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File: 148 KB, 675x1200, boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10265203 No.10265203 [Reply] [Original]

is the "boys crisis" real?
how such crisis could affect the scientific development?

>> No.10265207

>men are receiving affirmative action
>by enrolling in STEM where more scholarships are offered
Really activates my almonds

>> No.10265243
File: 470 KB, 1104x1600, 1546486529819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All former and current communist states pulled themselves out of poverty due to a strong background in STEM

Don't worry, soon China will lead a unified technocratic government with objective solutions and we will all be saved

>> No.10265271


Women get better grades on average independent from actual quality.

>> No.10265283

>First-world countries outsource industry to China.
>As a consequence, poverty increases, particularly in rural areas, where Whites live.
>As a consequence of this, white-male suicide rate increases dramatically.
>White male academic performance decreases, along with general mental well-being.
>Now, colleges institute affirmative action in an attempt to give more power to minorities/women.
>They take into account grade performance as well as income level.
>White men performing worse academically, and also at a lower income level.
>Consequently, they benefit significantly from affirmative action.
>Especially LGBT white men.
>But something about that isn't right.
>This is how it was designed.

Honestly, what is the goal of affirmative action? If this isn't satisfactory, then what is? Should affirmative action eliminate white men from academia? What about just completely eliminating white people from academia? What about whatever next demographic or political majority?

>> No.10265343

>men are graded higher when names are abstracted away
>attractive people are graded higher
>more women are attractive than men
>result is letter grades are now completly arbitrary
>women score higher on arbitrary grades

Grades are a shit metric.

>> No.10265849


>How Colleges Punish Girls For Success

notice how this guy see affirmative actionfor boys as a punishment for girls and not a help for guys

>> No.10265918

>What about just completely eliminating white people?

This seems to be the case. There's enough momey and resources for everyone, but the people on top want to stay and make sure their kids stay on top, too.

>> No.10265935

>when names are abstracted away

Mind boggling how this is not mandatory for any kind of merit-based society. If your society is indeed supposed to be merit-based and not nepotistic, plutocratic or racist.

>> No.10265949

Why not both? Every space going to a less suitable candidate is a space lost for a more suitable candidate.

>> No.10265958

The point is affirmative action was perfectly fine as long as the successful boys were the punished ones

>> No.10265969


>> No.10266181

That's to be expected in a society that constantly encourages women and helps them along at every stage while demonizing men as a bunch of evil oppressors and abusers.

>> No.10266278

Men get worse grades on average and have always been more likely to go to prison
Did you know a third of all prison inhabitants are freaks with an extra Y chromosome?
The Y chromosome is responsible for most violent crime. Clearly.

>> No.10266298

That's because males tend to engage in more risk taking behavior on average. Doesn't really have anything to do with grades though.
The systematic pro female and anti male sexism would be expected to have an effect though.

>> No.10266310

Everyone behaves like this. Humans are tribal creatures, and they act like it. Its just that whites have been force-fed propaganda that they are the only ones who cannot behave in their own interests. You either accept the propaganda and commit slow suicide or you act in your own interests, plain and simple.

>> No.10266329



>> No.10266342

Men still do better on the sat tho???

>> No.10266344

most boys just become engineers of cs majors anyway. it's not like we're losing einstein-tier minds. those sorts of minds will always power through to the top just by nature of what they are. don't worry about that.

>> No.10266354

>don't worry about this male handicap because the geniuses wont be affected lmao
>yeah, nah, just like 95% of males
How about no.

>> No.10266671


obligatory watch

>> No.10266920

Men are more intelligent than women, women are more agreeable and do everything they're told to do, this in combination with most teachers being female, men being held back and the over reliance on inefficient beauracracy in academia has led to women being given an unfair lead.

Men are more violent because they have evolved to tackle problems head on, women are less violent because they're physically inferior on top of being intellectually inferior and cower in the face of conflict. They rely on psychological torment and bullying to attack people, usually other women but often men too scared to fight back.

