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10168093 No.10168093 [Reply] [Original]

>*births you into a third world shithole to a single-mom*

>> No.10168180

if you arent a babby brainlet you can still make it

>> No.10168185

>50/50 chance of being a male every time you have a child
>have 7 daughters

>> No.10168195

>Births you into a first world shithole that will make your mother lay flat during birth, drug her with pitocin causing forceful contractions which actually make birthing harder and slam your head against her cervix repeatedly, if cesarean section is now required they give her a spinal injection of an opioid, when you're finally out of there they clamp your umbilical cord before placental transfer is complete depriving you of your blood supply before lung changeover is complete causing brain damage, and depriving your of your iron stores. They inject you with vitamin K, further thickening your hypoxic blood. They'll put vaseline in your eyes and wash you in a sink. If they opioid caused your respiratory system to shut down you'll be put in an incubator for a while. They might next amputate parts of your genitals. You'll be vaccinated with things shown to be completely unnecessary, and cause harm in humans. Finally, you're back with your mother, by some definition. She's a smart, savvy, empowered woman, and she knows how to think and who to trust. This is a new world we're making. So she forgoes breast feeding and gives you onions infant formula. The good stuff. Depriving you of her DHEA, anadamide, antibodies, or any of the other stuff you apparently don't need. You'll now drink fluoridated, chlorinated, brominated water full of post metabolic drugs and birth control pills. You'll be injected with more junk periodically. Your diet will consist of stuff that's food in name only, a constant barrage of pesticides, herbicides, additives, and heavy metals. You'll be exposed to wireless devices which cause brain damage, which is likely worsened by the deprivation of your iron stores in infancy. You'll probably turn out autistic, have autoimmunity, digestive problems, or another chronic illness like 50+% of our children now.

But at least you were lucky enough to be born in a civilized first world country. Why'd we ever need that brain drain thing.

>> No.10168215

*is born*
*bad thing happen*
lmao @ ur post

>> No.10168225

>is born
>bad thing happen cuz of where born
Sympathy 4 u n ur post

>> No.10168940

you dont produce y chromosomes man

>> No.10168958
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1537978967893s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no 7 daughters
Women are superiour to men in every way, except for autism. They are also much easier to raise, as they tend to rebel/provocate less

>> No.10168977

Wow, sounds awful. Guess you should reroll

>> No.10168984
File: 1.11 MB, 1262x854, 1540217477651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks better than what i was born into
>Be born in africa tier war torn shithole to psychopathic parents who dont give a fuck about you until you somehow survive to adulthood
>Almost die 10+ times while growing up
>Crap health because of copious amount of abuse and neglect
>Most of childhood spent staring at wall, thinking about weird stuff and playing with toys and peers at school
>0 social skills at 18
>Spend 2+ years socializing myself
>Realize how wicked your parents, and third worlders in general are
>Realize god is real, and that he is merciless towards those whomst lack mercy themselves
>Understand that suffering is not worth it unless it is with righteous intent
Atleast i was gifted with great beauty and innteligence/creativity, and probably saved several times by the holy spirit

>> No.10169016

That's the standard roll in the US. Most rolls that the pseudorandom generator is apt to produce will lead to this exact outcome.

I got a slightly better roll and only suffered a few of those elements. But this here is the real shit we need to be acknowledging and talking about. I don't have kids, so like most people I knew certain things could be problematic, and certain things were messed up. But as I really started researching the prenatal, birthing, and natal practices the whole picture started coming into view. We're little more than cattle on an assembly line, and with all that I've seen, I can only assume at this point that it's deliberate. Everyone is always "follow the money!" and uses this as the standard model for corruption and how perverse systems, rituals, and practices develop and entrench over time, but there's a point where it has major shortcomings in its explanatory power.

You need to get out ahead of it. People can't be suspecting/learning how fucked up it is after the fact. We have a very high rate of maternal and infant death in comparison with the rest of the industrialized world. I'm sure some third world countries also come out well ahead of us.

>> No.10169131

Thank g*d I'm not american

>> No.10169143

>Looks better than what i was born into
I don't see why, given that someone can have both. And as the US collapses that's increasingly the case.

>> No.10169153

>Mother has her own business
>Father is fiscally responsible and a high earner
>Get to live in the rich part of the capital, get first-world comparable school education
>European genes manifest

>> No.10169222

>impregnate white bitch
>make her raise son and pay for everything


>> No.10169224
File: 22 KB, 540x404, 1535352363657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuts genitals off
Why is this still allowed? Why is any of this still allowed?

>> No.10169234
File: 158 KB, 1300x1195, conscience2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prevents us from razing the third world to the ground and killing everyone in it

>> No.10169235

>Women are superiour to men in every way
>They are also much easier to raise
>they tend to rebel/provocate less
oh god i cant stop laughing hahaha it hurts oh OW ahhhhahahahaHAHAHAOWaaaaaaAHAHHAA

>> No.10169236

Just try to discuss this with people or rally anyone to change anything about anything, on any level, and you'll begin the process of unraveling why.

>> No.10169252
File: 57 KB, 831x1024, 1541234817668m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a fabled incel? Im a man and i would kill 10+ men without shedding a tear in the defence of even a lowly prostitute. Ugly old women i dont care about tho

>> No.10169257

yeah lmao you're either an incel or a white knight

>> No.10169260

>People think women find that monstrosity attractive
>Thinking the low body fat percentage to exaggerate muscle tone means strength

>> No.10169264

Youre literally a gay loser if you prefer the company of dicks.

>> No.10169269

>I am fat and can't control myself
>better get SKRONG so I can compensate for how fat and incompetent I am
>see men who are both strong, physically superior and better looking than me
>see people smaller than me who are almost as strong as me with much lower BF
>start internally gnashing teeth and thinking of insults
>an adult male is 200 lbs o-ok?
enjoy your cancer you smelly sack of shit

>> No.10169274

I dont need muscle to kill. My big brain and the guidance of the holy spirit, with some help from guns and some chads will help to dish out justice

>> No.10169277

man growing up with a single mother really did a number on you huh

nice cope

>> No.10169286

Youre confused. I didnt have parents

>> No.10169288

you mentioned them earlier
unless you weren't being literal

>> No.10169290

in defense of people who grew up with single mothers, my two closest friends who grew up fatherless hate women and their mothers.

>> No.10169292
File: 619 KB, 1024x1023, 1542572001679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt other based people who won the birth lottery with me

mfw and yfw

>> No.10169293

I'm not fat.

Alright. I'm not religious but I think the world needs some guidance from the holy spirit.

>> No.10169344

The third world would be so great without third worlders in it. Alas heaven is greater than anything we could make on thiz planet