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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10244324 No.10244324 [Reply] [Original]

How much math do I need to know to function normally? I’m completely retarded

>> No.10244328

How much math do you currently know?

>> No.10244393

I still struggle to convert a fraction into a decimal

Just starting on Pre-Algebra on khan acamdy

>> No.10244665

If you're curious about mathematics, why stop at the level where you can "function normally?" Many people do just fine without being able to do basic things like calculate 6 x 3, but that doesn't mean you should strive to be at their level of incompetency.

>> No.10244775

What will the time be in 1 hour and 30 minutes if it's 4.45 now?

How much do 4 beers of $2.50 each cost?

That kind of things.

>> No.10244783

I don’t think much math knowledge is necessary at all for the average person. Arithmetic alone and a grasp of the basic principles of algebra is probably more than enough.

>> No.10244795

it is sunday, what will be the day 40days later

>> No.10244805


This is mental math, buddy.

>> No.10244812

Modulo arithmetic, basic algebra and statistics, approximating answers

>> No.10244908
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If you're going to do brainless stuff, you just need arithmetic
For any profession that requires some level of thought, but isn't a math-based job, just algebra is necessary, you should probably know basic probability too.
Just knowing algebra will give you a noticeable advantage over the average brainlet in pretty much any situation

>> No.10245116

Algebra is definitely enough, but I highly recommend going further if you're interested.

>> No.10245375

Everyone needs to be "literate" in statistics to discuss things intelligently.

>> No.10245382

Try brute force memorizing a "vocabulary" of basic fractions (a half, a third, a quarter, a fifth, a sixth, a seventh, an eighth, a ninth) and then extrapolating from that when needed. When you have to do basic multiplication, do you fall back on drilling of the basic tables, or do you actually do it?

>> No.10245698


Idk the beers, four two by four would be 1/2 .50 divided into 4 mmm idk :/

I’m not really interested, I just want to stop being retarded

I memorized the multiplication table

>> No.10245845

4 x 2.50 = 4(2) + 4(0.5) = 8 + 2 = 10$

>> No.10245855

* It's often a good idea to decompose the main problem into smaller, more manageable ones.

>> No.10246058


>> No.10246205

Time will be 5:15

>> No.10246479

Define “normal “

In a primitive tribe, vs technological society, normal is different

>> No.10246992

Working around doctors? I’m trying to get into nursing

>> No.10247101


>> No.10247496

mental math and compound interest

>> No.10247502

you’ll need algebra. nurses are brainlets so no calculus required

>> No.10248366

Is calculus hard? Should I just learn everything on khan acamdey?

>> No.10249815


>> No.10249838

I'd use Khan Academy up to precalc, and then learn elementary calculus with Spivak

>> No.10251494

Why not finish khan?

>> No.10251512

Arithmetic, Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Complex Variables, Fourier Methods, and Logic.

>> No.10251523

Memorizing arithmetics is a meme, and it's much easier to try to learn the patterns in numbers. Like, multiples of 5 can only end in 0 or 5. Also, most people do mental multiplication by breaking it down to smaller numbers and adding them all up in the end.

>> No.10252138

Ok i think I’ll stay retarded

>> No.10252174

Fourier methods? lol wtf why?

>> No.10252219

Depends on the type you're taught

I took normie engineer type calculus in University, all calculation based. Conceptually I find it very easy, but integration in particular requires practice in the order of a few hundred hours to become proficient

The most difficult aspect is the amount of information you need to be able to handle. Engi calc is mostly being really good at algebraic manipulation

>> No.10252331

I thought the problem was asking how much does each beer cost if 4 cost $2.50.

In that case, each beer would cost $0.625.

Because 2.50 / 4 = 0.625.

In the real world, I would say that each beer was about 63 cents.

>> No.10252337

Oops I'm a brainlet, I just reread the problem. 63 cents for a beer is super cheap anyways but I wasn't thinking about that.

>> No.10252364

Yeah I meant that each individual beer is $2.50, how much do 4 of those cost in total

>> No.10252392

geometry/trigonometry if you want bare minimum mathematical skills, differential/multi-variable calculus if you want bare minimum /sci/ skills.

there's a bundle of /sci/ books on the humble bundle store for 15 USD right now if you're actually interested in learning (and don't want to pirate random books). one of the books contains a full introduction to algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus:

>> No.10252498 [DELETED] 

hi i need help , im following this guys maths teaching on youtube.
modulus equations 00:56 seconds in.
he gives the answer x=3 +-(sign)6 = 9 or -3
is this the answer?
cant anything else be done for this modulus equation? and why cant anything else be done if thats the answer?

>> No.10252503

hi i need help , im following this guys maths teaching on youtube.
modulus equations 00:56 seconds in.
he gives the answer x=3 +-(sign)6 = 9 or -3
is this the answer?
cant anything else be done for this modulus equation? and why cant anything else be done if thats the answer?

>> No.10252515
