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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10213436 No.10213436 [Reply] [Original]

Come here and post all your /eng/ related questions, rants, advice, etc. Post your major/career.

>obligatory reminder: don't end up like a failure like me and study chemE or even worse a memetier like bioE.

>> No.10213451

/sci/ inspired me to change to electrical eng/comp eng double major(it’s literally 3 more CS classes) from ChemE. Did I make good decision?

>> No.10213510

Civil, messed around and got a PE stamp, but then found better paying non-engineering work. How to restart a dead career with a lapsed stamp that requires a career to reapply?

>> No.10213798

Kill yourself, biomedical engineering is the future

>> No.10213847

quite a few years from now yes. But as of the moment its far too early to get into that major unless you're deadset on getting your PhD

>> No.10214342

I will start next year, i am thinking about not doing bio engeneering since hearing from you guys.

I really like biology
I like math and phisics but i am not good at them, should i try to learn them from the beggining again ?

My dream would be somenthing along the lines of mecanical engineering if i was good at math and phisics

>> No.10214368

Anyone got any resources for understanding rubber extrusion?

>> No.10214372

not science or math

>> No.10214378

stop treating engineers like animals. we are not monkeys or baboons.

>> No.10214521
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Will be walking in the Masters Ceremony at Georgia Tech later today lads. It's been a hell of a ride

>> No.10214550

Why do you consieer ChemE to be a meme exactly?

>> No.10214556

Engineers are baboons for sufficiently smart engineers

>> No.10214889

For a graduate degree maybe. Also biomedical eng =/= bioeng.

>> No.10214912

Has anyone ever been drug tested for an internship or have had random drug tests while employed?
I’ve an avid ‘smoker’, its more concentrate and edibles. It doesn’t really affect my performance because I understand all the stuff I study and have a 3.6 GPA.
But if I have to quit just temporarily, I will.

>> No.10214936

German engies, what is the "burschenschaft"? And why it is a bad thing? Is it true only nazies and alt-right virgins participate in burschenschaft activities?

>> No.10215018

You will 100% get drug tested

>> No.10215094

Had a phone interview with a company in another state. They liked me so they are flying me in for a 2nd interview in person. The e-mail that included the itinerary and the rental car info also included a W9 for.

Did they send me the W9 by mistake? One, I am not hired yet, I'm at the 2nd interview. Two, I looked up what a W9 form is and it appears to be for contractors, this is an internal full time position not a contract position.

>> No.10215113

Could be it was a mistake, but it won't hurt asking them.

>> No.10215130

Congrats. What did they ask on the phone and what would your position be?

>> No.10215179

Do biochemistry.

>> No.10215381

For the life of me I can’t do circuit analysis. I can barely do RC and RL circuits much less RLC circuits. Anyone got any good resources for those?

>> No.10215398

It's only impedance. A simple resistivity calculation but with complex numbers. If you can't do it you deserve to drop out

>> No.10215566
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>final was yesterday
>professor still hasn’t graded the exam from over two weeks ago

>> No.10215570

He is busy pounding freshman poontang at the ski resort

>> No.10215593

Actually thinking of it as a resistivity calculation really helped lol. Thanks anon

>> No.10215638

I like to be the change I want to see in the field ;)

>> No.10215653

If this is a reference I don’t get it.

>> No.10216198
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Just finished up my first industrial internship at a major petrochemical company and was asked to come back for the summer. We're all going to make it boys

>> No.10216206

I can't believe people actually think most college professors aren't incels. The chances of leveraging your authority to actually fuck any hot undergrads are extremely slim and the opportunity to have your career ruined, especially today with metoo and the shekels that can be harvested from unis with overbloated treasuries make it extremely stupid to engage in

>> No.10216242

What's the strangest thing you've ever seen on an as-built?

I've seen a photo-realistic pencil drawing of a gutter. More impressive than anything, really.

>> No.10217004

>tfw drifting from pure chem to pure physics day by day
my statistics teacher thought i was majoring physics because my questions were rather theoretical. Should i do masters in physics?

>> No.10217238

What state, what's your major, what was the pay, and what company (if you're willing to disclose that). Looking to get into petrochem industry down the road, any tips? I live in Florida so I'll probably end up moving to finish up school or find a job.

>> No.10217444

convert impedences and sources to complex vectors in polar form (phasors) and proceed as if it were a resistor circuit at DC except now your doing algebra with phasors

>> No.10218085

You can do the same with normal complex form

>> No.10218500
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So how are your finals going, or did go?

Just took that combustion exam I've been studying for all week and it pretty much went about as shit as I expected it would. So one of the last classes I take before graduating is going to be a shit grade on an otherwise pretty good track record.

Oh well.

>> No.10219053

Architectural engineer. PE


>> No.10219141

Yes. ChemE is saturated wit Pajeets

>> No.10219148

>tfw you're a white male and don't have a 4.0 and aren't on 13 different student counsel positions
feels bad man, if only my name was abdul

>> No.10219160

My uni has one of the largest foreign student bodies, and there are lots of foreigners, but a lot fewer pajeets. Unfortunately most of those foreigners are Chinese. Literally I got lower grades in one of my classes for not being Azn. I kept asking the TA's why labs weren't 100%, and they would never answer, despite being the ones who graded them.

I passed my EE program, so there's that, but I still feel the degree isn't worth as much as it should be because there was so much bullshit going on (cheating, racism, shit classes, professors who literally told us to just copy from each other for homework). Even on our senior project, my three other project-mates did jack shit. One of them wrote ~1 page of python. Literally all the work they did. I had to stop a presentation to our "chaperone" because information on a slide was literally the opposite of what I told the person who typed it in. The project would have been easier if they left, because I wouldn't have expected things to be done that weren't.

>> No.10219165

Its kind of like a fraternity that has deep roots im german uni tradition
Most people are wary of them although most burschenschaften are only there for drinking
Some are legit nazi though

>> No.10220605

Chinks are a fucking disease. Pajeets are smelly and money driven, but the fucking chinese are a whole other level... lazy, blatant cheats, openly racist, they are raised to lie cheat and steal with no remorse. They are more ant than human.

>> No.10221394

Started Mechanical Engineering. Fucking Chunks and Pajeets everywhere and almost no girls. Lmao

>> No.10221410

EE, third year. I’m not really interested in engineering, I’m just in it for the diversity.

