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10189248 No.10189248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why losers are drawn to totalitarian ideologies?

>> No.10189265

Because they want to rely on a single guy to do all the choices for them.
But don't shit on Hitler, he's cool.

>> No.10189287

Because totalitarian ideologies appeal to losers ;•]

>> No.10189296
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>> No.10189300

Hitler is pretty cool desu


this is more lucid than anything any American politician has said aside from a few comments by Eisenhower and JFK

>> No.10189332
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>"Hitler is pretty cool desu"

>> No.10189337

okay. this is epic

>> No.10189341

define loser.

>> No.10189342
File: 40 KB, 680x403, hitler-str-38-max_v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting the state to have a clear stance and set of beliefs on socio-economic questions

>> No.10189345

Read "The True Believer" by Hoffer

>> No.10189384

Losers are stupid
Totalitarian ideologies give simple answers
Losers can only comprehend simple answers

>> No.10189444


Losers failed to succeed in mainstream fields of inquiry, so they are naturally drawn toward niches in which they perceive a chance to accomplish something and to get access to vaginas. It's the same simple reward maximization program that each one of us executes.

>> No.10189468
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Real question is
Why losers think Hitler is a loser?

He was elected into the position, pretty winner like if you ask me

>> No.10189474

He didn't have kids

>> No.10189475

>But don't shit on Hitler, he's cool.
*puts all the working class jews in death camps while taking bribes from rothschilds*

>> No.10189479
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Because he lost, anon

>> No.10189480

>He was elected into the position
Didn't he rig the election, and tried to silence his opposition?

>> No.10189483

The US inspected all the camps they could and determined that there weren't any death camps

>He didn't have kids
brainlets idea of success
his legacy will live forever

>> No.10189484

>posts pic of someone uglier and lower iq than me


>> No.10189486

>The US inspected all the camps they could and determined that there weren't any death camps
Nice, now post evidence.

>> No.10189488

>uglier and lower iq than [you]

>> No.10189489

>Didn't he rig the election, and tried to silence his opposition?
Two successive federal elections left the Nazis as the largest party in the Reichstag and anti-Weimar parties in control of a majority of its seats. Under this political climate, Hindenburg reluctantly appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany in January 1933.


>> No.10189490

((((citation needed))))

>> No.10189495

>im projecting
idk what it is but they seem smarter than you anon


>> No.10189500
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A yearning for the simplistic in a time of perceived chaos and disarray can lead people away from truth.
Luckily, math exists for this sole purpose. To understand the chaos and compress it into nothing more than a concept.
This is how it's allowed to produce those 'so called' "miracles", when applied to fields of physics, chemistry or biology.
It is a way of defining the principal of things so clearly, that anything below it can be followed like a river from a spring. To be able to encapsulate the essence of reality in an axiom, equation, derivation or algorithm.
Logia Eterni.

>> No.10189507

The radical are drawn to totalitarian ideologies, most social losers dont care about anything. Look at /r9k/ they reject anything you tell them.

>> No.10189508


>> No.10189510

*starts a war that kills millions*
*kills himself*
Wow so smart

>> No.10189514

Basically this.

>> No.10189519

>idk what projection is but ill say that is what he is doing cuz it makes him sound bad

>> No.10189547
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>simplification is for idiots!!!
You’re one of those morons, huh?

>> No.10189549

No "death" camps existed.

>> No.10189571
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 36AE724F-0FED-4825-B2A1-51291B50E9B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white men working fulfilling careers, having children and leaving a legacy are losers
>hormonally imbalanced shitskins and söyboys working as baristas or living off of welfare are successful
Really makes you think...

>> No.10189574


>> No.10189577

>do labor for us
>get fed
>has medical facilities to take care of the prisoners
>even dental care
>Auschwitz received regular visits from the Red Cross to determine nutrition of food and to interview prisoners about their stay
>lmao actually now that weve put resources into taking care of you we'll just fucking kill you instead, coulda saved those but nah

how would any of that work.

>> No.10189578

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10189582
File: 133 KB, 1024x867, B5E35456-0EF6-424B-B488-E25BA749A738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trendy söyboy believes making things unnecessarily complicated is a sign of intelligence

>> No.10189587
File: 168 KB, 436x761, Page_of_Himmler_Posen_Speech,_Oct_4,_1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nazis are rational agents
>slavery is okay if you feed them
Regular visits from red cross did not happen. Here is himmler talking about liquidation

>> No.10189588
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It’s an assumption of what runs through his mind. You wouldn’t understand because you take everything at face value.

>> No.10189589

Is this an /r/thedonald simulator

>> No.10189590

based retard

>> No.10189595

Textbook strawman argument, my mental midget nigger friend.

>> No.10189597

What else am I supposed to call you when all of your posts lead me to believe that your hips are wider that your shoulders?

>> No.10189601
File: 36 KB, 457x459, Dg3DxoQX0AAPquU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slavery isnt okay
nice modern morality being applied to the past

slavery was the only upgrade they could make to their farms to feed their family enough you retarded bastard

>> No.10189603
File: 128 KB, 980x551, 945D0627-C986-40CB-937D-4D2BDD0699E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You expect me to respond to OP’s strawman in a serious manner? Hahaha, how do brainlets like you function in society? Surely you must have aspergers...

>> No.10189604

Even bugman is more creative. Kike is an old classic, but it has the disadvantage of revealing your powerlevel. NPC is the latest, most trendy buzzword I can think of.

>> No.10189607

very scientific, all this.

