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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10256290 No.10256290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me, 18 year old in senior year
>3rd to last day of school, in economics class
>absolute fucking nut for everything space related
>think the universe is absolutely beautiful and glorious in every way
>it has literally changed my life
>want to share my passion with the class
>ask the teacher to put on Carl Sagan's "pale blue dot" speech
>she sighs and plays it
>over time more students start watching
>thinking they're getting into it
>think I've introduced them to a new perspective of our place in the universe
>almost cry each time I hear that speech
>video ends
>everyone goes back to their phones and retarded chad chats
>literally no regard to the video whatsoever
>teacher says "so what did you guys think?"
>some mexican kid just says "man thas some pussy shit"
>teacher laughs
>almost the whole class laughs
>mfw they didn't even think about what the video said
>mfw they would rather be on their phones and take selfies rather than appreciate the beauty of the infinite universe
>mfw they laughed at arguably one of the most profound speeches ever
>i hate all of them

>> No.10256292


>> No.10256345

Because schools just teach repetitive garbage that will most likely make you a factory worker. It's not a place for smart people.

>> No.10256354


>> No.10256360

In high school, I once told a close (chad but really smart) friend in the same classes how I was thankful to be studying psychology, physics, and chemistry at the same time. Learning about how both our universe and our minds worked.
He told me that's the gayest thing he ever heard.

>> No.10256367

I genuinely hate people like you.
>I’m so smart haha look at me all these losers would rather be doing something with their lives and enjoying social experiences rather than listening to Popsci bullshit! We need another plague!!
You probably aren’t as smart as you think you are anon.
2/10 for making me reply

>> No.10256369

This in all actuality

>> No.10256383


You're actually having a religious impulse and sharing it with people who don't think that way at all. Intelligence will probably set a minimum for the others who understand you, but it won't necessarily become more frequent with increasing IQ.

>> No.10256387

Not OP but the point I think he's trying to get at is that these kids have not even one ounce of appreciation, not one bit of thought beyond, "when is the dumb shit over so I can go home and go on Instagram/Snapchat/insert zoomer social media", merely just glancing over it and not even attempting to contemplate what they just watched. They don't need to have the highest degree of intelligence to at least be curious about, and it sure as hell isn't beyond the dumbest of subhuman apes to put their fucking phones down for a couple minutes to watch another screen that isn't just social media garbage.

>> No.10256424


>> No.10256438

Those mindless zombies aren’t all too different than the posters we have here desu, example being >>10256424
And >>10256367 who mentally anguish themselves for vague reasons

>> No.10256482


Your classmates are probably infatuated with basketball and sports, and I promise if they showed you a video of it, your appreciation would nowhere be near theirs. Different people care about different things. Grow up. One video isn't going to change people's lives.

>>mfw they laughed at arguably one of the most profound speeches ever

High schoolers did this when the speech first came out too. They did it before you, and they'll do it after you.

This anon is 100% right.

>> No.10256526

>it's the end of the school year, so everyone just wants to gtfo asap (even teachers)
>it's senior year, most kids know their interests, what they want to do etc.
>economics class would not be the right class to show something like this, (the people and the subject matter)
>no one wants to learn this late in the school year
>they're in their late teens, their ego is astronomically big
>it's a public setting full of peers, most won't outwardly express interest in anything that isn't 'approved' by the majority
>the speech is pretty dull, I'm not going to lie

>> No.10256529

So you went to a public school, of course the students there are uneducated and find low brow jokes funny. The only difference is that 40 years ago the Mexican kid would've been a trailer trash white kid.

>mfw they laughed at arguably one of the most profound speeches ever
Another sad individual irrevocably lost to the endless depths of mediocrity.

>> No.10256542

Oh shut up, I'm willing to bet all of the posters mocking OP got into better STEM schools than you or he did.

You fanboys are going to drop out in your freshman year. You should've grown out of Cosmos when you were 8.

>> No.10256615

Unironically one of the most accurate representations of the quintessential and proverbial /sci/ turbo autists. It's going to be an absolute treat watching you sperg out around here over the next few years, OP.

>> No.10256619

>>some mexican kid just says "man thas some pussy shit"

brown people dragging down the whole class with them as usual

>> No.10256646


>> No.10256651


>> No.10256689

Find some like minded people who appreciate the same sort of things as you. You may have to look outside your school.

>> No.10256695

75% of the studied population can't even play music in their heads

>> No.10256720

>Complains about kids caring too much about social media
>on a Sudanese watch appreciation forum

Also not everyone is interested in the "beauty of the infinite universe" and that's perfectly fine. Just like you might not be interested in woodworking or mechanics (and those are probably the superior interests: they serve more of a purpose)

>> No.10256745

>ask the teacher to put on Carl Sagan's "pale blue dot" speech
>she sighs and plays it

That should have been your immediate warning this wouldn't go well op. You were better requesting some conspiracy video. Trust me, when I taught senior biology and tried to put on one of the Hawking specials from PBS, some students were interested but immediately afterwards they wanted to watch a bunch of conspiracy videos about the Illuminati/Freemasons.

