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10161841 No.10161841 [Reply] [Original]

Is this scientifically the best way to die?

>> No.10161896
File: 52 KB, 553x369, 1eded7c4682539b61c0c0b554b8a97a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's to die in God's Good Graces.

>> No.10161919

Suicide is a death like any other.

>> No.10161921

Overdosing heroine seems more fun.

>> No.10162066

fun is a buzzword

>> No.10162085

Action on opiate receptors is real, no matter what you think about it being unnatural or harmful to do drugs, the electron potential in your brain happen.

>> No.10162097

most painless way to go by far is to hug an a bomb before it explodes, all of your molecules get turned into constituent atoms in less than the time a pain signal travells even a considerable fraction of a mm trough your nerves

>> No.10162160

most painless way to go by far is to hug an a bomb before it explodes, all of your molecules get turned into constituent atoms in less than the time a pain signal travells even a considerable fraction of a mm trough your nerves

>> No.10162173

scientifically, no

>> No.10162194

Swap out the helium for nitrous oxide.

>> No.10162202

most commercially available helium tanks are diluted with air now due to the shortage so you'll just get brain damage instead of death

>> No.10162205

Get a nitrogen tank instead

>> No.10162295

welding tank instead of balloon helium, duh

>> No.10162298

When he decides that you suffered enough to entertain him?

>> No.10162310

A friend of mine woke up with vomit on herself after trying. Don't do it if you don't have industrial-grade helium tank.

>> No.10162312

remember: welding gas, not balloon gas

>> No.10162334

>woke up with vomit on herself after trying

>> No.10162339

Have you got an image of the hanging method

>> No.10162343 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10162416

Before posting images like this please ask yourself: "Is this advertising friendly"? If it's not please remain from posting that image in 4channel in the future. Thank you.

>> No.10162547

thanks reddit

>> No.10162552

Does she have brain damage now?

>> No.10162563

The best way to die is in battle against foes without number.

>> No.10162599

No. There probably was enough oxygen in the gas mix to not cause any permanent brain damage.

>> No.10162627
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Sentimental masculine hogwash. It is obvious that if one is obliged to die, then it is best that such occur painlessly, while asleep, ideally just after having had good time with one's family and friends.

>> No.10162693

there isnt really a "most painless" way to die because many ways to die, like this one, are completely pain-free so theyre equally painless

>> No.10163334

Sodium Nitrite euthanasia. Its cheap, legal to buy and easy to find online. Exit International even call it the best substitute for Nembutal

>> No.10163347

She was just looking for attention

>> No.10163358

My uncle killed himself this way

>> No.10163379
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No, this is

Hail Hitler !
Hail Hitler !
Hail Hitler !

>> No.10163427

You must due in battle, or you will not enter Valhalla.

>> No.10163454

No. It's just fancy asphyxiation. And helium doesn't do damage in the blood. CO poisoning seems more effective. You just fall asleep.

>> No.10163473

Probably this, the helium makes you feel euphoric and basically makes you orgasm.

>> No.10163491
File: 82 KB, 1239x795, painless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it many of us anons are familiar with this pic from over the years? Is it still true? Kinda looks dated now.

>> No.10163521

You choose most of your suffering

>> No.10163609

>Is this scientifically the best way to die?
Falling past an event horizon.

>> No.10163612
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Holy shit I love day so much.

>> No.10163619

"The good ones always die young"

>> No.10163653

No the best way is Nembutal, which is what vets use to euthanise animals. You can obtain some from vet supply stores in South America.

Yes I am actively planning my suicide thank you for asking.

>> No.10163656

spaghettification does not sound painless

>> No.10163704

Like my granpappy did, with a bottle of whiskey in hand and his dick in a woman.

>> No.10163792

he's lucky

>> No.10163800

What are the drawbacks that make it inferior to Nembutal? I researched suicide pretty thoroughly during a period of depression a few years ago and I never heard of this, why is it not popular if it's easy to get and effective?

>> No.10164382

Why are you so afraid of pain lmao

>> No.10164397

she wanted to fly to the sun

>> No.10164402
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What are some of the scientifically worst ways to die?

>> No.10164414
File: 353 KB, 1700x850, deathismvirginchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to die scientifically is to be cryopreserved after death, and reanimated after the Singularity.

>> No.10164439

I hear drinking bleach is pretty bad

>> No.10164855


>> No.10164862

I have Sodium Nitrite next to me in my drawer. I'm around 100kg. How much would I have to take to kill myself? How painful would it be?