>> No.10266924

Thot supremacy don't real

>> No.10266928

Einstein was calling out the beauracracy of academia long before you were born, that was a time when he wouldn't have been attacked for being a white male or held back so a women could have his place. Most of your genius minds are highly introverted people and those sorts are seriously handicapped in our overly socialised world.

Fuck, that one engineer started crying when a few feminists started attacking him over a shirt, and engineers are like tradesmen to scientists.

>> No.10266950

Naturally if all these statistics were reversed, some kind of systemic discrimination against the women would be the only acceptable hypothesis to explain it

>> No.10266956

imagine if high school teachers were paid well and werent 110 iq college B students

>> No.10266974

It's not so much that women are more agreeable, but more that they're more conscientious; combine that with the advent of mixed education over the past half-century with girls maturing a couple of years earlier than boys in an environment where they're constantly bombarded with encouraging messages while boys who are failing on every level more than ever before are left by the wayside in a deafening silence — nay, in a context which *still* massively endorses the message that women are massively discriminated against and that we are living in a pro-male patriarchy — and this isn't really surprising.

>> No.10267000

idk if i believe that. i do think they are more concerned with the opinions and approval of their peers, which imo is what leads to them outmatching boys in academic success in the way we're talking about it.

>> No.10267014

Go into a library and look who's studying. Also ask teachers which pupils are better at handing their homework in on time and in a satisfactory manner.

>> No.10267029

Mixed schoolrooms are standardly female led and thus project females standards even on the boys, to no beneficial effect or even benign.

>> No.10267032

my best students are always men

>> No.10267047

Malign, you mean. I agree, it is another problem, especially given that girls mature earlier so boys see them getting ahead while being punished as "unruly" for boyish behaviour.

Don't get me wrong, the *best* students will often if not always be boys, especially in STEM subjects which I suppose is what you teach. I'm talking about the average.

>> No.10267062

i think women are from a young age better at detail work than are men, which might explain why they're better at remembering to do things like homework. is this part of your definition of conscientiousness?

>> No.10267071


>> No.10267075

try a "yes" next time or say "in a personality sense"

>> No.10267088

>"and that's a good thing" attitude
wow amazing

>> No.10267142

I don't know about you, but when I was in highschool I was busy fapping my brains out to /b/ and chasing tail to worry a fuck about my grades.

>> No.10267171

I was a shit student in highschool.
I hated doing the busy-work and I always half-assed the creative/artistic bullshit because I saw such things as a waste of time and bad measures of competence.
In college there was almost none of that shit and I got a better GPA than I did in highschool.
The busy-work and arts/crafts bullshit in highschool helps the drones pad their grades.
I'll admit I could have been less stubborn in highschool and padded my grades with the bullshit too but it turns out my assessment was correct and the things I saw as important were more aligned with what college classes saw as important.

Maybe boys are more stubborn than girls.
Maybe that stubbornness comes from the ability to recognize bullshit.
Maybe it comes from less willingness to put up with bullshit.
I do think agreeableness and obedience are an advantage in highschool (and many jobs too).
I don't think agreeableness and obedience are what drive innovation.

My prediction is that when the innovative men stop bearing fruits (either because everything has been done or diminishing returns), the obedient agreeable slave mentality will be most favorable.

>> No.10267176

Males consistently score higher than females on SAT math. idk about grades

>> No.10267211
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>> No.10267333

>What about just completely eliminating white people from academia?
You'd have to be delusional if you haven't figured out that this is the common factor. It's not a call for equality, but revenge.

>> No.10267340

>Saved by a soulless insectoid slave race
Hope I'm dead by then

>> No.10267379 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.10267440

The goal is to hurt white people, and particularly wytebois

>> No.10267443

Hopefully the eternal Aryan will come out of this lean and mean

>> No.10267477

Unfortunately in some domains feminist """researchers""" found nameless resumes decreased female hiring. iirc, they concluded it was still because of sexism. Something about how picking people who are similar to current employees is inherently bad and not exactly what you're selecting for.

Signal == Noise, apparently.