>> No.10221414

there's no need to get upset because you guys are not engineers, you realise? You are students! Don't ever say that you're an engineer you fucking trash nothing.

>> No.10221416

if you were expecting anything different you're in the wrong major.

>> No.10221520

Passed the phone interview and now I'm being flown out to another state for the in person interview on Tuesday I'm nervous bros. Phone interview was 30 minutes, this one should be 45 minutes. I think this company really wants to hire me.

I just had a preliminary interview with Lockheed Martin recruiter in my own state and they sent me an automated e-mail stating I moved on to the next stage of the hiring process and they will contact me for an actual interview this week, probably tomorrow. I'd much rather have the Lockheed job and I'm nervous the out of state job will give me a job offer before Lockheed does. I won't be able to turn it down because Lockheed could reject me and then I'd be fucked.

How long can I realistically delay once I get an offer from the out of state job? Would it be wise to tell Lockheed if they did give me an offer, and ask them if they could speed up their process somehow?

>> No.10221521

No I didn’t but still their existence is just annoying

>> No.10221532

Every Lockheed employee I've met has hated it. Try to get a different job if you can.

>> No.10221539

I've known 2, both who work at the facility that is interviewing me, and both like it. I also haven't had a job in the 2 years since I graduated so I'm in no position to turn down an offer from either position if I get one.

>> No.10221555

Yeah don't deny the job in that case. Good luck anon.

>> No.10221680

I needed a 70 on the final to get a B in the class and move on. Somehow the professor(s) graded it in less than 24 hours which is very unusual for him and it came out as a 50. I had no doubt in any of my answers except for two of them. Many other people also unexpectedly got shit grades. I am going to office hours tomorrow to look at the actual graded paper. How do I sweet talk a non-self aware esl professor? The hope here is to get enough partial credit to reach the mark.

>> No.10221758

Starting EE next year, heard a lot of shit about it and how hard it is. Any tips? Complemantary material to start studying as of today ? Advanced calculus, linear algebra all that crispy chicken

>> No.10221765

Congratulations. I feel bad enough being almost a year out of full-time work. Are you living with your parents?

You're in for a ride. Have fun where you can.

>> No.10221782

Grading is faster when you don't need to make comments. Final exams are always geared quickly as end of semester grades are due shortly. If the exam was multiple choice, I'm sure you did feel good about it. It is rare for students to know they didn't do well unless they end up with like a 20 or 30. You probably just feel for the trick answers and either didn't read the quarks carefully or know the technical details the question was targeting. If it was multiple choice, you cannot sweet talk your professor. Otherwise, it's possible to get some extra points in partial credit, but doubtful to be enough, especially if grades were due. From the professors perspective, it's a sort being for a formality to seem available to students but just passing the 20 minutes and deal with ends of semester crap, doesn't need another thing to wait around for you to nit pick every question until you're happy. It'll be short and the first few responses from the professor will be short and direct. Definitely don't pull any "I just need this one class to graduate" bullshit because that means you're a senior and still can't figure out how classes work and definitely don't deserve any flexibility.

t. Professor

>> No.10221800

Only way I've given points back is if the student shows how they're could have been a misinterpretation and explain what you meant and show competence in the material. In your case, that's probably making up something about what we marked wrong, but definitely know the answers to what was on the exam. It's going to be easier to have known the material previously, but good luck.

>> No.10221894

Yes I am living with my parents. It sucks being out of work two years but hopefully I'll have something soon.

>> No.10221906

PhD in ECE, working for a govt research lab

>> No.10222465

Yeah I am EE with a nearly identical experience. I don't really have any desire to take it up with any department heads, or challenge it because of two main reasons:

One, my TAs and professors being biased against whites hasn't cost me a letter grade so far. I've certainly been denied a lot of points on labs in homework I shouldn't have been, I've been talked down to countless times, and I know for a fact my work is held to a much higher, even impossible, standard. But it's only cost me numerous sleepless nights so far. No letter grades/GPA.

The second reason is that the majority of my university's EE professors are Chinese, and I am 100% convinced if I raised a fuss about it, it would be put me on some shitlists.

>> No.10222546

>the majority of my university's EE professors are Chinese
Jesus that must suck, what university do you go to if you don't mind telling?

>> No.10222560

Civil or Mechanical?

Interested in the way robotics combines Mech/EE/CS to keep things varied, but also love the idea of helping design/build structures.

>> No.10222561

Freelance work?

>> No.10222587

Any Brits know how to get EU jobs? I've got a BEng which may disqualify me but I'm curious.

>> No.10222597

Yesterday I realised I should have gone civil so I could work in demolition, it sounds fun as hell

>> No.10222789

I see, thanks. Most of it was free response. I went through and redid all the tests and quizzes from this semester pretty comfortably which is what makes me sure I had the material down.

>> No.10222796

Eh you can't win all of them

>> No.10223298

Florida as well (job was in Louisiana), chemE, 45$/hr, won't disclose company but they are large enough to warrant constant hate every time they post on twitter. You need to have a good GPA (this is the first thing my company checks when they're weeding through apps), then relevant experience is next. This doesn't mean work experience, but things that you've worked on in your major that can tie into industrial work. For me this was making some improvements on a piece of pilot-scale equipment that our department owns as part of an undergrad class. They also don't want to work with autists, and they will use the interview mostly to determine how personable you are and how well you can work in a group environment. One of the key feedbacks I was given at the end of my internship was that I was very receptive to feedback, and they think this is an important trait that can't necessarily be taught. Don't extend this to the point where you become a yes-man though, that's gonna make you look like a bitch.

>> No.10223301


>> No.10223749

>What kind of approach do you take when starting a new engineering project?

>What is your approach when troubleshooting a system that is having issues?

How do you answer these two questions? I said for the first one:
>I start by understanding the customer and the problem they are having. Defining all aspects of the problem and then forming concepts to try and tackle their problem. I said stuff about forming a time line using tools such as a gantt chart to help organize the project so there is established timelines and documentation for performing tasks. I also mentioned being flexible enough to work additional hours when needed if time lines aren't going to be met or restructuring tasks as necessary as the project goes on.

