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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10175333 No.10175333 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of this man?

>> No.10175335

Mentally ill edge lord. Gave up mathematics because he was abused at harvard, got his brain fucked up, then tried to kill people. His work is "interesting," and nothing more than that. Liking him discredits you.

>> No.10175356
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Ship of Fools is a great story.

>> No.10175380

I sympathize with him and how impossible it is to certainly identify sincerity in the working world, but there are areas where he lacks faith despite it not making sense to do so. Like, saying protesters lying in front of cars are actually just insincere masochists--that, I don't believe. If someone's putting their own life on the line then the burden of proof is on you to prove they're only doing so insincerely. You can show that the explanation fits but that doesn't mean it's correct as there could be many more. Either read Popper or, hell, go read DFW.

>> No.10175388
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He could see the future but had the wrong ideas about what to do about it. Probably went the bomber route because political terrorism was the hot cool thing to do at the time. Today he would probably be a social media commentator.

Anarcho primitivism makes sense if you reason yourself into it but you just have to step back and look at it so see how retarded it is.

>Linking mustache makes you Hitler

>> No.10175396

Liking insane, failed murderers doesn't make you hitler, it makes you a fucking moron.

>> No.10175405

>If someone's putting their own life on the line then the burden of proof is on you to prove they're only doing so insincerely.
Lying down in front of a car, in a country that is radically altruistic christian, and where you will be prosecuted for running over pedestrian regardless of circumstance is not exactly putting your life on the line. If this was Pakistan sure, but not in the US during the 80's.

>> No.10175414


Personal Jesus

>> No.10175421
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>People with x characteristic are incapable of doing anything worthwhile because i'm a retarded bigot

>> No.10175425

Based and redpilled. An absolute genius. Easily one of the best mathematicians of our time.

>> No.10175432
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>I'd never read a book written by my enemy, it's impossible that i'd learn anything from it. My enemy's a moron, I am genius.

>> No.10175434 [DELETED] 


>> No.10175438


>> No.10175444

He was right about everything, but there's nothing we can do.

>> No.10175451

His ideas were accurate and some of the first warnings about dehumanization under post industrial society, but his praxis was retarded and much of his logic was poorly founded . Smart guy

>> No.10175459

I have read the manifesto

>> No.10175463

Im laughing at your mental gymnastics rn

>> No.10175474

Good, after laughter will come anger, and when that subsides you will finally be able to understand.

>> No.10175477

He was based and redpilled
He only went crazy because the Jews did things to him after he uncovered their Jewish tricks to turn the west into a cuckistan

>> No.10175484

he was right about technology spelling the end of human liberty, but mail bombs didn't do shit.
to hinder tech progress you have to disable internet/powergrid/fuel supply.

>> No.10175486
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>> No.10175496

And that is why has """""solutions"""""" are so dumb.

Nobody who lived without fuel or power thought it was utopia. Nobody, especially after enjoying the benefits of modern society would ever want to go back to the dark age.
Nobody sane anyways.

>> No.10175524

Anger at what?

>> No.10175526

mentally ill and homicidal
had some good ideas but fucked it up by blowing up random people

>> No.10175634

Protesters like those are only in it for the sense of identity, fame and a presumption of morality.
None of them would be willing to sacrifice their life and become antagonized by society like Ted did.

>> No.10176334

>Mail bombs did't do shit.
Well you know about him.

>> No.10176359

His writing helped turn me into a neet. Now ive been unemployed for so long I cant get back. Ive disappointing my family and everyone around me

>> No.10176376

His sentiment is well-placed but his writings are embarrassingly undeveloped and make sweeping decrees that he doesn't explore. Doesn't understand science (philosophically, or any philosophy really). Many logical errors too. Youtube comment tier quackery.

>> No.10176409

>Nobody who lived without fuel or power thought it was utopia.
Ted never said it was a utopia.


>> No.10176410
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>> No.10176523


Kaczynski is not a failed murderer.

>> No.10176540

>radically altruistic good-boy christians
Oh come on. I'll totally grant you that most christians are infact good boys, but that's not because they're exceptionally christian so much as it is because they're exceptionally lay. Even if we had 100% of the populace going in and making macaroni plates at church every other sunday, that doesn't make the nation ideologically christian. Maybe this was less the case in the past, but this didn't exactly correlate with a DECREASE in violence.

You're right that life in the US entails very little genuine threat though. 9/11 being as big a shocker as it was proves that. But how'd you go about setting your bar? How come Pakistan happens to be where you draw the line? Or, wherever it is you draw the line, why? How tall does someone need to be to ride? Even if it's a vague metric, what is it? Because I'm pretty sure the metric I think most people use before withdrawing their skepticism is "gee, I couldn't do that," and lo and behold, now we've got an epidemic of moral oneupsmanship. The skepticism itself is the driving force behind the vanity which it fears.

>> No.10176556

>I'm pretty sure the metric I think most people use
That was a little redundant of me

>> No.10176571
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>I'll totally grant you that most christians are infact good boys
I stopped here. It doesn't matter why they are what they are, they are extremely peaceful people who given the chance would try not to kill people.

I don't draw any line at Pakistan, I just used that as an example, what I was actually thinking of was Iran with the shah being overthrown right around the same time.

>all this faggotry and projection
The line is very clear, pic related is someone putting their life on the line. Some hippy chaining himself to a tree or laying down in front of a police car in the USA is not even close. We could go out on the street, ask people are these two things the same, and i'm quite cretin the majority would say no.

>> No.10176576

Actually, just forget all of this. The whole thing is stupid. Why the fuck are we debating what truly counts as martyrdom.