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10255588 No.10255588 [Reply] [Original]

Why are caucasians so hung up on ethics that they let it get in the way of scientific progress?

>> No.10255591

>Chinese scientists condemn 'crazy' and 'unethical' gene-editing experiment
You can read your own screenshots, right?
Back to wherever you came from

>> No.10255594

I guess it's confusing, but my point is that a chinese scientist is the one who is doing the gene editing. Scientists all over the world are condemning it. But they're just wish they were based enough to do it themselves.

>> No.10255607

Fuck off fedora, you killed enough people last century.

>> No.10255611

Because we don’t really have a clue about how changing a person’s DNA affects their health. There have been many cases in even simpler organisms in which changing one or two genes completely fucks something else up because the genome is heavily connected and interrelated (development of embryo, cancer, etc).

>> No.10255739

Roughly the same reason that we don't casually devour the dead for sustenance.

>> No.10255743

Asian is a subset of caucasian.

>> No.10255746

We absolutely do casually devour the dead for sustenance. What or how are you eating?

>> No.10255753

t. Pedant

>> No.10255754

no it isn't

>> No.10255771

>But they're just wish they were based enough to do it themselves.
No. Scientists have been able to knock out genes on embryos for years, the reason nobody does it is that there are ethics requirements both within and outside China. Researchers who aren't mad scientists or edgelords care about the potential effects of genetically engineering humans enough to not jump the gun on this one. Surely you can conceive that everybody other than this biophysicist isn't just a pansy with a degree and you and this guy happen to be the only ones capable of looking at the "big picture"

>> No.10256309

We don't know which is why we need to experiment

>> No.10256325


Because CRIPSR-related effects on the rest of the target's DNA is unknown; we risk consequences.

>> No.10257961

You and all of the gay scientists you just described seem perfectly comfortable doing all sorts of experiments on animals. Experiments where the only possible outcome involves misery and death are routinely done on huge numbers of animals.

But suggest we try something cool on a human and suddenly everyone is so "ethical." We need to cut the shit and start doing some interesting experiments on humans.

>> No.10258009
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> China

> ethics

Pick 1.

>> No.10258025

If you don't understand why ethics is important you are too much of a brainlet to do any science anyway.

>> No.10258044

Experiments don't have to be ethical by any reasonable person's definition of "ethics." There's just all these strict rules about human subjects for some reason. Your experiment can be unethical as fuck in basically every way other than using human subjects.

>> No.10258080

They should be writing letters condemning hanging dogs stolen from their owners , skinning them alive, chopping off their paws, and then throwing them into pots of boiling water since "suffering makes the meat taste better".

Rural Chinese are scum.

>> No.10258092

>muh doge abloo abloo
Kill yourself

>> No.10258117

t. Chang Tsun Lee

Don't you have a rhino horn to ground up and sprinkle on your limp cock?

>> No.10258121

Dogs and rhinos can all go fucking get tortured to death for all I care. If torturing a billion rhinos could make the common cold a bit less uncomfortable then I'm all for it.

And I feel the same about chinks.

>> No.10258128
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>ignores my entire post

>> No.10258130 [DELETED] 

Whites are zombies controlled by the Jews. I unironically hope these cretins go extinct. The future is Chinese.

>> No.10258134

Did we know how cloning a sheep would affect its health? No, we just did it to see if we could. And then that sheep lived like half the normal lifespan of an average sheep.

inb4 "but ethics means we cant do anything to humans but we can literally do whatever we want to animals"

>> No.10258136
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Yeah, I wonder why any human would want to place more ethical restrictions on human research than on other animals. I suppose you are the only reasonable person out there

>> No.10258142

Are you honestly afraid that loosening the current restrictions would inevitably result in random people being subjected to experiments against their will?

We're talking about a guy who got the permission of the parents to mess with the baby's genes.

