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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1027066 No.1027066 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1027070

Because pure mathematicians build things like rockets... .WAIT NO THAT'S PHYSICISTS

>> No.1027078

no thats engineers

anyway, sage for shit thread.

>> No.1027081

Peasants build rockets.

>> No.1027079

>Because pure mathematicians build things like rockets... .WAIT NO THAT'S PHYSICISTS
you misspelled engineers

>> No.1027084

Butthurt peasant.

>> No.1027085
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You're getting good at this.

>> No.1027088

science is a religion for pessimists

>> No.1027095

Sorry OP, but we live in the real world. All the mathematicians in the world will never be as famous or rich as a rapper singing about how much money he has.


>> No.1027098
File: 37 KB, 250x282, neyo_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: it's an engineer.

>> No.1027105

>All the mathematicians in the world
at least they won't be niggers

>> No.1027108

>implying that money has anything to do with it

>> No.1027109

I smell me an aspie.

>> No.1027110

Mathematicians are bottom tier peasants. They're just menial drones who act like glorified calculators, just like accountants.

>> No.1027117

You obviously don't know what mathematics is.

Calculation! Ha!
I haven't dealt with numbers in years.

>> No.1027124

You obviously don't know what the door out of the basement is.

>> No.1027129

back to /b/ plz

>> No.1027140

ITT: biologists

>> No.1027145

So... what's a mathematicians purpose in life?

>> No.1027146

To prove.

>> No.1027151

that he has a girlfriend

>> No.1027156

Human interaction is arbitrary.

>> No.1027158


Mathematician's purpose in life is to act like a servant. When you need your taxes done or some numbers crunched, you pay them a few bucks. It gives them enough money to buy some booze so they can sleep easier in their cardboard boxes.

>> No.1027161
File: 8 KB, 200x231, LocutusOfBorg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your thinking.

>> No.1027178
File: 99 KB, 1012x355, ss20100526153435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're thinking of an accountant.
Here is a diagram to differentiate between the two.

>> No.1027203


There is no difference. Addition is still addition.

>> No.1027206

Threads like this are the cancer of /sci/
Kill yourself op

>> No.1027211


There's no difference, trolling is just trolling

>> No.1027212


>> No.1027217

The only difference is one paid too much for school and the other is paid too much.

>> No.1027232

The only difference is that one is a God King and one is peasant who would give his life savings just to lick the feet of the other.

>> No.1027242


Exactly, accountants are god kings who handle the accounts of rich men. Mathematicians are unemployed losers who sit in basements wishing they had become accountants.

>> No.1027244

Baby's First Troll

>> No.1027257


>> No.1027403

I would say

God tier mathematicians/physicists.

Top tier chemists and chemistry related shit

Everyone else

But what if We do biology, chemistry and physics, all in one? Simple that person is master of all.

Ergo, I am master of all.

>> No.1027413

Natural sciences?

>> No.1027435

Nah forensics

I get to study bout how drugs effect ze body and how when you get shot, everything goes everywhere.

seriously everywhere.

Even inside the guy who shot you.

It's kinda sexual.

>> No.1027439

god tier: leisure time
shit tier: working

>> No.1027441

Accountants are secretaries that can add and subtract. Mathematicians create the formulas accountants apply.

>> No.1027445


>> No.1027449
File: 90 KB, 432x432, philosoraptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1027452


yeah, I said it

>> No.1027456

Hey god kings, please explain to me how Woodward-Hoffman rules apply to 1,3 hydride shifts. De novo calculations using the Huckel method would be appreciated.

>> No.1027463

Mathematicians are the closest thing to artists science has - and the stuff they create is actually useful!

>> No.1027478

Hey God-Kings, mathematical logician here.

...Why so quiet all of a sudden?

>> No.1027489

God Kings because they are of the purest science.

>> No.1027502

Then why isn't philosophy god-king?

>> No.1027504

Much respect.

>> No.1027514

Philosophy isn't a science, it's postulation. Claiming it's a science is spouting more hot air than philosophy itself.

>> No.1027528

>philosophy is hot air
>mathematics is a subset of philosophy
>ergo, mathematics is hot air

nice going

>> No.1027530

>implying the foundations of science don't lie in the empiricist school of philosophy

what, did you think the scientific method just popped out of thin air? this shit took thinking about

>> No.1027531

I did an arts degree. I don't even care. How does that make you feel OP?

>> No.1027540

It makes me lol, because you wasted your money.

>> No.1027553

No, it's more like physicists are the kings, and mathematicians the kingdoms wise men, you know, like what the spiritual leaders are to normal leaders.

Everyone sh

>> No.1027605

Engineers are king.

>> No.1027614
File: 125 KB, 410x600, Gay-Pride-Parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What engineers get up to in their spare time.

>> No.1027685

So true.