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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10152469 No.10152469 [Reply] [Original]

He is admitting publicly, under oath, that DTaP has not been studied for a relationship to autism. I thought we had a gajillion studies that disproved the vaccine autism link with all vaccines ever? How is it such an important vaccine has NEVER been studied for autism despite (((experts))) saying it's been disproven? He assumes that it does not cause autism based on his faith in vaccines, not his belief in the science behind them. But I guess he can't, because vaccines don't have any science behind them.


>The evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship between diphtheria toxoid–, tetanus toxoid–, or acellular pertussis–containing vaccine and autism.

Vaccines have never been studied for autism.

>> No.10152527

ur mom lol

>> No.10152552

He is also admitting publicly, under oath, that DTaP has not been studied for a relationship to moon nazi invasions.

>> No.10152554
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I guess he can't, because vaccines don't have any science behind them.

>> No.10152559
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We don't have tens of thousands of people speaking out that vaccines have a relationship to that and the vaccine industry doesn't adamantly state "We have done millions of studies to disprove that" now do they?
You can't say "vaccines and autism are unrelated, the science is settled" without having actually done the science, you are just a liar and are anti-science for doing so.
I guess pro-vaxxers are just anti-science in general.

>> No.10152623

Personally, I cant wait to inject my child full of autism. Kys, conspiracy retard.

>> No.10152627

Friendly reminder that on almost every single vaccine insert, you'll find the following statement.
"[Vaccine] has not been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, or impairment of fertility." Not tested. Didn't even check. They can sterilize you. They can implant a cancer time bomb in you. They can cause functional changes, deleterious changes, and mutations of systems in your body. They are near completely shielded from liability.

Didn't even check. Every child born. Didn't even check. In their own words.

>> No.10152702

They didn't check it for AIDS either but I'm not about to let my child die to a disease from the 1800s just because some moron did his tinfoil too tight

>> No.10152715

Makes sense. Nothing has really changed in the US since the 1800's. Except for running water, sewage, food preparation and supply changes....

>> No.10152717

should we also test every bottle of water on the supermarket shelf for its carcinogenic potential?

>> No.10152729
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Without vaccines we would all be dead, see chart.



>> No.10152736
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>You can't say "vaccines and autism are unrelated, the science is settled" without having actually done the science, you are just a liar and are anti-science for doing so.
Yes you can. Pro-vaxxers say so all the time.

>> No.10152737

Autism is better than polio tho.

>> No.10152746
File: 60 KB, 1322x810, Polio no longer diagnosed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10152748

Not the same.

Whew. So glad I got injected witha bunch of weird shit. I could have ended up with polio, or mumps, or something! Good thing now I'm in my mid twenties with an immune system that's theoertically permanently stunted, with no proper immunity to measles or mumps remaining unless I receive "boosters" repeatedly, which even if I did fall for it are still ineffective, and further the hypothetical mother of my children will lack immunities to pass on to our children via breast milk. Great I also have digestive problems, and great my mother developed hashimotos after mandatory vaccines to run a day-care.

So glad for the wonders of the modern world. Clearly I really came out on top, glad I'm being looked out for. Guess I'll go back to sleep and trust in the machine, trust in the collective. Work, consume, work, consume, work, consume. Beep beep.

>> No.10152751

>maybe that's because there never was a "polio virus", and maybe that's why there has never been a polio virus isolated in the wild

>> No.10152759

Not an argument, AFP can be caused by a large array of viruses, bacteria and neurotoxins while polio cases are only the ones caused by poliovirus.

>> No.10152763

You can't say we used to have a problem with polio virus in the past. Because we did not. Docs have a lot of discretion with diagnosis.

>> No.10152764

Absolute cringe comment.

>> No.10152773

>Believing germ theory

>> No.10152782

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence, so by refusing to do the studies they're disproving it.

>> No.10152790

Germ theory isn't incorrect, it's just highly incomplete. For example pleomorphism was discovered by Arthur Kendall and Royal Rife in the 1920's, then suppressed by... yep, you guessed it. The Rockefeller Foundation, which during the depression was quite powerful and a primary source of funding. Thomas Rivers didn't like his bacterial monomorphism theory he's work out and been vocal about challenged, along with the developing markets around it. One such pleomorphic organism, a bacillus, was the causative agent of cancer. It became a fungus on asparagus and orchids, bacteria on pig intestine and animals, and emitted a virus when irradiated with an argon lamp or strained through diatomaceous earth repeatedly. This "virus" could be cultured on artificial media and return to the bacillus state without the use of cellular machinery.

We're all fucked up.

>> No.10152823

>no proper immunity to measles or mumps remaining unless I receive "boosters" repeatedly,
>which even if I did fall for it are still ineffective

You seem to be asserting two mutually exclusive facts here.

>> No.10152827

Cool. When you make it this clear that you are retarded, insane and/or a troll, it is easier for everybody to understand that they can just ignore you.

>> No.10152853

Yes, goyim, don’t vaccinate. Die of meme dark age diseases so we can replace you with brown breeders!

>> No.10152877

Hello again faggot. Back for your weekly conspiracy thread? Well here's my weekly reminder that you have no idea how immunity and vaccines work. Sage and out.

>> No.10152890
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Authoritarians never make arguments, mostly because they have none. FDR was thought to thave polio, he probably did not. You suppose the diagnosis was more reliable for people who were not the POTUS?

>> No.10152894

Wew lad I posted that to see if anyone would bite

>> No.10152906
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Before the vaccine the above mentioned would have been diagnosed as polio. Now it's AFM because vaccines must have worked!

>> No.10153023
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>ask for a correlation study due to patient reportingfor anything that is administered in high amounts
>nobody gets angry and a study is most likely done
>do the same for vaccinations and autism
>everyone gets in an uproar
Whats the big deal, if its harmless just prove it.