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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10238069 No.10238069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is half this board off-topic blogging? Even the /pol/ and /x/ threads at least try to pretend they're on topic

>> No.10238081

there's a report button
use it

>> No.10238084

/sci/ - Homework and Shitposting

>> No.10238092

The diary entries about college courses stay up as long as any other threads

>> No.10238095

/sci/ - 1+1 = 2 vs 3-1=2

>> No.10238113

You forgot muh college.

>> No.10238118

They should ban:
- /pol/tard threads
- /x/tard threads
- uni/grades thread
What else?

>> No.10238120


>> No.10238127

Flat earth trolls should be insta b&.
Religious nuts too. There is no place for religion in science.

>> No.10238137

>philosophy bait threads
>high school level homework
>elon musk threads
>engineering threads other than the general
>stop fucking deleting the economics threads
>the "look at me laughing at CS" threads
>trap bullshit
>popsci threads
>self-improvement threads
>babby struggling with basic algebra threads
>just about everything else about college
>clearly bullshit questions like "does transgenderism exist in animals"
>religion baiting
>his threads
You're a faggot but you're right, religion threads here are absolutely horrendous.

>> No.10238163
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Maybe just delete /sci/ altogether.

>> No.10238170

>There is no place for religion in science.

Christians gave more to science than atheists

>> No.10238174

Maybe they should delete everything except /pol/ /v/ and /b/.

>> No.10238178

This. This place is only good for book charts and homework, which other boards can handle. This place has little to no culture and is pretty empty in content. It should be replaced by a true humanities board, /his/ just deals with their autistic dates and maps and uniforms, and /lit/ can just deal with fiction literature.

>> No.10238179

>Maybe they should delete /pol/ /v/ and /b/.

>> No.10238193

>deleting b
A good idea.
>deleting v and pol
A horrible one.

>> No.10238212

economics isn't science and doesn't belong on this board, it attracts brainlets and sociopaths who have no interest in science whatsoever.

>> No.10238214

I used to feel like that. Now I just want to see the place burn to the ground.

>> No.10238234

By your reasoning, so did Hellenistic polytheists, Hindus, and Muslims. Take it a step further and you'll realize that it doesn't matter what religion you are a part of, you can contribute to science. After that, you'll realize what the other guy said, that religion has no place in science.

>> No.10238235

They would at first flood other boards, but eventually they would die off without proper infrastructure.

>> No.10238248
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>By your reasoning, so did Hellenistic polytheists, Hindus, and Muslims.
>implying any of those contributed a thousandth of what christians contributed
That's just being historically wrong on purpose.

>> No.10238266

I guess you missed the point. I said all of those religions contributed more to science than atheists have. The other part you missed is that just because more people of whatever religion did more of whatever, doesn't mean it's necessary. I could say Christians are also by far the most murderous group of people, since from the time of the religions inception, far more Christians have killed others and themselves than any other religion---it doesn't mean Christianity is an evil murderous religion.

Up until basically the introduction of the internet, there was no such thing as secular charity (in the west). Now, the amount of money rivals that of religious charity on top of it already being morally superior (not having to pray to god or gods in order to receive aid).

>> No.10238271

>since from the time of the religions inception, far more Christians have killed others and themselves than any other religion---it doesn't mean Christianity is an evil murderous religion.
you're wrong

>> No.10238275

those commies gave it a good shot, tho

>> No.10238299

not a reason to give religion a place in science

>> No.10238304

And did far more to prevent its progress than atheists, still currently doing so. This idiocy is what happens when you act like religion is a viable alternative to science to soothe the chapped asses of christcucks

>> No.10238328

What part is wrong? If you going to say Russia and Germany were atheist states, that wouldn't matter as it's the citizens (who were Christian) doing the killing. Add that to the 2000 years of wars among European countries, slavery, and conquest of literally every other continent, and you've got a ridiculously large number that cannot even be reliably counted.

And if you're saying the part about Christianity *not* being an evil murderous religion, then you'd still be wrong; just because citizens and/or governments use it to kill doesn't mean it's inherently bad.

>> No.10238346
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intellectual bullshitting

>> No.10238368
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>you: christians in science mean christianity is scientific
>also you: but murder in the name of christianity doesnt mean christianity is murderous or violent
youre just cherry picking to make christianity look better

>> No.10238372

Yeah, that massive hole in the history of human advancement they call the dark ages where you could be killed for suggesting the earth orbits the sun

>> No.10238378

That didn't happen. If you're going to criticise the Catholic Church, do it over the terrible shit they actually DID.

>> No.10238387


>> No.10238446

bro, I'm an atheist who thinks Christianity is ludicrous and full of flaws. I'm the guy saying Christians in science means nothing.

>> No.10238606

There goes all of /sci/

>> No.10238615

>As the accomplishments of the era came to be better understood in the 18th and 20th centuries, scholars began restricting the "Dark Ages" appellation to the Early Middle Ages (c. 5th–10th century).[6][7][8] The majority of modern scholars avoid the term altogether due to its negative connotations, finding it misleading and inaccurate.[9][10][11] The original definition remains in popular use,[1][2][12] and popular culture often employs it as a vehicle to depict the Middle Ages as a time of backwardness, extending its pejorative use and expanding its scope.[13]

>> No.10238620

You're wrong because you're ignorant of history, Islam has the highest kill count and its not even vaguely close. Christianity is a distant second. If you actually are counting the Nazis and Soviets as Christians you're retarded and need to go back to /r/atheism. I'm not saying Christianity is correct, its laughably stupid, nor am I suggesting its not murderous, they still blow up abortion clinics to this day because they're violent faggots.

>> No.10238622

>they still blow up abortion clinics to this day because they're violent faggots.
Quite ironic given their entire argument of "all [human] life is precious"

>> No.10238631

yea fuck christianity islam is a much bettet peaceful religion anyways right on bro

>> No.10238635
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>yea fuck christianity islam is a much bettet peaceful religion anyways right on bro

>> No.10238670

what did he mean by this

>> No.10238986

You honestly believe the Germans and Russians were atheists when the Nazis and Soviets were in power? There's no other response to this than just to say that you're the one who's ignorant of history.

Muslims have killed more in the name of Islam, as it's a far violent religion than any other, but the entire point of the conversation was to prove that just because you are something at some point, doesn't mean the two are connected----the guy I replied to at first implied that Christianity plays more into being a scientist than atheism does and I was pointing out that it does not.

>> No.10238991

GOP is a suicide cult

>> No.10239003

>GOP is a suicide cult
Whereas the left, that literally needs safe spaces and grief counseling every time they hear the name Trump, is totally stable and will endure forever.