Most people their age aren't interested in that kind of introspection. They are mostly selfish and interested about why society is always on their case. The teacher more than likely knew what the reaction was going to be upon request. Hell I probably would have sighed too from your response.

>> No.10256800

Based chad

>> No.10256806

Was waiting for OP to quote some of the filthy frank "born in the wrong generation" vid desu

>> No.10256809

You're just too dumb to be around smart people.

>> No.10256813

> "not OP but..."
> is OP but trying to make it seem like anyone cares about his mountain dew fuelled rage

Please uninstall life

>> No.10256825

I genuinely hate people like you.
>I’m so cool haha look at me all these nerds would rather be learning new things and fixing the world rather than taking pictures of themselves and talking about last friday's party and how wasted they were! We need to teach them a lesson!!
You probably aren’t as cool as you think you are anon.
2/10 for making me reply

>> No.10256907

citation needed

>> No.10256914
File: 38 KB, 727x480, 1528835745426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice showing your power lvl like that

>> No.10256923

Man I was hoping this turned out to be original content where they roasted you. Your green text was lame, lie next time.

>> No.10256927

The kind of person who thinks anything Sagan ever said is "profound" will never do anything close to "fixing the world" and has probably read even less books than the Mexican kid.

>> No.10256934

this gay ass meme is the equivalent of a reddit upvote. You feel a compulsive need to tell people what you like and dont like but the only means you have for doing that on this east taiwanese stone masonry magazine is to actually tell people so you have to type out a shitty meme. Just go to reddit, itll be better for everyone.

>> No.10256935


Hey man, its okay. You have learned 2 very important lessons. First. Most people are stupid uncaring ignorant peasants.

Yup. Just fucking peasants. All the modern fashions, clothes, gadgets and elementary education doesn't change that one simple fact.

Secondly, you now know to be more cautious about expressing your admiration and appreciation for the natural world. Because if you do it like you did you just make yourself look like a dick. You can still share your passion by finding others like you, although rare, just by being way more subtle about what you say and what you do. On very very rare occasions you can also turn people onto it, but it has to be done in a casual and slow sort of way. You need their respect first so they will listen to you. Just dont slam dunk it in their faces.

And its not your generation either, people have always been this dumb. They have always been peasants. Owning a car and a phone and having a fashionable hair style doesn't make them any less so.

>> No.10256946

Wtf? I dont believe that. I have music in my head all the time Im not actually thinking about things. Commercial music I have heard and stuff I just make up as I go along ( really wish I had the ability to somehow magically record it )

>> No.10257092
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>> No.10257101

Is this reddit invasion say or something? Why are all these posts defending this garbage? This is the sort of shit you see on LE EPIN R/SCIENCE when it isn't articles about why weed is actually a human necessity.
Fuck people who push their pop-sci bullshit on everyone else, fuck people who are so autistic they can't understand that there are things they care about that other people don't care about, and fuck people who get up in arms when others don't listen to their bullshit. You wanna be around people who appreciate that shit? Get ready for some rough hits to your ego, because if someone calling something you like "pussy shit" bothers you at all, you are not cut out for the competitive and cutthroat world of academia.
Get a psychology or biology major, take a few astronomy classes for fun, and never, ever step foot into the math department. We do not take kindly to weaklings.

>> No.10257125
File: 367 KB, 500x484, theblade2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We do not take kindly to weaklings.

>> No.10257130

Why are /sci/ posters the worst at identifying sarcasm/jokes
I notice many reply serioisly to obvious joke threads involving "needing to learn x in y time. Am i fucked??"

>> No.10257148

>never, ever step foot into the math department. We do not take kindly to weaklings.
it's funny because it's true

>> No.10257149

kek, based Mexican.

>> No.10257167

I don't know what someone would do posting on sci being 18yo in economics. I know it's a copypaste but anyways.
That speech is pretentious, who makes a fucking "speech" about the fact we live in a planet? If you've studied physics on high school you'd already know the radius of the earth compared to the radius of orbit is a fucking massive difference. Is like we're not even there, we know retard. Stop making a fuss about it like we just discovered this. Damn. That's some pussy shit.

>> No.10257175

Yeah, and you're the smartest person in the world, it seems. Fuck right off.

>> No.10257189

What in my post makes you think it's unironic? I made the fucking math department sound like a battlefield. This whole thread is jokes.
Am I getting baited by another right now?

>> No.10257199
File: 109 KB, 1014x1055, NMSglH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the same feel after I joined the navy and realized everyone here is a fucking retard. I spend all of my time figuring out how to best operate a sonar antenna under what conditions, and most of the people around me can barely count to five and think anything that involves math is for faggots.

>> No.10257200

what the fuck is this thread is like I'm on a Facebook comment section.

>> No.10257203

Based and correct.

>> No.10257223

I had my first semester in the math and physics school of the university, there were a lot of popsci tards and by the end of the semester they were already gone or complaining how hard it is. And the first semester on this school is not even like in other universities, it is introduction without going full university like. Until fifth semester I'm sharing the classes with these retards, since physics and math focuses and degrees are chosen.

