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File: 124 KB, 600x600, starcksnewrocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10252814 No.10252814 [Reply] [Original]

Starship Hopper construction watch, thread #6
Previous: >>10249331

New renders incoming.

>> No.10252837

We haven’t even reached the bump limit, ya idiot
t. Angery since I’ve started the last five threads and you stole my job

>> No.10252843

They plan to do hop tests in January, right?

>> No.10252853

March/April, with orbital launches potentially in 2019 (60% chance and rising)

>> No.10252897
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>> No.10252907
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>> No.10253064

needs an update for the 1800 posts we’ve had in these watch-people-weld-things ogling threads

>> No.10253067

Ghost nosecone on the right.

>> No.10253074

The surface is highly specular(?), like hi-vis jacket material

>> No.10253117

These highly reflective rockets are clearly a safety hazard to aircraft. This entire program needs to be halted.

>> No.10253135

considering how the American airline pilot association was irked by the falcon heavy launch, daily NOTAMs for Starship will for sure anger some people

>> No.10253180

Are Americans asleep now or why is the thread so slow

>> No.10253190

Alabama vs Oklahoma sportball game is on right now. Btw fuck Sooners

>> No.10253191

burgers are waiting for more updates so we can sperg out

>> No.10253300

I've just been watching a bunch of stuff from 2 years ago. It's interesting to see what people, like the Virgin Galactic guy with a hard on for composite tanks, were getting excited about and what's changed (and what hasn't).

>> No.10253309

Not sure why they still get paid after this game

>> No.10253366
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>> No.10253380

>be Boca Chica resident
>live a quaint life near the ocean
>suddenly, across the street is a gigantic solar facility, spaceship tracking dishes, and methane storage tanks
>some billionaire is also building a rocket in a tent

>> No.10253427

Full story please
What is a NOTAM?

>> No.10253453

notice to airmen. They notify where and when you can’t fly. For the falcon heavy launch, the NOTAM said that you can’t fly across the flight path of the rocket, for instance. This forced flights to divert and take longer to get to their destinations.
NOTAMS are useful though, since they give indications of the specific orbit a rocket is aiming for (you look at the flight corridor) especially when it’s a classified payload and the orbital information will never be officially posted.
NOTAMS can be big and small. New Shepherd flights get NOTAMS.

>> No.10253486

Why were pilots mad about heavy?

>> No.10253491

Pilots are all boomers who perpetually have their panties in a knot about something. They're almost as bad as radio hams.

>> No.10253495

It was a particularly big no-fly zone. Cool article/visual piece here that explains it well https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/business/spacex-falcon-heavy-launch-faa-air-traffic/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.6c40d15eb7dc

>> No.10253599

It's also to let pilots know they might see something unusual, and the equivalent process in Europe at least makes sure that there's (ostensibly) a way to contact someone running the launch should that need to happen for some reason (like something unplanned has happened, a pilot can get more information).

>> No.10253889

>shutting down everything for TREEE HOURS when the launch was done and the boosters landed after 10 minutes
Everything government is designed to be as worthless as possible

>> No.10253972

The athlete's foot got me and that's how I'll be calling that faggot from now on.

Anyway this is a threadly reminder that such scale reusable super heavy lift vehicle-orbiter should be impossible without massive government assistance.

To prove otherwise is horrifying in its implications for the government's ability to solve problems.
It also questions the judgment of all those intelligent people that put their faith in the government as the only entity that can and hence should solve problems.

If this succeeds I'm going ancap. Keep in mind I'm surrounded by che shirts.

>> No.10254015

Cant wait for daily BFR launches so this bureaucratic BS ends. It is the equivalent of red flag traffic laws.

>> No.10254159

Pilot and airplane regulations have been utterly retarded for a long time, flying a plane is easier than driving a car but they want to make it arcane/complicated....

>> No.10254178

There's no need to be full ancap you actual communist, just be a mild libertarian
Come to /k/, we have guns

>> No.10254182

No new photos today, yet. But I’ll keep my eyes peeled

>> No.10254185

It's still only 5 am

>> No.10254189

Sunrise is 7:16, I guess you’re right

>> No.10254198

You need to check local time in Boca Chika, it's 8:30 in EST and 5:30 Pacific, but I don't know what time it is in Texas
The workers will probably start around 6 or 7 AM local without regard for the sun

>> No.10254204

They're central time so it's 7:40 there right now
They're probably already working

>> No.10254212

It’s going to be a pain if there’s a mars conlony... you’ll have different time zones on earth and mars, plus different day lengths. Maybe we’ll all just use Unix time.

>> No.10254223

The day lengths are going to fuck everything
Martian Sol is 25 hours, right?

>> No.10254228

just under. I suppose it won’t matter that much; Apollo astronauts used Houston time.

>> No.10254282

That's because lunar days are actually months and completely worthless
The crews on the mars rovers swap over to Martian Sols

>> No.10254314

>flying a plane is easier than driving a car
only retards who have played flight simulators come up with retarded statements like this

>> No.10254333

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Plane Crashes Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Put On Autopilot Like Nigga It Flies Itself Haha

>> No.10254348

In some ways it is. I know a few people who work with small "experimental" (usually nothing that exciting) aircraft, and they've all said the same thing. You've got a lot less to worry about crashing into generally, you have less mental tax in worrying about what other people are doing generally, even if other skills are more advanced.

