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10254099 No.10254099 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there unions for people in STEM?
Why can't people in STEM, fight for their wages? Instead they're happy working for peanuts.

>> No.10254107

Because scientists are smart.

>> No.10254108

Because if you have half a brain cell you don't need a bunch of crooks to garnish your salary when you can bargain on your own behalf

>> No.10254156

Because communism destroys the economy

>> No.10254174

> Why aren't there unions for people in STEM?
When I taught college level, the university was a union shop. I was basically paying dues for a lawyer that I never saw.

Currently, I have a legal plan. I still pay dues, but I can at least I can consult the law team on anything from fighting a parking ticket to buying a house to making out my will. The lawyers just don't sit in an office all day, taking our money and jerking off.

Unions are scams.

>> No.10254195

>Why can't people in STEM, fight for their wages?
Sell yourself, bitch.
If you like the job, but not what they're offering for it, suggest a number more to your liking. Explain why you're worth that much, what you can do for them, and what you expect from them.
If you're just out of school and looking for a job then you might eat shit for a while because you lack practical experience. Once you get a year or two under you belt, go looking for other work. If you get some offers you can then go back to your employer and let them make a counter offer. If you do good work, and they want to retain you, they'll work with you. If they don't then you say thanks, put in your two weeks, and ask if you can use them as a reference in the future.
Leverage what you have to move up. If you can't move up, move out. Rinse and repeat.
Also look into the history of the labor movement around the world if you still can't understand why there aren't more white collar unions.

>> No.10254203

Because it is a sufficiently safe field for you to not need to support leeches. In many cases the time you spend at the company gathers you experience and you eventually reach a point where you are irreplacable. Assuming that you're doing more than the bare minimum, that is, someone doing nothing but pushing papers all day is just as replacable within ten years as he was on his first day.

>> No.10254220

You're meant to benefit from the threat of mass action. Ime the problem most unions suffer from now is the reps being too friendly with management and nowhere near friendly enough with the people they're meant to represent.

There's been more of a move in some unions in providing more general services, so for a small fee you can consult a lawyer outside of employment stuff through the union, but also there's more stuff like getting loans/mortgages too. It's sort of been a bit of weird commercialisation, not sure if that's really the right move.

>> No.10254226

It's coming, comrade. Hang in there.

>> No.10254227

There will always be a pajeet offering to work more for lesser pay

>> No.10254241

>so for a small fee you can consult a lawyer outside of employment stuff through the union
This is a service? That you can pay the union money so that you could have the privilege of paying extra?

>> No.10254434

Nobody in STEM can bargain to save their lives.

>> No.10254578

Nobody in the labor union can either. What kind of bargain is that if you are incapable of ensuring an improvement of conditions without constant striking? At best it offers a spectacle for onlookers, but what it boils down to is an inability on behalf of the union to negotiate a single fucking thing.
>"w-well you probably don't see it because the union gives it subtly"
Unions almost fucking never negotiate an improvement of conditions, most of the time all they do is maintain the status quo by striking whenever there is a pay-cut or when SOMEONE ELSE who isn't a union is protesting for an improvement of conditions

>> No.10254663

Maintaining the status quo is better than making it worse.

>> No.10254849

That is not why I am mentioning it though, labor unions simply grow fat off of membership and refuse to actively do anything even when they have the means to do it. Why should I pay someone refusing to work if I can just do like >>10254174 and actually get something out of it?

>> No.10254867

I don't know what your union experience is, but at my previous workplace if your boss wanted to send you home early to save money, they had to ask whereas previously they could just tell you to get the fuck out even if your hours were already scheduled.

>> No.10254954

>Why aren't there unions for people in STEM?
There are in some countries.