>> No.10257228

>>mfw they laughed at arguably one of the most profound speeches ever

>Hurrr durrr space be big and shiet

>> No.10257233

>first semester
>all the pop-math numberphile idiots crying and getting weeded out
>second semester
>everyone is serious or if they're a brainlet they shut up and know their place
ahhh, so nice and peaceful!

>> No.10257236

yo that

>> No.10257237

your fault you can't appreciate humanity. your autism has caused isolation which has morphed into some delusion about "dude the great unknown lmao"

>> No.10257239

It's a visionary speech. It's emotionally charged, and while I think it is profound, there are far more philosophically glorious speeches out there.
That said, blame the internet, it's destroyed our attention spans. Pattern recognition is nonexistent in many people.

>> No.10257252

>hurr space big and empty, hoomans insignificant
truly profound, never articulated before

>> No.10257254

I hope it is like that, I was impressed how brainlets still had the guy to say shit during class around the last days of the semester. The professor no longer tried to expose them as they still couldn't come up with something logically complete. They always have to say shit like, "X thus Y because skdbsu bullshit". Even in problems that are solved by the mere definition of a concept.

>> No.10257280

Yeah, sorry you had that experience... but don't feel so bad. Most people are like that... no matter your generation.

Being an adult means crafting your own way and image... you have no control over these simple people.

The majority of them appreciate nothing but mindless consumerism.

>> No.10257315

Good pasta dude

>> No.10257320

> Mexican kid just says "man thas some pussy shit"

Diversity is our strength. Diversity. Die... versity.

>> No.10257342

Oh, there were kiddos in my measure theory class asking stupid questions constantly. Most people learn to shut it, though.

>> No.10257349

You have a pretty based class dude. Be thankful for that.

>> No.10257400
File: 98 KB, 750x736, space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, you'll be the one laughing as we travel the stars and leave all the normies behind.

>> No.10257443

No, you're in a room that doesn't give a shit about stuff you give a shit about. The alternative is having a graduating class where the majority of students do engineering because they've been sold that science and mathematics are where important people do important things that matter, but in the end, that trivializes scientific endeavor and leads to a lot of passionless shmucks who saturate the industry.

They're young and immature high school students. Your passion and respect for a subject doesn't make you better than your generation. You asked the teacher to play a video you have a personal connection with. You cannot reasonable expect a classroom of people who were going about their business to suddenly be moved by something that may or may not appeal to them. It should be enough that you give a shit, and that there are communities that give a shit about it,

>> No.10257502

That Mexican kid is probably the smartest one in the class for shutting down your worthless pop-sci schlock.

>> No.10257524

This is your site now, congratulations

>> No.10257537

>op discovers people have different opinions and passions
Congrats, OP. Now notice that there are 7.53 billion opinions on this planet and *GASP*, some of them might be a bit different from yours

>> No.10257665

You should try and understand the business chads rather then detest them. They are the ones who have to keep the lizard brain of society in check.

>> No.10257703 [DELETED] 

Whichever person decides to defend the subhuman Mexican in question is, for all intents and purposes, a subhuman themselves; in other words you are equally as disastrous for the human species; you are in every sense of the word a pervasive blockade to excellence. You seem to think that beauty or filth are a matter of "perception" rather than something fundamental, and this is why you must be crushed like an insect for the greater good.

>> No.10257717

Whichever person decides to defend the subhuman Mexican in question is, for all intents and purposes, a subhuman themselves; in other words you are equally as disastrous for the human species; you are in every sense of the word a pervasive blockade to excellence. You seem to think that beauty or filth are a matter of perception rather than something that is fundamental, and this is why you must be crushed like an insect for the greater good of humanity. Foolish depraved parasites.

> "man, who you callin' a parasite homie? nigga' I will drive-by yo' ass with my crew of OG's"

>> No.10257722
File: 114 KB, 780x585, Its+ironic+that+you+keep+calling+me+a+neckbeard+when+_d34656304bcb0d9038dfd9c54950ea74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10257725

The problem is sometimes it genuinely hits Poe's Law.

>> No.10257732

Facebook-tier garbage.

>> No.10257744

> Facebook-tier garbage.

What do you mean by this? Facebook algorithms ban posts that use the phrase "subhuman" so people like me can not speak the truth.

>> No.10257754

Heh heh... There's your problem. You talk like a fag... and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.10257762
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wow, you are one black snowflake

>> No.10257799
File: 51 KB, 192x224, 1538615325197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is the absolute worst /pol/ colony. It's worse than /v/, because even they wouldn't defend popsci.

OP, you are legitimately more detrimental to progress than a flat-earther or an anti-vaxxer. I want you to know that, because it's true. I despise you and your ilk in this thread with every fiber of my being, but I at least have the courtesy for thanking you guys for freeing me from this hell, for being the final straw. This board has gone to the dogs. There is no saving it. There's a normalfag/Reddit concentration in here which is far beyond any that I've seen in a board and the filth just keeps piling up every single day that passes. This is, without a doubt, THE worst board on 4chan, and also one of the dumbest.

Enjoy your homework, undergrad advice/uni shitposting, race bait, schizo ramblings, lamenting about IQ, memebook charts, and other worthless threads. I'm done with you.