For the second one I said
>For troubleshooting I try to start by looking at official documentation for the system I am troubleshooting. See if the symptoms the system is having are documented issues that have existing solutions. If not I follow basic troubleshooting procedures one by one, keeping tabs on every solution I've tried so far and starting with what I think will be the most likely solutions. I try to research if anyone else has run in to similar problems to the one I am having and if they have managed to fix I'll attempt their solutions if they've listed any.

Are these good enough answers? What would you say?

>> No.10223769

You look up jobs in other countries in the EU and apply for them...? That's all it is. You may not be the best candidate atm because I think you'd be moving after the deadline for being able to stay indefinitely, assuming you're at risk of not being an EU citizen soon.

BEng won't affect anything, a lot of people just have L3 or similar, and in Europe it's easier to get the fourth year masters (M1).

>> No.10223798 [DELETED] 
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>structural engineering major at a top-ranked US school
>3.64 Undergrad GPA
>3.53 Master's GPA
>considering PhD program because I hate myself

I am somewhat pissed that friends and colleagues who I know for a fact got worse grades than I did ended up with the jobs I was applying for. I have internship design experience with the DoD and NASA, and have yet to get a job offer despite my experience, grades, and references. I suppose my interviewing skills are lackluster and/or there is nepotism at hand.

I am very seriously contemplating the PhD program and specializing in blast or earthquake (resistant) experimental design. I have great rapport with all my professors here, and a good friend who is doing the same. Anyone have any advice? Thanks


>> No.10223809
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>Structural engineering major at a top-ranked US school
>3.64 Undergrad GPA
>3.53 Master's GPA
>considering PhD program because I hate myself

I am somewhat pissed that friends and colleagues who I know for a fact got worse grades than I did ended up with the jobs I was applying for. I have internship design experience with the DoD and NASA, and have yet to get a job offer despite my experience, grades, and references. I suppose my interviewing skills are lackluster and/or there is nepotism at hand, but I won't cry over spilled milk and wish them good luck.

Anyway I am very seriously contemplating the PhD program and specializing in blast or earthquake (resistant) experimental design, partially because I am highly interested in these niches (the right reasons), and partially as a 'fuck you' to everyone who never thought I would amount to much (the wrong reasons). I have great rapport with all my professors here, and a good friend who is doing the same. Anyone have any advice? I never even entertained this notion, but it would only be about two more years of school. Thanks


>> No.10223937

Any opinions on this?

>> No.10223960

Pretty solid answers. Were these an essay or a face to face question? Very solid if an interview question.

>> No.10223993

Phone interview questions so not quite face to face but I had to answer on the spot. My in person interview is tomorrow, I'm expecting them to ask me less questions like that and more about stuff on my resume since they didn't ask a single thing about my resume over the phone.

Still, wanted to be sure my answers were okay in case they asked me to elaborate on anything I answer over the phone.

>> No.10224075

>The National Association of Colleges and Employers says interns who get paid are almost twice as likely as their unpaid counterparts to get a job offer when they graduate.

>> No.10224103

Remember kids: just say no to engineering. It will actually ruin your life if you follow through with it.

>> No.10224159


>> No.10224176

Could be for expenses

>> No.10224188

What are you guys studying over these summer/winter vacations? I'm studying modern physics (reading an introduction book, undergrad level), topology and electronics (and arduino).

>> No.10224197

>recent grad
>no jobs
>signing up for welfare on Wednesday
>180k in debt
Haha fml to right?

>> No.10224219

Can you show us?

>> No.10224227

Both. Create robots that automate the making of bridges or prefab structures

>> No.10224240

All engineering internships are paid. If it's not paid, it's not an engineering internship, it's bullshit. The students that take those jobs are either bad students or just suckers. No wonder they can't find a job later. I've never actually heard of a engineering student doing a free internship

>> No.10224270

Books recommended for a ME grad that wants to get into robotics?
Not just how to build a robot book, but more like all the math, probability, systems and signals, and additional skills I'm missing needed to build, advance, and RND robots/robotics. I'm already getting a circuits and electronics book and picking up programming in Python.

>> No.10224275

Learn some low level programming in C. How to make interfaces to control hardware, sensors, actuators, etc

Learn about image/video processing, computer vision, and machine learning /neural networks meme. Or at the very least learn how to use the software libraries for these things

>> No.10224280

Switch to EE

>> No.10224305

ME grad who works at boston dynamics here.

"robotics" is programming. If you really want to do robotics and not just make actuators, learn how to program and then learn how to use ROS.

>> No.10224402

Shouldn't have been born as a white male, you would have gotten limitless college funds from scholarships and financial aid, and would have had 20+ different Fortune 100 companies begging you to work for them, offering six figure starting salaries

>> No.10224445

i havent worked on my masters thesis yet and some people are already halfway through should i drop out
also anyone got idea about incorporating both machine vision and learning for some fun project related to mech industry

>> No.10224462

Cannabis isn't helping you.

t. psychologically dependent, clean for 6 months, used thousands of times

>> No.10224507

>tfw got meme’d into ChemE at TU Berlin
Should’ve gone to TUM or KIT

>> No.10224581

what is it with chemEs are they underpaid or something

>> No.10224592

I definitely wish I had done EE instead but I was already in my senior year when I had that thought. So now I just learn basic EE and let the EE coworker fix up whatever I’m working on.

It would be a dream if I could work for BD. What position are you that you just do programming as an ME?
Also, I still don’t fully understand the full extent of ROS even after taking an online class on it. Do I need to know any of the math behind path planning or end effector movement in order to program for it?

>> No.10224799

In my country, historically if you wanted to be a Telecommunications Engineer the way was doing EE with Telecom optional courses, and you are officially recognized as a Telecom Engineer that way.

That will remain but since next year there will also be a "Communications Systems Engineering" degree, which compared to the older degree seems to have some courses from Software Engineering, and intros to networking and signals much earlier in the course.

Seems this degree is popular in other countries such as Spain probably other European countries, is it a meme degree? Is it better to just do EE?

>> No.10224815
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>not math
>Engineering is the creative application of science, mathematical methods...

>> No.10224891

Family member is going to study engineering. Asked me for advice on buying a laptop. What specs should I prioritize? I think he wants it to be a thin and light

>> No.10224902

Why is computer engineering so much superior compared to everything else?

>> No.10224906

Biotechnology is engineering so tell me how to get a job in an enzyme factory.

