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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10201448 No.10201448 [Reply] [Original]

How do you study anatomy, /sci/? Memorizing all this shit is so hard lads and I really want to ace it

>> No.10201450


practise, practise, practise
also knowing what the latin/greek terms mean will make it a lot easier to remember

>> No.10201523

some people use flashcards

>> No.10201531
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If you can't study it, for the love of God, don't go into medicine. I'm sorry but I hold incredible dislike toward you. Were you a factory worker or some guy on the street, I would have no ill feelings. However, you're some pseud wannabe, who probably doesn't belong in college, let alone med school.
I studied all of anatomy on my own, long before I had any intention of medical school and memorized it near perfectly. No grade awaited. No incentive. You on the other hand, are told to do something and cannot.
Perhaps you can be reformed, perhaps I am wrong, hell I hope I'm wrong but if you're from a good background (middle/upper class, never had financial worries) then you are probably deluded with ambitions of going to medical school. My honest suggestion is don't, because you do not belong there. However, if you're a man of humble beginnings, perhaps this is all a stress induced blur. I don't know. What I do know is you need to put your mind to the test over the break this winter. That will be the testing ground to see if you have what it takes.

>> No.10201534

use your body

>> No.10201542

This. I could never study this. My younger brother just started biology tho, and he studies like 8 hours a day and anatomy is easy if you just keep reading it. He also learns the meaning of the terms.

>> No.10201545

Don't memorize lists when you don't absolutely need to.

Memorize binary associations and stitch those together into the full body of knowledge. Refresh early and often if you know you're not a natural sponge.

>> No.10201577

Not OP, but what do you mean "the test"? I feel as if you just described me. I dont know if I truly want it, or if I'm stuck in my life long habits of laziness, and I will need to make major life changes, like deleting all video games and such. I'm not sure I'm cut out for medicine, or am i still just too lazy, but I have what it takes.

>> No.10201588

You should absolutely quit video games cold turkey. Medicine or no medicine, they are keeping you weak and distracted. If you can make it 12 months without vidya, you might be able to reintroduce them in a healthy way. I did the same with alcohol - turns out I actually don't even want to anymore so it's stayed at like 6-18 standard drinks per year for a while now.

If you want to try something a little stronger, also quit the internet for 3 months. It's almost unthinkable what a waste of time this shit becomes.

You don't have what it takes if you're too lazy. Don't fall for that meme - it lets you excuse yourself for your failings.

>> No.10201607

You're right. It's much more than video games. My entire life has revolved around stimulus. A perpetual dopamine addiction. Now that I actually want to become something in life, these habits and addictions have stuck with me. They're holding me back. I try to balance school and fun, but I find my self half-assing the work, or not studying as hard as I should, and then playing video games when I'm finished. I'm too old to fuck around as well(23). I listen to seminars about oncological surgery, methods for different cancers and I love the terminology they use. The abbreviations, the terms, different treatments, immunotherapeutic drugs, chemotherapeutic drugs, radiation, when they talk about different complications of various surgical procedures. I want to be like them and do what they do. I tell myself that I have the potential to become one and be like them, but at the same time I feel like a brainlet who isn't cut out for it. The latter seems the most realistic. Currently I feel like I may just have a subpar IQ and was only cut out to work menial laborious jobs.

>> No.10201636

If you're obsessive and stimulus seeking, then consider transmuting the targets of that instead of this "balance school and fun" line where you cycle through minimally productive self-oppression and wasteful "release". It can be easier to slam some doors, so just buck up and slam them.

If you can develop a habit of curiosity(yes, habit) and re-train yourself to seek stimulus via your chosen field, then it's likely you'll at least be able to stand in the same room as these people. The thing about sacrifice is you have to do it BEFORE you know the outcome - so no guarantees, but you have to just cop that.

Settle down about the brainlet meme. This is medicine, not physics.