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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10225021 No.10225021 [Reply] [Original]

95-99% of scientific "research" is make work projects for the researchers. They study incredibly obscure things and if they get results at all they are very, very narrow with almost always no applications to anything else.

Basically science is a vastly over-funded a self-sustaining industry and the peer-review nature of it isn't doing a good job of using money. You have groups of people approving each others research because they want their cash to keep coming.

Someone needs to clear house. I think if your research hasn't resulted in applications within a certain time frame you need to be cut-off and fired.

>> No.10225048

Think of the unemployment you asshole

>> No.10225060

t. salty scientist doing useless research

>> No.10225071

Why must science have practical applications? Isn’t it important to know how the world and universe around us works? To expand the boundaries of human knowledge?
Besides, many important scientific discoveries occurred by happenstance — for example, penicillin. So even the studies with less utilitarian value can lead to new promising things.
Perhaps more fundamentally, how do you know which studies will lead to applications before you even begin?

>> No.10225075

Such a capitalist line of thought, immediate gratification or death

>> No.10225079

that’s it, i’m done. no more experimental physics for me, going out right now to get yoga instructor certification and then learn how to make artisan organic vegan pickles

>> No.10225080

Yes. Leo Tolstoy figured this out well over 100 years ago. But the 1-5% isn't useless and drives human progress.

>> No.10225083

Maybe the scientists should have thought about it before pursuing useless degrees and unproductive positions

>> No.10225090

say that the next time some schmuck with 5 degrees writes a paper about the mating dances of ululating speckled warblers during full moons or something

>> No.10225097

>tfw you need to extract semen from the last remaining speckled warbler since it turns out it’s a crucial supporter of an essential ecosystem, and the undulating full moon mating dance turns out to be the key to stop massive ecological collapse

>> No.10225105
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>Science is glorified math
you just described philosophy
>Perhaps more fundamentally, how do you know which studies will lead to applications before you even begin?

>> No.10225106


Because you're using other people's money and using application as a justification for what you're doing.

It's very easy to find scientists whos lifetime of published work has never been used or cited for anything remotely socially desirable but they keep getting funding because their buddies keep approving it.

>> No.10225132

You should work for the NIH

>> No.10225194


If you're implying the NIH is a corrupt, bloated, overfunded body which seeks to perpetually sustain the medical industry, I would completely agree.

>> No.10225240
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This is why we don't have moonbases and we are still running cars with petroleum

>> No.10225243
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>It's very easy to find scientists whos lifetime of published work has never been used or cited for anything remotely socially desirable but they keep getting funding

So you should have no trouble coming up with examples and posting them here

>> No.10225658

Its no longer about a few switched on guys doing the shit that matters.

Its about every useless fuck getting into it, and being useless fucks they are blind to the fact that what they are doing is useless.

A huge proportion of these assholes are just well educated fools. They became "scientists" through an education system funded by the massive rise in economic productivity of the 20th century. An economic boom which was fueled mostly by the discoveries made by the few switched on guys doing the shit that matters.

Now everything gets buried under the massive load of useless mediocrity pumped put by these fools who also drain away attention and funding from the current few guys who do the shit that matters.

Typically the few guys who do the shit that matters are the types who just want to get on with doing the shit that matters. Quiet. Not attention seeking. The fools however are the ones who squawk loudly. They are special snowflakes. Often their loud squawking gets them the funding they want while the quiet guys who could actually do shit that matters get sidelined.

TLDR. Retards, socialists and snowflakes ruin everything

>> No.10225811

But what is science if it is not the purpose of humanity?

>> No.10225820

How do I not be one of these busybodies?

Prospective field: Organic Chemistry