>> No.10224913

Make your own enzyme factory.

>> No.10224919

Depends what major he wants to study but in most cases the computer labs on campus should be enough for undergrad. If there isn't a lab, then I would get him a second hand thinkpad as per /g/ recommendations but if he wants to buy new, basically any cheap windows based laptop will do.

In my opinion, he should go into uni without a laptop and then pick one based off his needs when he needs to pick a major. I seriously doubt there will be anything in first year engineering that will requires more than a library or lab computer.

>> No.10224938

If he wants a good Ultrabook that will at least last him through undergrad then I would recommend Huawei Matebook X (Pro or not) or Dell XPS 13"

The matebooks are better in general but the XPS has a way longer battery life.

>> No.10225195

EE is one of the hardest undergrad degrees. You will have a LOT of labs. I don't know what advice to really give. Your intro classes will be pretty hand-holdy for the first few lectures so you don't really need to brush up on much. Depends what you're taking.

Most important thing is to pay attention in class and, take good notes. especially if the class doesn't have recorded lectures available online.

EEs have a shit ton of labs. This being the case, you will frequently have a shitty schedule in awkward time blocks, and will have ~1 hour long periods of down time in between classes. Some classes/labs also require you bring your own laptop and use power hungry programs .

My advice: Get a juicy laptop, scope out some quiet spots on campus with electric outlets (ideally nearby a food/caffeine source) and be prepared to spend a lot of time on campus there. And mostly just prepare your anus.

>> No.10225206

I wish I'd gotten a workstation laptop earlier. Pros:
Highly customizable (we now have to worry about being able to swap out RAM a lot of the time, these you can swap out the graphics cards if you get the right one. Quite a few of the MXM quadro cards are also cheaper than the PCIe equivalents).
Well built
Excellent warranty (get a used one that still has 2+ years of warranty left if you can).
Extremely committed user base for things like modding

They're not thin and quite heavy
It's a bit confusing to work out what model to get
Usually quite expensive (look for something in the $300-400 range
You're stuck with your processor
Graphics cards are more locked down than they should be (usually fairly easy to get around).

>> No.10225699

Workstation laptops are great but if you're gonna take them with you to class every day, seriously you should do some deadlifts and squats on the side. Power brick and workstation laptop are heavy.

>> No.10226065

My two of my friends just finished a coop and it was unpaid.

>> No.10226069

wew lad. what was it?

>> No.10226106

I made it, bois. Signed the contract for my first job yesterday. The position required 5 years minimum relevant experience and a PhD, none of which I had, but I talked my way into getting it anyway.

>> No.10226162

I'm second year EE student and at the end of the 4th semester we have to choose a specialization. I'm thinking on "High Frequency Systems and Applications".
I will take courses such as,
>Space Technology
>Radio Systems and Analysis
>Antennas in Practice
>Electromagnetic Metamaterials and Its Applications
>Simulation and Design of Microwave Circuits
>Relativistic Electrodynamics for Engineers
>Computer Aided Modelling of Electromagnetic Devices
>Wireless Power Transfer

Is it a viable field?
If I decide to go abroad to work, I speak fluent English and German, where should I go?
I will do the Msc as well, after that what kind of salaries can I expect?

>> No.10226177

Nah senpai go quantum that shit will all be antiquated soon

>> No.10226232

>23 years old
>1.5 years into math/CS dual degree
>Interests are essentially C, low level development, low-level hacking, systems programming and networking
>Realise computer engineering is the ideal degree
>I would have to do another 3.5 years at uni if I swapped today and I most likely wouldn't be able to so graduation would be 4 years away as opposed to 2 years currently.
Do I just continue learning what I learn and self-study the basics of electronics/ physical communications/physical hardware?

>> No.10226239

I'm taking a CNC class next sem, anything particular I should read before?

>> No.10226240

Just make the switch. Bachelor's in comp sci is a joke degree

>> No.10226243

In Australia, things are different than to the US.

>> No.10226292
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why is it so fucking hard to study in the us as eastern europe fag jesus christ its not fair

>> No.10226312

Official Eng Power Rankings

EME = Chads
ECE = Dorks
EEE = Dorks
EE = Nerds
ME = Normalfags
AeroE = Snowflakes
CivE = Brainlets
ChemE = Pajeets
BioE = Losers

>> No.10226315

you're the russian collusion, anon

>> No.10226318

TUM know how to build race cars I tell you what

>> No.10226321

Okay. Due to already completed units it's actually:
Engineering: 3.5 years
Maths&IT: 3 years

Is it worth it? What about my ego?

>> No.10226335

What's EEE?

>> No.10226337

If you're worried about ego eng has more prestige and employability

>> No.10226339

No. Mathematicians are always the smart guys among smart guys. Only businessmen think engineers have any prestige.

>> No.10226342

Post grad sure but not at the bachelor's level

>> No.10226348

Electrical and Electronic

>> No.10226373

ITT, bunch of college freshman give authoritative career advice to other college freshman, without having any idea what the careers they're talking about are really like. It's the blind leading the blind.

>> No.10226377

Excuse me, who are you?

>> No.10226379

What's EME?

>> No.10226386

Never delay when you're unemployed, always jump at the first opportunity.

>> No.10226392

>t. college freshman

>> No.10226393

Electrical and Mechanical

>> No.10226400

I actually work as an engineer and it fucking sucks. It is absolutely nothing like what you naive kids are envisioning.

>> No.10226416

And let me clarify: you are not going to get rich doing engineering. You will work long hours doing dumb bullshit for crappy pay that puts you barely above a factory worker. And since you are a glorified factory worker, your working conditions will tend to be just as unsafe and deleterious to yoir health. 90% of engineering jobs are like this.

>> No.10226418
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Reviewing my new job after one month. "Flow Assurance Consultant"
>my job is 60% automating fluid simulation with Python and machine learning, and 40% automating post-processing with VBA
>money's good compared to my last job.
>low stress, my boss doesn't really know what I'm doing
>pretty interesting, though I didn't realise how hands-off fluid simulation was
I got tricked, I just wanted to become a mechanical engineer and make steel move. But you get one little hint of this software stuff on your resume and then that's all your offered. Not to surprising though, because I was basically doing this same job at my current employers main competitor. Not flow assurance though, corrosion.

