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10256072 No.10256072 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation as to why two people of the same sex feel attracted to each other? Or is it really just a mental illness like the medical science community used to think? Can someone explain to a brainlet like me what is the reason why two creatures of the same sex may have feelings for each other?

>> No.10256080

How about looking into a mirror and pondering about it OP? It could help you think about it, and you might even stumble across a huge revelation. Who knows?

>> No.10256085

‘Cause they’re gay

>> No.10256091

Homosexuality is likely a genetic issue. Why would Alan Turing, an absolute genius, WANT to be gay if he could have chosen otherwise? However, the new fad of many different genders is a mental illness regarding confusion of identity. The only cure is I see is strict Buddhism.

>> No.10256111

Its genetic, but a lot of times its not expressed in the offspring due to different environmental cues. And I totally agree that its become a mental illness in 2018.

>> No.10256178

It's not a mental illness by any definition since being gay doesn't inherently lower your quality of life

To answer your question it's known for a variety of things like homosexuality, transgenderism, etc that each case (case meaning straight guy vs straight girl vs straight transgender guy vs homosexual guy vs homosexual trans guy vs etc) tends to have uniquely developed brain structures/patterns. There is almost certainly some genetic component but like with most things it may not always be turned on

You're also asking stupid ass questions regarding "why" people would ever have feelings, emotions themselves are just a meaningless byproduct of evolution and evolution is know to produce all sorts of quirks.

>> No.10256186


it's not genetic because then there would be a heritable sexuality gene.

It's a difference in development in utero, which is why men are more likely to be gay if they have older brothers. Also what >>10256178 was saying about the differences in brain patterns is true, which again has more to do with fetal development than anything.

That doesn't make it mental illness, it's just people being born different.

>> No.10256205

>there would be a heritable sexuality gene
First of all your dumb ass is trying to claim that we somehow know for a fact no genes exist that contribute
Secondly you're ignoring numerous twin studies which confirm that yes there is definitely a genetic component. We don't need to know which gene(s) are associated with homosexuality to know it exists

>> No.10256213

DNA is a standard operating system of base 4, operating systems make mistake

>> No.10256235

>First of all your dumb ass is trying to claim that we somehow know for a fact no genes exist that contribute

i mean probably not because if a person has one male son who is gay and several other straight sons why would the son be gay? the marker gene or whatever is abnormal should be pretty obvious if it's a specific gene or even a group of genes.

>Secondly you're ignoring numerous twin studies which confirm that yes there is definitely a genetic component.

they don't confirm that there is a genetic component.

it's more likely to be a developmental thing than a genetic thing.

>> No.10256252

>they don't confirm
literally the entire point of twin studies is to compare genetic vs environmental differences. There's no in-utero differences for genetic twins and the environmental factors are largely the same for any twins raised in the same homens, which allows us to compare and give an estimate for genetic heritability by comparing the difference between the two

>> No.10257004

chimps fuck each other and the concept of homo or hereo sexuality would be lost on them

touching is bonding and great apes conquer other animals due to our bonding and intelligence and ability to work together

>> No.10258606

>DNA is a standard operating system of base 4, operating systems make mistake


>it's not genetic because then there would be a heritable sexuality gene.

Not sure whatever happened to Xq28 research 20 years ago but they were onto something.

>> No.10258613

Porn can make people gay. Not sure if the change is permanent or not. Basically people who watch porn too much will always be seeking novelty because novelty is more sexually arousing so they start going from fetish to fetish until one day they are watching gay porn.

>> No.10258618

Lies, you're only gay if you want to be.

>> No.10258626

There is a choice when it comes to attraction as well. Social conditioning is maybe the reason why people block out certain thoughts. For example racists might find black women to be ugly. But then they stop being racist and suddenly being more open minded they find out that they can find some black women attractive. Maybe the same thing is true for homosexuality.

>> No.10258628

It's caused by hormonal imbalances in the womb.
It's why gay men tend to behave and sound like women and why lesbians tend to behave and sound like men.

>> No.10258648

Yes, it is basically a mental disorder, much like how pedophilia is a mental disorder. I'm not sure why it was taken off the list for mental disorders though. But, if you were looking for a quick answer, then yes, it is much like a mental disorder.

>> No.10258651

A disorder is, by definition, harmful to one's or other's existence.

>> No.10258951
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Being gay is a fetish.

>> No.10258954


noun: disorder

a state of confusion.
"the world 's currency markets were in disorder"
synonyms: untidiness, disorderliness, mess, disarray, disorganization, chaos, confusion; More
clutter, jumble;
a muddle, a mess, a shambles, a mare's nest;
informala dog's dinner, a dog's breakfast, an omnishambles
"he hates disorder in his house"
antonyms: order
the breakdown of peaceful and law-abiding public behaviour.
"recurrent food crises led to outbreaks of disorder"
synonyms: unrest, disturbance, disruption, upheaval, tumult, turmoil, mayhem, pandemonium; More
violence, fighting;
rioting, insurrection, rebellion, mutiny, lawlessness, anarchy;
breach of the peace, riot, fracas, rumpus, brouhaha, melee, hubbub, furore, affray;
informalhoo-ha, aggro, argy-bargy, snafu;
"4,000 people were arrested in incidents of public disorder"
antonyms: order, peace
an illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions.
plural noun: disorders
"skin disorders"
synonyms: disease, infection, complaint, problem, condition, affliction, malady, sickness, illness, ailment, infirmity; More
defect, irregularity;
informalbug, virus;
"she nearly died of pneumonia and a blood disorder"

