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10240394 No.10240394 [Reply] [Original]

Is autism the next step in human evolution?

>> No.10240401


>> No.10240418


>> No.10240423


>> No.10240425


>> No.10240431
File: 54 KB, 1024x576, sm3_0018_ch01_0018_by_glstoonz-dcv8yiy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my view for a post-autistic society. In a truly post-autistic society, all fursuits will be government subsidized. We will have government-manufactured fursuits manufactured to the highest quality, ensured by quality control. 100% of all taxes will go towards this maintenance with those of other fetishes deemed suitably autistic. For example, the art galleries will contain SOLELY Deviantart works written by autistic individuals.

As you can see here, these funds are being used very wisely. Truly, post-autistic societies will be the completion of a Hegelian synthesis. On one end of the dialectic: there is the normalfag. On the other end of the dialectic, there is the autist, robot, whatever one may call a being of such social ineptitude. The third end of the dialectic is saying the word “dialectical”: it’s a cool sounding word and it makes you feel smart when you say it. Post autism may also be seen as an extension of post irony. In a post ironic society, irony would be ironic. In a post-autistic society, autism would be autistic. All women would also be subsidized and redistributed to incels the world over, so there are no more autistic “virgins with rage”. Why should women be subsidized? It’s obvious! Women have a far lower average rate of autism than men do, therefore they should be enslaved by the more dialectical, autistic side of the post-autistic society.

>> No.10240434

No, it is the first step in autism evolution.

>> No.10240532
File: 1.21 MB, 927x1200, 1542364185267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, genuinely autistic wall of text ya got there, kiddo

>> No.10240559

Thanks. I wrote it for part of a book written collectively by /lit/.

>> No.10240572
File: 32 KB, 571x175, screen-shot-2017-07-05-at-9-11-44-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superintelligent AI is the next step of human evolution.

>> No.10240576
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>All women would also be subsidized and redistributed to incels the world over, so there are no more autistic “virgins with rage”.
It would be better and even more autistic if you just replaced women with artificial wombs and sexbots. Women are essentially horses.

>> No.10240579

Autism is mental retardation. Even the smart autists(you know, 0.1% of autists) are only good at something specific and are far below average humans at most things.

>> No.10240791


How about we just don't make that kind of AI?

>> No.10240940

I think in a post autism society the smart autists like aspies that excel in one or more subjects they have an intense interest in will be educated as much as possible in that subject as well as whatever else they take interest in learning that subject. They're jobs in society will generally be in that field of study that requires focus on small details most normies miss. The other types of autistic people who aren't intelligent can be trained to do menial tasks for community service such as keeping parks clean, asking community members if they need assistance with chores, or even just walk around and give everyone they see a pleasant "Hello!". Anything positive they can do for their town will be highly encouraged. Possible minimum working hours a week if they need welfare or other government assistance.
>T. Sperg

>> No.10240943

>They're jobs
Fuck I thought I proofread better.

>> No.10241618

I actually recall savant autists being 10% of the total. Which obviously is just a small, overrepresented percentage.

>> No.10241714

Would autistuc people cause wars / commit crimes? That's very important.