>> No.10258144

This technology could absolutely improve everything. Who cares if we might run into problems early on? Even if a few people DIED from experimenting, the benefits would significantly outweigh the negatives in the future. Imagine people complaining about the use of vaccinations or medicine in general before it was ever used because of ethics or “we don’t know what would happen hurr.” I would like to sit down and have a talk with everyone who opposes this technology because I think their position is evil and a real set-back to humanity. We don’t have that much time. 50 years from now, if this technology isn’t being used air heavily experimented on, we won’t have a chance.

>> No.10258159

Most of the scientific community is afraid of the direct human costs in the short term (parental consent only goes so far and harm to humans is not justified even when consent is valid) and the long term repercussions of genetically altering human embryos to give them more desirable characteristics.

But you seem unable to even grasp that ethical considerations for humans and mice might not be the same, which precludes understanding the nuances of ethical norms in research

>> No.10258167

All the biologists / medical researchers I've talked to seem like they're just brainwashed to believe that basically anything you ever wanted to do to a mouse is "ethical" but experimenting on a human is some kind of unspeakable or holy act. They seem to think that anybody protesting animal experiments is "just dumb" because they just don't understand that animal lives don't matter as much as humans. You seem to have that same attitude: anybody who disagrees with you about what is "ethical" must simply be dumb.

I don't know where this attitude comes from. I doubt hardly any of you have spent any serious time thinking about ethics. You just have it hammered into you that testing on humans is so different. Probably because everyone knows you're never actually going to put any thought into what's ethical and what's not, so it's best to just teach you the rules you have to follow.

>> No.10258169 [DELETED] 

Because Jews

>> No.10258301

not too bad on single, isolated experiements. Yeah, the subject could get fucked in a million weird ways, ending up like the experiments in Alien that say "kill me..." because of their unending suffering.
So we kill it, that sucks.
Problem is, one gets out, and reproduces with some 4chan sperg, now we got a 4chan+crispr baby and life in this galaxy is done for.

>> No.10258344

Why is your document so hard to read. I'm gonna need a huge monitor to read this shit. Goddamn. It's interesting but my eyes are dying.

>> No.10258389

When you become enlightened you realize that we are all the same individual except for subjective consciousness. Performing unethical experimentation on people is like injuring yourself.

Also editing germline cells where the genes can be passed on to future generations when we don't fully understand everything about DNA could possibly end up irreversibly fatally hindering humanity at some point in the future.

>> No.10258405

>When you become enlightened you realize that we are all the same individual except for subjective consciousness.
Why doesn't that include animals? Currently we're fine with injecting animals with random shit and then cutting them open to see how it affected their organs
>Also editing germline cells where the genes can be passed on to future generations
I guess so, but we've already spread GMO pollen all over the whole earth so it's kind of too late to live a natural existence. Might as well toss some GMO humans in the mix.
Or here's a thought experiment: what if some egghead chink scientist made a GMO babby but he gave it a vasectomy at birth so it would never reproduce. would that be "ethical" according to your arbitrary rules?

>> No.10258420


Because if you completely abandon ethical principles altogether and to a sufficient extreme of depravity, then it becomes statistically likelier that the people who are wronged by your immorality will kill you or at least imprison you, rendering you incapable of carrying out any future meaningful science.

>> No.10258421


The human species is the most important known object in existince. Hard anthropocentrism is a consistent worldview. Animals do not matter. People do.

>> No.10258423


>> No.10258430

>human species

>> No.10258464 [DELETED] 

Shitty bait.

>> No.10258469

jewish brainwashing
scientific progress and advancement of humanity should be put above all morals and rights desu senpai

>> No.10258471

Ethics are a spook. If something is possible, someone will do it.

>> No.10258472


I'm being serious. The view, or some flavor thereof, is quite uncontroversial among the large majority of people, so your preening comes to nothing. You don't have some ready philosophical response which is going to demolish what I've written.

>> No.10258476
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>it's immoral to use gene editing on humans because it isn't tested
>testing gene editing on anything but a human doesn't count

So does this mean that it will never ever be "moral" to use gene editing on a human? Do we just need to wait until we can create full perfect computer simulations of a humans development based on DNA?