>> No.10226420

This question is not related to engineering and it has pretty much the same answer for any degree, any laptop from the past decade will do for reading some material or write a program of any sort for fuck's sake.

>> No.10226426

Nice. What degree and what job? If I may ask, where?

>> No.10226432

Where is Telecom in this ranking?

>> No.10226441

I'm a Materials Science and Engineering MSc and the job is a design engineer position for scientific instruments. Germany.

>> No.10226472

>engineering degree limits you to engineering

Fuck off loser.

>> No.10226514

Oh no, believe me, I fell for the "your degree doesn't decide your career" meme too. I have been programming since high school, have a great portfolio, and even did CS research in undergrad, but they do not hire engineers for programming positions. I have applied to 150 software jobs and counting as I try to escape this hell, but it's not working. The internet is full of memes and disinformation when it comes to engineering career advice.

>> No.10226539

>they do not hire engineers for programming positions
This has to be bait. Or you’re fucking autistic and went to some shit school

>> No.10226557

Fucking kek.

>> No.10226633

Welcome to the real world, kid.

>> No.10226718

try triplebyte.

>> No.10226723

try triplebyte. Don't lose hope. Let us know what happens.

>> No.10226847

I actually work as an engineer and it fucking rocks. Just don't be a brainlet. All a bachelor's qualifies you for is grunt work. To get the juicy jobs you should get a master's.

>> No.10226879

>to get the juicy jobs you need a masters
Says literally no one if you're looking at positions in North America

>> No.10226882

what exactly do you work as?

>> No.10226903

Masters degrees are a huge boon if you're going into industry.

>> No.10226908

Biomedical engineer, R&D

>> No.10226975

>pic rel
>when someone types any letter or number

>> No.10226988

So I'm a college grad and I applied for an "experienced professional" position at lockheed but it's a pretty entry level logistics position very similar to the entry level postings they have.

Recruiter called and had his assistant e-mail me the details for a job interview. Turns out the interview is going to be a two hour panel interview with technical questions. I have a friend who works at the company and I told him and he said his interview for a higher level experienced professional position lasted 30 minutes and had 0 technical questions.

So I called the recruiter and asked if he could clarify anything about the interview being 2 hours long and what kind of technical questions would be and he said something like "Well the 2 hours could be true, but it could just be a buffer in case I was expecting a short interview and had plans after but then the interview went longer than expected. 2 hours gives enough of a buffer to prevent any conflicts either way." He didn't say anything about the technical questions only mentioned the length.

If it's actually 2 hours of technical questions I'm fucked. No way I can prepare I'm not a professional just some retard out of college.

>> No.10226999

If they're already asking for an in-person interview you probably have the job. I've had a few in-person interviews and some weren't for the job listing because lolfuckbeingaccurate or I got ghosted. After 75+ job applications I got 0 offers and 4ish interviews, only two of which were in person, and one for an incorrectly listed job.

>> No.10227023

what level is your degree? what did you do for undergrad?

>> No.10227033

>I've had a few in-person interviews and some weren't for the job listing because lolfuckbeingaccurate
Yeah I actually forgot to mention this but you just reminded me - I never even applied for this job. I am certain because I searched the req ID on their website and went to apply for it and it was allowing me to apply for it, which means I did not already. Any job you've already applied for is met with a message "You have already applied for this job posting and only 1 application is allowed per posting".

I almost feel like they confused my resume with someone else's or something and I'm going to go in and get hit with all these technical questions I can't answer and get my shit pushed in.

>> No.10227062

I have a masters. My undergrad was in biophysics. Why all the questions anon

>> No.10227144

Try harder loser

>> No.10227165

A year back I applied for a job in semiconductor development in Germany. A few weeks later I received an email that they regret to inform me that "my application for a Process Engineer position in Plymouth, UK" was rejected. I called them about this job I never applied for and the status of my actual application and they told me that "I never showed up for my interview", which I've never heard about before this.

>> No.10227205
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>> No.10227369

You forgot:

IE/SysE = Chad Lords

>> No.10227542

I just wanted to make sure you weren't a larper who would say something like "I only have a BA in biology lol get mad :^)".

That being said, I am interested in the field but I fear its over saturated with applicants, making it hard to stand out, I'd appreciate some advice on that.
Biophysics isn't a very common major. Why'd you choose it? Do you think it helped with gradschool admissions? How competitive was your grad school program?

>> No.10227544

everyone mentions how chad it is as a major but I see very few jobs which actually ask for it in the qualifications section.

>> No.10227562
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I don't have a job lined up. Should I go to grad school or give it some time?

Mechanical enggineering graduating soon btw. 3.3 GPA.

>> No.10227573

>Should I go to grad school
>3.3 GPA
It would be pretty difficult to get in honestly.

>> No.10227583

I liked biology and chemistry in high school and I thought it was interesting. I had a lot of biochem and chem classes too. I think it helped a bit, but I got into grad school because I established a relationship with the director of my program over a year before admissions rolled around. How competitive? Not very. I think the acceptance rate fluctuates between 20 - 25 %. Might be lower in recent years.

>> No.10227593

Ok, if chemE is such a meme then what do you recommend to study instead?

>> No.10227595

Well I could always just enroll in a BS/MS program here at my current university still. I was talking about them and I can pretty much drag it until they have to confer my diploma in january.

Just feel like I didn't really get the type of knowledge out of my major as I thought I would, and it's going to be hard for me to do anything more than just CAD or something.

>> No.10227598

Chemistry or physics and do research.

>> No.10227627

do the BS/MS and use that time to find a good professor to be your PhD advisor

>> No.10227717

What does a BEng qualify you to do?

>> No.10227755

Why the fuck are people here acting like engineering students are brainlets? 70% failure quote at my Uni. Also Engineering > all other fields since the shit is applied. Respect to real researchers and scientists tho

>> No.10227791

I graduated today, and on the program it said the cut-off GPA for cum laude was 3.49, I checked my GPA when I got home just now and it is exactly 3.49. Should I have gotten honors? Should I contact my adviser?

>> No.10227811

Hey man, I just started mechanical engineering because it seemed like the most interesting branch of engineering to me, also I‘m at an elite Uni. But would you say that I should switch to a different type of engineering?