They also really like flying, preference might have something to do with it.

>> No.10254438
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Seems like they have the day off

>> No.10254443
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>> No.10254449
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Not much activity

>> No.10254458

Seems rainy.

>> No.10254471

Can't weld in the rain, you'll get water in the weld
Which means hydrogen in the weld
Which turns your amazing alloy into scrap

>> No.10254490

Can someone redpill me on this..? Is he actually claiming that thing will fly/get anything done or is he just doing a PR stun to keep sponsors before he sells his shares and jumps ship?

>> No.10254495

>Is he actually claiming that thing will fly/get anything done
Why it wouldn't? Just strap some engines and it will fly.
It's just to test shit, it's not supposed to be anything serious.

>> No.10254497

>this guy again

>> No.10254498
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Wish I could help but you gotta detox yourself from the purple pills first bro.
Keep it together man I know you can do it.

>> No.10254500

>it's not supposed to be anything serious.
So why even do it, especially this time of year?

>> No.10254501

when he describes what he's doing after he tests it in March/April, Elon is going to be asked:

"so why wasn't the rocket built in some ultra-pristine clean room?"

to which he will respond that it just isn't necessary, just like he said that training to fly to Mars wouldn't be necessary/would be minimal, because going to space just involves 'floating around'. Elon smashes conventional wisdom left right and centre, this is going to be no different. All that probably matters is that this thing is /roughly/ the right shape and weight to accommodate the engines and fuel tanks.

>> No.10254507

>just like he said that training to fly to Mars wouldn't be necessary/would be minimal, because going to space just involves 'floating around'.
Really? To me that's really worrying, it's extremely weird working in zero-g which is why NASA spends so much on training astronauts in the environment.

The golden rule of prep is that you make the test conditions AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to the irl conditions so people are prepared.

>> No.10254508

they gotta launch a bajillion Starlink satellites by 2022. Anything to speed up starship development is a must.

>> No.10254513

that’s since the ISS requires regular spacewalks with 20-year-old spacewalking equipment, and there’s a gigantic book of how to do things by the book that everyone adheres to, since it’s the book

>> No.10254521

NASA, Roscosmos, CNSA all train astronauts hard because every astronaut has to be capable of every task.

Elon wants a few highly trained astronauts ferrying around larger numbers of minimally trained passengers.

>> No.10254525

The use of procedural techniques is extremely important.

My prediction now is, even if Musk is able to get to space, something minor will go wrong, it will escalate, people will die and he'll be there with his dick in his hand mumbling about it being a beta or some shit.

>> No.10254526

this. Current astronauts are highly trained because they hold the responsibility of operating the vehicles they fly in. A few tens of normies flying on a Starship with their pilot handlers don't need to know much other than how to breathe.

>> No.10254532


>> No.10254551

>vomits all over in zero g
>mars 3024

>> No.10254561

Mars colonists will be highly trained too
Sending mouthbreathers to mars is a good way to get everyone killed
Plus, the ticket being expensive as fuck ensures that you get good stock instead of stoners and nogs

>> No.10254568

I'm sure the Mars colonists will be very intelligent, yes. But theoretically, you could send a mouthbreather into space and he'd probably survive. Everyone would hate him though.

>> No.10254610

Minimizing failure modes is a crucial aspect of any big do-all manned spacecraft. That goes hand in hand with minimizing necessary human input.
If anything, they’ll design crewed starship to be completely void of human necessity, outside of cleaning and food preparation.
Now, mars is different. The first few decades of human settlements will definitely be extremely hands-on and require big brain individuals + extensive training.

>> No.10254624

And how to shit/piss/eat/sleep
Basic instruction in not breaking your arm/equipment with violent motions

>> No.10254649

Repasting my opion (fact actually) about why its 100% false that they will can switch from carbon fibronics to steel:

that makes no fucking sense imo. Surely theres a great mass hit that they are trying to cover up.

I know people like to think research is all a wonderful quest for excitment and adventure where at any moment anything can happen and ohhh what will happen next oh my god how exciting?!!!

In reality scientifics knew the properties of steel and the properties of carbon well before starting the first sketch of the rocket. They knew objectively considering all facts that carbon was better, now they failed at it and try to pass it out as if steel was better all along but they just found out. Total bullshit, theres gonna be a HUGE downside, they just havent said it yet

>> No.10254652

lol didn’t read

>> No.10254654
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Lazy bugger

>> No.10254656

That's great Elon.

>> No.10254657

But they don't need instructions on how to fly/repair the Starship, or eva instructions.

>> No.10254664

It truly is one of this things that they need to get right. The ISS toilet has some downsides that the astronauts complain about, so at least they have a starting point.

>> No.10254665

Ok little retardanon, put aside your color blocks for a while and listen on up.

Think really hard about this one

Fact 1) Airplanes are extremely complex machines which in case of malfunction have a very good chance of killing absolutely everyone on board, they carre between 80 and 500 people each time.

Fact 2) Despite this, fatality rate for airplanes is lower than that for travelling on cars or bus.

Fact 3)Regulation agencies are very VERY strict about safety checks and controls.

Think real hard if those 3 are connected somehow

>> No.10254667

or detailed training on carrying out science experiments. That’s like 60% of the workload on the ISS

>> No.10254669

and he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for your excellent post

>> No.10254670

Is there a livestream of this action? Or are we just getting sneeky shots.