>> No.10267480

I've been thinking about this recently. There are people out there who have really had little to no social interest so they spend their time studying things. They sacrifice so much and compensate for their lack of social ability through merit. This is overwhelmingly going it be men. Then there are all those people out there who cant comprehend this lifestyle and they look at these issues without any empathy for the asocial man. These people want women to succeed like these men while still living active social lives, having kids and without making any of those sacrifices.

It's really sick but I dont think the average person will ever empathize with the true devoted man.

>> No.10267485

Anon, I'm lazy. Make me a mozaic of Einstein composed entirely of pictures of hitler.

>> No.10267493

imagine if teachers were paid well but were still 110 iq B students because no intelligent person wanted to make 100 iq retards memorize shit all day

>> No.10267500

Women tend to have higher grades, but don't men tend to score higher on standarized test scores?

>> No.10267501

Names are abstracted away for all relevant standardized tests but not for admissions, were they completely eliminated from the admissions process metriculation to the collegiate and graduate levels for asian and white males would eclipse the current growth of female tertiary education enrollees

>> No.10267507

Imagine if enough intelligent people were attracted to education as a field that
>memorize shit all day
actually started to change.

>> No.10267517

unless you admit that some people are stupid and you can't teach them in the same way as smart people (which isn't going to happen because the west is fixated on muh equality) you're never going to go past memorization because that's what the lowest common denominator is capable of.

>> No.10267531

>admit that some people are stupid
I do admit that
>isn't going to happen because the west is fixated on muh equality
I am afraid that you're right, but I choose to hope. Operating multiple streams in a single classroom is closer to possible now thanks to modern technology and internet infrastructure. What's really missing is teachers smart and knowledgeable enough to think across multiple streams in real time, and enough collective will to start building the public resources at a national or international level.

>> No.10267538

Equality is the most detrimental plight to development that man has ever devised.

>> No.10267737

>It's really sick but I dont think the average person will ever empathize with the true devoted man

this actually just made me sad

>> No.10267769

>her main thesis is that women are smarter and men are brutes better suited for labor
>because of the shrinking middle class we need to encourage men to accept their place in the world as labor robots

I remember watching this when it was new and I'm still absolutely seething. This is the same way young girls interested in science used to be spoken to.

>> No.10267795
File: 28 KB, 400x400, hooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you learn through doing the activity in groups of other people
not sitting in a classroom being told to read about it and go home and study for a test
a test should be given after it's shown that those are ready to give it a shot
if they don't even get past a certain point or show no interest then they get to try something else
if you have no skill or are good at absolutely nothing your life will be fucked
you will be a charity case for someone
your family or your friends or the gov

the idea of becoming too flexible and not picking a craft where the environment echoes a work environment means you never know what you are getting into
a jack of all trades is a master at none

the modern academic system is for faggots and people with psychological problems
it is the enemy of the common man and should be destroyed and rebuilt into something that isn't total shit

Master Splinter has a Fidget Spinner badge
because he is a master
not some college loser

>> No.10267950
File: 179 KB, 949x604, WomenCantMath2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god women can't do math.
Maybe if they think they are winning they will shut up.
This lady would brag about women going from 1 to 2 if men only went from 1,000,000 to 1,999,999.
You'd think a jewish woman would understand how percentages work and don't work.

>> No.10267991

Great, I think I have cancer now. What a disgusting human being that woman is.

>> No.10268016

>Operating multiple streams in a single classroom is closer to possible now thanks to modern technology and internet infrastructure
So you're telling me we have the opportunity to go full Plato's Republic? I hate the government but imagine if we just went balls to the wall fash and had real academies.

>> No.10268419

The goys crisis is realer
We have to end Jewish overrepresentation in higher learning

>> No.10268534

It has to do with white inadequacy.

>> No.10268559


>> No.10268585




*quantum tunnel collapses*

>> No.10268625

It's real and its the videogames. Boys play a lot more videogames than girls. Videogames aren't going away, boys are basically finished.

>> No.10268633

>their combination of test scores, grades and achievements is simply no match for that of women
>combination of test scores, grades and achievements
Notice how carefully this is worded. Their test scores, the only thing that can't be arbitrarily reduced by the extreme bias against boys in the K-12 school system, are higher. But if we look at some weighted combination of test scores and things the man-hating feminist educators hand out... oh look! The subjective grades outweigh the objective test scores!

