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10198161 No.10198161 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any drugs that wont long-term fuck me up so I can stay motivated and willing to work? I'm a literal brainlet because I can never force myself to study or work long-term and I'm god damn sick of it.

>> No.10198165

Yeah, drink some coffee.

>> No.10198178

how's that gonna help?

>> No.10198189

Honestly, you are probably just addicted to the internet. We all are.

>> No.10198209

Raw cacao. It will blanket everything in a haze of "interesting" and attention can be freely directed because all things can be elevated to similar degrees.

>> No.10198212

abstain from sex/masturbation

>> No.10198233

Theres no such thing as a motivation drug. You can take uppers that will get you in the mood to do shit. But if you don't focus that energy onto your responsibilities and just get distracted. You'll spend hours on those distractions.

>> No.10198282

I heard micro dosing LSD has extremely positive effects.

>> No.10198291

L-theanine plus caffeine, Cacao has psychoactive properties, don't take it lightly. There's a reason it was sacred to the the Aztecs

>> No.10198293

What if I just macro dose instead?

>> No.10198352

>stay off internet
problem solved.

>> No.10199270

Go to library and stay there

>> No.10200286

coffee is willpower stored in a cup.

>> No.10200296

Drugs won't help you. They will only hurt

t. someone who was "smart but lazy" years ago and is now dumb and lazy because of amphetamine abuse.

>> No.10200300

Try alcohol and amphetamine OP

>> No.10200301

these >>10198352 >>10199270 >>10200286 >>10200296 you should heed all of these mate

>> No.10200307

best answer in the thread

>> No.10200331

4chan is here to convince you to buy firearms, a LeCar, and an IBM Thinkpad, to convince you that meth should be legalized and widely available, and to accept trannies as normal.

>> No.10200350

Wokest post on 4chan

>> No.10200359

Don't do drugs man. Just get motivated.

>> No.10200428

you'd be extremely high

>> No.10201392

What chemicals cause that in raw cacao? I thought theobromine and caffeine were the only psychoactive components of cocoa and shit

>> No.10201402

Guanfacine has done wonders for me. Also I'm fairly sure my memory has improved considerably on it, but both of these could just be my ADHD actually being treated. Dexamphetamine did nothing for it by itself, but the combo with guanfacine is mint. Caffeine on top and I feel like I can do anything (and actually do it instead of wasting time on the internet).

>> No.10201418 [DELETED] 

no Internet
no Fap
no Sex

no internet

>> No.10201421

no Internet
no Fap
no Sex

>> No.10201428

Do it in a dark room, you'll see bad violence, but it will make you examine yourself outside the peripherals of the pack.

>> No.10201435

Unironically meditation. I don't mean the shit Buddhists do with counting breaths, but just spending some time to visualize your goal and yourself completing it. There's lots of guided motivational meditations on Youtube. Watching motivational speeches and videos will help as well. Turning to drugs when you're struggling with long-term motivation is like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. The most important thing in creating long-term motivation is to learn to control your mindset.

>> No.10201436

You have to explain the best way to actually do this, it sounds like an empty platitude, but you need a life purpose. Motivation can be found in anything you are innately good at, improve that skill, you will feel happy, then people will want to be around you. Seen Oldboy? That poem by Ella Wilcox is very true, "Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone".

>> No.10201437

>doing LSD in a dark room will make you see violent imagery

>> No.10201439

the thought that somebody else thinks they are better than you should motivate you

>> No.10201443

Just a metaphor my man, he might see anything depending on his neurochemistry. Dark rooms are more likely to induce bad trips (for me at least) causing detatchment from social life inducing introspection which results in inner peace.

>> No.10201454

Just today, I tried a "Viter Energy" breath ment that my bitch got on amazon. She told me how every one at work and school started hitting her up. It is supposed to equal a cup of coffee but I can drink a pot of coffee and go to sleep. I was fucking flying on this shit. My headache disappeared and I started doing shit around the house that I've been putting off for months. Made in USA (Tennessee) try it out before they get busted for whatever is really in there.
t. Heavyweight opiate addict.

>> No.10201459

You`re a big guy

>> No.10201470
File: 249 KB, 918x1035, gwern nicotine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tobacco is KING.

>> No.10201477

You think a little pinch of chew would work? Or its something about smoking? You breath a lot more zen like if you smoke.

>> No.10201645

Thx, I might try that

>> No.10201647

Vaping nicotine & nicotine pills should work too then