>> No.10227827

Congrats Anon. What field?
It never hurts to follow up on such things

>> No.10227842

Electrical engineering, maybe ill send them an email

>> No.10227845

Let's take a look at this:
>Job Outlook, 2016-26: 10% (Faster than average)

And now for ME for example:
>Job Outlook, 2016-26: 9% (As fast as average)

>> No.10227868

Do you really give a shit? If you're not going into research nobody will give a shit. They don't give you money or anything.

>> No.10227870

It's something you can put on your resume and all it involves is asking a question

>> No.10227892

Yea I give a shit, only two others in my entire graduating class got latin honors, I would have liked to be acknowledged for busting my ass for 4 years and get those nice tassles

Also this

>> No.10227922

I'm a mechanical engineer and I applied for a vibration position at my current company. The vibration team didn't want me but they handed my resume to the subsea team, who is on the same floor. The subsea manager was looking for someone with the same skillset as his team's star player because he was sort of threatening to leave.

I was called in for an interview, did a shot job and got the job anyway.

>> No.10228220

3.3 will get you in at most mid-level schools with some profession experience

>> No.10228235
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Okay I'm becoming a computer engineer.

>> No.10228263

If you were offered an unpaid internship as an undergrad and it was the only thing you can get, is it worth it?

>> No.10228296

Nah your time is more valuable. Could use it on a course or two

>> No.10228724

You won't regret it.

>> No.10228731

The US only accepts immigrants if you're brown.

>> No.10228779

Research is overrated. After getting a place in university, which is hard, you will be pressed for publishing papers like a milk cow in a farm. Don't be a milk cow.

>> No.10228784

>they do not hire engineers for programming positions
Can you tell me in what shithole country does this happen? What in the fuck can you get with a Software Engineering degree then? I assume you got this degree and you are not trying to get into development with a ChemE or some other unrelated bullshit.

>> No.10228806

Maybe you just look like a goof.

Get in shape and people (employers) will take you more seriously.

There's a saying in Hollywood: "If you don't look the part, you ain't the part."

You're not trying to be an actor or anything but the same concept applies anywhere in life, unfortunately.

>> No.10228833

But as an engineer he has to look like a fucking autist to be considered good

>> No.10228837

So I got a B in mechanics of materials and fluid mechanics. Should I consider retaking?

>> No.10228906

I just finished my 5th semester of ChemE and I keep seeing this shit about ChemE being a meme. How bad did I fuck up?

>> No.10228908

Why waste your time and money on shit you already understand.

>> No.10228919

Pretty much everyone I graduated with (70+ people) either have a job or are in grad school. Even the stupid ones. You'll be fine.

>> No.10228973

I meant undergraduate research, retard. It's your substitute for engineering labs as a pure science major.

>> No.10229002

It's so incredibly obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10229019

Idk sometimes I feel like a brainlet looking at mathfag threads on /sci/.

>> No.10229059

It's incredibly obvious that you have brain damage. Getting a job out of college as a science major becomes really easy if you have 3 years of actual research experience relevant to an industry under your belt.

t. science major with research experience who got a comfy engineering job out of college

>> No.10229118

>Why the fuck are people here acting like engineering students are brainlets? 70% failure quote at my Uni
Actual explanation: Most humans are really dumb, and your uni is shit for having a low acceptance bar.

>> No.10229375

You can find a job as ChemE but you pretty much have to move within a certain radius of a big metropolitan coastal port city to make any money

>> No.10229625

If anyone cares or was interested, I just had the interview. I think I did really well. If anyone has any questions or anything about interviewing I just did two for two different companies, so I can offer some advice idk how useful it will be.

>> No.10229667

how well does your research position pay? What are the advancement opportunities?

>> No.10229669

do research and internships

>> No.10229672

which uni?

>> No.10229833

>it’s easy getting a job with no experience just have experience!

>> No.10230311

So i just graduated. No job offers, but somebody I know says his company needs interns and if I applied, I could probably get an internship. I haven't had one before.

Should I take him up on the offer? Or would I just be unerpaying myself and missing out on other opportunities? I have pretty good projects and a pretty ok GPA.

>> No.10230341 [DELETED] 
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>bonus 9/11 question on your Physics exam

>> No.10230402

The law didn't forbid you to search for other jobs while you're working. You can go for it and keep looking for better jobs during your work.

>> No.10230434

It was a big state school.

>> No.10230451

>graduating in spring
>80ish% of my graduating class has no job lined up
epic, simply epic.

also, do you actually need a master's to get a decent job in EE?

>> No.10230455
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>pic related it's you
Professors will let students work in their labs so they can get experience while still in school. Then when you're done, you get a job with that experience. Simple enough?

>> No.10230459

88k, whatever I want

>> No.10230463

Did you not do co-ops while studying?

>> No.10230467

>Professors will let students work in their labs so they can get experience while still in school
if they're chinese, they won't, unless you're also chinese. every single fucking lab is fulled with FOB chinks and some of the best whiteys I know are declined in favor of some retard who speaks their language. i thought chinks banding together was a meme until I got here. it's absolutely disgusting. there was a professor doing optoelectronics work and a good amount of the white goldenboys in my major applied for it, but he told them all that he wasn't looking for anyone new this quarter. later during the quarter he brings in 3 new chinks, and I heard from a chinese friend that they had only contacted him a week prior.
god I fucking hate this school.

>> No.10230470


>> No.10230473

we don't have any

>> No.10230511

Lol that is a really specific problem my dude. Find someone else to work with there's tons of cool stuff out there. You're getting hung up on weird shit that shouldn't really bother you. Since when does a 4channeller care about people being racist?

>> No.10230775

Ouk need some advice
Took aerospace for the meme status in a average tier college. Thing is this degree doesn't have many jobs in my country.Im In 3rd semester now with a GPA of 3.2. No internships or work experience. Good with c and python.
I just want to be employed when I graduate. How do I increase chances of that? Won't mind working in non aerospace companies.

>> No.10231364

Perhaps so, but I'd hate to just pull out like that pretty quickly since I'd hate to burn the guy that vouched for me. Don't really want to burn any bridges, you know?

>> No.10231481

it's not a coop then it's a scam lol

>> No.10231486

unless you live in a country without pajeets, then chemE is for big ballers only

>> No.10231491

You can switch to CS, but research the employment statistics in your country before making a decision

>> No.10231521

CS is over saturated here :/

>> No.10231533

How did you guys git gud at math? Slightly above average kid who fucked around in high school regretting it now that im going into calc. Planning to study over the break but not sure how far to go with it.