People who push this shit should be fucking burned.

>> No.10268654

>We have to end Jew
Not really a race, not really a religion. In truth: a crime family.

>> No.10269162 [DELETED] 

>Men are more intelligent than women, women are more agreeable and do everything
t. incel

Women are much smarter than men at a young age and that trend tends to stay into the mid teens.

>> No.10269167

>i think women are from a young age better at detail work than are men

Makes sense that berry picker specialists evolved to be particular at details to avoid poisonous shit.

>> No.10269168

>citation needed

>> No.10269187

Higher SAT scores.
When it's niggers, you accept this as truth. When it's you being the weak link, you suddenly make excuses

>> No.10269200

>the idea of becoming too flexible and not picking a craft where the environment echoes a work environment means you never know what you are getting into
that's what internships, coops, and informational interviews.

>> No.10269281

but males score higher in the SAT tests

>> No.10269290

Not higher on AVERAGE than girls.
Maybe the outliers do

>> No.10269407 [DELETED] 

No they don't. Males consistently have higher average SAT scores, caused by a particularly large difference in math scores between boys and girls.

>> No.10269411

Yes, higher on average than girls. Males consistently have higher average SAT scores, caused by a particularly large difference in math scores between boys and girls.

>> No.10269414

boys score vastly higher on the math portion of the sat and they even score higher on the verbal portion too, but that gap is less pronounced

>> No.10269421

Yes. All NEETs are male.

>> No.10269430

imagine making things up lmao

>> No.10269443


>Just math
>Cherry picking

>> No.10269447

It's not just math, the total scores are higher too, but the cause of that is the math section. I hope you're not the same anon who was accusing us of "making excuses" for being the weak link

>> No.10269461

>>Just math
>they even score higher on the verbal portion too, but that gap is less pronounced

the only thing girls score better on is prompt writing

>> No.10269513

>Did you know a third of all prison inhabitants are freaks with an extra Y chromosome?
B U L L S H I T !

>> No.10269557


>> No.10269560
File: 7 KB, 205x246, brainless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an extra Y chromosome

>> No.10269600

I'm a medical student. My word is truth compared to you armchair /pol/ientists

>> No.10269605

>XYY males showed a significantly higher frequency of antisocial behaviour in adolescence and adulthood and of criminal convictions than the controls, but multiple regression analysis showed this to be mediated mainly through lowered intelligence. Property offences constituted the majority of offences in all groups. The XXY men did not show an increased rate of criminal convictions. It is possible that this apparently negative result relates to the relatively small numbers of cases and hence low power of this study.

>> No.10269608

>XY are bad because of XYY
you might be a med student but you sure are dumb as shit

>> No.10269627 [DELETED] 

fucking retarded nigger

>> No.10269635

That's not what I said.
You don't know how genes are expressed.
Nearly all genes are transcribed.
When people have an extra chromosome, it's usually expressed which results in a double or triple dose of proteins.
The X chromosome is mostly inactivated so having extra Xs doesn't hurt alot except make you infertile.
The Y chromosome isn't inactived.
XYY being criminal means that a double dose of Y genes makes you criminal.
There's kind of something wrong with the Y chromosome. Other extra chromosomes don't necessarily result in violent tendencies as far as I know but Y does. Proving that Y expressed genes for violence to an extent.
May I remind you that most other prison inhabitants have a single Y though?
It's an evil chromosome

>> No.10269672

What's sad is that although this is literally the lowest tier of /pol/ logic applied to a different group from the ones /pol/ usually attacks, many normalfags would find it an amusing and acceptable conversation piece.

