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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10191180 No.10191180 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10191182

To increase the range of energies it can produce for collisions
Also they shit out so many collisions they probably have a lot of data to sort through in the meantime

>> No.10191183

Because earth is flat

>> No.10191193

They are another government funded agency that wants to funnel as much money as long as they can. They have chosen to do so by limiting the power of the collider and periodically shutting down for 'upgrades' while they sit around and laugh with all that cash they are raking in.
Then after the two years they will increase the power of the device with a little knob by 1-5% and claim new results from 400000000 terabytes of low quality data that was extrapolated, from running the machine for 2 minutes, by an AI, continuing to laugh and sniff cash.

If they were really interested in science and advancement they would simply 'upgrade' it to max power and run it until they run out of new discoveries, then actively push for funding for the next size up.

>> No.10191253

>all the cash
>1/600th of American annual military spending
If they REALLY wanted to be cash hogs they'd design weapons for america, not take up europe's meager budget

>> No.10191323

It doesn't run constantly. They shut it down to do maintenance and upgrades.

>> No.10191764

They've found hell and now they just need to figure out how to open the gate. Repent sinners.

>> No.10191786

Why do conspiracy theories always assume scientists are rich?

>> No.10191792

>he thinks there's money in government funded research
Anon i hope you're not in a research field thinking you'll make bank

>> No.10191798

Time dilation issues.

>> No.10191799

They're getting closer and closer to time travel.

>> No.10191814


>physicists sniffing money

The only thing they are sniffing is their professors farts, also misery and poorness.

>> No.10191836

>If they were really interested in science and advancement they would simply 'upgrade' it to max power and run it until they run out of new discoveries, then actively push for funding for the next size up.
The upgrades aren't just something implemented all at once, they have many components that are essentially independent. For example, they completed enough of the collider to discover the Higgs, then went offline to increase the power. What's more, the energy can be tuned down, but when it reaches the maximum they have to upgrade the hardware -- which is what they've been doing at every past upgrade. This time, I believe they're upgrading luminosity (number of collisions detected), not energy; further increases to energy would require major modifications to the entire structure.

>> No.10191854


Did you read the article?

>> No.10191922

This, but unironically

>> No.10191926
File: 2.84 MB, 448x252, crap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys, these super cooled electromagnets that we use...how about we make them slightly more cooled and increase the amperage!

Mostly correct. If they were actually interested in science and advancement, they would start by first understanding whether or not their foundations are based on a false premise. Given the fact that absolutely none of these quacks know how light works and that there's no empirical evidence of any "particle", you can safely conclude that they're running based off assumptions and actually have no clue what they're doing nor know what theyr'e actually looking for. I doubt any person working at LHC could actually tell you what the purpose of it is without circular reasoning/ fallacy of reification. "Oh it works because particles work", "the higgs exists and is important because we say it is" type of non arguments.
Now before some retard chimes in saying "no ur wrong" I will add that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so please cough up some empirical evidence of a "particle". So far the closest thing you've come by are "fields" which are not discrete in the slightest.

>lets count more perturbations in a medium and reify them as things that are "discrete"

>> No.10193142

Idunno OP why don't you use your fucking eyes and read the words on your own pic?

>> No.10193159


When you get a hardon and produce new particles as ejecta, energy is expended. The given system is unable to produce new ejecta on a constant basis, and must cease the production of ejecta for a given period during which energy can be stored and brought to bear on the next particle creation event. This "downtime" phenomenon is known as rarefaction.

>> No.10193173

>Drive somewhere
>You are now in that place
>Shut down car while you do what you want to do in that place

It's not hard to figure out.

>> No.10193177

They saw something they shouldn't.

>> No.10193192

I know this post will be underrated by just reading it

>> No.10193234

Are you this retarded, or just ignorant?

>> No.10193238

he’s from /pol/ no doubt

>> No.10193243

El psy kongruu

Read the fucking article you autistic son of a bitch

>> No.10193245
File: 62 KB, 500x363, CERN-Headquarters-Dancing-Shiva-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am cringing right now, I used to actually believe in this stuff, it seemed so real when you had scientists dancing around that Indian goddess statue outside.

>> No.10193258

hey cool, i'm interested in you now (and granted i'm a CERNfag)

why did you used to believe the CERN conspiracy meme? was it any one particular person or website or youtube pseud who you got into?

i've found that a lot of the CERN conspiracy theorists are some weird kind of born-again/bible-belt bumpkins. was that it? or was it just /x/ or /pol/?

i am fascinated in the CERN conspiracy theorists; i always wondered why they have something against us. fuck, we're just doing science, what gives?

>> No.10193265
File: 43 KB, 450x470, 1480381806577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10193267

Because particle physics is worthless.

>> No.10193272

i hope you get a form of cancer that is easily treated by proton therapy, go for the therapy, it helps, you say "damn particle physics is the shit, i changed my mind!" but then you die from it anyway

>> No.10194298
File: 258 KB, 1064x2336, TRINITY___SPIN-1_vector_bosons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from a million other things, magentic devices such as supercoliders can hysteresis effects so makes a lot of sense to start it a lower energy, turn it off, turn it on a higher energy, turn it off...

Will they use the data from latest run to report on the spin of the Higgs-like particle that they found in 2012? (Higgs' particle has to have spin-0, otherwise its the particle predicted myself and likely some others based on less solid philosophical reasoning.

>> No.10194441

>If they were actually interested in science and advancement, they would start by first understanding whether or not their foundations are based on a false premise.
We can't know whether or not their foundations are based on a false premise unless we do the experiment.

>> No.10194452


>laugh with all that cash they are raking in

Scientists could just get jobs in finance or engineering if they wanted to do that you miserable putz

>> No.10194467

It literally says why in the header. Maintenance and upgrades. It's a big machine and very complex. The more complex the machine, the more PMs it needs.

>> No.10194520

The PIs make a lot of money. Everyone else is fighting for scraps

>> No.10194528

You sound like a Bill Gaede fangirl.

>> No.10194647

>you guys, these super cooled electromagnets that we use...how about we make them slightly more cooled and increase the amperage!
Easier said than done.
>So far the closest thing you've come by are "fields" which are not discrete in the slightest.
Classical fields aren't discrete, but quantum ones are.