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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10171488 No.10171488 [Reply] [Original]

>entire math department has a 50% fail rate for each class

>> No.10171491

>on average, half the class drops out of your favorite profs courses before end of semester

>> No.10171496

By drop do you mean fail or just withdrawal?

>> No.10171497

>having bad taste

>> No.10171500

either fail or withdrawl, is this normal?

>> No.10171510

Not my fault people can't handle actual rigor.

>> No.10171548

Yes. Low-level (1xxx and 2xxx) math classes have a lot of students who aren't prepared, shouldn't be in their major, or shouldn't be in a university at all.

>> No.10171561

no I mean the upper level math classes have this happening

>> No.10171574

>wasting your time with a math major at all when you can learn it yourself at your own pace and be very rigorous

>> No.10171598

desu the only reason to get a math major is the bragging rights

>> No.10171617
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literal quitters and babies

>> No.10171620

it's more common than you think
but not nearly as common as first/second year though

>> No.10171650

>shitposter posts wojak

>> No.10171948

It's very typical at schools that don't have massive grade inflation.

>> No.10173005

so it makes sense to go to a school with grade inflation?

>> No.10173016

>be me
>in Brazillian public uni
>everything has a 50% drop out rate
>maths has a 90% drop rate
>maths doesn't even have topology or measure theory in the curriculum, it's basically already babying everyone
>they put actual pre-calculus on the first semester to baby people further but everyone still drops out

>> No.10173511

Which uni, anão?

>> No.10173518


>> No.10173532

Macaco U

>> No.10173535

But they do have topology. It's optional, but they have it.
Also, are you the baby Rudin anon from /mg/?

>> No.10173539

>introduction to topology that's basically metric spaces for a semester
>topology being optional at all
Yeah, that was me. Baby Rudin was pretty bad so I swapped for Peter D. Lax's Functional Analysis. Substantially better, honestly. Never trusting /sci/ for books again.

>> No.10173551

>>entire math department has a 50% fail rate for each class

Question: Does the world need 1024 weak mathematicians or 8 strong ones?

Answer: 8 strong ones

>> No.10173624

Are you doing bacharelado or licenciatura? I heard the bacharelado professors are total dicks.

>> No.10173634


If a professor has high fail rates, they probably aren't a good teacher or they expect too much from their students. Unfortunate hoop, but it doesn't mean you won't pass.

>> No.10173641

I'm doing the
>steal things from the maths library and solve exercises by myself while studying something else

>> No.10173652


No it means the students haven't been studying. In university, you are expected to study the material outside of class. It's not like high school where the teacher spoonfeeds you everything.

>> No.10173653

Kek. I just want someone corroborate the professors thing.

>> No.10173662

I have a friend who's on PAM and he tells me he's pretty hyped for having classes with Tengan later, so they can't be that bad.
But he's the sort of autistic friend who knows the whole PAM curriculum except the meager functional analysis it teaches but goes to it anyway because it'll look good on his curriculum.

>> No.10173667

i blew my teacher and she still didnt pass me, how do i get her to do what i want without threatening her employment

>> No.10173673

>a lot of students who aren't prepared
I'd say this is the most common. And it's not prepared as in knowledge wise, there's just not any handholding anymore, and a lot of students lose track. It's smooth(er) sailing after the student realizes he is improving himself, not being improved upon.

>> No.10173674

I'd go with threatening her employment. If she wasn't gonna pass you, she shouldn't have accepted you blowing her. Basic decency.

>> No.10173691

yea ok i just got to enroll first then black mail

>> No.10173812
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Shit, and to think it's the same country home to IMPA.

>> No.10173825

>so they can't be that bad
Hope so, I'll be transferring next year.

>> No.10173834


There are always outliers in terms of classes ability to grasp concepts and pass examinations. However if this 50% fail rate is with a sample size of thousands, then there is something inherently flawed about this class. If this class is too "advanced", and this is the reason, then they need to have more prerequisites to enter. If the fail rate is not due to a lack of people who intellectually able to pass, then there is either an excessive amount of work that is required for the class that is unreasonable. Lastly, if the professor is horrible at conveying these concepts to his students or is grading unreasonably, the professor must be changed.

Ultimately if over a large scale the average is not a bell curve around a passing average that is consistent with a sufficient understanding what is taught, one of these problems is occuring and must be fixed.

University may not realize it but they need to get off their high horses sometimes and recognize issues. I mean, its also for profit so they probably make money from people retaking a class. However, my points are to be considered in a vacuum.

>> No.10173960

So...do better than average?