>> No.10254674

anon, flying a plane really isn’t that hard. Practically al of the regulations have to do with procedural red tape, communication requirements... If they took all of that out of the licensing anyone with a pulse would be able to fly.

>> No.10254676

youre total retards, he wasnt talking about actual astronaut training he was talking about hypothetical passenger training. Sure the flight crew would be super hotshots like astronauts and pilots are today but merely for oging as a passenger you just have to learn to use the bathroom and not poke holes on the ship.

>> No.10254677

none yet, but hopefully the hops will be streamed.

>> No.10254679


>> No.10254680

Fun fact, in one of the space shuttle missions the space toilet failed and exposed the astronauts anus to vacuum, he had to fix it while wiping

>> No.10254681

>anyone with a pulse would be able to fly
sweet fuck that is the stuff of nightmares right there

>> No.10254682


>> No.10254684

that's what I meant, sorry if I wasn't clear

>> No.10254685

it’s sort of self regulating for ultralights. Everyone that’s dumb kills themselves.
t. Gyrocopter enthusiast

>> No.10254688

I figure a Mars bound starship will want to keep the human remains on board. So it can be used for fertilizer.

>> No.10254690

that doesn't help very much when some half baked retard decides to rev it up to ramming speed before checking himself out

>> No.10254702


I see this discussion has devolved into one of pilot training, which departs from the discussion of passenger training. Please terminate this discussion as it is irrelevant.

>> No.10254728

ok mom

>> No.10254905

Somebody does, though everyone should have basic damage control ability since if everything goes to fuck, everyone dies

>> No.10254908

Shoo shoo redditor

>> No.10254913

What specifically needs to happen to make a stainless steel cone flightworthy? Can they really just hook up three raptors in there and set it off? What about ballast/mass difference between the test article and the final spaceship?
t. brainlet

>> No.10254951

we’re not sure, since we really don’t know what else has changed in the design besides the structural switch to stainless steel. But you’d need a full avionics package, air-tight welds, the strength to withstand max-q, all sorts of communications equipment, solar panels, and probably more redundant systems overall

>> No.10254985

It's pretty much an elaborate test stand for the raptors and the related landing software. Since its shorter and the weight distribution much different they'll definitely have to use ballast to approximate what the actual space ship will be. You can google the f9 hopper to get an idea what this will do in the coming weeks.

>> No.10255261

Don’t forget to tune into the New Horizons flyby everyone

>> No.10255281

Yanks and their lack of understanding of irony

when will they learn?

>> No.10255297

ETA on that?

>> No.10255307

New Year's Day laddo

>> No.10255347

This, it's one part test stand, one part troll, and all parts cool

>> No.10255497
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Elon just liked this

>> No.10255504

Someone try to convince him the fleet should be named after something like "vibranium".

>> No.10255507

>a gaggle of starships

>> No.10255578

t. Pilot who gets antsy when there is another plane within 5 miles, and called Harrison Ford missing a passenger plane by hundreds of feet a close call

>> No.10255970
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Here’s an afternoon snack

>> No.10255973
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>> No.10255977
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>> No.10255979
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>> No.10256031

Is that another segment? Looks a lot smaller than the current pieces.

>> No.10256035

No, it’s the same size. You can see it in the flyover video. Probably the last piece in the dome, but we’ve been thinking that for a while. Could still be another one to go on as well. This thing will be pretty tall all together

>> No.10256040

What a shame they didn’t increase the size of the rocket with the switch to an easier material to work with
And man how much time was wasted on carbon composite memes

>> No.10256054

9m is a sweet spot I guess. Not really a need to upscale to ITS sizes yet; keep in mind that besides starlink satellites (which don’t even exist in large numbers yet) there aren’t exactly any payloads in the pipeline which take advantage of starship’s size.
Once there is a industry built around cheap space hardware, then there might be a market for a 12 or higher meter diameter starship.
Mars, well that could benefit a lot- but again, I think SpaceX will be limited in the production rate of shit to land on the surface. Wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the shipments are just full of boxes of raw materials or water.

>> No.10256059

>Wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the shipments are just full of boxes

>> No.10256070

>first to die on another world
Still more than you'll ever achieve

>> No.10256074
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Major happening! It’s been moved!

>> No.10256087

>implying your body won’t just be ground up and used as grub farm fertilizer
burying is a waste

>> No.10256088

How far did they move it

>> No.10256089

Probably won't be shipping much water, that should be one of the first things to ISRU.

>> No.10256096

Obviously if they have to ship basic stuff like water, then you might as well not do mars at all
Shipments of solar panels, vehicles, machinery for construction materials will occupy cargos for years

>> No.10256097

Also do you have the GPS coordinates of this place

>> No.10256123

25.988 -97.185

Not that far, 10-20 meters. But it’s standing on its own legs, which is awesome

>> No.10256130
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>Been away from the Internet over the last few weeks
>Mfw I come back and all this hardware construction

>> No.10256135


>> No.10256142
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>> No.10256158

You missed the scrubathon as well. We had a four-launches-in-one-day megathread, but all of them scrubbed. Some got scrubbed, then scrubbed again, and then scrubbed again as well. Two, New Shepherd and Delta IV Heavy, STILL haven’t launched.
In the midst of that madness people realized this big steel thing being built in Boca Chica. Now, six threads later, we’re here.