>> No.10164864


On the contrary, why are you so stupid.

>> No.10164893

Is it painful if I tie around myself a simple knot with a curtain rope, using one of the four hooks of an oak peg rail as a ligature point from where to hang the rope while I lay sitting, dying? At night before morning starts.

>> No.10165139


The chance of those hooks giving while you are not completely dead and leaving you brain damaged are probably quite high, don’t fucking do it that way.

>> No.10165309

Are there any cons in this method?

>> No.10165688

They seem pretty strong. How else could I kill myself?

>> No.10165748

Horse Euthanize'r'

>> No.10166050


>> No.10166287

Nope, this is:

>> No.10167801


>> No.10170118

Why do this when you could take melatonin and pipe your car exhaust into the cab and pass out

>> No.10170121

Yeah, I'm sure starving children all around the world are content.

>> No.10170125

>implying the nazis gassed anyone

>> No.10170195

You're right, but I'm 100% serious in that if NASA asked me to launch myself into a black hole just to see what would happen, I'd do it in a heart beat.

>> No.10170259

Un-scientifically the best way to die:

>> No.10171419

Don't catalytic converters make this not work anymore?

>> No.10171684

I'm gonna do this tonight. 30g to make sure of death. Bicarbonate soda taken beforehand along with a benzodiazepine to chill me out.

How painful do you guys think it will be?

>> No.10171805

Doesn't get rid of carbon monoxide.

>> No.10171896

cat delete

>> No.10171900

i agree with both of these

>> No.10171946


>> No.10171999


I'm severely depressed and serious about this. Anybody have any idea of how long the pain will last?

>> No.10172009

Wtf is up with her mouth?

>> No.10172050

If you go ahead with it, we will never talk to you again. Don't do it fag.

>> No.10172067

>solving temporary problems with permanent solutions
lmao, what's next, blow up the earth to stop global warming?

>> No.10172069

I don't know why I don't want you to die, but don't do it fag. I think you know if you try hard enough long enough you can find a way to be happy and enjoy existing. You can.

>> No.10173040

Reminder that suicide is a mortal sin

>> No.10173073


go ahead, forfeit every possible chance at happiness you might have.

>> No.10173088

Helium tanks got cut with oxygen since this became a thing

>> No.10173104

If you don’t rule out torture/executions, scaphism would be horrific

>> No.10173108

Different anon, I tried and things are still shit. You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't it seems.

>> No.10173113

I hate these fuckers that just go around trying to ban anything that could be used for easy painless suicide. It's not going to stop me, I'll just pick a painful method if necessary. So all you're doing is torturing me, not stopping me.

>> No.10173161

By killing a kalergi politician and getting the death penalty.

>> No.10173169

Go on dream market and buy yourself several weeks worth of various drugs and have a shit ton of fun. Worst comes to worst you end life on a high, or maybe you change things around.

>> No.10173178
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best way to die is martyrdom

>> No.10173182

Worst come to worst, his liver is absolutely fucked and he doesn't die, end up in hospital bed in terrible pain.

>> No.10173186

The majority of drugs don't do shit to your live in recreational doses.

>> No.10173209

>recreational doses
You won't die with that

>> No.10173222

Yes and i didn't say to die, i said spend weeks having a blast and then die at the end.

>> No.10173236

Ya maybe with that attitude

>> No.10173885

Politely disagree.

>> No.10173997


then keep trying.
there are endless possibilities which you cannot even imagine which might bring you happiness and purpose.
suicide is just that, it isn't even the cessation of sadness, because you won't be able to feel anything anymore, forever.

Also the fact you're asking and you didn't kill yourself already is a call for help, meaning you don't really want to die but you are seriously unhappy.

seek professional help, shit's serious but you can pull it off.

>> No.10174006

Die the Chad way killing everything in your way until police guns you down, strap a bomb so your body explodes after you die too.

>> No.10174100 [DELETED] 

>family and friends
sentimental hogwash. FUCK you. choke on your fucking vomit you cretin

>> No.10174104 [DELETED] 

solving MANY never ending lifelong temporary problems with a permanent solution

>> No.10174141

>How else could I kill myself?
Can't fuck with the classics.
Get on a building.
Put loop of piano wire around your neck
anchor the other end.
Glue your hands to your head and jump.
People will think you tore your own head off before hitting the ground.

