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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10233281 No.10233281 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a math wizard?

>> No.10233285 [DELETED] 
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Practising mental arithmetic makes you look like a math wiz

>> No.10233290

By doing math?

>> No.10233302

that's not enough

>> No.10233304

Vaccines, lots of em

>> No.10233306

What else could there possibly be?

>> No.10233320

Why become a math wizard when you can see all of the demons with these eyes? Like when I was with your mom and she asked I say add on this dick like. Ad. Duh. Yea that's right and don't let your math be thinking it is like that but it is. Not.

>> No.10233334

I think I get what he's saying. Practicing math and doing math will help you learn to become proficient (maybe even good!) at the subject matter you're working on, but to become a wizard is something else. I think true math wizards also have a natural talent that they are born with. Brainlets like me can only dream of their ability to push the envelope of mathematics forward. I wish I was a math wizard, but it will never be, and it breaks my heart.

>> No.10233335

How far along are you in studies?

>> No.10233352

It is far far too late for me, but thank you very much for taking the time to ask.

>> No.10233403

use math as a form of meditation

>> No.10233412


I need this girl on my dick for the rest of my life

>> No.10233460

If you are a wizard you already know it.
Then, if you choose to do math, you are a math wizard.

There is only one path.

>> No.10233461

Giving up on women

>> No.10233467


>> No.10233499

If she was attached to your dick 24/7, your life won't last longer than 48 hours probably. Excessive sex can kill.

>> No.10233504


Totally fucking worth it.

>> No.10233514
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>> No.10233517

>Excessive sex can kill.
This is bullshit. I once fucked for entire weekend starting the Friday at lunch and ending on the Sunday. I came 14 times and she came 32, we only slept 6 hours in total ans barely ate.

There might've been some brain damage, but we weren't even close to death.

>> No.10233538

All the lies you told and still the least believable is that you had sex

>> No.10233547

If you say so Anon. I was very fit back then, could've kept going for longer if we didn't have classes the Monday.

Young love is like that it's easier for women to come too.

>> No.10233550

Develop obsessive neuroses about mathematics to the detriment of your social skills.

>> No.10233551

That's amazing anon. If I cum I'm out for at least 2 days.

>> No.10233559

This is an interesting idea.

>> No.10233569

Try cumming 50 times in 24 hours and see if you're still alive.

>> No.10233762

Made sure to end it with even numbers huh?

>> No.10233876

how old have you been

>> No.10233960

>I came 14 times and she came 32
It's always normal and believable to keep a tally.

>> No.10234702

you just have to believe in yourself, iq / inborne talent is pseudoscience

>> No.10234897

What movie is that from?

>> No.10235131

leave 4chan and never look back

>> No.10235154
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>> No.10235160
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Follow this 4 year plan

>> No.10236320

is it that hard to search that actress riding a horse?

>> No.10236574

>humanity or social science elective

fuck I'm glad I didn't go to an American university

>> No.10236706

>Complex Analysis after both Real Analysis
The fuck? My university has it before Real. Does it matter much?

>> No.10236782
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Imagine being forced to study interracial transexual intersectional refugee policy in afrocentric sociology to pass your STEM degree...

>> No.10236789

Saaaaaaaame, it's an elective so you should be able to choose whatever you want. And taking bird courses to up your GPA is pleb tier.

>> No.10236918
File: 36 KB, 520x572, TIMESAND___dm9we7683n4gwru65i256u56u52wh11azaaazzu907804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has some very large party convinced that shit rolls uphill. It does not, and that person has built their whole life on the fact that shit rolls downhill, and yet that third party is still convinced that it rolls downhill from them, and uphill too if there's any shit off on the high side.

PROTIP: it only rolls downhill.

>> No.10237275
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>physics 3
I would rather die

>> No.10238668

>t. brainlet

>> No.10238672

I transferred to a uni, and they had plans to implement a literal diversity class requirement...


>> No.10238673

It's funny how STEM majors are forced to take SJW classes, but god forbid someone has to learn math in a liberal arts degree. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.10238787
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>> No.10238807

Jesus christ. I just read through your options and thought some of the history modules may allow you to slide past that. Clicked on American history 1,2, and the American civil war modules. All of them make mention to study from the point of view of some minority or female. I mean yeah it is important to get a full idea in history but you just know these are skewed.

Fuck man, pressing F for you and S for your faculty.

>> No.10238811

STEM needs to be decolonized haven't you heard?

>> No.10240164

>this was 1991
>2018 = #metoo
What went wrong, lads?

>> No.10240168

>his uni has complex analysis before real analysis
You go to a monkey uni, dropout asap.

>> No.10240171

Cleachtadh a dhéanann maistreacht.

>> No.10240173

That's probably the complex analysis class that will be full of engineers trying to build better antennas.

>> No.10240190

Literally every professor is political, all of them, and most of them are pieces of shit about it too. Thankfully as a freshman I had a history prof who was pretty based, he taught us to cut through political bullshit, and to identify when people are straight up wrong about history.

>> No.10240894
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damn coppa, id let her ride my dick so hard it gna explooode