>> No.10258483

GMO animal biotech isn't really well developed. We don't want to accidentally create a human/monstrosity that just suffers to death. We'll start with animals.

>> No.10258487

There are already plenty of legal things a person can do that are much more likely to make a horrible mutant child, like having sex with somebody with down syndrome or drinking alcohol while pregnant. People can make up excuses and justify themselves in plenty of reasonable sounding ways but the core of the issue is just the same old fear of progress and change.

>> No.10258489

>Animals do not matter.
Neither do subhumans. We should start operating on third-worlders, this would be pretty much their only contribution to humanity.

>> No.10258493

But we can't take away human autonomy without being evil.


>> No.10258501

We already started experimenting on subhumans. Didn't you hear about the gene edited chinese?

>> No.10258505

they are not. it is a propaganda method used by the "powers that be" to stop progress and keep the human mind focused on animalistic behaviors (us VS them thinking, etc)

>> No.10258510

black vs white, old vs young, male vs female, the TV gets many people, usually women and children fighting things that do not, or have not ever existed in reality. look up 1890 college graduation photos, blacks, womens, whites, segregation is a propaganda idea started during ww2. but to question the victim status of another is high treason today.

>> No.10258514

Nice meme, but I was talking about actual subhumans.
>crime doesn't exist

>> No.10258516

Literally kill yourself right now.

>> No.10258519

This is what a subhuman would say, ironically this is also what a subhuman should do.

>> No.10258522

Racist or whatever you are
Every person is human

>> No.10258538

>Every person is human
And some humans are inferior to others, making them subhuman.

>> No.10258541

If being inferior is all it takes, then you are likely subhuman.

>> No.10258547

That still doesn't even mean they're subhuman. Not to mention that's an ought-is fallacy (the inferior thing). We're all good in the hood, just get CRISPR up and running proper and we'll talk okie doke?

>> No.10258556

Im talking about groups obviously, not individuals.

>> No.10258558

Well, yeah, I mean obviously. You are part of the inferior group.

>> No.10258561

What is/are the inferior groups?

>> No.10258568

The low IQ group, the NEETs, and the incel community.

>> No.10258569
File: 65 KB, 681x674, extent-and-spread-of-manorialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medieval selection pressure caused Whites to develop excessive empathy and guilt.


>> No.10258573

Which racial group?

>> No.10258578

All races fall into those groups so it doesn't matter.

>> No.10258579

So you are saying there are no differences between them and they are exactly the same?

>> No.10258591

Nobody is exactly the same except for identical twins.

>> No.10259958

>Currently we're fine with injecting animals with random shit and then cutting them open to see how it affected their organs

You're right. It’s completely indefensible objectively speaking to harm some animals e.g. monkeys in order that a select group of animals (humans) gain an advantage. We are in no different a position than the animals we are using for research. We are essentially abusing our power as the "apex" predator and in doing so inflicting suffering in the world.

“Do the ends justify the means?” in this case is a subjective question which as a human is answered emphatically ‘yes!’. The reason being we currently do not have any better models to study human disease. Medical progress and more importantly our accumulation of knowledge would be impacted if we excluded animal trials from today as we would no longer carry out any initial human trials due to our modern understanding of human ethics.

I would not be surprised to see human ethics revised and expand to include animals at some point in the future when we have functional organ-on-chip research systems available.

>> No.10259973

>but we've already spread GMO pollen all over the whole earth so it's kind of too late..

I don't have a good argument against this line of logic except that it is the rate of change that is the issue versus natural selection which essentially does the same thing.

