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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10252320 No.10252320 [Reply] [Original]

>meet qt at social event
>overhear her bragging that she won her company's hackathon
>that's actually pretty cool
>approach her and ask what she coded
>"I made a spreadsheet of salaries in my department to see if there was a wage gap"
>"did you, uh, do any coding?"
I'm not a basement dwelling piss jar woman hating robot, but I mean... come on.

>> No.10252333

how is it science?

>> No.10252341

how is "tfw no gf" fitness?

>> No.10252350

This belongs on /g/.

>> No.10252356

Not science or math >>>/g/

>> No.10252397

it's the entire reason that board exists

>> No.10253633

We, was there a wage gap?

>> No.10253665

Yeah, women are paid way more than they deserve.

>> No.10253783

im willing to disregard every stereotype under the sun except for stereotypes regarding wah-men they are a total meme and I blanket disrespect them wherever I may find them

>> No.10253795

Sounds like the company didn't want to have a discrimination lawsuit on their hands.

>> No.10253834


I'm not OP, but fuck /g/, that board is pure cancer, you can't talk about computer science there because it's full of either people who think knowing what video card to buy for their gaming PC is knowing about computers, or code monkey programmers who know jack shit/don't care about most theoretical stuff -- and that qualifies as math, not that OP's topic does, but more theoretical CS actually does

>> No.10253838
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you know, i like these type of people.
because they can embarass themselves by themselves.
you don't have to do the talking! neat!!!!

>> No.10253854

There are some good threads sometimes, but most are about consumer electronics. /dpt/ has helped me a lot if it's a good day, but other coding threads like the web dev ones are filled with people I don't even consider on the level of a code monkey. I don't post on /g/ anymore though because even though I used to post there only about 10% of the time, it accounted for over 90% of my bans. Moderation is extremely wierd and I'd rather not take the chance at all since no dynamic IP.

>> No.10254749

It was a product idea hackathon, not a coding challange hackathon.

She presented an idea an a simple implementation made with a spreadsheet, there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.10254792

If by hackathon you mean who the biggest hacks are in the company then yes.

>> No.10254841

Hackathon became a bastardized term for technology-based pitch contest.
You don't win by coding, you win by making the best business pitch.

>> No.10256374

"wage gap" is one of the ,most popularly accepted and incorrect rhetorics. All the do i take the AVERAGE of all men and the AVERAGE of all women and compare them, which in itself doesnt prove that anyone is payed more or less for the same work. The concept of flawed regardless of factors that contribute to it.

Then consider that at least a third of one of the groups (the women) takes up to six months off during pregnancy and whaddaya know, that groups average salaries are lower.

but try and explain it to normies they either dont understand what a mathematical average is or just think what the TV tells them to think.

yes im REEEing

>> No.10256380

i rage typed the forgive the typos

>> No.10256431

There is no age gap, it would be illegal and it's a myth, there is an EARNINGS gap.

>> No.10256981

Everything gets ruined by politics eventually anon

shoutout to working moms btw

>> No.10256992

Plus, if women could do the same job just as well or better than men for less, capitalism dictates no men would be working.