I think my visceral hatred of hypocrisy in individuals and society in general makes me poorly adapted to the modern world

>> No.10269674

>May I remind you that most other prison inhabitants have a single Y though?
>women getting lighter sentences for the same crime means men bad

from your study
>XYY males showed a significantly higher frequency of antisocial behaviour in adolescence and adulthood and of criminal convictions than the controls, but multiple regression analysis showed this to be mediated mainly through lowered intelligence.
its not the Y's fault, its intelligence's

Did you know
Having an extra 21st gives you down syndrome
Its an evil chromosome

>XYY being criminal means that a double dose of Y genes makes you criminal.
this is the dumbest thing ive seen in a while

>You don't know how genes are expressed.
you dont know anything apparently
genes arent properly expressed when theres a fucking _GENETIC DISORDER_ getting in the way

>> No.10269700

to fight /pol you use their logic

>from your study
>>XYY males showed a significantly higher frequency of antisocial behaviour in adolescence and adulthood and of criminal convictions than the controls, but multiple regression analysis showed this to be mediated mainly through lowered intelligence.
>its not the Y's fault, its intelligence's
we don't know that. Just because scientists conclude on that doesn't mean they have evidence. Besides their evidence shows XXY isn't criminal to the same extent.

>Did you know
>Having an extra 21st gives you down syndrome
>Its an evil chromosome
down syndrome people don't commit violent crimes. They're disabled and harmless to an extent. They don't walk around robbing stores like people with that extra chromosome that your male race has.

>>XYY being criminal means that a double dose of Y genes makes you criminal.
>this is the dumbest thing ive seen in a while
why is that? it's been proved it does.

>>You don't know how genes are expressed.
>you dont know anything apparently
>genes arent properly expressed when theres a fucking _GENETIC DISORDER_ getting in the way
genetic disorder is a buzzword. Having less or more than 46 chromosomes doesn't give you a disorder in itself. You don't know about Robertsonian translocations. In those people have 45 chromosomes live a normal life.
What's specific here is that Y has genes for regulating violence

>> No.10269711

>genes for regulating violence
funny how you come to that conclusion from the same study which you just discredited
>Just because scientists conclude on that doesn't mean they have evidence.
Kill yourself, its explained by lowered intelligence, end of story.

>> No.10269713

>to fight /pol/ you shit up /sci/ with /pol/ logic
Thank you so much for your contribution to the quality of the board

>> No.10269796
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>Men get worse grades on average
But they actually do better on tests. That is, they actually learn more.

Women do better because they get higher marks at "having neat handwriting" and "being nice and polite in class" and "sucking up to the teacher".

When actual performance is measured there is no contest - male salesmen and self-employed earn multiples of what women get.

>> No.10269801

>bullying to attack people, usually other women

From a 19th century book

Let a woman fall from virtue and nine-tenths of her sisters will turn and tear her to pieces, and the next day smile on the man who ruined her! The cruelty of woman to woman is perfectly wolfish.

>> No.10269808


> they're more conscientious




Conscientiousness describes traits related to self-discipline, organization, and the control of impulses, and appears to reflect the ability to exert self-control in order to follow rules or maintain goal pursuit. Women score somewhat higher than men on some facets of Conscientiousness, such as order, dutifulness, and self-discipline (Feingold, 1994; Costa et al., 2001). These differences, however, are not consistent across cultures, and no significant gender difference has typically been found in Conscientiousness at the Big Five trait level (Costa et al., 2001).

>> No.10269826

>you might be a med student but you sure are dumb as shit

Med students are good at one thing: memorization. They could not think to save their lives

< muh cookbook

< muh guidelines

>> No.10269841

The real question is:
What are men supposed to do now?

>> No.10270396


Whatever the fuck you want. Men checking out will raise the value of men.

Also, porn, traps, robots, whatever floats your boat.

>> No.10270445

>a double dose of Y genes
How the hell do you genetics works?

>> No.10270487
File: 33 KB, 474x574, A88FA1EE-C4AC-43EA-A361-6B248A12CDE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jealous of our superior innate intelligence
>jealous of our superior women
>jealous of our superior food, culture, and conservative values
Whities just can’t compete

>> No.10270497


>> No.10270735

>Honestly, what is the goal of affirmative action? If this isn't satisfactory, then what is? Should affirmative action eliminate white men from academia?

Ding ding ding.

>> No.10271042

Do you?

>> No.10271292

when it comes to asians, korean and japanese women are objectively superior to the chinese.

