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10165360 No.10165360 [Reply] [Original]

>Finally have enough money and time to waste time studying and learn new things

Redpill me on this anons. I'm looking to study psychology and neuroscience for the sake of arguing againts the lgbt. Are they really just they way they are? Can they really not change? Is it really not a choice of lifestlye? Is degeneracy a baseless argument? I want to learn objective science about this. I'm tired trying to argue against degenracy without having no ammo. Am I just gonna waste my time on this? If philosophy and ethics are the only things withholding me, then I'm willing to do it.

>> No.10165393

This board is for stem.
Psychology is not a science. Neuroscience is closer to medicine than it is to science.

To answer your question, for a long time, being gay was a choice and people in the community were proud to have chosen to be gay,queer,trans etc...

Now days, it's considered a mental illness according to actual research, but the stupid fucking sjws cant handle the stigma that it's a disorder or illness, so they ignore it and claim without proof that it's physical.

Members of the LGBT community change their opinions as often as they change their sex and gender. Most are anti science and like all other progressive liberal fucktard movements, if you're not in agreement with the most recent hivemind opinion, then you're no longer part of the crowd.

>> No.10166337

Dude, do not waste your time on that. Study mathematics like us, the cool guys.

>> No.10166346

I'm more interested with arguing against people tho.

>> No.10166351

>I'm looking to study psychology and neuroscience for the sake of arguing againts the lgbt
That's like studying quantum mechanics to learn about meteorology.
Just read Gregory Cochran.

>> No.10166360

Did I choose to like women? No.
Could I have chosen to like women if I didn't before? No.
Yet I am attracted to women.

Do you think someone can choose the things or people they are attracted to?

>> No.10166396

>Did I choose to like women? Yes.

No, you didn't choose to like women, you learned it. It is not a choice, it's a matter of survival and evolution. Part of your genetic was selected to like women because that's simply the most likely way to reproduce and transmit your genes. You were also conditioned to like women by how you were socialized. However, some there are some genes and social conditions that may privilege someone who is homosexual but these are really met and so little that it is almost out of the question and no where near the actual proportion of homosexual in the human race. Being gay is a choice, liking men is a choice, it is learnt. Is it bad, idk, but saying that it is a mental illness is as much retard as thinking it is genetic

>> No.10166406

>psychology is not a science
Then what is it? I'm not saying its on the level of physics but it is a soft science

>> No.10166420

Its a social science, they don’t use the scientific method or deal with physical systems. not worth wasting money on, neuroscience is actual science though one of the softer of the sciences.

>> No.10166430

Yeah its a soft science but that doesn't mean its not worth spending money on. Psychological research can lead to a better education system and incarceration system thereby leading to a better society. The way i see it it's a scientific take on certain aspects of philosophy.

>> No.10166433
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>I'm looking to study psychology and neuroscience for the sake of arguing againts the lgbt
>for the sake of arguing againts the lgb
>redpill me

Jebus shiznutz, literally fuck off. You aren't going to learn anything if you already decide your final viewpoint and only look for things that confirm it. Your whole point was dead before it set sail, seeing as you were already believing your opinion without any facts to back it up in the first place.

>> No.10166503

or maybe he will finally learn that his argument is futile and learns the true meaning of christmas? Maybe he wants to learn objectively. You can also learn psychology with with the intention of supporting lgbt. It can work both ways.

>> No.10167124

start with Buddhism, then read anything you want