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10226527 No.10226527 [Reply] [Original]

What's the evolutionary purpose behind men being attracted to cute butts?

>> No.10226538

Big butts have literally been memed into fashion/sexuality over the past ~20 or so years with the rise of hip hop culture.

>> No.10226541

Try the last 200 thousand years.

>> No.10226542

Big hips = fertile and less likely to die during childbirth.

Nice butt means the girls is healthy and exercises or at least has good genetics , plus its better to squeeze and hump during intercourse.

>> No.10226544

Plus, good butt makes a good pillow.

>> No.10226549

HAHAHA omg imagine being this /pol/tarded you got an infograph with wojack in it for us LMAO!?

>> No.10226560

are you fucking retarded

>> No.10226561

Try again.
I'm not a /pol/tard I'm literally making the opposite argument.
Sexuality is almost completely nurtured and dependent on culture and societal beauty norms.
There is no such thing as "innate" sexuality.

>> No.10226754

>There is no such thing as "innate" sexuality.
Monkeys would disagree with you. Studies show that they can recognize individual faces as a well as butts.

>> No.10226777

Attracting mates is probably a good move, if you want your genes passed along. Which bit of the corpus does the attracting is not really vital.

>> No.10226813

>Big butts have literally been memed into fashion/sexuality over the past ~20 or so years with the rise of hip hop culture.

Bubble butts were popular long before hip hop culture and nobody prefers flat asses. Big butts are just one step further.

>> No.10226891
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Probably this

>> No.10226901

white boi detected

>> No.10227245
File: 47 KB, 600x317, venus-figurines-europe-paleolithic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10227260

The ass was fat

>> No.10227270

>be an archaelogist
>find some autistic statues
>get a boner
>"clearly the men who made this represented ideals of beauty"
>reluctantly add "and fertility"
>be extremely respected in your field because the rest of the archeologists also get boners from these disgusting statues
I'd sooner draw on the ground.

>> No.10227329


>> No.10227346

You realize tits evolved because we started fucking missionary style and missed looking at asses, right?

>> No.10227453

female hygiene benefits from licking that booty clean every day

>> No.10227674

So that the niggers do it up the butt instead of reproducing.

It's natural selection at its finest.

>> No.10227676

Indicates ability to bear offspring I guess.

>> No.10228332

If I had to say why I find big asses attractive is because the idea of ramming my pelvis against two big soft cheeks drives my lizard brain wild

>> No.10228349

>Big butts are just one step further.

But buts, alone, that stick out like lard, are for niggers. They aren't anywhere near as sexy as well proportioned thighs.

>> No.10228368

>black people are reproducing
>white people aren't
Maybe your tastes are wrong.

>> No.10228445

Thicc thighs easy childbirth, big tiddies good milk

>> No.10228453
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I don't know, but I love it and I'm addicted.

>> No.10228693


>> No.10228780

A true ass man...

>> No.10228785

big butts have been popular since at least the paleolithic era. search term: Venus figurines.

Charles Darwin wrote about seatopygia in Khoisan people and determined that it exists because Khoisan men like girls with big butts.

>> No.10228803
File: 5 KB, 259x194, 1529703549415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got a nice butt gf who loves sex
>still feel sad and even suicidal sometimes

>> No.10228814

being happy and feeling full isn't the purpose of life. You need to find something greater than your own pleasure or comfort. Become comfortable with always feeling a little empty inside.

>> No.10228854
File: 38 KB, 290x604, jejf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing exploded again recently, I'd go as far as to imply it's cyclical like pretty much everything else. Everybody knows we liked fatties in the past because survival had a bigger impact and everybody has seen venus statues in school books. It's also not a case that deformed butts of today instagram thoots became a thing with hip hop and race mixing memes becoming mainstream in the last decade. Round butts were always liked due to fertility etc, the extremism of today's fashion not so much. Pic related, not that I'd complain with that on my face, but in the '90 that was considered not proportional.

Same fren

>> No.10228873
File: 163 KB, 232x312, stagelaugh4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