>> No.10256161

They ALL scrubbed? JFC. I only watched the SpaceX stream and left after they scrubbed.

>> No.10256170

yeah the Soyuz, New Glenn, F9, and Delta IV all scrubbed. Low altitude winds, GSE issues, high altitude winds, hydrogen leaks.. all sorts of reasons

>> No.10256172

You know shit's fucked when even the Soyuz gets scrubbed.

>> No.10256220

There are literally three households with residents in them, and one of them moved in after they found out SpaceX was coming. Two are excited. One isn't.

>> No.10256221

Thank you candid cameranon camping out in shitty Port Isabel, Texas

You truly are a spacex sperglord

>> No.10256226

Living near a rocket launch facility would be awesome, sitting on your porch with a glass of whisky and some earplugs watching BFRs go up, fucking sick.

>> No.10256232

It’s not me, it’s a random woman on NSF forum. I also post pics from twitter and local Facebook groups

>> No.10256240

That being said if I did live close to the area I’d be down there with a telephoto lens and camping gear for sure

>> No.10256295


Damn, that's a decent drive. You have to drive around the ship channel to a bridge to Brownsville and back to the coast. Easily a decent hour drive despite how close it is.

If South Padre had any foresight, they should should advertise the launches. You would have excellent views from basically anywhere in the city. I would say it may be a better setup than Cape Canaveral.

>> No.10256362

newfag reporting

>why are they building it outside

>> No.10256372

>sponsors before he sells his shares
He already sold his shares after his 420 funding secured scam.

>> No.10256384

>hold the responsibility of operating the vehicles they fly in.
Wait you actually think that astronauts navigate and FLY rockets/spaceships?
Get the hell back to /futurology brainlet, ofc you are a musk fanboy you have no clue about rocket science and technology.

>> No.10256389

from what we can tell the test article is too large to be built effectively like the other rockets (hawthorne -> macgregor -> cape kennedy
so instead they are just making it outside because it's faster and (in theory) shouldn't impact the ability of the thing to fly. Still very unorthodox though.

>> No.10256795

It makes me feel all icky

>> No.10256803

where did I say that?

>> No.10256892

it speeds up development

>> No.10256903
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New photos

>> No.10256910
File: 3.03 MB, 5184x2594, 9C9585E9-3434-4264-9AC4-32D45CFE985D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there’s another section in prep, and one staged on the concrete stand.

>> No.10256911
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>> No.10256915


That's what it sounds like when the hopper fails.

>> No.10256925

it will only deflagrate, there won’t be that much of a kaboom—if any of them do kaboom

>> No.10256931

>it will only deflagrate
Conflagrate, and why do you think that?

>> No.10256936

Oh jesus, I'm misremembering key terminology now, it is deflagrate.

>> No.10256947

If there’s tank failure, you all of a suddenly have 1 atm methane and LOX lollying around. That doesn’t allow for much pressure buildup, and your stoichiometrics won’t be ideal too.
It’ll burn and there might be a bang, but the majority of the potential energy won’t contribute to it.
This of course depends on the failure mode. If a fuel line pops or a raptor guts itself then that might be a larger bang

>> No.10256950

This shit looks incredibly crude.

I work in the aerospace industry and one of the design philosophies right now is to make the surface as perfectly even as possible to reduce drag and uneven application of force on the chasis. Sure this is mostly for jets and airplanes but the BFR wants to do a plane-like re-entry into the atmosphere.

This is extremely unorthodox and really fucking risky. If Musk fucks up and people die doing this it could have severe consequences and delay the space era for an entire generation. Honestly he needs to stop being a faggot.

If he actually succeeds however, he will be a straight up hero and might revolutionize how we think about aerospace engineering. Might even result in cheaper jets and airplanes as we would copy some of the cost cutting measures and finally have some competition for the duopoly of Boeing/Airbus

>> No.10256958

This is a hopper, it only goes 5km up at most. Validating the fact they they can weld stuff is not the point of the tests it will do.
Why waste time on building it to perfect aerospace specs? Grasshopper wasn’t exactly a perfect specimen of textbook manufacturing either.

>> No.10256961

It's an almost literal boilerplate test article where the fidelity of the exterior is more for the human eye than any practical engineering aspects.

>> No.10256979
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Think of it like the Little Joe series of rockets. Those things were crude - if you ever see one in person, you’ll notice how hand-made it looks up close. But, they got the job done.

>> No.10256988

10 elon bucks their building a Super Heavy hopper next.

>> No.10256989

The only reason it has a flight ceiling is regulations
Otherwise they would fly it much higher

>> No.10256994

What’s the Elonbucks to Bezosbucks ratio

>> No.10257009

>BFR wants to do a plane-like re-entry into the atmosphere

this thing is a test article, if you watch how slowly grasshopper moved you'll see how little these slight imperfections are going to matter to aerodynamics

>Honestly he needs to stop being a faggot.

>> No.10257014

i’d bet on it being a test fit, or another regular hopper.

>> No.10257020

this looks miles better than the bfr hopper
honestly I have seen mockups that look better than that abomination

>> No.10257032

once they pressurize and puff it up + finish polishing it’ll look nicer. You’re just seeing the sheet metal wrinkles and unusual light reflections.

>> No.10257045

What about a Unix time mark2. Time since landing/colony start

>> No.10257051

>metric time is finally adopted
1 Ms in a day, 1ks in an hour...

