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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10200155 No.10200155 [Reply] [Original]

whats your major and what calculator do you use on exams?
i need a calculator that can do polar and complex number calculations easily. will the ti-nspire cx cas work?
computer engineer with a physics minor, currently using a ti-84 plus

>> No.10200508

I use a Soviet slide rule and memorize the conversions.

Anything above a TI-30 is for brainlets.

>> No.10200539

Ti-36X Pro

>> No.10200658

Haven't touched my ti-84 since highschool. Mathematica & MATLAB replaced it. Anytime I see someone using a ti calculator in uni, I get the impression they're a noob. I try not to be condescending but that's how I feel.
> t. Senior physics & math

>> No.10200728

I've built my own multifunctional calculator in risc V assembly just because. It can pretty much do everything a ti-89 can do and much much more.

>> No.10200870

Yep, 36X Pro is exactly what you want. Natively does polar notation and quickly converts between rectangular and polar

>> No.10200874

Any calculator wil work

>> No.10201670

Ok whip put your laptop for a test
>t. senior physics & math

>> No.10202548

CompE here, haven't used a calculator on any exam so far besides an elective, "science of information". We were allowed to use it because they wanted decimal numbers for log calculations. Why can't you do polar/complex calculations in your head? TI-84 can do them if you need, just learn the notation and tricks.

>> No.10202643

TI is overpriced, look at casio and HP.
does your prof let you use it during tests? also, what do you mean by risc ? Google didn't yeild any results.

>> No.10202655

You will almost certainly not be allowed to use a programmable (i.e. graphing) calculator on your future exams. Get a good scientific calculator.

Seconding. I'm in MecE and the equation solver and numerical integration have saved me a huge amount of time.

>> No.10202671

get yourslef an abacus

>> No.10202682
File: 502 KB, 1000x913, Lee_Detail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I would recommend Lee's Improved Abacus for anyone in a math-heavy field.

>> No.10203383

I always forget to bring a calculator and do everything on paper elementay school style until someone finishes and then I ask them if I can borrow their calculator. Usually they are really cucked and just say yes and wait until I finish the exam, but in the rare case that they don't let you borrow it I would recommend learning iterative methods for calculating square roots.

>> No.10203475
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I bought Wolfram Alpha my phone for 3 dollars. It's all a math major ever needs unless you take a numerical analysis course.

>> No.10203493

I learned how to use a Japanese abacus while I was recovering from surgery last year. Came back to school this fall and used it once all semester. At least it's cute.

Math major (senior).

>> No.10203500
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Senior physics major here, I've used a Casio FX-991ES Plus (I think it goes by a different name in the US) all throughout undergrad. love this thing

>> No.10203517

>using calculators for math
you fucking brainlet, just change your major to business

>> No.10203585

>tests just to spend up number crunching, if necessary
Literally whatever scientific calculator
>doing actual work
GNU/Octave on the 100% FOSS computer lab running Debian with a network bootloader written by the kernel-patches-under-belt lab syadmin (Geophysics), or having to break open the locks on the Fortran grimoire if shit's really serious

>> No.10203600
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>a calculator that can do polar and complex number calculations easily

Most <$20 scientific calculators can do that.

>> No.10203608

A ti-84 color that's been given to me. I don't especially like it but it works