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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10170985 No.10170985 [Reply] [Original]

>have a PhD in mathematics
>interview at a bank for quant job
>get asked to calculate lowest common denominators and fractions
>mfw couldn’t answer a literal elementary school math question

>> No.10170991

are you retard

>> No.10171116

it doesn't take long to come back to you if you try

>> No.10171215

>Have to interview a math PhD
>Ask him to do trivial shit that a computer can do a million times faster
Be glad you're not working for retarded people

>> No.10171218

>>get asked to calculate lowest common denominators

You know, they never teach kids how to do this right in elementary school. It wasn't until college before I ever saw Euclid's Algorithm.

>> No.10171225

Either this didn't happen at all, or your "PhD" is from a mill.

>> No.10171267

that's not the point of the question. and hedge funds employ some of the smartest people in the world

>> No.10171275

In what sort of hellhole do you live in? We learned Euclid's algorithm in fifth grade.

>> No.10171291

It could be worse. In my elementary school long division was taught in grade 7. Guess the ethnic makeup of my area.

>> No.10171349

Did they actually teach Euclid algorithm or just a half assed equivalent.

>> No.10171369

Take a look at some of Jane Street's problems.

>> No.10171433

ITT: things that never happened.

>> No.10171439

This. If OP claimed to be an engineer or CSfag I might believe it though.

>> No.10171546
File: 184 KB, 665x662, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a DPhil in English
>interview at a school for teaching job
>get asked to recite the English alphabet
>mfw couldn't answer a literal elementary school question

>> No.10171555
File: 141 KB, 1018x728, 1512561314528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a PhD in geology
>go to a mining exploration company to prospect for ore
>they ask me to pick up the rock on the desk and tell them about it
>i don't even know what a rock looks like
>pick up the stapler instead

>> No.10171556


>> No.10171824

Fucking gold

>> No.10171858
File: 43 KB, 637x358, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a PhD in computer engineering
>Interview for a hardware engineer position
>Get asked to write out truth table of AND and OR gates
>mfw thought they were asking for hamburger and fries or for a soda

>> No.10172589
File: 146 KB, 294x236, -a-non accidentally enjoys something popular.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a PhD in linguistics
>interview at a publisher for an editing job
>get asked to write a grammatically correct sentence
>fmw uncould a literal element school mathing of question answer

>> No.10172607
File: 150 KB, 960x942, 1541695868963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a PhD in sociology
>interview at a McDonalds
>get asked what the appropriate response to "Have a good day, Miss" is
>mfw couldn’t answer a literal elementary school question

>> No.10172632
File: 16 KB, 258x258, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have PhD in gender studies
>interview at Buzzfeed HQ
>get asked how many genders there are
>mfw i say "2" and get thrown out for being transphobic

>> No.10172639

>PhD in gender studies
please tell me you're joking

>> No.10172707

No they're obviously serious you brainlet

>> No.10172958

You're not alone OP. I've had shit happen like this before.

>> No.10173012

hedge funds employ some of the greediest people in the world

>> No.10173029

Are people such brainlets that they don't realize that we think at different levels of abstraction?
It is perfectly normal to forget elementary stuff when you are thinking at a higher/lower level of abstraction.

>> No.10173295
File: 33 KB, 629x505, 1496616794846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have PhD in cultural studies
>can't find a job, no fast food chains hiring
>apply for shitty senior researcher position at CERN
>didn't care about interview, pull out my tin foil wrapped lunch in the middle of interviewers sentence, smick-smack loudly as I chew on my vegan onions turkey burger
>interviewer says he likes my credentials, but as a formality, they wheel in a whiteboard and ask me to sum all primes to a million
>just tell them that primes are a platonic construct, instead i write some slam poetry on the whiteboard with a non-erase sharpie and leave without saying another word
>they send me an offer letter the very next day

its not fucking fair bros i fucking hate this job market

>> No.10173297

this is how i felt when i started studying for the general GRE after finishing my bachelors

>> No.10173364

I had the same once when I had an interview for some hedge fund. They asked some basic question about probability e.g. you have a bag with blue and red balls and you choose some at random etc. I totally fucked it up. Anyway it was only a first round interview and they apparently have 7 rounds before hiring someone

>> No.10173729

And that's why i left buzzfeed

>> No.10173735

Yeah but if OP can't show he's capable of doing the math required on demand why would they hire him over some other person who they would probably end up paying less.

PhDs and knowing shit doesn't mean shit if it can't be applied.

>> No.10173769

Is this the equivalent of failing a fizzbuzz test? lmao

>> No.10173774

lmao even I can do that easily

>> No.10173777

>tfw they teach "how dare you assume my gender" in elementary school now

>> No.10173800

I almost posted the CS equivalent earlier today and I would use the fizzbuzz and something like "then Pajeet next to me promptly starts to recite the code in C# with his heavy accent" but I thought it would be too silly.

>> No.10173849

am fucken dead

>> No.10173853


>> No.10173859

not joking does CERN stand for chemicals everywhere radiate neurons becuase im trying to learn about this stuff since i came here

>> No.10173863

Pretty weird that your ISP blocks google but doesn't block 4channel

>> No.10173865

>be me
>have interview at gym jam
>interviewer gets to first aid part
>asks me what do if kid starts choking
>literally burst out laughing
>he looks at me
>end up leaving in cuffs
>spend two years in asylum
>end up being the type of mind the joker attracts
i legit hate interviews my bodily functions start rebelling for no reason

>> No.10173869

i didnt google yet i just came here member i said that am i wrong