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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10219210 No.10219210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Replied to a thread discussing the chance of 'life evolving purely randomly,' an apparent controversial topic. Banned for stating the truth about the false duality in common debate, which implies it's either all A or B, with no room for comparison or overlap.
There is no logical way this post could possibly be construed as a "religion vs. science thread," or in any way breaking the 3rd board rule. Mod(s) on /sci/ confirmed for either being cancerously agenda-driven, or total lack of context awareness. Maybe somewhere in between?

>> No.10219215


>> No.10219218

There is no “middle ground”. Either there’s intelligent design or there isn’t.

>> No.10219228

Based janny

>> No.10219238

god doesnt exist and neither does science

>> No.10219340

Correct, which isn't the point. The point being who is to say 'evolution' is truly random or unguided?

>> No.10219377

Why aren't religion vs science threads allowed anyway? Shitting on religitards is funny.

>> No.10219382

>Replied to a thread discussing the chance of 'life evolving purely randomly,' an apparent controversial topic. Banned for stating the truth about the false duality in common debate, which implies it's either all A or B, with no room for comparison or overlap.
>There is no logical way this post could possibly be construed as a "religion vs. science thread," or in any way breaking the 3rd board rule. Mod(s) on /sci/ confirmed for either being cancerously agenda-driven, or total lack of context awareness. Maybe somewhere in between?
not science or math

>> No.10219405

Chris Langan claims God used evolution as a tool to create humanity.

>> No.10219411
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