Our lives are short, and any change implemented now would not be observed over a single lifetime and could propagate in the wild exponentially. Natural selection is selecting individuals for the environment while people gene editing the next generation are selecting genes not based on an objective environment but based on our current societies which are subject to collapse. So much to think about…

>> No.10260891

We learn a lot by experimenting on animals but just imagine how much more accurate the results would be if we used human subjects. Science would go faster

>> No.10261624

People are fundamentally religious; even if they proclaim to be atheist they are not if they believe in morality/ethics. Considering that morality is the belief that there are right and wrong actions, which is impossible considering that nothing will alter the dissimilation of matter into nothingness, proclaiming that it's unethical to experiment with human life (that it is wrong to experiment with human life) is to believe in a god or afterlife. Which is to say that the majority of people are intellectually void when it comes to philosophical matters; so they are incapable of making reasonable decisions in life as they are limited in choosing (and allowing) actions that only make them happy/feel good. If we are to survive and eventually understand reality we must cast notions of morality/ethics into the abyss. Or continue down this catastrophe of absurdity until we kill ourselves off or get wiped out by nature.

>> No.10261770

They even cheat on IQ tests lol

>> No.10261773

We could use lifers to Experiment. Any other alternative would be giving the government too much Power. Typical chink behaviour

>> No.10261782

Do you honestly want to repeat the last century? Abscense of morality does not bring you anything, but suffering and paranoia limited only by your imagination. Look at state of the third world. Every strata from poor to rich live their entire lives without so much as a thought of morality, living like the beasts of an ancient time. Morality seperates us from animals, and without it we will become beasts once more

>> No.10261786

I don't think that it's bound to skin color, but the young socialists and dindus are in for a rude shock if the west really does collapse and china moves into the power vacuum

Presently it's the white man that actually cares about you. The china man will grind you into the dust without a second thought.

>> No.10261862

Because when scientific experiments on people go wrong they might create someone like you.

>> No.10262362


because world wars, socialism, ethnic cleansing, nuking people and stuff were something we did and thought afterwards "maybe that's not a good road to walk".

Geneva convention, etc.

>> No.10262535

Because we gave women the right to vote. Not even joking.

>> No.10262766

All you're going to do is breed people YOU think are smart, guaranteed they'll be retards like you. If someone bred humanity to be the average /sci/ user, the planet would be completely ruined as it would consist solely of people bragging about IQ tests they've memorized and IQ tests they consider to be valid because they got a high score. Most of you people aren't even worth arguing with. Gene editing won't work because the guy doing it is almost fully guaranteed to be a biased retard in one way or another.

Congratulations, you've permanently ruined humanity through your aggressive gene editing bullshit.

>> No.10262779

Anon, animals have a much higher moral worth than the chinese.

>> No.10262783



>> No.10262823

Pathological altruism is a caucasian racial trait.

>> No.10262843

> Pathological altruism is a caucasian racial trait.
Right, which is why the main caucasian leaders in the world are Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Two people well known for always being altruistic.

>> No.10262851

Just because it has the same letters doesn't mean it's the same thing Little Bill, now please scurry off back to class.

>> No.10263139

The absence of morality is not the absence of empathy. I believe that good and evil are definable concepts of human actions that should be taken into consideration when making choices, but good and evil are separate from morality as morality states (or implies) that there are absolute consequences to human actions.
The actions of the world in the 20th century were predicated on animalistic desires for dominance. And what separates us from animals is our knowledge of mortality. Not morality, as morality never stopped people from committing treacherous acts, as murdering heretics may have had absolute consequences (perceivably beneficial ones) in the minds of religious people (those who believe in morality). The abolishment of morality can only be good for the continued existence of humanity. But again I state that good and evil are definable human actions and that evil should be avoided and empathy should be adhered to.

>> No.10263257

Chinks are bad but Japanese and Koreans are alright

>> No.10263260

This, some natsoc give me a hard time about my Asian gf, but they can't comprehend that they aryan and the savior of the white race.

>> No.10263264

Why do you think people in developing countries are immoral? Do you think Western society is a paragon for mortality?

>> No.10263277

>criticizes other people for being philosophically illiterate
>uses a philosophically nonstandard definition of morality because LE RELIGION BAD

>> No.10263290

Don't give birth to more Elliot Rodgers.

>> No.10263476

wtf do you think we are currently doing with genome editing in the lab you dumb mf

>> No.10263520

It's almost as if humans care for other humans more than for animals which they eat to survive

>> No.10263525

how many years till they can crispr hotfix me into a catgirl