>> No.10271380

Who cares about these divide and conquer politics, you should focus on more important things in life. The truth is, not of it will matter; all of these events that are unfolding are the classic precursors of a declining nation, the people at the top just want everyone to fight amongst themselves, so that they can sneakily walk back into the shadows. If I where you, I would prepare or move to Europe. America is doomed.

>> No.10271412

>male salesmen and self-employed earn multiples of what women get.
Just proves how sexist society is. We need new laws to force self employed men to funnel some of those earnings to self employed women.

same job = same pay
self employed = self employed
It's the same job, so there should be the same pay.

>> No.10271840

jump off a building
they arent doing the same fucking job if theyre both self employed

>> No.10271858

China has been doing that for a long time, sometimes their scientific answers include mass genocide, intentional famine, and more.

>> No.10272072

>snaggle tooth
>made of plastic
sure, much better

>> No.10272155

>Honestly, what is the goal of affirmative action? If this isn't satisfactory, then what is? Should affirmative action eliminate white men from academia? What about just completely eliminating white people from academia? What about whatever next demographic or political majority?
Tangentially related, but I remember signing up for a big name conference as a student (to get a discount) and being asked if I belonged to any minorities. Apparently gay is not enough of a minority, so they didn't have that as an option. I was very to learn that gays were finally equally represented in STEM and that they were no longer a minority worth catering to.

>> No.10272165


>> No.10272203

>Just math

>> No.10272224

The average for high school teachers is like 115-120.

>> No.10272432

well its kinda hard to discriminate against gays in STEM because usually you cant tell someone is a fag just by looking or seeing his application

>> No.10272448

don't you know, they only care about blacks and women in STEM, everyone else can go fuck themselves

>> No.10273912

So /pol/ are a bunch of sexist racist bigots so you're going to fight them by being a sexist racist bigot against different groups?
Good job dude, you're effectively a recruiting tool for /pol/

>> No.10273926

>I'm a medical student

>> No.10273946
File: 192 KB, 900x1208, CantHaveItBothWays.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is fine.
The girls that think they are smart because of their grades in highschool will be financially raped.

OP's article mentions
>theft of white resources
and tries to spin it as theft of female resources/opportunity instead.
If anything, it is a theft of men's resources since they are the net taxpayers.
Also as >>10268633 points out, the argument about who deserves the opportunity/resources depends on a sketchy metric.

Just for fun here is another NYT article that complains about too many women going to college instead of men.
They will complain about both sides.
Nothing is satisfactory.
There's no sense in arguing with with creatures that don't use logic.

>> No.10273957

They are doing exactly the same job, manchild. They are both doing "self-employed" for a living. Urgh, can we just let white men be over already?

>> No.10273963

you can by looking at them

>> No.10273974

education has become and will remain a mean until only stem subjects are taught. all those higher grades and test scores achieved by women are in stupid fucking subjects like women studies black studies and other non sciences. all they have to do to get good grades is stand up and say all men are bastards all whites should be killed and they get straight A's

>> No.10273984

my molecular biology professor was the only prof to date i've had who did this and I really respected him for it and being a chemistry major wished more of my in major profs would follow suit

>> No.10274077

It's interesting how everyone simply insults me instead of correcting. It's because you can't. All you hate is my conclusion, but you don't actually know more.

>> No.10274198

>muh environmental factors
>muh discrimination
just face facts m8s

>> No.10274938

Unlike what the other triggered idiots tell you, you can see the message of the article dispels common male bias ideas that they "are smarter and superior" and instead offers the ironic reality where men are actually being boosted by affirmative action. It's meant to widen perspectives and understand that all groups are vulnerable to downward/upward pressures that affect outcomes, specially in loght that for virtually all of history women were relegated to household and child rearing duty but these days actually putperform male peers.

>> No.10274962

>complain about women going to college
You are not really this dense, are you? Never mind, given the slew of idiots in /sci/ lately, you probably are.

>> No.10275224

>white people do drugs and fail
>it's the jews fault

>blacks do drugs and fail
>it's because they are genetically inferior subhumans who need to be genocided.

