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10170610 No.10170610 [Reply] [Original]

Who is smarter, women or man?

>> No.10170617

What's "being smart"?

>> No.10170624
File: 108 KB, 350x211, l_lawlietdeathnote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, like thinking like this guy

>> No.10170630

Erru is a brainret

>> No.10170643

Men are more susceptible to DNA damage and lacking the protection of estrogen are more apt to suffer prenatal and infant toxicity. This is why ADHD and all the rest is more common in men. Presentation is just a matter of manner and degree of damage.

Yet we still vaccinate. Early clamping of the placenta. Vitamin K injections (which contain aluminum). Exposure to wireless devices, putting children in windowless rooms modeled after prisons day after day under fluorescent lights which have been shown to cause brain damage and act as a direct causative agent in provocating ADHD behaviors. This doesn't seem to be the flicker rate, but the dirt electricity and radiowaves. The effect disappears when they're encased in a faraday cage and grounded.

It's all fucked up. We can't judge who's what at this point. You are what you are, we are what we are. Improve yourself and work protect the kids who are being put through this machine and don't have the slightest chance of figuring it out until well after the fact.

>> No.10170656

One who doesn't have prejudices.

>> No.10170820

pig > long pig

>> No.10170854

the ones who get BLACKED

>> No.10170857

Oh ok

>> No.10170914

so men?

>> No.10170950

Both have their strengths, both are complementary.

>> No.10170963
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I got a 3.5 and 88th percentile SAT and ended up at SDSU while my sister got a 4.4 and 99th percentile SAT and ended up at UCSD.

>> No.10170966

This. Masculine and feminine must unite and not fall to divide and conquer. The biggest problem is that this requires women accepting that they can't have it all. You can't be a mother and a career woman, at least in early infancy. You can't feed your kid formula and put it into state controlled child care at 1 and say "cool".

>> No.10170999

Why is this not more mainstream?

>> No.10171207

How did you wind up in South Dakota??

>> No.10171245
File: 10 KB, 481x306, iqsex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ supposedly varies along sex lines in a fashion similar to pic related. higher concentrations of men at the extremes (both low and high) while women congregate at the center. this means that the average man and the average woman are of the same intelligence, but you are far more likely to find both a male genius and a male retard than either of their female counterparts.

this phenomenon is easily observable if you look at the demographics of historic inventors (overwhelmingly male) and top-level chess grandmasters (almost exclusively male). the same goes for mental retardation prevalence: men present with it much more often

>> No.10171259

>implying every trait is equally sought after
Men have strength and intelligence which is more valuable than most things women have over men. This makes women unable to compete in positions of power.

>> No.10171286
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>not gonna vaccinate my kids
>public school can fuck off
>no florescent lights in house
>no electricity at all
>no vitamin K
>no aluminum

maximum potential

>> No.10171292

San Diego.

>> No.10171317

fascinating. but why?

>> No.10171319

This graphic shows that male super geniuses outnumber female super geniuses about 1,000 to 1.

>> No.10171324

To firmly establish myself over my kingdom.

>> No.10171387
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>> No.10171730

Harry Belafonte said the woman is smarter :

>> No.10171735

Because the y chromosome is basically nothing and so men are exposed to all of the highs and lows of their genetic heritage.

>> No.10171748

around 140 iq there are about 8-16:1 male:females, as you go further to the far end of the curve it gets exponentially worse. i doubt its 1000:1 but 250:1 wouldn’t be surprising at all. there are significantly less very intelligent women than men and significantly more stupid men than women and this will never change.

>> No.10172494

Be wary of LEDs as well.

>> No.10172502

the one who has the highest iq

>> No.10172515

holy fuck are you still crying about that lmao
t. SDSU and loving it

>> No.10172626
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>> No.10173561

I work with an LED lamp strapped to my head, is this okay?

>> No.10173571

>Although you will never hear this from Mr. Sessions
a woman wrote this

>> No.10173600

not you since you can't even differentiate between plural and singular

>> No.10173628


Women have greater ability at multi-tasking and being book-smart but lack the motivation to be deep strategical thinkers. They also lack interest into STEM and things a long these lines.

IQ I think is just a quantification of problem solving, but it doesn't really assess all the aspects that give a person their unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Even if women perform greater on these tests doesn't evaluate abstract thought.

>> No.10173632

Women perform worse on iq tests past the 2 SD point, they can’t compete at the research level in STEM because of this

>> No.10173640

lol smart people are smart although there may be more smart men that doesn't mean anything some women have won multiple noble prizes, there are smart women although it may be less common

>> No.10173681

No. Long exposure to high intensity blue light causes damage to the retina and its ganglion, as well as neurodegeneration in the brain.

>> No.10173694
File: 63 KB, 800x533, L33thax0rurmum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do those yellow tinted glasses help at all?

>> No.10173697


>> No.10173701


even a candle is electromagnetic you literal mongoloid