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10206576 No.10206576 [Reply] [Original]

Is it saying altruism is the reason for the extinction of genes? Please explain

>> No.10206597
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>Is it saying altruism is the reason for the extinction of genes?

>> No.10206602

Genes have an interest in propagating through time by whatever means necessary. Sometimes this appears contradictory as we can observe altruism but altruism is just a manifestation of a beneficial behavior to the organism just like religion. Although the latter is not recognized by Dawkins. If there was one book in the entire world I could recommend to explain why the world is the way it is, it is this book. Based on your post you need to start by taking an intro biology course. Completely comprehending this book will change your life.

>> No.10206606

How come 4 billion years of evolution didn't route out cancer?

>> No.10206609

cancer is life in it's purest form, just a cute little cell wanting to go back to being unicellular and immortal, fuck your multicellular bullshit

>> No.10206610

Thank you anon!

>> No.10206614


The gene takes ''primacy'', not the holistic organism. something, something ant hill analogy.

>> No.10206622

This is a complex question for obvious reasons but ill give it a crack. Cancer requires both genetic and environmental factors to manifest. The reason why we have a lower incidence of childhood cancers compared to adult cancer is because their is a selection pressure to eliminate the dysregulation in the child who has not yet reproduced, but not in the elderly who have already passed on their genes e.g. old man has son and later gets cancer and dies (no selection pressure so it is passed on in the sense of gene regulation of cancer environment in the body). Excluding the rare cases of inherited cancer the body generally has to deal with these cancer cells on the fly which is largely down to chance i.e. environment in which you were born into. Genes cannot predict the where when and how the damage occurs and only responds with the machinery it has available to repair damage. This sometimes does not go well and cancer develops.

>> No.10206694

Because it very rarely affects people who are still young enough to procreate a lot.
The time factor is huge, but the evolutionary pressure is extremely low.

>> No.10206914

because it doesn't prevent grandchildren

>> No.10206939


No. The book is saying the reason why humans help other humans is because we have similar genes.

>> No.10206998

Most cancers are caused by pathogens who themselves are competing for living space (inb4 this isn't true, mark my words, in decades to come you will be reading headlines like "more cancer pathogens discovered" etc.)

>> No.10207009
File: 2.87 MB, 3552x5499, Narrow Roads of Gene Land vol 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this book instead.

>> No.10207011

Same reason evolution didn't route out old age in humans. It wasn't necessary for the survival of our genes.

>> No.10207076

its not heritable enough for evolution to "waste" energy on eradicating it, and you can reproduce before and during it

>> No.10207140

>Most cancers are caused by pathogens

Some are, not most. Mainly viral.

>> No.10207266

In two decades, we will know that 80 % of cancers are caused by infectious disease.

>> No.10207432

>Why is this book so important
It's not. >>>/trash/

>> No.10207966

not as good title

>> No.10208036

>Genes have an interest
Please be careful not to assign intention to non-sentient beings. Language like that and the unfortunate title "selfish gene" easily confuse people.
The better way to think about it is that herds of animals that helped each other survived and passed on that trait whereas other herds of animals that didn't died off.

>> No.10208090

why? give more details.

>> No.10208522


Cancer is an inevitable process of life.

>> No.10208751

>why is this book so important?
it's not. it's old science exlained to a general audience. bill nye for the new york times book review crowd.

>> No.10208812

Richard Dawkins literally coined the term Meme and you faggots come to discredit his legacy? Fucking idiots, all of you

>> No.10208822
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>> No.10208834
File: 214 KB, 1200x1200, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natural selection operates relative to particular periods of time. Let's start at some given point in time that we can call Time Zero. Those self-prop systems that are most likely to survive (or have surviving progeny) at five years from Time Zero are those that are best suited to survive and propagate themselves (in competition6 with other self-prop systems) during the five-year period following Time Zero. These will not necessarily be the same as those self-prop systems that, in the absence of competition during the five-year period, would be best suited to survive and propagate themselves during the thirty years following Time Zero. Similarly, those systems best suited to survive competition during the first thirty years following Time Zero are not necessarily those that, in the absence of competition during the thirty-year period, would be best suited to survive and propagate themselves for two hundred years. And so forth.

For example, suppose a forested region is occupied by a number of small, rival kingdoms. Those kingdoms that clear the most land for agricultural use can plant more crops and therefore can support a larger population than other kingdoms. This gives them a military advantage over their rivals. If any kingdom restrains itself from excessive forest-clearance out of concern for the long-term consequences, then that kingdom places itself at a military disadvantage and is eliminated by the more powerful kingdoms. Thus the region comes to be dominated by kingdoms that cut down their forests recklessly. The resulting deforestation leads eventually to ecological disaster and therefore to the collapse of all the kingdoms. Here a trait that is advantageous or even indispensable for a kingdom's short-term survival-recklessness in cutting trees-leads in the long term to the demise of the same kingdom.

>> No.10208836

This example illustrates the fact that, where a self-prop system exercises foresight, in the sense that concern for its own long-term survival and propagation leads it to place limitations on its efforts for short-term survival and propagation, the system puts itself at a competitive disadvantage relative to those self-prop systems that pursue short-term survival and propagation without restraint. This leads us to changes in the conditions prevailing within the supersystem, the subsystems can neither survive nor propagate themselves.

>> No.10208857

>bill nye said it so its true
>bill nye
nigga are you serious?, At least prove it with a book or study.

>> No.10208859

oh shit i realized that i was the nigger all along

>> No.10208869


Congratulations anon.

>> No.10208876

based on OP's post he exists to protect the fecundity of low fertility females
using a dead, bad meme to deal with brainlets is itself brainlet
you are a brainlet
checked and correct
horrible title and cover art, i bet its actually a good read though
based and niggerpilled
you're a dumb ass and you have no idea what you're talking about
good job
t. Stephen J Gould and Richard Lewontin

>> No.10209260

Fuck Dawkins and his new atheism bullshit. If Dawkins had any balls he would have explicitly said that the selfish gene theory explains why we have racism and that its natural (note that I am not saying it is morally justifiable even though I don't believe an objective morality exists). His meme-shit also fails to take into consideration that they only exist in individuals insofar as people can voluntarily take on the memes which confer a survival benefit.

>> No.10209266

>t. Stephen J Gould and Richard Lewontin
>Jewish atheists

>> No.10209270

Into the trash it goes

>> No.10209293

Genes don't have a mind of their own, they are sequences of base pairs that encode proteins. And then the proteins may or may not do something. I don't know how meta this process can get, not that I've read the book or anything.