Never change /pol/

>> No.10275253

holy shit, men absolutely BTFO.

>> No.10275288

Exposed yourself as a troll with this low quality bait

>> No.10275290

Wow,,,,, that's disgusting. The way they downplay an underprivildged man's life but would never do that to an underpriviledged black person

>> No.10275295

>That's because males tend to engage in more risk taking behavior on average.

Actually it's just because our society does not want to hold women accountable for their actions.

>> No.10275307

>tfw black is now a new gender

>> No.10275854

Of course, it's a jew.

>> No.10275916

All the problems boys are facing can be traced down to the issue that instead of sitting down in class and concentrating and utilizing their higher IQ, boys would rather bunk all their classes, fill themselves with anger and scream "gas the kikes race war now".
If boys weren't so angry all the time, they'd do better.

>> No.10275920

indeed, race war takes up most white men’s time when they aren’t raping women or chasing down tranny’s

>> No.10275922

Hatred takes up most of the time that men have.

>> No.10275954

I agree. The reason boys are underperforming is rampant anti-semitism.

>> No.10275973

>how such crisis could affect the scientific development?
lowering of advancement of science
lowering of quality of science
more gender/women/ethnic studies instead of real science

>> No.10276573

you're the only one actually answering OP's question

>> No.10278189

we're fuck then

>> No.10278191


>> No.10278200
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>> No.10278513

>white people do drugs and fail
Literally nobody said this you fucking retard.

>> No.10278547

why are they a risk?

>> No.10278581

They might blame the "wage gap" for women holding 2/3 of student debt but in reality it isn't the "wage gap" causing the problem.
The problem is too many women going to college for useless degrees.
It could also be that women are getting more education and debt and actually end up getting good jobs but the lag between success and paid debt makes it look like women are in bad shape.

>> No.10278603

1. Doctors usually need to be on call.
2. There isn't a surplus of doctors so part-timers create an unnecessary scarcity.
3. There is also uncertainty about whether the part-timers will go back to being full time so the predictions about how many doctors will be needed in the future are less accurate.

>> No.10278634

The most risky time in a hospital is just after changeover. When you have all the old staff going off and new staff coming on. Billions of dollars have gone into streamlining the process and making it as safe as possible but there's a whole lot of 'intuition' heuristics that get missed when you have a new person working in the ward who hasn't been observing the patient over the past x hours.
Caveat being I'm not sure if that's what that article is referring to.

>> No.10278669


>> No.10280745
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not just in medicine

>> No.10280748
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>> No.10280751
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>> No.10280753
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>> No.10280799

Am I illiterate or are they heralding the underperforming femme fund as being good.

>> No.10280884

This one is transparently bipolar, what the fuck are they thinking?

>> No.10281014

Reading closely, this appears to suggest that women dominate the upper extreme of verbal intelligence, holding the full top ten % of it to themselves.

>> No.10281054

no, the poster is noting that the fund is under performing (which goes against the presumed narrative) hence the quote "bet you won't see this anywhere else"

>> No.10281154

How is verbal intelligence determined?

>> No.10281162

Boys not being over-represented at the top 10% of verbal does not necessarily imply they are under-represented or that the top 10% is entirely women.
If it was significantly women at the top 10% of verbal, I think the results would state that because it is noteworthy.
It is probably close to even.

>> No.10281201

>everything I don't like is /pol/

>> No.10281273

I understand that this is occurring due to undermining and weakening the education system, but don't these people understand that if they continue this matriarchal direction in academia and society that society itself will collapse? Every single society that has introduced feminism/matriarchy and voting rights for women eventually dissolved in ~150 years of time down the line. Why are they actively doing this to young boys and getting them classified as having ADHD/AUTISM and then hooking them up on drugs, I don't understand this self destruction, what is the end goal here, can anyone here explain this to me?

