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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 332x420, 030416c_patton_article-735608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1017521 No.1017521 [Reply] [Original]

I stand before you today, not as a general, but as your brother.

We have a common enemy /sci/, an enemy whom has eluded us ever since this boards creation. I speak of course about the ENGINEER. This cowardly foe belittles and contributes nothing to science. This vile creature constantly tries to rape science for its own selfish goals. While science in general has nothing against homosexuals, there is a limit to what we can take. Engineers flaunt there "Gay Pride" every chance they get, continuously shitting up the board.

Stand with me brothers, let us put an end to this plague once and for all. Take arms.
If you see an ENGINEER, or suspect some one of being an ENGINEER point it out, and take action. Once exposed these cockroaches will go back to the darkness they came from.

You are not alone; we fight this good fight together

May science always be on your side

>> No.1017530

Engineers made that computer your typing on. Engineers designed telescopes and microscopes, and without those science is nowhere.

Congratulations on being retarded. Also, GAY PRIDE!!!

>> No.1017534

same shitty butthurt troll everyday

>> No.1017537

Omg, this is classical....LMAO

>> No.1017540
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we stand with you

>> No.1017541


>> No.1017544

May I ask what is up with this engineer-phobia? Seriously, engineers and scientists should be united against our true enemies - the enemies of reason.

>> No.1017547

Do it without Maxwell and Farady. C'mon, engineer, forget about electromagnetism and then make the computer. I dare you.

>> No.1017552
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>> No.1017553

The point is that we can't have computers without both engineers and scientists.

>> No.1017554

Thats not what im saying. Scientists make discoveries, engineers make them useful. Scientists would get nowhere without engineers, and vice versa.

>> No.1017557
File: 41 KB, 250x350, mr+slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers are to /sci/ as that pile of faggotry, knowyourmeme is to 4chan.

They take science's glorious work, 'repackage' it, make lots of money, and steal all the credit.

>> No.1017558
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rot in hell engie scum

>> No.1017562

> comparing SCIENCE and engineering to 4chan

>fail troll, 2/10

>> No.1017564
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>> No.1017568

> They take science's glorious work, 'repackage' it, make lots of money, and steal all the credit.

Perfectly put.

>> No.1017570

A scientist is an engineer who lacks proper design aesthetic.

>> No.1017571

You've never taken an IQ test, have you?

>> No.1017575

agreed, some one with reason. FYI im a sci major

>> No.1017577
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>> No.1017579


Well whats that have to do with anything?

>> No.1017580

Not at all. I'm actually a law student so i dunno if i even could take sides..

>> No.1017581
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Lay Waste To The Faggots

>> No.1017583
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>> No.1017584
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>> No.1017587
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>> No.1017589

>belittle engineers

>> No.1017590

I dunno how your gonna deny that engineers and scientists feed off each other. Together they further humanity. Without one, the other is useless.

They are both important.

>> No.1017591


>> No.1017596

There is no engineer phobia on /sci/
It's just a shallow trolling method.
Almost every image posted in this thread is from the same person.

>> No.1017594
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thus I serve!

>> No.1017600

Websters defines engineer as

1) A person who operates a railroad locomotive and train. The engineer is in charge of and responsible for the locomotive(s).

2) A faggot

>> No.1017602
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>> No.1017603

And why doesn't science like trains?!

Its a very classy way to travel, in a private car. Eating in the dining car. Reclining and reading a good book as the scenery passes you by.

Only barbarians would not appreciate traveling by rail.

>> No.1017606
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>> No.1017612

If you'd ever taken a standardised IQ test, you would know exactly what that's got to do with it...

>> No.1017613

Not to mention those maglev trains, those are some pretty beastly shit

>> No.1017617

yep, someone who got butthurt by an engineer.

>> No.1017624


Actually i had in highschool because my school thought i was crazy, and i wasn't. So then they said "holy crap, if your not crazy, you must be some kinda genius!!"

>> No.1017628

/sci/ this needs some urgent attention!


>> No.1017631

I was a genus once.
Im just above average now.
I think it was the video games

>> No.1017637

Video games makes people smarter. Religion makes people dumber.

>> No.1017642


Are you referring to the newton telescope?

>> No.1017643

Your probably the same, its based off how they do it. Children always score higher then adults.

>> No.1017644

I developed a religion based on grinding in MMOs.

>> No.1017645

You are right - in the same way that masters and servants need each other.

Science needs engineers, sure, but the sympathetic relationship only works so long as engineers know their place.

Just be grateful you get to make more than sandwiches.

>> No.1017652

I'm referring to the newest onces, the webb and electron microscopes, which let us see distant stars and tiny atoms.

