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File: 208 KB, 1161x869, 928139312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10199343 No.10199343 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make myself a sociopath?

I'm sick and tired of these illogical feelings I feel. I want to stop caring about people.

>> No.10199345

You don't know what a 'sociopath' is.

>> No.10199351
File: 334 KB, 1161x869, 1536413581009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being the person that edited this image. Are pedophiles really this desperate to normalize their degeneracy?

>> No.10199365

I want to have ASPD traits. I want to stop caring about people.

>> No.10199368

Lolita isn't a pedophilic book, it shows how autistic it is to run off with a little girl.

>> No.10199371

since im partially autistic i don't feel very much emotionally, kind of sucks desu.

I can only feel enough to care a little. all these dramatic movies like look me in the eye while i kill you. Well for me i don't really feel much, I'd shoot a home invader in his face.

>> No.10199394

I know that, but taking the time to
>shop two books
just makes me wonder what kind of person was motivated to do this.

>> No.10199395

Someone who isn't a faggot cuckold who goes around complaining about completely natural sexual attraction?

>> No.10199412

>are pedophiles desperate
>i know that, but who did this?
>dumb faggot cuckold, you don't know it's natural to like little girls?

>> No.10199423
File: 456 KB, 633x1139, 1519376757324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you teleiophile idiots always incoherently talk to yourselves like this?

>> No.10199428

Ah, so you are a pedo. I was recapping what you and I exchanged. How does it feel to never, ever be able to talk about your sexuality without being laughed at?

>> No.10199429
File: 47 KB, 615x410, gamma-knife-graphic-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get gamma knife surgery to destroy your amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex.

>> No.10199435
File: 303 KB, 750x796, B0676AAA-7FC3-4CA0-9930-AF7302807B69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take SSRIs and more than you need to
>become a lobotomised psycopath

>> No.10199438
File: 174 KB, 686x1029, l-Henry-Cavill-Mustache-Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of weak person requires those around them to reaffirm their sexuality? Is that what the TV told you is required? Just like how homosexuals require content reaffirmation otherwise they'll turn into a teary mess.

Persecution is inherent to life.

Do SNRIs count?

>> No.10199445

>Persecution is inherent to life.
Only to the weak, fag ;]
Have fun being the first in your whole ancestral lineage to not procreate.

>> No.10199449

this could of happened to me, im not sure but I don't feel a very wide range of emotions.

>> No.10200499

watch hardcore shit, emotional shit until you literally just go numb to everything. you can do this for offensive things too

>> No.10201376

imagine the progress that could be made using this machine if we had another medical revolution like in WWI/WWII

>> No.10201383

Lole OP you will never achieve this, let me explain why. People need others in order to learn, a being in isolation can not make the proper connections for happiness. Happiness is best achieved by finding a dream that is your own entirely. Engage in society, but be disengaged inside your own mind.

>> No.10201529

Satan is a sociopath.
>Do as thou wilt
>Collectivism of any kind
>Become a nigger
>Convert to Islam
Some paths to sociopathy that ive threaded in

>> No.10201538

>How do I make myself a sociopath?

You are one already, congrats buddy.

>> No.10201557

Congratulations, you've been brain washed by our degenerate society into giving up your humanity and destroying your own values, you win, therefore you lose.

>> No.10201822

Sociopaths are inherently weaker. They step on too many toes. Too easy to pull an Olympian on them.

>> No.10201877

This, they can be surmounted by an overman who understands both pure logic and is able to balance emotional relationships. I think thinking this way is a healthy thought exercise though, just don't impose that will onto reality.

>> No.10201896

Sociopaths obsess over people and project all their insecurities onto them. Your view of what a 'sociopath' is is a myth.

>> No.10201906


There is no correct view of what a sociopath is. Most psychological terms are broad, vague, and interchangeable.

>> No.10201909

>There is no correct view of what a sociopath is.
Yes there is, but most people are idiots and parrot sensationalised pop-sci.

>> No.10201915

Poppycock, articulate the perfect explanation as to what a sociopath is for us all to witness in awe.

>> No.10201921

Someone lacking in empathy/sympathy to the extent that they can harm others and feel minimal remorse.

>articulate the perfect explanation as to what a sociopath is
There's no 'perfect' explanation, any more than there is for anything, but there's a generally agreed framework as to what words mean. If you don't understand this, you're clinically retarded.

Unless you have some other (wrong) definition of what a 'sociopath' is, of course.

>> No.10201938

They also target other sociopaths/victims, and no more innteligent than the GE

>> No.10201944

Psychopath: Takes the path of the mind.

Sociopath: Takes the path of society.

>> No.10201947

>the first
>not "the only"

>> No.10201951


I don't have a definition for sociopath because I think it's wasted energy to try and define. I think it's a shitty fucking word that doesn't describe anything outside of "a person that doesn't feel bad when doing bad things". Any 1 human has so much going on in them at any given moment. To think you can simplify human behavior with the DSM is fucking retarded.

>> No.10201952

You also don't know what the words 'psychopath' and 'sociopath' mean.

>> No.10202208

You are clearly driven by feelings to become a sociopath, gtfo faggot

>> No.10202221

No matter how hard you try you will never be able to comprehend the experience of being a Psychopath/Sociopath. Imagine a void, a vast empty area, with a computer at the center, but it's a good void. These people don't just have blunted empathy, all emotions are nulled to an extent, happiness and sadness included, the feel of it is incomprehensible to someone who has always felt the full range of emotions their whole life.