>> No.10257052


>> No.10257056

4.20 elonbucks to 1 bezosbucks.

Good call. Honestly have no idea what'll happen next though. Part of me thinks it's just a PR stunt, another small part thinks this thing will be orbiting the earth by the end of 2019.

>> No.10257059

At least they’re using Miller welders. If it was Lincoln I’d be worried

>> No.10257061
File: 1.08 MB, 2695x1080, WH42Jp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.10257066

The Apollo heatshield is neat, but outdated, and obscenely labor intensive. Each one of those cells was filled up with phenolic resin, with a caulking gun, by hand.

>> No.10257072

fuck Lincoln

>> No.10257073

Not to mention all the triple (maybe different for starship) sonic booms as they come in daily for landings

>> No.10257075


>> No.10257078


>> No.10257081
File: 3.68 MB, 1750x3200, 7EDA61B5-AA80-4ED8-85EC-9B84941F93F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10257087

Then what exactly are they achieving with it? The data is useless and their staff also doesn't learn production techniques. So why bother?

>> No.10257089 [DELETED] 

>the data is useless
oh golly, you’re pretty dum aren’t you

>> No.10257096

Engine testing and mass characteristics, the Raptors need to be tested inflight and ballast can be used to simulate the mass Starship's mass.

>> No.10257098

Well let’s see, you can analyze the flight envelope. You can see how the control algorithms perform. You can experiment with throttling techniques. You can determine how the changing center of mass effects the flight characteristics. You can figure out if your plumbing functions and feeds properly at various points in flight. You can make sure that the altimeter and other sensors aren’t messed up by the highly reflective skin. You can plug and play quickly with the latest raptor designs. You can determine how deep the alternate law limits can be. You gain experience flying out of Boca Chica and the new regulatory issues that might arise. You gain experience with filling CH4 tanks.
all sorts of stuff, use your brain dummy

>> No.10257107

you can take pretty photos for the press!

>> No.10257108

pretty photos don’t launch starlink satellites.

>> No.10257119

>muh starlink
>mfw it starts to rain
>no internet

>> No.10257122

>the same dickhead "just asking" once again

>> No.10257129

Rain face with ka/ku isn’t that bad since they can dynamically switch the satellite that’s serving you for the least disruption.

>> No.10257133

*rain fade

>> No.10257137

>That doesn’t allow for much pressure buildup
You can have pressure build up with just the atmosphere, although I believe LOX tends to lowkey react with everything so might be more of a deflagration.

I suggest you have a look at some more case studies, a methane leak could detonate without too much trouble even if it's a slow leak.

>> No.10257140

Savage annon why did you have to destroy our "SpaceX and Tesla are going bankrupt" ledditor !
Even if he nick-picks every single point the sum of them is still a valid reason...

>> No.10257146

Yes, and also the flammability limit is 5-15% in air, that’s relatively narrow

>> No.10257164

I think I'm not remembering something right as http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrpdf/rr1113.pdf suggests it hasn't happened in such a way as to cause significant secondary damage. That said it does warn about blends as well as other things initiating the explosion.

>> No.10257165

cloud is a little fatter and bigger than usual and your fancy switching doesn't work anymore

once again: satellite internet even from leo in a perfect environment is inferior to ground internet in every aspect aside from speed, which isn't that big of a difference for 99% of the consumers, unless you are a scalp trader or something like that

>> No.10257171

even with rain fade average uptimes right now for sat internet is in the 99.9+% range.
I think you’d be surprised at for how many people starlink would be an improvement. Fidelity thinks so

>> No.10257192

sure, those few millions living on islands with shitty internet will definitely have an improvement. this is however not enough to fund a fucking space program to mars, let alone it's even questionable if the return on those fancy 12k satellites will be enough considering for most people cable will still be cheaper

>> No.10257234

why are you upset?

>> No.10257244

>criticise something
>"who hurt you"

>> No.10257251

there's nothing to criticize, it's just a communications network

>> No.10257256

>dirty europoors can now play on my favorite game servers with half the ping

>> No.10257257

is this the reason you (just you) have been sperging about musk for weeks?

>> No.10257258

>you can't critize X of type Y, it's just Y
ping was never slow, it's the server that are shit most of the time

>> No.10257260

Well, he built a fuckton of rockets that can land themselves, seems ridiculous to jump ship now (unless its exploding mid-flight)

>> No.10257262

FLYING isn't hard, but landing is another story...

>> No.10257263

do not respond to the redditor

>> No.10257269

reminder that redditors are the biggest spacex shills in existence

>> No.10257274

Yeah. I hope this thing works, but the thing they are building right now is NOT going to space. It looks so shoddy, it's probably the hopper they are going to test. If it does work, that's great, but it's pretty ludicrous even as a concept.

>> No.10257283

>being mean to o'neil cylinder enthusiast

Also wtf that shit could have been started in the 70s and we'd have them JUST READ THE HIGH FRONTIER AND GET OF THE MARS MEME SHEEPLE

>> No.10257292

That's why he's here shitting it up, because he couldn't get any previous upvotes on reddit

>> No.10257296
File: 1.42 MB, 5184x3888, 7C3D69F5-AC4B-4137-A8AD-93818CC7A3AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright everyone shut up, we have a new happening to discuss

>> No.10257302

spacex is no private its pentagon program and cia to destroy europe

>> No.10257305

oh no no no no

>> No.10257319
File: 80 KB, 725x481, B91A71F2-4219-4474-B555-0B9A28030F4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So starship hopper is either now 45 meters tall, or this is a ballon tank segment. Check out these aerospace grade wood blocks btw

>> No.10257331

The sheet metal part is clearly not a pressure vessel, nor designed with significant loads in mind.