>> No.10189609

Slavery is the answer to getting work done but not being able to motivate your own population into doing it. We would have never needed blacks if white peasants were motivated into picking crops but they werent and would rather kill themselves than do that.

>> No.10189613

Are you saying slavery was okay in 1940s industrialized europe?

>> No.10189616

Sorry, I’m not going to waste my time studying the latest memes and insults. Söyboy specifically insinuates that a male is hormonally imbalanced.

>> No.10189619

strawman me again you fucking nigger

>> No.10189623

why is OP such a flaming homosexual?

>> No.10189629

Any ideology that promises to upheave the world is desirable, in its particular way, when you are disconnected and spiteful of it. Personally, I want to destroy the world and reduce humanity to a hunter-gatherer state.

>> No.10189633

I asked a question? Is slavery okay or not okay in context of the 20th century? Specifically in regards to a previously urban populace

>> No.10189635

This is more showing that our political standards have degraded into the level of a fake sporting event.

>> No.10189639

context of the 20th century is excessively broad, ask me the question you want to ask me without trying to obscure it

>> No.10189647
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Supposing the holocaust happened, was it justified? If so, why? If is because jews are subhman, then why do they dominate whites?

>> No.10189650

>Losers failed to succeed in mainstream fields of inquiry
Exactly, the entire population of Germany, pre 1939 were losers.
every. single. one. of. them.
as were all the people doing the guillotining in france in the 1790s.

>> No.10189654

desperate people do desperate things
watch and see

>> No.10189662

Yes it was justified, the native germans were put in an awful economic situation following the end of WW1.

The jews who were then at the top of german society were hated because they were benefiting from the germans misfortune while not being german themselves.

>If is because jews are subhman
never said anything that could even be misconstrued into that

>> No.10189674

Why was the holocaust justified?

>> No.10189676

>If is because jews are subhman, then why do they dominate whites?
It is as if having virtually limitless funds acquired through immoral practice of usury, and any other morally questionable but highly profitable areas gives you and edge in a carefully crafted "money is power" democratic capitalist world.

>> No.10189681

>Science & Math

>> No.10189683

It's human nature to want to blame someone for their shitty conditions. Shitty conditions can arise for a for bunch of different reasons, but most of the time they blame an easy target, probably because shitty conditions make them dumber.

>> No.10189685

you dumb as shit senpai
are you completely historically illiterate?

>> No.10189687

>holocaust believers cant read confirmed

>> No.10189689

this is the most brainlet tier question in existence.
>people that are well off in the current system, ("winners"), don't opt for radical change
>people who don't profit from the status quo ("losers") opt for radical change
>huh, why is it always these evil losers that become invested in totalitarian movements?
wow, what an unexpected distribution

>> No.10189694

>having virtually limitless funds
Wtf jews must be the overman

>> No.10189705
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>> No.10189731

yes. I think OP is trolling.

>> No.10189735

its a /pol/ baitthread, not /pol/ baiting, but /pol/ is baiting people to drop le epic redpills (and im happy to accomodate them)

>> No.10189755

>No argument

>> No.10189800

Under pressure from politicians, industrialists, and the business community, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933.
On the night of 27 February 1933, the Reichstag building was set afire. Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch communist, was found guilty of starting the blaze. Hitler proclaimed that the arson marked the start of a communist uprising. The Reichstag Fire Decree, imposed on 28 February 1933, rescinded most civil liberties, including rights of assembly and freedom of the press. The decree also allowed the police to detain people indefinitely without charges or a court order. The legislation was accompanied by a propaganda campaign that led to public support for the measure. Violent suppression of communists by the SA was undertaken nationwide and 4,000 members of the Communist Party of Germany were arrested.

It sounds to me like he DID silence the opposition.

>> No.10189807
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Haha yeah brain drain is epic haha

>> No.10189830

doesn't seem to be any science or math in this thread.

>> No.10189880

bingo bango

>> No.10189889

why would I argue with someone who is retarded and doesn’t know anything about ancient, pre-modern or modern history and is less articulate than Hitler?
when you say brain drain do you mean the socio-economic demographic problems caused by urbanization in a skilled technological economy wherein high iq professionals are siphoned off from their home communities or do you mean you’re fucking stupid and don’t have the ability to grasp are a rather simplistic but accurate explanation of the inherent flaws in democracy which hitler is elucidating upon quite eloquently for a large audience many decades before academic gate keepers and conspiracy theorists ever mentioned most of those critiques? See you all are posturing that you’re more intelligent than Mr Hitler but I just don’t see any evidence this is the case: can’t articulate properly, poor style, incredible incapacity for effective rhetoric, copying the arguments of people from this site, emotionally charged passive aggressive mockery instead of death blow laconic refutations, no indication you’ve ever read any historical studies or are familiar with the political and economic situations in France, America and the UK during the early 20th, weak stale memes and misuse of real sociological terminology further diluting discourse and the meaning of language.

>> No.10189903



>> No.10189910

The National Socialists
>identified the health hazards of smoking and created programs to end cigarette smoking
>identified genetic defects in humans and took steps (albeit archaic) preventing their continuation in the gene pool
>advanced computers, chemistry, rocketry, and jet propulsion

Look at America when it was at it's most centralized and militarized; it expanded into an Empire, created the atom bomb and explored space. Same with the Russians. If anything liberalization creates stagnation.

>> No.10189943

because there always has to be a grand conspiracy against the public in order to justify their suffering.

>> No.10189957

They are drawn to feeling of being superior.

>> No.10189960

They dominate white by sneaky and non moral ways, They ware evil...

>> No.10190235


>> No.10190237

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