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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10210559 No.10210559 [Reply] [Original]

>biologists have to learn how to program
>chemists learn programming
>math majors learn programming
>physicists learn programming
Why would a CSfag go to school for 4 years to learn programming?

Isn't a math degree with a CS minor stictly better?

>> No.10210576

Everybody has to learn to program. It's literally impossible to survive in the modern world without a good command of Python, Javascript, a basic understanding of C/C++ and the rudimentary rules of logic and linear algebra.

Without these qualifications I would never have landed this job at starbucks.

>> No.10210606

chemists don't learn programming (a lot of computational chemistry even uses existing software packages)
Biologists don't always learn programming (but they do more often than chemists)
>being a chemist these days is pretty fkn sad :- (((

>> No.10210645

Coheed and Cambria

>> No.10210669

>Isn't a math degree with a CS minor stictly better?
Yes but CS people can't do math

>> No.10210688

Double major in math and CS only if you want to do grad school. Focus on theory or systems. I personally haven’t had experience with any CS programs that havent had programming classes (I mean, I’ve had project heavy classes, but the classes themselves were on specific topics) as a part of the curriculum. CS in grad, and especially as a PhD, is very different than CS undergrad. Masters people usually go for the basics + ML. Don’t be one of those people. The best CS papers are either theory (which is all pure or slightly applied math depending on the subfield) or systems (all design with proofs of correctness).

Depends on whether you’re talking about undergrad or grad.

>> No.10210692

*have had programming classes as a part of the curriculum

I know they exist in other schools, but I’ve never had “learn x language” class. The closest I’ve come to that is the compiler/language theory class, and I think that’s cheating a bit

>> No.10210707

pharma engineers as medical engineers need to learn programming

def Python, Java, and C++

CS might be the biggest meme yet

>> No.10210719

Never learn a skill to get a job. Learn a skill to make something. Why the fuck would you learn to program if it's not to make something yourself and make others pay you for it?
What the fuck are you doing? Of course no slave driver gives a fuck about your programming skills, he would prefer you were self taught to pay you less.

>> No.10210729

>import Program as P

CS isn't about learning programming. Its about learning how to create information structure and information flow. A monkey can program, but that doesn't mean it can efficiently create information flows. Programming is literally just a tool any brainlet can use to solve problems.

>> No.10210733


>> No.10210783

>biologists have to learn how to program
>chemists learn programming
>math majors learn programming
>physicists learn programming
They only learn how to write spaghetti code in python.

>> No.10210869
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You're missing the point, CS is literally CE for people who suck at math.

>> No.10210887


>Why would a CSfag go to school for 4 years to learn programming?

CS classes aren't strictly about programming. Maybe in your freshman year, but that's it. As you enter your sophomore year, your exams will focus less on programming and more on algorithms, data structures, and other abstract concepts.

>> No.10210953

>Why would a CSfag go to school for 4 years to learn programming?

That's what I don't get. I an electrical engineer but have trouble convincing people o can program. I've never got a job in programming although I did take CS because I knew id end up taking allot of programming classes and I'd spend alot of time programming anyways.

Programers are redundant but it's a meme they are the only ones who can do it.

>> No.10211095

Ex-biofag taking a theoretical machine learning grad course right now. It's hard as balls. CS people over are definitely not dumb codemonkeys.

>> No.10211103
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>> No.10211115

CS is discrete math dumbie.

>> No.10211121
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>discrete math

>> No.10211124

Comp Sci majors think the world works like Dungeons and Dragons. They believe you can only become good at programming if you spend all your time coding. You never see this with other STEM degrees because they've been around too long for that "balance" meme. You can't honestly say physicists need to be "nerdy" when there are tons of gymbros in physics.

>> No.10211130

Every day there's these types of threads, and every day I point out one thing. In most major cities a recent graduate can make 80-100k/year right out of college. If you suck enough dick and show initiative 5 years down the road you can be a project manager making 1.5-2x that amount. There's no other jobs in STEM besides engineering where this is possible.
Even if you aren't just larping degrees/credentials you hold the odds of you contributing anything useful to the scientific community is low, combine that with your piss-poor wages and why would anyone want to go into fields such as physics/math/biology? If you want to branch off of being a project lead/manager all you have to do is start a side company up while you're working, I've know quite a few people who have done this, myself included.
As for why you should get a math degree instead of CS if you're going into the software industry, I've never seen any applicants that have a math major actually get through HR, let alone contribute to any kind of development. This is in a ~100 employee company that hires regularly and has our own stand alone software as well as taking contracts for other firms.

>> No.10211131

idk I'm an EE major and I personally would find writing algorithms for solving the rubik's cube more difficult than straightforward continuous math like differential equations.

it's not that hard using a table of fourier transforms.

>> No.10211132

friendly reminder that your school's rank is more important than your major.

no one cares that you got a STEM degree from some shit-tier state university lol.

>> No.10211139

why the fuck would you need to larp to prove your point?

>> No.10211152

>project manager
Gross, no thanks. Perhaps you were looking for biz

>> No.10211154

>being so ashamed of cs that you have to be discreet about it

>> No.10211155

>I'm an EE major
Opinion discarded

>> No.10211164


What do you mean? Purdue University, Georgia Tech, University of Washington, and U.C. Berkeley are known to have some of the best engineering/science programs in the U.S.

>> No.10211169

There's a lot more to writing software than "programming."

>> No.10211250
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what if you accidentally died and literally everything you worked so hard for no longer mattered.

>> No.10211287


>> No.10211505


>> No.10211971

Not true. I went to a school ranked 400s for five years (not including two years at cc for AA, but I did that in HS) and got five degrees (4BSc/1MSc) and a 720 GMAT/3.3 GPA and just got accepted for Fall 2020 at a business school w/ full ride that would make you shit your pants.

>> No.10211973

cs is gay.
learn computer skills(programming, machine learning) as an addition to your career, dont study mere tools as the whole subject

>> No.10212043

>biologists have to learn how to program
speaking of, is Rosalind actually helpful? thinking of starting it up over the winter break.

>> No.10212047

Go though college,sweetheart
And then we talk

>> No.10213602


That's complete bullshit. No one pays any attention to the name of your school unless it's an Ivy League