>> No.10257341

if they add a reinforcement strip along the inside for an overlapping weld it can be plenty strong. Remember, Elon said it would be fine pressurized and unpressurized. We’re only seeing it unpressurized right now

>> No.10257343

Seems that security have been very lax about moving people on who are taking photos. Is SpaceX intentionally trying to showcase the low-tech production methods being used here?

>> No.10257347

Good ol cellulose foam.

>> No.10257353



>> No.10257363

>public land

>> No.10257366

the police can and have been escorting people away, just not very much

>> No.10257368

Reddit has entire subs dedicated to shitting on musk and his companies.

>> No.10257370

because those police don't understand the law

>> No.10257373

They’re close to a public road. Not much they can do to hide production. If they cared about showing off they’d have sent out a notice to the media, which they haven’t.

>> No.10257374
File: 30 KB, 687x309, 829qyqp8db011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it started after he exposed himself as a shitlord

>> No.10257376

They understand it, it’s the lookyloos that don’t understand. One of the local twitter photographers was asked to leave, but people informed him that he could have stayed. He says that next time he’ll bring a quadcopter with a GoPro

>> No.10257377

>If they cared about showing off they’d have sent out a notice to the media, which they haven’t.

no, because the fandom mean people do it for them (like we're seeing)

>> No.10257381

Whatever media presence there is, it’s inconsequential. Speed is the necessary metric they care about, not whatever Joe Shmoe’s Facebook feed has on it.

>> No.10257382

>it started after he exposed himself as a shitlord
It started years before that. If Shitlords take us to Mars, all hail the shitlords.

>> No.10257386

sure there were doubters, but there was a time when he was a liberal idol (think the /s o y/ IAC 2016 Q and A cringefest).

>> No.10257395

still is, still isn’t. He’s a divisive man. Some people think he’s a hack fraud, some think he’s a modern day auspicican explorer and humanist. Like most things in life the answer is in the middle.

What none of us can deny, is that there’s this big-ass rocket being built in the middle of nowhere, Texas, and it’s fun to watch it progress.

>> No.10257396

Literally shaking.

>> No.10257422

>reminder that redditors are the biggest spacex shills in existence

Reddit leftists are by far the main demographic of anti-spacex shills on the internet. On the other hand, SpaceX so-called "shills" are everywhere, but the most concentrated on dedicated spaceflight forums such as NSF.

Turns out you dont need shills if you are landing fucking rockets, who would have thunk.

>> No.10257437

rural areas in Africa, South America, North America, Asia, Australia will all benefit greatly from this
Does it serve Antarctica and the Arctic? High speed traders in Europe and North America will also benefit. The only people who won't benefit from this are Europe, who has good internet even in some of their rural areas, and cities above a certain size (who aren't served well by satellite bottlenecks anyway, and have better internet options available)

>> No.10257441

the shills have arrived lmao

>> No.10257450
File: 3.38 MB, 5184x3888, IMG_1334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly, engines

>> No.10257452

Interesting how everybody who complains about spacex shills invading threads always does it in a spacex thread, but there's never any spacex shills outside spacex threads.

It's almost as if the roles were completely reversed to what they have in their minds.
Could it be that they are the real shills?


>> No.10257455


>> No.10257457

Thank you SpaceX for filling the void in the non-existing SLS progress.

>> No.10257458


>> No.10257462
File: 1.61 MB, 5184x3888, 3D27E915-63F0-4F29-A7FA-E27728BAB353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10257463
File: 97 KB, 1020x688, rpkcf0RDC_9l34wUUw3MIz-Efx2Adjdm1SnDyZecpTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a wild ride this month is

>> No.10257464

>YFW Elon launches the hopper on New Years Eve at midnight

>> No.10257469

Are those raptors?

>> No.10257470

>put star ship hopper on super heavy hopper and hop it to mars

>> No.10257472

since when the fuck did they have Raptors on the ground

>> No.10257477

>Are those raptors?
It's not clear if they're the real deal or just placeholders.

>> No.10257482

Quick, someone with more autism than me calculate the current vacuum/atmosphere optimization by looking at the engine bell size

>the Sprung tent is actually hiding an underground manufacturing facility
How else do you explain all of this hardware just popping into existence

>> No.10257485

>NRO satellites spending more time over Texas than Iran.

>> No.10257486
File: 454 KB, 1201x1718, CA8D61FE-6BCE-4D00-AE4D-6896D8F3B2E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they’re real
March my ass, this will be ready in a couple weeks

>> No.10257487

Maybe for hopper 2?

>> No.10257488

Someone get on twitter and ask Musk if those are real Raptor engines.

>> No.10257489

calling it now, giant spaceship shaped water tower to house the sound suppression system and to act as a tourist attraction and dickwaving

>> No.10257490

how hard can it be to bring them in under tarps?

>> No.10257491

Hot-swappable engine bell?