>> No.10281280

that’s the opposite of reading closely its suggesting women had a statistically significant advantage only at the top decile of verbal reasoning but nowhere else, this is partly why iq tests need to be administered with wholistic subtest batteries and why g had to be consistently correlated with the new tests every few years or you get retarded differentials or weird gaps in predictive power. Its not surprising, women are more likely to flood into english majors than men (mostly because of ease of entry and graduation), read more often, and take more time to analyze text than males. The half retarded high iq engie and vapid but loquacious dykie mfa stereotypes have some real validity to them, my issue is that women are woefully underepresented at the high end for iq, with a huge almost absurd disparity between female and male >140 iq incidence and also in the actual literary canon and poetic pantheons which, while partly explainable with socio-biological pressures seems to be incongruent with either their actually clearly dominating verbal or verbal being as important to artistic ability as is alleged or insinuated here. Could be reading too much into but primarily i disagree with what you’re extrapolating from their results, though i don’t doubt the general notion of those results.

>> No.10281285

>Objective solutions
What the fuck is that even meant to mean. That word has been so bastardised I swear to god

>> No.10281387 [DELETED] 

>its suggesting women had a statistically significant advantage only at the top decile of verbal reasoning


>Boys were over represented relative to girls at both the top and the bottom extremes for all tests, with the exception of the top 10% in verbal reasoning.
It is not saying girls were over-represented in the top 10% in verbal reasoning.
The negation of the statement "boys were not over-represented in the top 10% of verbal" is not "girls were over-represented in the top 10% of verbal".
It is " girls were over-represented OR both genders were equally represented in the top 10% of verbal.

>> No.10281391

that argument is dumb as fuck. I could argue that because top artists in every field, scientists, craftsmen, philosophers, leaders, etc. have been and are men, the Y chromosome is pretty much the requirement to move society and stand at the pinnacle of humanity

>> No.10281396

>its suggesting women had a statistically significant advantage only at the top decile of verbal reasoning
It's suggesting girls were over-represented OR both genders were equally represented at the top decile of verbal reasoning.
Learn to negate a statement.

>> No.10281446

In order to clean this data you'd have to account for all the events that could have caused it to perform badly first so all the variables are removed and you just have the effects of women on the area only. Till then any conclusions are psuedoscience.
We need data scientists

>> No.10281562

You can still conclude that their criteria for investing were subpar.
Then again, the whole idea behind a socially responsible mutual fund is to use moral/ethical criteria for investing instead of blindly chasing the most money.
Anybody putting their money in such a fund would expect under-performance as a cost for the good cause.

I wonder if they have a metric that indicates if their morality-based investing actually leads to the socially responsible outcomes they hope for.
It just seems like a greedy person's way to feel charitable.

>> No.10281585

>My immoral idealogy failed so I will make up facts and keep lying until someone else believes it!

Sadly this always works. For anyone who cares it is illegal to balance qoutas in favour of white males, you can balance to other races and genders but not vice versa.

t. Served on adcoms.

>> No.10283346
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I hate coming into these threads. The realization that institutions, regardless of any overarching conspiracy or agenda, have been going about business in catastrophically irrational, disorderly, and flawed fashion for several generations now... It's blackpilling as all hell. It's one thing when it relates to business and resource management because that can be remedied with technological innovation and better management. When it comes to the human end of things, how the hell do we rehabilitate the younger generations of people who have the suffer the consequences of all this insanity as it reaches its logical conclusion? I'm not even suggesting a solution be implemented in a zero-sum/group specific fashion, when the problem is closer to a sinking ship with no lifeboats and everyone is on it.

>> No.10283640
File: 1.32 MB, 281x300, woppsie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I'm 28 seconds in and I had to stop because I think my appendix burst. First thing I see is Ben Shapiro's sister with the guy from Ancient Aliens' hair, and then they pan to the sea of women in the audience and the aggregate look on their faces and reading the thoughts of that theater's blossoming hivemind actually just fucking killed me. I still don't know what this is about, but I hope the rest is as hilarious as the first half minute.

>> No.10283729

Because they have pretty handwriting :)

>> No.10283787

>Superior women
Damn straight, excellent 3-4 month fuck buddies before they graduate and give in to their parents pressure to find a member of their own ethnicity. But at least they learned to cheat in college, so I see them here and there :^)

Also your food totally kicks ass too.

>> No.10284775

i feel the same way bro