>> No.10174801

Well what do you expect from a shit tier high school system. ENEM is also a big problem since the math section is fucking retarded, you dont need to know any math to pass it, the hardest question that i remember was literaly basic log properties

>> No.10175488

>Implying you don't need a stable income in order to have the foundation on which to build your self-education.
You need a job, simple as that. Having a job means less time for yourself, and a less rigorous study than whilst being a full time student

>> No.10175493

Who's gonna pay your study, housing etc? If you're at that age without having to pay anything you might as well not go to school and learn everything yourself whilst being supported by your parents. COnvincing them to do so, now that's the difficult part..

>> No.10175525 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, big_1411089292_1390393996_image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take calculus 1
>Forgot to check teacher reviews, figured it would be ok because math
>Teacher refuses to let us use graphing calculates
>The book assumes you are working with graphing calculates and all example problems are shown solved using the TI-84
>Teacher assigns 40 homework problems from the book and wants to see our work
>Confront teach on this
>"I want to really make sure you know the material and are not just entering the problem into the calculator"
>immediately drop

If you want to make sure we know the material then ask questions that require some actual thinking and can't just be throw into the calculator to be solved. You are not teaching us calculus you are forcing us to do hours of pointless algebra that could be done in seconds on a calculator. We know fucking algebra, we did for 12 fucks years, if we didn't know it would be in the easier class designed for retards to pass to fill the math requirement.I wanted to learn calculus not review fucking algebra.

>> No.10175543
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>Take calculus 1
>Forgot to check teacher reviews, figured it would be ok because math
>Teacher refuses to let us use graphing calculator
>Have to use some specific third grader calculator that can't even store functions or retrieve what you previously entered.
>The book assumes you are working with graphing calculates and all example problems are shown solved using the TI-84
>Teacher assigns 40 homework problems from the book and wants to see our work
>Confront teach on this
>"I want to really make sure you know the material and are not just entering the problem into the calculator"
>immediately drop

If you want to make sure we know the material then ask questions that require some actual thinking and can't just be throw into the calculator to be solved. You are not teaching us calculus you are forcing us to do hours of pointless algebra that could be done in seconds on a calculator. We know fucking algebra, we did for 12 fucks years, if we didn't know it would be in the easier class designed for retards to pass to fill the math requirement.I wanted to learn calculus not review fucking algebra.

>> No.10175552 [DELETED] 

they just don’t care, there’s no reason to care if you already have the checks from the gov or their parents. You can always just enroll more hungry freshman if the current class is thinned too much. And of course they can retake for another big fee and fail again if they don’t do whatever nonsense he insect authority power drunk narcissist demands of them.

>> No.10175556
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, big_1411089292_1390393996_image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take calculus 1
>Forgot to check teacher reviews, figured it would be ok because math
>Teacher refuses to let us use graphing calculates
>The book assumes you are working with graphing calculates and all example problems are shown solved using the TI-84
>Teacher assigns 40 homework problems from the book and wants to see our work
>Confront teach on this
>"I want to really make sure you know the material and are not just entering the problem into the calculator"
>immediately drop

If you want to make sure we know the material then ask questions that require some actual thinking and can't just be throw into the calculator to be solved. You are not teaching us calculus you are forcing us to do hours of pointless algebra that could be done in seconds on a calculator. We know fucking algebra, we did for 12 fucks years, if we didn't know it would be in the easier class designed for retards to pass to fill the math requirement.I wanted to learn calculus not review fucking algebra.

>> No.10175564
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>mad that he couldn't use a graphing calculator
>implying calculus isn't like 90% algebra
Are you retarded or a CS major? I haven't used a calculator in any of my calculus classes because you don't need one- it just be almost stupidly easy. You could reasonably self teach yourself Calculus 1 in maybe 2 or 3 weeks of continuous study. If you couldn't do that then I hope your degree doesn't require any mathematics past Pre-Cal and you just took this class for an elective.

>> No.10175565

Yes I originally posted that, but then deleted it due to autotype error, calculates instead of calculator.
Also added in a description of the calculator she tired to make us use.

What is the point of posting the inferior version?

>> No.10175577
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>I haven't used a calculator in any of my calculus classes because you don't need one
But you will, later. So practice using one now on the easy stuff. Calculators are tools and this Luddite mentality is cancer.I could wipe out the 40 questions in 10-15 minutes with my TI-84 just automating stuff like the quadratic equation. I DON'T NEED TO WRITE OUT THE QUADRATIC EQUATION 40 TIMES.

>You could reasonably self teach yourself Calculus 1 in maybe 2 or 3 weeks of continuous study.
No shit, but I have to take a math class, AND I'M PAYING TO TAKE IT. So I expect to actually learn calculus and not remedial algebra.

>If you couldn't do that then I hope your degree doesn't require any mathematics past Pre-Cal
It doesn't I just always liked physics and enjoyed the pre calculus we did in high school. I could have taken the piss easy watered down calculus class they offer but if I have to spend months in a classroom I want to get something out of it.