>> No.10257493

-this means that whatever tanks are inside the silo part are already installed, since there is now no way to get large things into it
-this also means that, unless the dome is more than an aerodynamic shell, they’re basically done with the major construction of the hopper

>> No.10257494

the top is still open and they have a fuckton of cranes just lying around

>> No.10257495

just when you think nothing can surprise you anymore.. are those real Raptors?

>> No.10257497

at this rate they are going to fire the thing up before the end of the year.. still couple hours to go

>> No.10257499

If they were for fit checks, you’d only bother building one and then fitting it three times.
99% sure they’re real.

>> No.10257504

This does seem like the sort of construction project where the first one takes much longer to build than the second+ ones, since the workers now know what works and how to stage equipment and how long certain things take etc etc.
wouldn’t be surprised if they pump these things out in large quantity and run them hard in the testing regimes.

>> No.10257505
File: 57 KB, 736x414, 950bfa92b482d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI JPL is holding a LIVE mission briefing for tomorrow's flyby:


>> No.10257506

>Now we know why NROL-71 has such a weird inclination for a spy satellite...

>> No.10257508

Is it supposed to be only 3 for hopper?

>> No.10257509

Don’t forget about Bennu! they’re going to achieve orbit with OSIRIS-Rex

>> No.10257510

>Is it supposed to be only 3 for hopper?

>> No.10257512
File: 40 KB, 1300x747, 2BD86E95-5450-4C8B-B11E-99144CACB966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, three in a straight line. This allows for testing a variety of scenerios, like engine-outs and max gimbal requests from the flight computer.

>> No.10257513

yeah, they're only going to use 3 for the retropropulsion landing on the real deal anyway

>> No.10257530
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they're offset

>> No.10257534
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>> No.10257547
File: 66 KB, 340x296, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which three is it? blue or red?

>> No.10257548

>Hot-swappable engine bell?
Stepped nozzle, it seems.

>> No.10257549


>> No.10257551
File: 13 KB, 258x195, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No cover... engines are fake

>> No.10257552

None of those. It'll be any straight line drawn off of one of the landing legs.

>> No.10257554

your mum is fake

>> No.10257555


I think purple blue blue. it appears to be in line with the leg

>> No.10257558

that's blue

>> No.10257562

It may be tough to install engines with covers on

>> No.10257563

no engine covers on mars entry, sonny. gotta test the resiliency of raptors to debris, dirt, and other dangers right now instead of on MDL. This hopper is perfect for that.

>> No.10257567

Have any of the rockets at McGregor ever had covers?

>> No.10257568

engine covers are a boomer thing, this is a zoomer rocket

>> No.10257577
File: 42 KB, 935x174, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at 7.21.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fun allowed meme.tiff

>> No.10257582


>> No.10257584


>> No.10257586
File: 211 KB, 1300x1065, hawthorne-ca-20th-aug-2016-spacex-first-falcon-9-rocket-that-launch-GKGCCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls, all the hard work all around,
even plastic bag over it

>> No.10257587

Reminded me why forums are gay, thanks.

>> No.10257588

He said that for Starship, this is a hopper test vehicle.

>> No.10257589

could be a plug on the inside, which would work just as well.

>> No.10257591

turns out it's harder to justify shitposting when the posts hang around forever

>> No.10257593

Musk is active on twitter right now.. nothing about the engines tough

>> No.10257594


>> No.10257597
File: 26 KB, 734x108, nye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.10257601

pull over, that rocket too fat

>> No.10257602

maybe related to Tesla tax credit ending..

>> No.10257606

elaborate water tower/tourist attraction confirmed

>> No.10257607


>> No.10257608

he meant "My favourite song is the national anthem of East Timor"

>> No.10257609
File: 34 KB, 500x500, brass-name-plate-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they'd better slap a machinery nameplate on it like pic related. would really fill out the aesthetic

>> No.10257610
File: 591 KB, 891x834, worried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX livestream notification for tonight

>> No.10257612


>> No.10257616

damnnit you made me look

>> No.10257626

Oh my gosh

>> No.10257628

>Currently Tweeting
>Suddenly skiing accident

>> No.10257631

Don't tweet and ski guys, lesson for us all.

>> No.10257634

wtf guys an elon just flew over my house

BFRs in 30 minutes CONFIRMED

>> No.10257638

Well all you do have to do is see when N628TS leaves for Texas.

>> No.10257642

SpaceX Livestream starting in 2 hours

>> No.10257645


>> No.10257646

>Link preview revealed
>Click anyway because it's been a while hearing the catchy song

>> No.10257650


>> No.10257658

what's left to do?
- attach the top dome
- probably some internal plumbing and electrical systems work
- finish polishing the exterior
- build a small concrete launchpad 1.5 miles down the road
- set up the range safety, tracking, refueling, and hopper transportation equipment

>> No.10257668


>> No.10257669

There are still terabytes of calculations required before an actual flight is...

>> No.10257672

no infrastructure on Mars, just throw it in a field and let it burn
bytes is not a measurement of calculations

>> No.10257673

the FAA might not like that

>> No.10257677


>> No.10257680

flop deez nuts

>> No.10257685

considering they already have a mostly-complete test hopper, I'm inclined to believe that their software is also quite close to being ready, if not ready already.
One would imagine that they ran hop sims when they made the switch to stainless steel before the order was given to being construction

>> No.10257686

>the FAA might not like that

What are they going to do? Not approve Elon's Earth imaging permissions?

