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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 375x265, imageeqn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1021097 No.1021097 [Reply] [Original]


Anyone done an Open University degree before? In the UK it's an online Undergraduate course where they send you materials and you self learn.

Rather than doing Mathematics at a university, attending useless lectures, conforming to schedule and being around others. Instead I can complete it at my own pace from home and peform tests whenever I want.

Sounds great. Anyone ever done one before and can share their experience with me?

>> No.1021112

>being around others
>bad thing

>> No.1021109

Me: Have you ever hired anyone who got an online degree?
Human Resources Manager at work: No.
Me: Would you ever?
Human Resources Manager at work: Never.

>> No.1021118

>Implying an online degree is the same as an OU degree

>> No.1021130

pic is my favourite equations,

Euler Identity connects all the fundamental constants of our universe.

Shannon's information entropy tells you about the usefulness of information, how much resources you need to communicate it and entropy (lack of organisation or noise) or the entire message space. [oops should be log (1/p(x)) ]

rk-selection logistic equation is for measuring different reproductive strategies in different environments for animals. r selected animals live in chaotic rapidly changing environments and multiply rapidly while dying young. K selected animals (humans, elephants, ...) take time to mature but invest more in their young.

Equation for the golden ratio. Needs no explaining really ;)

>> No.1021134


So you want to have all the work of a degree, without all the perks that come from attending university?

>> No.1021144

I'm not doing this to get hired. I already have my own online business.

I'm doing this because I love math and science. My sister is becoming an Astrophysicist and it'd be nice to collaborate with her on our own projects.

>> No.1021161


>implying some numbers are more important than others

>> No.1021162
File: 53 KB, 2352x713, mars sunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ALL your comments are much appreciated. Much better than comments I got before. Thank you.

Here's a question I asked before I settled on Mathematics.


My sister is like a cool friend. Passionate arguments about science, the future, alien civilisations break out all the time. We will make a good team.

She's going to study astronomy. I'm interested in ALL science. Yet it'd be great if we both had fields that worked together. Both learning and using our combined minds.

Mathematics is on my mind right now. How useful is this for astrophysics?

pic; Mars sunset. People will live there one day if we don't squander our billions years old legacy on pointless self destruction.


Nice to hear your thoughts on that too ;)

>> No.1021175

what are you going to give up?

the hours you spend doing the work for the course are going to have to come from somewhere.

You need to have a clear idea of when you are going to do the work each week.

>> No.1021189

You can complete the degree at any online pace you want. It doesn't matter.

>> No.1021329

This only makes it even worse, and his idea is spot on. If you can do it whenever you want, that means you can always do it next week. Honestly, OP, you probably lack the self-discipline necessary to see this through. I know you're thinking "he's wrong, i love this shit", and I might be, but I'm probably not. If you decide to do this, you really should set off some study time every week that you keep to religiously. It might not be necessary early on, but when you need to do it later on you will be fucked if you don't.

>> No.1021347


NO ONE RESPECTS ONLINE DEGREES. they are a joke. I am sorry its that way but it is.
Until online schools become regulated and funded the same way regular schools are..

Too many fly by night shit "online universities" for anyone to take it seriously. The most respectable one I can think of is the university of phoenix online program

>> No.1021367

>useless lectures
Enjoy your useless course material instead

>> No.1021388

You are wrong. I'm religiously self motivated- self taught professional programmer and spent years making my own business doing 10+hour intense constantly working work days for weeks at a time.

Self motivation is not a problem.

Maybe in the USA. But here in the UK it's an official government institution.


Also IM NOT DOING IT FOR A JOB. Just for myself.

>> No.1021489

dun dunn

>> No.1021498

if not doing it for a job why pay for it? why not just watch free lectures and read a lot of shit

>> No.1021681

dun dun

>> No.1021746

Fellow BritFag here OP. I don't think the foreigners here understand what the Open University is. Lot of employers love people who get a good grade from the OU because it shows real commitment and that you have the discipline to do something with little outside force. I know of two people who got good jobs with an OU degree. With Mathematics you could do even better. I'd say go for it and good luck.

I got a degree from a bricks and mortar Uni, would love to do an OU degree, but I'm emigrating next Month.

>> No.1021981

You know that OU can accredit your degree even abroad? They allow you to take the tests anywhere in the EU for free, and worldwide for an extra fee.

>> No.1022230

dun dun

>> No.1022580

dun dun

>> No.1022713

dun dun

>> No.1023058


ALL your comments are much appreciated. Much better than comments I got before. Thank you.

Here's a question I asked before I settled on Mathematics.


My sister is like a cool friend. Passionate arguments about science, the future, alien civilisations break out all the time. We will make a good team.

She's going to study astronomy. I'm interested in ALL science. Yet it'd be great if we both had fields that worked together. Both learning and using our combined minds.

Mathematics is on my mind right now. How useful is this for astrophysics?

pic; Mars sunset. People will live there one day if we don't squander our billions years old legacy on pointless self destruction.


Nice to hear your thoughts on that too ;)

>> No.1023636

dun dun