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10265992 No.10265992 [Reply] [Original]

>If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?
Seriously, how the fuck are you supposed to respond to this?

>> No.10265996

"I'm an outlier"

>> No.10265999

Because you can be rich without being smart, the two correlate but don't predicate

>> No.10266002

because after a certain smart you realize money is a tool not an objective and you only need a small amount

>> No.10266003

Why would I want to be rich? So I can buy lots of expensive stuff? PFFFF

>> No.10266014

Spoken like someone with a limited consumerist mindset.

Being rich means the freedom to choose how to spend your time. You dont have to ask your boss's permission to take a day off. You can pursue more projects that interest you. Wealth is independence and power.

>> No.10266021

So what would you do with all that free time you have without having to work?

>> No.10266037

>Can't figure out how to spend my time if it doesn't involve purchasing something
l m a o
>Please someone hold my hand through life

>> No.10266045

What? That's sort of the opposite of what I said...

>> No.10266046

>dude what is there to do in the world besides work

>> No.10266049

I would probably spend it building wacky and pointless contraptions, having sex orgies, and spend lots of money lobbying for my viewpoints to become law.

>> No.10266050

I like to the stuff myself but materials needed also cost some money

>> No.10266051
File: 25 KB, 324x271, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOOD taste

>> No.10266052

>Being rich means the freedom to choose how to spend your time. You dont have to ask your boss's permission to take a day off. You can pursue more projects that interest you
I have all that and I'm poor.

>> No.10266057

Hookers and blow.

>> No.10266060

TELL ME WHAT YOU WOULD DO THEN, GENIUS? Should be an easy question... Play games all day?

>> No.10266132

>more occasions to camping
>build a beautiful garden
>go to the beach all the time
>can fly anywhere in the world
>own beautiful art
youre right it was easy

>> No.10266147

Keri sable

>> No.10266156

who asked

>> No.10266159

>wanting to deal with work and women
>not studying
never gonna make it

>> No.10266165 [DELETED] 

Because the average millionnaire becomes a millionnaire after the age of 50 and I'm still young.

>> No.10266171

Collect whale skeletons and build stuff out of them.

>> No.10266178

tell them that you value fairy tale knowledge like upper level maths that has no value and they will understand

>> No.10266182

'Hurrays stupid - money is a resource, resources = power'
'What would you do with all that power?'
'Go camping, go to the beach all the time, have a
garden, go on holiday, buy paintings'


>> No.10266184

Dumb woman, mistakes smartness with intelligence.

>> No.10266185

>time away from work doesn't cost money
How much of a NEET are you?

>> No.10266198

If you don't appreciate free time if that's all you have. That's why
insanely rich people find business ventures to occupy themselves.
A decent job is enough to be able to afford most things. If you want to drive around a
Ferrari you're a fucking retard, might as well be one of those braindead rappers.

>> No.10266201

>If you want to drive around a Ferrari you're a fucking retard, might as well be one of those braindead rappers.
Confirmed for having bad taste in "what is fun to do"

>> No.10266208

oy vey whatever simpleton

>green text is funny haha

>> No.10266220

>Seriously, how the fuck are you supposed to respond to this?

Tell them the truth, that your not smart.

>> No.10266221

>Dumb frog can't exploit the market due to his double digit IQ.

>> No.10266242 [DELETED] 

2019/1/23: 54 Tamaoko? Hippolyte Tea (suicide)? Cowpaper juice? Dogeza Cowpa juice? Moebius Aniki?
23: 53 Gero? Doctor guerotine? 70,000? Mizukuri shark? Cowper? Lick it? Doganza henchiman * multiple? Nilom?
23: 51 henchmann? Doganza henchiman? 20,000 to dogeza? What? Departure papa? Homer? threat? A capoid in the brain?

2019/1/23: 48 Keesen? Sōzuma Keysen Dogeza? Hotentot? Macau? Fation? Nigger?
23: 46 Macau? Tomorrow? Hotentot? Medicine Morose? Carring Fation? Telepathy?
23: 22 Scarlet * 2? Tomorrow? 23: 43 I can not forgive (a black coward brother?)? Invincible? Koishin man ??
23: 30 Kokuma? Binar? AKATSU? Invincible? Malfunction? Runaway? Matrix? Okinpo
About 23:27, Dogasha ?? idiot ?? Tengu? Shiko Hachi Kimchi Carring Nilom? Wax in the brain?