>> No.10257688

I guess you're right. the first hops will be a handful of meters... Just throw it in a field and light it up.

>> No.10257690

Where's the fuel line thing that wraps around the nozzle?
Merlins have it, F1's have it.

I got one gif here taken from some presentation showing raptor firing but its not visible in it as the test stand obscures almost half the nozzle.

>> No.10257699

>no infrastructure on Mars, just throw it in a field and let it burn
that's what i was thinking. perhaps they'll just clear the build site and let her go.

yeah and you need to invent a viable nuclear thermal propulsion system to get to mars and humans can't go through the van allen belts and durrrrrrrrrrrr

it's up higher than you can see

>> No.10257705
File: 61 KB, 1071x665, Poof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from NSF, where'd the skirt go?

>> No.10257709

Some POS "rocket" being built out in a field somehere
>gonna take us to mars
This is /x/-tier. Literally just a badly welded steel tube with some fake engines underneath.

>> No.10257711

Looks like it was only needed for construction on the stand.

>> No.10257712

t. Lockheed Martin

>> No.10257713

>This is /x/-tier. Literally just a badly welded steel tube with some fake engines underneath.
stopped reading there

>> No.10257714

Boeing intern anon we'd like your comment on this if you are here.

>> No.10257715
File: 426 KB, 931x682, zoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers are the most powerful generation

>> No.10257716

engines could have (probably have) been there all along. we're only seeing them now

>> No.10257727

this would be a millenial operation, wouldn't it? Zoomers are all still in school

>> No.10257729

New Horizons Q&A sessions about to start LIVE:


>> No.10257735

7th thread seems to be in order

>> No.10257738

I'm not so sure they've actually installed engines. looks like it is just the nozzles

>> No.10257743

why is the woman(?) asking the questions so intolerable?

>> No.10257746
File: 196 KB, 1678x1161, 1546028697986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make this pic related bro

>> No.10257748

Looks like a team PR person reading online questions.

Science teams need to assign tasks to women for "diversity" so this is was the result.

>> No.10257749

Anon the SLS will fly. It's just a rocket to nowhere. Can you imagine waiting 15 years for the development of a lunar lander?

>> No.10257755
File: 1.29 MB, 674x544, spacex1537146691795.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my G-d you're right. Space Ecks is a scam. Elon MUSK is a scammer. Arrest this man.

>> No.10257758

>giving yourself a (You)

>> No.10257765
File: 110 KB, 960x624, Apollo17_LM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just speculating, which I'm pretty sure is the point of this thread. I'm sure they'll put the engines on soon if they haven't, no need to get defensive.

>> No.10257766

it's not just a generation it's also a way of thinking

>> No.10257771


>> No.10257777
File: 38 KB, 492x320, L2LEEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big if true

>> No.10257780
File: 18 KB, 1920x1080, stewdio-09f9-1920x1080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10257781

>hundreds of faggots with gay ass passes, XXXXL dragon dildos, and zoomer gaymer led infested rigs
>not a single L2 pass
4chan 2019

>> No.10257790

I ain’t paying for that shit nigga

>> No.10257797

RGB gaymer rigs is not a zoomer phenomenon, faggots throughout history have made their fag boxes light the heckin up

>> No.10257864
File: 165 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_9652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ongoing launch pad work...

>> No.10257866
File: 148 KB, 727x639, IMG_1758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musk says fuck it
>Gets crew to build new rocket ship in some Texas backyard with scrap metal
>shills piss and moan
>ship is built and launches from the scrap yard
>gets to the moon on a goof
>SpaceX off day shenanigans
>James Web telescope explodes on tarmac
I like this timeline

>> No.10257867

>No one gets New Years Day off until my rocket is ready to fly.

>> No.10257880

if only it had the Titian bwoop startup sound

>> No.10257891

if the launchpad is as rudimentary as the hopper, then they should be able to pound it out in an afternoon with a couple graders and some bags of quikrete

>> No.10257918

New thread when?

>> No.10257943

next year
this thread won't die for another 8 hours or so yet

>> No.10257973

need a new batch of photos first

>> No.10257976

One xan only hope.
>james webb explodes
>sls explodes on maiden flight

>> No.10257983

jwst deserves to fly. But SLS kaboom would be funny. Not funny though, would be losing astronauts. After all they want to make the first flight an operational manned mission

>> No.10258039

Happy New Year fellow autists

t. europoor

>> No.10258045

I think starting thread with engines is good enough.

>> No.10258060

we have many hours to make thread

>> No.10258082
File: 7 KB, 212x200, 43253564254262532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a life, loser.

>> No.10258087

you’re a bit late to stamp out this fire laddo

>> No.10258120

The fire rises, brother

>> No.10258135

Happy new year fellow Yuropoor

2018 was good for spaceflight, 2019 will be even better!

>> No.10258281

based quads confirm

>> No.10258282

>SLS explodes and takes JWST with it, after congress decided to save money by moving JWST onto SLS maiden flight which is sure to be safe because it uses 'proven hardware'

>> No.10258286

What is Elon really going to do with this "hopper"?

>> No.10258333

something something Thai boipussy something something

>> No.10258346

Double bell nozzle, has this ever been used before?

>> No.10258375

>save money

>> No.10258384

New thread