>> No.10231553

Paul's online math notes

>> No.10231557

It's just an internship, at worst you lose a summer of your life and tell the other companies you interview with that you want to join in August/September/whenever your internship ends.

Most lower level math classes are designed for memorization and brainlet-tier students. Their purpose is to be difficult enough to cull the absolute retards (so the program doesn't look bad graduating morons) while still enabling the majority of students to pass (so the university can still collect your 35k shekels every year). Do all the assigned HWs and skim the textbook before lecture and you should be better than 60% of students

>> No.10231560

Do tons of problems and learn the patterns.

>> No.10231563

We've got quite a few girls here.

>> No.10231590

>wanting to work with girls

>> No.10231631

So math doesnt become significantly harder the higher you go up? This is the main factor scaring me from a harder degree.

>> No.10231702

Most majors (except CS, math, and maybe EE) only go up to differential equations and linear algebra. The math isn't difficult, you just need to learn rules and when to apply them. Practice is key.

>> No.10231924

>tfw live in coastal port city and ChemE|
feels good

>> No.10232151

Well from what I know, it wouldn't be a summer internship. Would start asap, but I'd only get paid like 14 or 15 an hour, which is kind of shit tier and I make more working at a grocery store right now desu.

>> No.10232263

And what if you don’t want suck cocks though

>> No.10232826
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this is me, I am also a high-level cyclist (6,000 miles this year) and very lean

>> No.10233106

Alright /eng/ i need some honest truths here

So my GPA is not that strong 2.9 overall and like 2.91 in major. It was a rough semester and i plan on at least being able to raise my overall this upcoming semester.

Now my school (VT) offers official specializations in a variety of fields.

One is power systems and electronics, the other is space systems.

Now my dream is to work in aerospace, and even if i was not able to go into the industry out of college, i was hopping to eventually transition into the industry asap.

So of course i am interested in the space systems route, because obviously it would give me a leg up at this early career phase as i would have some extra knowledge about specific technologies i would be working with.

however my GPA and lack of experience (no internship yet, going into my spring semester of junior year, will be having my first interview for a internship with a rail company after break). So i think that these detriments would outweigh the benefits of my major.I feel like i would not be employed by any aerospace corp, and have to deal with having a specialization that is difficult to apply outside of aerospace.

Now the other specialization is power systems and electronics. Now with this i feel like its a safer choice, as literally every single electrical engineering project, needs some form of power engineering. So this would increase my odds of being employed because now i have a larger job pool, with companies who may overlook my lower GPA. I also have a connection with Con Edison (but not that strong) along with working some angles for a construction company designing Low and high voltage systems for warehouses and manufacturing. But as stated, these are super loose connections.

So i have a few weeks to decide what im going to do, after that, i would not be able to graduate within 4 years if i decide to change.

I need tough love and honest facts here /eng/
what do you guys think. Also as it stands i am going power

>> No.10233125

I'm not an EE, but I'd probably stick with power. Everyone and their mother wants to do aero, and with a sub-3.0 GPA I'm not sure it'd be a wise specialization.

>> No.10233158

But if you love math EE is great! I work in controls.

>> No.10233252

Aeros pay is shit and it's overrated as fuck

>> No.10233763

>i would not be able to graduate within 4 years if i decide to change


I'm 27 and I'll be graduating next year (MechE). There is no such thing as graduating "on time."

Anyway as far as advice, Do what you feel like you would enjoy the most. As far as I know aerospace is the same as mechanical except the problems you solve are space oriented. For example a class offered at my school called "design of aerospace structures" is basically advanced statics with some mechanics of materials thrown in.

Basically none of this shit fucking matters. What ever people you end up working for will have you learn their systems anyway. If you have a degree it all it says is that you have a fundamental understanding of engineering concepts. No one expects you to be an expert in aerospace design because you "specialized" in it at school. It may look good on a resume if the company you apply for does that stuff but that's about it.

>> No.10233780

Man, all the smartest people I know are ECE, Good on y'all for ruining all the lower division mathematics courses.

>> No.10233799

Did you not have a job for 2 years because you wanted to be a NEET, couldn’t find a job, or do you live in a meme flyover state? What’s your discipline btw

>> No.10235114

I plan on commissioning in the Military and doing my 20 years so I guess I'm not super worried about job hunting.

Which major should I choose? AeroAstro looks cool but the electricity/power generation also looks cool.

So should I do something very specialized like Aerospace or General Engineering? Or does it really matter

By General Engineering I mean a course that teaches you both ME and EE for the first 2 years then you can specialize In Aero or advanced ME, EE or Electronics for the next 2 years.

>> No.10235116

*Specialized like Aerospace
Non-Specialized like General

>> No.10235170

I failed chemistry 1 twice and only barely passed (half point) it the third time
Is material science for me or should I consider something less chemistry oriented?

>> No.10235177

Yeah just go into civil or software like the rest of brainlets

>> No.10235189

I don't want to be a dick, but if you've failed chem 1 twice you're only going to get destroyed by the upper level courses.

>> No.10235200

>I failed chemistry 1 twice and only barely passed (half point) it the third time
>Is material science for me or should I consider something less chemistry oriented?

>> No.10235210

If this isn’t bait I have to ask if it was the memorization, the mechanics or the highschool (literally 9th grade) mathematics that fucked you?

>> No.10235214

Have you guys experienced any problem with illegal software?
These little things are expensive, but I don't want to have shit on my name.

>> No.10235266

My highschool teacher literally skipped all but a few occasions, only cared about running for principal for 4 fucking years. All I had was my elementary chem knowledge to build on.
I am not kidding, I literally studied for 2 weeks straight for the last stand exam, attended every lecture, practice and lab. I like chemistry, I might even love it but the sheer amount of material has saturated me.

>> No.10235269

Your college/uni should give you a student license if the software company doesn't offer one right away (like Solid Edge)

>> No.10235404

Oh, I was talking about real jobs.
My uni gives Matlab to students but I'm not a student anymore.

>> No.10235466

Just buy it broke bitch lmao

>> No.10235608

reddit spacing fag

If youre going into the military why would you waste your time getting an engineering degree? You know what the military calls engineering isnt actually engineering right?