>> No.10175584

>Teach calculus I
>Don't give a fuck about my teacher reviews, figure it's okay because I still have a job
>Refuse to let students use graphics calculators
>The book assumes you are working with a graphing calculator and all example problems are shown solved using the TI-84 because it's a beginner book for literal brainlets
>Assign 40 homework problems and want to see the students work to ensure that they're actually learning
>bunch of faggots drop, add them to the 'quitters' list we have going around the department
>one nerd even likes anime, tell the rest of the department to bully him when he takes their class

>> No.10175592

>having parents
>being this spoiled

>> No.10175605

>go on the science section of an anime website
>cry about nobody wanting to take your classes
>keep insisting everyone just a brainlet and your special big brained teaching method is to great for them to handle

>> No.10175909

>return to uni after 5 years
>take calc 3 exam, nothing in class uses calculator and I remember not being allowed to use them in calc 1/2
>mfw every1 has a Ti84 for test
>get an A, 46% fail rate what...
>next test cram every trig identity/integral/derivative identity/mclaurin series patterns on the Ti84 prgm thing
>get a B...

>> No.10176345
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>> No.10176588
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>class is going fine
>last two weeks the professor realizes the term is almost up so he bombards us with as much new material we covered in the last 6 weeks while barely explaining anything and writing on the board with inconsistent notation
>only one set of office hours left
>don't understand anything
>final is worse 60% of the grade

Welp. An all too familiar story where my grade gets annihilated at the end

>> No.10176716
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>final is worth 60% of grade
do they actually do this

>> No.10176741

Is that a lot or not? In my uni exams were worth about 70% of our overall grade and there was one exam for each course and they were all within one-two weeks of each other in spring.

The rest of the overall mark was usually labs and projects and smaller units which mostly weren't tied to any specific course directly so essentially the grade for each individual course was 100% exam.

>> No.10176799

rudin is a meme

>> No.10176820
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It's always at least 50%. I hate it since it's usually barely cumulative. It's annoying to have my grade matter so much on the material we learned at the very end, and often times didn't even have homework on.

>> No.10176821

>not wanting to get selected from the normies
i don't know whats the problem about that

>> No.10177006

for real? Deciding between CS or math(self teach cs) and am truly confused. Everyone's saying different things

>> No.10177919

dude,i dont even give a single fuck about math.i just need those classes so i can be a webdev brainlet.why is math even forced on me?why do i need to complex numbers and function analysis and shit just to be a webdev?

>> No.10177927


>> No.10177963

>I swapped out Baby Rudin for Lax's Functional Analysis
Are you okay? Those books are not anywhere close to covering the same material. Swap out Rudin for Phue at least.

>> No.10177973

>prof runs out of time, doesn't even mention anything at all about the final chapter of the course in lectures
>says nothing about this when outlining exam to class
>half the final is this chapter
For people who studied up to where the lectures stopped it was just _barely_ possible to even pass that test if they did everything they knew perfectly.
I squeaked through because I had seen some chunks of the material before but anyone who hadn't was fucked.

>> No.10177976

Pure Math + something else and self teach cs

>> No.10177983

I think they want to get good grades in their other classes and possibly have time to socialize and work and relax

>> No.10178011

Aight, basically I didn't know at the time that "Baby Rudin" was only Rudin's Principles of Analysis, I thought it was an affectionate name for Rudin.
I was reading his Functional Analysis.

>> No.10178014

>Engineering department has 70% fail rate

>> No.10178223
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>math department here had over 90% failure last semester

>> No.10178240


>> No.10178462

Yeah, autists here like to sperg out with even worse names, like 'papa' and 'grandpa' Rudin. And you are right for avoiding those two. Lax is definitely superior there. His principles book is quite good though.

>> No.10178472

>I could have taken the easy calculus class
>implying that is not what this is right here

>> No.10178478

>using the quadratic formula
You guys aren't taught sum and product?

>> No.10178511

it's not 2019 yet though?

>> No.10178826

>mobile wikipedia
unironically kill (you)'re self

>> No.10178936

I dont understand why professors have to be so bad teaching math

>> No.10178978

After running tutorial sessions in a thermodynamics course, I have to say that's a good thing. Most of these people SHOULD fail.

>> No.10179026
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It's all a scam. They want people to fail. It's what divides the lower class from the higher class shaping society into what it is now--complete shit.

>> No.10179061

Well first of all, they do not need a Teaching Credential or it equivalent, only a post-doc position, which half of the people in such a position are entirely unwilling to give people any clue about what the course is about.

>> No.10179198

Yeah bro, if the bar's too high, lower the bar. Who needs a challenge, amirite?

Low quality schools -> low quality jobs

>Insert reply about how your school sucks and you're content with your job.
It could have been better...

>> No.10179583
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I was on my way home, anon.