verb: disorder; 3rd person present: disorders; past tense: disordered; past participle: disordered; gerund or present participle: disordering

disrupt the systematic functioning or neat arrangement of.
"she went to comb her disordered hair"
synonyms: untidy, unkempt, messy, in a mess, disarranged, uncombed, unbrushed, ungroomed, tousled, tangled, tangly, knotted, knotty, matted, shaggy, straggly, windswept, windblown, wild; More

>> No.10260039

>Porn can make people gay
That's a lot of hoop jumping. Just admit to yourself that you're gay and you'll be a lot happier

>> No.10260087

No, it does not.

>> No.10260093

But they claim they have been born like that and there is nothing they can do about it.

>> No.10260098

>being gay doesn't inherently lower your quality of life
>gives anxiety in households especially when the individual knows the parents won't be accepting
>have to watch out behavior otherwise he will be beaten up
>shunned from many religious communities
>insulted constantly and bullied more likely

>> No.10260104

Just how closeted are you?

>> No.10260149

So is being unattractive a physical illness?

>> No.10260188

>gay people can have lower quality of life because other people treat them like shit
Wow it's almost like people can treat gays with respect and avoid all those things

>> No.10260203

It may be evolutionary advantage because you can be wanted for exclusivity.

>> No.10260233

Genetics cause us to like sexuality and prefer to look for attractive features for sex in preferably the opposite sex
but that's definitely not all
we are born bisexual
all we really want is sex and orgasms
we are madr heterosexual

>> No.10260235

>Gay guys attract tons of women.
>Actually an evolutionary advantage.
Sasuga gays.

>> No.10260264

Most "gays" are really bisexuals. Thus they will also fuck women, procreate, and the gay gene does not get eliminated from the gene pool.

>> No.10260269
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There are multiple forms of gay.

First there is genetic homosexuality. Here something went wrong with their genetics causing them to produce female hormones while not producing the right amount of testosterone from birth. What happens is that these people get born with female traits such as a vagina. They will experience puberty where they grow tits and have female fat distribution but they will not experience menstruation which is usually the first sign for them to go to the doctor. Here they'll find that they have the XY chromosomes but with a mutation on their Y chromosome which led to the body not registering this chromosome and producing hormones based on the single X chromosome. These men are in more than 99% homosexual as they identify as women, have a female body and are attracted to men.

The second case is hormonal homosexuality. In this case they are genetically completely normal. However due to a mixture of the mother having a higher amount of estrogen as well as the child having a lower amount of testosterone as well as the Mother's antibodies destroying testosterone in the early stage of the embryo the child will develop the stages of the brain responsible for sexual attraction with the hormone balance females develop this part of the brain. Causing the men to basically have this very small part of their brain to misinterpret the signals as being female and thus the attraction goes to male features. Exactly how much the rate of testosterone to estrogen and all kinds of other hormonal and immuno factors decide just how "effeminate" the person becomes Bisexuality is the lowest layer of this where the testosterone and estrogen influence were about tied in the development of this part of the brain.


>> No.10260273
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The last type of homosexual is purely psychological. We call this type "prison gay". What happens is that human sexuality drops the standards as opportunities to mate gets reduced to increase chance of reproduction. After a while standards get so low that even males pass the attraction filter. So in instances where there is no or very limited/hard access to women the amount of homosexual behavior skyrocket. Examples includes prisons, isolated tribes with a gender imbalance. But also social groups with low female ratios such as gamers, 4chan and other male dominated groups with low access to female mates. Transgenderism and other stuff that lowers the barrier to attraction attribute to this.

If you have never been attracted to men but suddenly after a long period of social exclusion you've started to doubt your sexuality and became attracted to traps/transsexuals/men and even became attracted to the idea of transsexualism yourself then I suggest you try to reintegrate back into society yourself as it would most likely fix your psychological homosexuality


>> No.10260323

Is that how trans people are made

>> No.10260345
File: 50 KB, 702x686, aQtXz00[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using dictionary definitions for clinical disorders
You didn't take a psych 101 course did you

>First there is genetic homosexuality.
You're talking about androgen insensitivity or a similar disorder. This isn't "genetic homosexuality" and the people suffering from it identify as women from birth. You're literally making things up as you go.

>The second case is hormonal homosexuality
Your distortion of one of the many suggested and contested etiologies of adult homosexuality. Still, you seem arrogant enough to state it as fact.

>The last type of homosexual is purely psychological.
Still talking out of your ass. You must get a kick out of pretending to know things on a Cambodian sugar refinery board

>> No.10260354

You read ugly as gay?

>> No.10260516


Being gay is a fetish.

>> No.10261748

>If I keep repeating the same lie maybe it's true

>> No.10262919

[citation needed]

>> No.10263028

what of the word "inherently" you don't understand, retard?