>> No.10235723

How do i escape 3.5 gpa hell? Its been like this for three years

>> No.10235766

Come to Canada where we have a 9 point scale

>> No.10235794

What the fuck to you need matlab for that you can't do with python?

The only acceptable answer is control eng analysis.

>> No.10235803

I really liked microbio. So I might get a career going in there. I'm really unsure what the market is like though. Any advice?

>> No.10235915

Is a 3.4 GPA as a junior in OSUs EE program good?

>> No.10235934
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Will be taking fluid mechanics next semester. Been told it's the hardest course because the teacher is literally hitler. Any tips?

>> No.10235953

>check internships on indeed
>those requirements
Holy fuck, I’m never going to find one. Am I supposed to just have my school find one for me?

>> No.10235969

Why is Bioengineering a meme? I thought gene manipulation was the future and shit.

>> No.10235996


>> No.10236036

I'm aeroE in the US. I've sort've been thinking about switching to EE or compE because of job prospects. Ive always been passionate about aero but I just kinda feel like I should go into something with more jobs. Also I've heard aero jobs may be kinda shitty
What's your opinion on this?

>> No.10236041

Do whatever you want. Just find something you enjoy doing, not solely because it has more jobs. It doesn’t matter what path you take.

>> No.10236066

>can't even tie a tie

>> No.10236073

Everyone, their cousin, and their cousin's cousin is getting a CS degree.

>> No.10236081

ayyy lmao, OSU posts memes on their twitter, and their CS curriculum stops at Calc II.

>> No.10236617

That is the language zoomers understand. Pray to god not to have a bunch of zoomer freshmen assigned to you for "guidance"
I swear I lost the will to procreate the last couple semesters. Why would I bear a child into the society led and ruled by these horrible zoomers?

>> No.10236723

Just fucking apply to everything.

>> No.10236768

A lot of times companies post certain positions with a bucket list of different requirents for experience and what not. I can tell you right now a decent number of those companies intentionally post those to make sure you don't apply. They want people with determination so apply at the very least and then keep nagging them after that if it's a position you really want.

>> No.10236778

Can you guys share your knowledge about mechatronic engineering? The good and the bad irl? Is it a career with future?

>> No.10237001

Ayyy lmao is a 5 year old meme you newfag

>> No.10237012

So if you apply for a internship with a min GPA and it asks you if you GPA is above or below the min. Does that means answering no to above the GPA min mean your application immediately goes to the trash, and a recruiter never looks at it?

>> No.10237025


>> No.10237423

Usually. I apply for jobs with minimum requirements higher than my grade anyway, but duck out when they ask to confirm the degree. If you aren't directly asked on the application, you have plausible deniability and can say you weren't paying attention when you saw the ad.

>> No.10237630

Aero is fine, just get connections and stay passionate.
Also consider that engineers can do a lot more than what their specific major specializes in

>> No.10237775

Audiofag here.
What to study to get hired by chinks to work in R&D for audio equipment? (DACs Amps Headphones etc)

>> No.10237869

Pretty much what I’m in school for. Look into EE.

>> No.10237879

>What to study to get hired by chinks

>> No.10237895

Probable some brainlet from /g/ who hasnt passed algebra.

>> No.10238414

haha how does that even work

>> No.10238480

Being missing a while since I was busy with university finals. What a beautiful ride. It is nice to see another engineers around here. For those of you who are studying EE like me, don't give up; and for those begining on it, just ask about it, it will be harsh but a that's a road worth traveling.

We are all gonna make it, lads.

>> No.10238528

>it will be harsh but a that's a road
>but a that's
The power of an EE degree still amazes me.

>> No.10238532

That's what happens when you post and write a long ass lab report. Proofreading it's not one of my strengths.

At any rate, does anyone knows something about optimization of spatial vectors?

>> No.10238533

OSU targets high school children with their twitter, they'd be 9 five years ago. I hate OSU for this shit.

>> No.10238585
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>Proofreading it's not one of my strengths
Keep trying, anon. Eventually you'll get there.

>> No.10238589
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I will do my best. At least someone is laughing out of my mistakes.

>> No.10238594

>literally an undergrad
Why are you telling people it's worth it if you don't have the knowledge needed to know if it's worth it?

>> No.10238604

I'm just trying to encourage people. I have seen a lot of people dropout from my university the last three years.

In another note I was just asking about the space vectors optimization for three-phase induction motors, I might be needing a bit of help to making a controller based on that transformation.

>> No.10238714

What do you mean by ruining low math courses?
t. ECE

>> No.10239790

Good, more people should drop out of university instead of finishing engineering degrees with 2.1 GPA's. Not everybody can be an engineer.

>> No.10239803

You're right anon, being a $60k a year plant maintenance worker is pretty prestigious after all.

>> No.10239852

Better than being a $60k a year engineer $37k in the hole that doesn't know what they're doing. Quit pretending like engineers get 150k salaries out of school with a bachelor's. Maybe a whiz kid CS grad going to work for Google, but cost of living and workload factor in too. I'd rather make 80k working 37 - 40 hour weeks in a low col area than 120k working 50 hour weeks in SF.

>> No.10240210

>Proofreading it's not one of my strengths
you do not deserve to have any sort of degree.

>> No.10240222

Ohio state or Oklahoma state?
I'm from Ohio but I'm also a junior in EE at University of Oklahoma

>> No.10240262

To be fair, some of them were really good, like 3.5 GPA, but the economic problems of this country are taking their toll on everyone. Even so I do agree that not everyone can or is apt to be an engineer.

I agree with you, Anon.

Hey, I was just being dumb yesterday. I haven't been sleeping at all with these lab reports and working on the induction motor DTC controller. My bad.

>> No.10240274

>I'd rather make 80k working 37 - 40 hour weeks
I have bad news for you, anon...

>> No.10240337


>> No.10240638

The standard in engineering is 60hrs/week. No that doesn't mean you make more money than the other engineers.

>> No.10240698

>The standard in engineering is 60hrs/week.
What the fuck? The standard is 45hs

>> No.10240736

I just failed my first class (multivariable calc) and I want to die

>> No.10240776

Lol you picked the wrong kind of engineering. Standard work weeks are 40 hours anon, you should be able to finish all the work you have in that time most weeks.

>> No.10241009
