might minor in

>> No.10277202

Self Teach, Code Bootcamp or CS BSc for Code Monkey Jobs

Cybersecurity or FinTech MBA if you want to be a manager and climb the (corrupt) corporate ladder

PhD if you want to research cool AI stuff however also teaching brainlets who suck at calculus.

Entrepreneurship, aka starting your own tech startup company gives you 5% of chance of getting rich.

>> No.10277211
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>Entrepreneurship, aka starting your own tech startup company gives you 5% of chance of getting rich.
5% of chance of getting *very rich