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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1024278 No.1024278 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /sci/. You probably don't get questions like this a lot, but I figured I'd try a couple of boards...
Just in the past few days I've completely lost my appetite. I look at food and it just makes me want to eat less. For the past two or so weeks I've only been eating to keep myself from fainting. It's really bothering me, since I feel like I should be eating, but I just can't bring myself to care...

>> No.1024299

are you depressed?

>> No.1024307

Once you see the bird in that picture, you can't unsee it.

>> No.1024308

..not sure.

>> No.1024319

go to /adv/

this is a board for science and math, not mental issues.

or is it?

>> No.1024313 [DELETED] 

go to /adv/

this is a board for science and math, not mental issues.

[spoiler] or is it?

>> No.1024322

Something similar happens to me most of the time but never *that* extreme. (When ever I get hungry I cook but by the time I'm done I am not really that hungry any more...)

>> No.1024334

How can you be not sure?

>> No.1024341

This seems more like a bio thing then a psych one.

>> No.1024342

have you recently stopped using a drug (any drug)? Are your grades/spouse(s) awry?

>> No.1024345

just putting it out there:

OP is a retarded woman, and probably anorexic or something

>> No.1024354

I don't think I am, but in the process of being evaluated.

>> No.1024349

It could go either way and we cannot conclude which without more information.

>> No.1024364

No drugs, though sleeping habits are.. little to be desired. I was taking B12 injections for a while, but that didn't seem to help much.

>> No.1024367

Why does /sci/ always talk about how gurls are dumb, but then help them with a stupid physcoclamatic question?

Its most likely all in her head.

>> No.1024369

Loss of affect and loss of appetite is synonymous with depression, IMO.

>> No.1024370

Well, given your previous post about depression evaluation, can we have a little information? gender, approximate age, marital status? Do you have self-image issues at all?

>> No.1024393

Uh, male, 19, no relationship. Self image isn't really a problem seeing as how I'm the social type.
Could repressed stress be an issue?

>> No.1024395

I feel like I should be eating, but I just can't bring myself to care...

Shes a woman, shes depressed. Its all in her head. she'll get over it.

>> No.1024408

hes a total faggot.

>> No.1024400


>> No.1024399

>I'm not the social type.

>> No.1024403

Well, I asked that earlier! Did you just take finals or receive your grades?

>> No.1024412

I didn't think it was girl

>> No.1024418

Try smoking weed. Also see a doctor. did you look it up on google also?

>> No.1024427

I don't really pay attention to grades... As long as I pass, I'm content.

>> No.1024432

What the fuck kinda guy names himself "adventure puppy"?

Explain yourself adventurepuppy

>> No.1024469

...It was a childhood stuffed animal.

>> No.1024477

Well, it can definitely be stress related for other reasons. Parents riding you? Sexual dry spell?

>> No.1024482

Found your problem, you're retarded or psychotic.

>> No.1024516

Parents are divorced.. Uh, I've never had much of a sexual drive. I've noticed that some aspects of my life affect and results in me becoming very nauseous. Not sure if that helps...
Thanks for actually helping by the way...

>> No.1024524

Well, do you consider yourself a person who's rational and sound of mind? Do you think that there are any particular deficits of yours?

And don't worry about it. I study psychology.

>> No.1024533

OP, did your dad just find out your gay? seriousness.

>> No.1024543

see a fucking doctor.

are you fucking stupid?

>> No.1024571

Lately I've had some doubts and reasons for reevaluation of self, but nothing to a serious extent. I'm only 19, afterall. Doesn't seem like I have the wisdom to be certain of myself just yet.
As for deficits? I'm not sure what you mean... Personality flaws?

No. (serious.)
Although I am not...biased.

>> No.1024779

that's me still.

>> No.1024885

Has OP considered personality disorder? Maybe something such as Schizoid, or along those lines...

>> No.1024912

go out and buy some cake

eat the cake

force feed yourself some junk food for a few days, make sure you get plenty of salt and carbohydrates.

see if that makes you want to eat more.

When i eat a bunch of crap like that i usually end up wanting to eat all the time and i have to force myself to eat normally again

>> No.1024934

That's an interesting idea. I'll try that, thanks.

>> No.1024994

You might try asking in /ck/... honestly I don't hang out there so I don't know how they'd react, but it's related.