Those help advance science, and are only possible thru engineers

>> No.1017648

>Children always score higher then adults.

I thought the entire point was that 100 is supposed to be average for your age group?

If the test cant even get that right why the hell are we trusting it?

>> No.1017658

The question format, A is to B, as C is to D, is used in standardised IQ tests.

It does NOT compare A and C, (or A and D; or B and D etc) but is designed to trap the less intelligent into thinking that is what it is doing.

Like you did...

>> No.1017663

I'm not an engineer, i'm just saying. And yes, i suppose how masters need servants is somewhat similar. So don't be a dick and kick them around to where you don't have them anymore.

>> No.1017667

So your saying the format of a test i took years ago relates to how i compared something..

That was very unnecessary.

>> No.1017673
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>> No.1017680

yessa massa, I engineer, I know my place

>> No.1017722


>> No.1017749
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>> No.1017865

I scored high in my teens. I was going to study Astro. Then I discovered booze and pot. I ended up in Energy Conversion.

>> No.1017875

This. It applies more to the scientists who end up in management, imo. Be nice to the guys who iron out all the wrinkles in the join between your lovely theories and reality, they make you relevant.

>> No.1017888

The error many are making is thinking we discriminate against engineers. We don't (well, not the enlightened amongst us). If you want to take cock up your pooper, that is entirely your right, and we respect that and you preference for bright colours.

>> No.1017984
File: 20 KB, 600x258, jet-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engineers are to /sci/ as that pile of faggotry, knowyourmeme is to 4chan.

No -- "engineers" are to /sci/ as "niggers" are to /b/.

It's a losing strategy to feel better about yourself.

>> No.1018020

I was interested in what the OP had to say until he let slip the there/their spelling mistake.

Fucking retard.

>> No.1018023


>> No.1018046

sure is forced meme in here

>> No.1018080
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>> No.1018085

Shit. I'm Physics/Engineering double honours

wat do

>> No.1018106

Become engineer - make shitloads of money, contribute nothing to science
Become physicist - Have a low level of income, make a contribution that makes no difference to the scientific community, because your definitely not Einstein, Maxwell, Planck etc, end up teaching undergrads basic mechanics for the rest of your life

>> No.1018107

We don't mind if you swing both ways, just be discreet.

>> No.1018115

>implying teaching undergrads mechanics isn't important

>> No.1018119

> I could apply my education but teaching undergrads is important
This is what physicists actually believe.

>> No.1018138
File: 66 KB, 600x395, Henry-kissinger-35-0708a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me be a bridge between our kinds
i am both engineer and physicist

>> No.1018143

Engineers are far superior. We build the machines that test your theories. We construct the labs and buildings you work in. We design the cars you drive to work in. We program and build the computers you run your simulations on. We make money which we pay back as taxes so that your research teams can having funding. We spark interest in younger generations - I highly doubt many kids wonder about fundemental particles or alternative dimensions and the maths behind it; far more are likely to see a car or a computer or something and be all OMFG HOW THE FUCKING HOLY HELL DOES THAT WORK SHITS FUCKING AWESOME

and if you dont believe us, WELL SHIT WE BUILT GUNS TOO AHAHAH lolJk??

>> No.1018145

person in training to be an engineer inspired by science,we all are beyond this faggotry even /b/tards stick together, and we are all better than them. and thankfully we are not a bunch of warmongering retarded redneck hicks like /k/

>> No.1018159

Doing a BPhys
I am into physics
Therefore I can engineer

>> No.1018161
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>> No.1018776

Ok, lets get those engineers!

>> No.1018806

Alright, you win. The engineers are gone, but now who is going to design everything? Oh yeah, scientists are the obvious choice. They're now applying math and physics to design the things that make everyday life possible, we should call them engineers.

Oh fuck.

>> No.1018839
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They would be scientists who do some engineering (happens alot anyway). The "scientist" title would trump the "engineer" title, so they woudl still be considered "scientists".

Its like a manager at Mc Donalds and a Cashier, The manager can do the Cashiers job somtimes, but he is still the Manager.

>> No.1018848
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>> No.1018850


But can the manager fix the milkshake machine?

>> No.1018854

And if the cashier is gone, and the the manager is constantly doing cash, he's a cashier as far as anyone (except his self inflated sense of pride and ego) is concerned.

>> No.1018876

Engineering makes science possible, as your fancy machines don't mass produce themselves.

>> No.1019042

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he can. He does train the others how to use it and shit.

>> No.1019081

Agreed, we do need people to do the grunt work, like janitors, engineers, and fast food workers.

>> No.1019107

You're welcome.

>> No.1019551

take action /sci/-ducks!