>> No.10174379
File: 1.91 MB, 420x315, 1500632972540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to wake up a few hours later, either in a hospital (if someone finds you) or passed out on your floor, covered in vomit, pants shitted, with lifelong brain damage. If you're ready to die, die like a samurai (gif related), not a coward.

Sort your life out and remember what you lived for and wished for before you gave up on living (I say this as someone who quit their job 4 months ago and have spent my days watching porn & twitch streams all fucking day in the interim).

>> No.10174381

Nased nip

>> No.10174441

how about you get a life instead of trying to kill yourself

>> No.10174444


>> No.10174448

>you can pinpoint the exact moment when his spleen breaks in half

>> No.10174449

at least overdose on heroin instead of being a retard

shouldn't kill yourself bro, life for me is worth living even at its worst

>> No.10174457

>you're a coward for not causing yourself unnecessary pain
Insecure 14 year olds go

>> No.10174466

How does one obtain ammo/cartridges/shells? I've been toying with the idea of somehow getting like a shotgun shell and a tube and just slam-firing it into my head with a hammer. Depending on whatever kind of shell or case i could obtain I would then figure out how thick of a pipe I would need for it to work. Getting an actual gun is out of the question. Basically what is the bare minimum to detonate the primer and have the expanding gas move the bullet fast enough to go through skull.

>> No.10174468

Hammer won't work or will it? Don't you need a firing pin?

>> No.10174485

you buy it
/k/ can tell you how to make a pipe shotgun if you want
I could never kill myself with a gun (because guns make me happy)
remember anon, sadness is temporary but the steel is eternal

>> No.10174510

Soon inshallah brother

>> No.10174514
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No, the primer is in the casing

>> No.10174515

Fucked up turn of events no.1) you end in jail for the amount of heroine on you.

Fucked up turn of events no.2) you got bad heroine and die a horrible death vomiting and shitting yourself.

Fucked up turn of events no.3) cant come up with more to go wrong here. So seems pretty good actually.

>> No.10174519

but your arms would still be attached to your body. You really didn't think this through.

>> No.10174520

And there will be no virgils

>> No.10174523 [DELETED] 

Would asphyxiation with a leather belt work? I mean if you nailed it to an overhead beam and threaded the strap through the buckle to make a noose.

>> No.10174525

hanging traditionally was performed so as to break the hanged man's neck
death by asphyxiation fucking sucks

>> No.10174526 [DELETED] 

>death by asphyxiation fucking sucks

>> No.10174529

you will struggle to breathe, and then you'll fight it, and you'll sort of succeed for minutes or maybe even hours but eventually you'll lose
it's a pretty nasty way to go
the human body is very very good at not dying

>> No.10174531

15 minutes lol. If there is no oxygen, brain damage will start building in few seconds. If interrupted before death, well good luck. You might not have the capability to try again due the braindamage.
Death should occur in less than 2 minutes if it is pure helium. Severe braindamage in less than a minute.
Life with that brain damage can be fun too. Try, and share the experience.

>> No.10174533 [DELETED] 

>you'll sort of succeed for minutes or maybe even hours
Do people really last for hours? I mean when they're fully suspended by the neck? The longest asphyxiation I know of is that of Ribbentrop who I think lasted 24 mins.

>> No.10174534

I didn't bother looking up the numbers

>> No.10174536 [DELETED] 

Yeah I think hours is pushing it. You lose consciousness then choke to death which I can't imagine lasting more than 30 minutes.

>> No.10174538

that's a fucking long time

>> No.10174541

found the edgy atheistard

>> No.10174542

Burning alive and radiation poisoning are the worst ways to die.

>> No.10174546 [DELETED] 

not compared to 60 more years of life's sufferings

>> No.10174548

said a man who's never had a near death experience

>> No.10174552 [DELETED] 

dude it's on the calendar. And I've been under a car once, too.

>> No.10174558

Oh yeah? Have you tried them both out and compared?

>> No.10174564

Smallbrained. Burning alive is quick as fuck, you pass out in a few seconds, there's 6 million worse ways to die.

>> No.10174568

through sleep

>> No.10174583
File: 133 KB, 810x640, radiation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I never have to

Wrong. You pass out (from the extreme pain) if it happens too quickly or you get carbon monoxide poisoning from the smoke. But that's not necessarily the case. It can go on for hours with you still conscious, that was actually done in medieval times on purpose.

>> No.10174698

If all else fails anon, live out of spite

>> No.10175518

Your head detaches while still glued to your hands, thus it looks like you just pulled your head off of your body. Very well thought out imo.