>> No.10266255


That s the mindset

>> No.10266270

tell me when you can pay the sun from going below the horizon.

>> No.10266272


>> No.10266273
File: 100 KB, 835x471, consumer5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insinuate that greed =/ smart
then compare them to the morbidly obese

>> No.10266289

How to become rich: be charming, sociable, and make sure work doesn't go unnoticed. Also befriend the right people.

If you can't do this then the other path is being smart but also having inhuman work ethic and vision.

>> No.10266292
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seriously though I'm sure fat people have tonnes of insanely creative ways to obtain fried chicken, consume fried chicken, deal with the grease, and even to deal with copious amounts of shit they produce. Most people don't consider them to be very "intelligent", but in their own special way they actually are.

>> No.10266308

We all live in a complex system were you can't actually become rich with analysing and adapting your language to be a leader. You can make progress of course, but you have many limitations depending on the situation you find yourself in:
>not enough money to make a succesful business
>not enough connections for many different reasons (being shy; actually treating people as people and not as tools to multiplicate money; etc)
>being in the wrong place (live in the city vs live in the rural)

And then there's the reminder that out there are many people as smart as you but without these disadvantages that may or not be faster in developing an idea because you are just poorer in general. It happens the same way with education, where a rural kid competing with a Philips Exeter for a place in a big uni was destined to lose, and it keeps prolonging to the future as these disadvantages continue to accumulate regarding to the privileged kid.

So when it comes to business you generally are playing an unfair-butnotsounfair game, as no one can decide how the market has to act. That's way many just go for high income salaries in their passions, which don't let you have THAT much free time >>10266014 is talking about. It's a long run project where you are expected to run anything just when you are in your mid-thirties (if you are lucky is sometimes less) and have the money, or go even deeper and ensure best education and best opportunities to your children so that they can play the game without disadvantages.

And even with everything I've said, anything can just appear and fuck any plan you have, as it happened to my parents which were practically as I described: high income at almost 40 years old and giving me many opportunities. Then the biggest economic crisis happened and I had to move to another country and start the same way my parents started.

It's just how life is, and in the big scheme of things you just stop caring about money.

>> No.10266445

Sour grapes

>> No.10266562
File: 97 KB, 400x400, 1543376879186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga

>> No.10266599

Smart people are very very rarely rich, often the opposite is true, smart people don't want money.

>> No.10266630

Wealth requires social connections with other wealthy people, the fact you work for a degree shows you arent in the elite class.

>> No.10266647

Honestly being willing to thread over your fellow man without a shred of remorse and a lack of decency is more important when it comes to getting rich than being a little smarter.
Also this of course
The barrier in terms of capital to just make a good business is high these days. If you're the smart guy well you just get investors right, ok so you get investors, they now have the idea and the means, why do they need you? Your part in it all will be small along with your profits.

>> No.10266749

Being rich means a lot of your time will be devoted to staying rich. Even if ypur filthy rich it doesnt last more than a few generations

>> No.10266816

T. Brainlet

P can imply Q even if Q doesn't imply P (namely iff P < Q).

>> No.10266838
File: 136 KB, 2550x3300, Masonic Crimes_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being smart doesn't necessarily mean you can get out around all the Masonic social engineering. It's so much more who you know, than what you know. If the boys/society ostracize/s you, or won't help you, and or won't include you and let you have a seat at the table, smarts can't necessarily compensate.

>> No.10266841

>he didn't turn in some of his brain tokens for cash

>> No.10267937

It's actually a pretty legit question. Most worthwhile things take a lot of effort, and those that don't tend to get old fast and also make you lazy and atrophied. As a long term NEET I've found that without an actual job to compare them to, leisure activities start to feel a lot like work. But there's nothing else to do. It's an existential kind of feel.

>> No.10267973

Because Money is pointless, and the only way to get Rich is to live a pointless lifestyle

>> No.10267978

>I've got my "ingot" right here.
>Dick-whips her into submission.
>Y u no monies :c
>Fell for the theoretical degree meme.

>> No.10267984

Daily reminder the masons are the good guys

>> No.10268020

what a fucking brainlet

>> No.10268041

i was about to ask but that anon read my mind before i even stumbled upon this thread