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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10151079 No.10151079 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren’t you studying?

>> No.10151087

Why aren’t you studying?

>> No.10151090

the depression makes it hard to care about studying

>> No.10151096

Excellent question
I think it’s because I have a pervasive fear of realizing my potential, because when I do I’ll either be lonely or disillusioned

>> No.10151101

bcus im too cool for homework
I dont want to be a nerd

>> No.10151105

Because I need to write an essay for tomorrow.
Hit me up with interesting stuff about poverty.

>> No.10151106

I smoked too much weed yesterday, I'm hungover

>> No.10151108

Good question.

Next question.

>> No.10151112

Why won’t you start studying?>>10151105
Write about NEETs and welfare

>> No.10151114


>> No.10151120

Wow anon, I love brooding intellectuals and you're definitely turning me on uwu

>> No.10151124

i'm finishing up my statement of purpose and personal history statement

>> No.10151127

NEETs aren't a problem here, shit doesn't work.

>> No.10151128

I graduated

>> No.10151133

I want want study, but i feel so tired now.

>> No.10151136

>Why aren’t you studying?
I fucking hate number theory and I needed a break from it

>> No.10151137

Congratulations on your high school diploma anon

>> No.10151216

im scared

>> No.10151221

cuz college level physics is hell

>> No.10151227

Thanks man

>> No.10151416

Reminder: studying now is better than low income later

>> No.10151464

Long term chronic stress, and nerve pain that used to be terrible and constant. Even if I'm sitting absolutely still, I'm still running inside. Even now. As I mindlessly browse, I'm running. The backend of my mind is selectively tensed and tightly coiled. To stop and actually engage with something or learn is either blocked or I quickly lose interest becomes I'm not actually letting myself fade away and go into solution with the material.

I must remain solid. Everything is about control, I must never slip, nor ever fall. I crawled and hobbled for a long time, and maybe that's all I'm still doing to this day.

I need to go get something done. My life is completely static and my house is a dead mausoleum.

>> No.10151537

This is horrific
Have you tried stretching?

>> No.10151551
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Clean your room bucko

>> No.10151577

because i gave up and im aiming low now

>> No.10151628

Why’d you give up

>> No.10151788

world's too fucked up for me to bother. got a comfy trade job making 90k and 401k, so I'm going to get 1 or 2 associates and call it good

>> No.10151792

>world's too fucked up for me to bother
Never clean a large mess m8?
Never pulled up an acre of weeds with your hands?
It's not too bad out there. It'll just take some tough love and courage.

>> No.10151798

Not them, but he's right. The world is fucked, and it's very, very bad.

I haven't given up and I know it's only over if you give up, and I finally pulled myself out of some deep despondence recently, but it's really looking like checkmate when I flip the board around. Shit's bad, and everyone is paralyzed and focused on the wrong things. Meanwhile, the foot keeps coming down as you're engulfed in the darkness of its shadow.

>> No.10151800

engineers make crap money now, is what I mean. I would be taking a paycut and going into debt to be a cad monkey "engineer". I can get the two associates for free as well

>> No.10151802

sounds like you know whats up

>> No.10151906

Because I gave up a long time ago, and to succeed requires less than to excel. I've settled for the former.

>> No.10151924

Decided to take a 15 min rest
When I'm done, I'll return to study genetics

>> No.10151928

geometric genetics? genetics of geometry? genetics of triangle. 3 sides. baby triangle is average the size of father and mother triangle.

>> No.10151934

Not that kind of genetics
Though, once you read about proteins' properties, you can see that those bitches need to have a specific shape and size in order to work

>> No.10151942

I like bitches of certain shapes and sizes, otherwise our chemistry is all off.

>> No.10151949
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>> No.10151952

pdfs don't weigh a thing.

>> No.10151957

but laptops do

>> No.10151960

>Can't fuck a snake if it was shit from the beginning

>> No.10151962
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It's Thanksgiving break. Enjoy some rest, anons

>> No.10151969


>> No.10151972

haha wow I am highly intelligent and deeply troubled as well!

>> No.10151973

>essay about poverty
what are you even doing on /sci/ you intellectual runt?

>> No.10151975
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>> No.10151986

>Had a fucked spine when i was young
>Parents didn't care and let that get worse
>Couple pf years back, realized my back hurt like hell
>Went to the orthopedist to see whatsup
>"Anon... um" almost a minute passes "You can still recover, yet that'll take a while"
>started using orthopedic shit to fix my back
>mfw I'll have those for almost 6 years

>> No.10151996


>> No.10152002

data has mass

>> No.10152003


>> No.10152006


>> No.10152009

Same. Never had it corrected in any way, realized I couldn't jump on a trampoline, and later realized I couldn't jog without severe lumbar area pain. Spine snaps around occasionally.

Still never treated it formally, but I try to hold myself differently, stretch, and so on. Seems to work and the pain is gone, but my jaw and cervical spine are quite slow to correct.

>> No.10152017
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Why does god hate us?
Hopefully you'll recover from that soon
Still, I recommend you go the doctor just to see if there isn't anything else fucked

>> No.10152019

Go study spinelets

>> No.10152063

What do you guys do to get rid of exam depression. I've contemplated if studying is worth it maybe 4 times today

>> No.10152068


Because I'm busy grading

>> No.10152069
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>> No.10152098


Just aced a test. No need to.

I don't study anyway. I just listen to the lectures and remember it.

>> No.10152104

Well aren't you just the golden boi.
What are you studying?

>> No.10152113

I AM studying. I'm studying these memes.

>> No.10152122


Organic Chemistry

I've got a good memory. Shitty social skills, though. Giveth and taketh.

I tape the lectures and listen to them at home the same day. Seems to work for me.

>> No.10152150
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I'm a HS dropout and have been a NEET for six years yet I've downloaded so many books, I have a fantasy in my head that I'm going to make something useful out of what I'm learning even though I haven't learned much.

>> No.10152156
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>> No.10152163


>> No.10152169

Because of the fire.
Air pollution so bad that we had last week off and now this week off of school.
It was so unexpected that i’ve been out of school rhythm since the first day. I’ve been high and watching anime 24hrs a day. My brain is fried and I don’t know how I’m going to catch up with 2 missed weeks of instruction. Shouldn’t be too bad, maybe.

>> No.10152173

>hs dropout
>browsing /sci/
Por que

>> No.10152176

It’s okay, I have to grind through 5 weeks of calc 2 material and I’m a math major. We’re going to make it.

>> No.10152177

its the weekend and i do other shit sometimes

>> No.10152178

Calculus is easy as fuck.
We are going to make it, though.

>> No.10152179
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You'll both make it, I had depression that started when I was 13 that lasted for 5 years and stopped going to school, I went into 9th grade when I was 16 and then started gymnasium(then left to pursue nature-science gymnasium instead.). Believe in yourself.

>> No.10152191

Speak for yourself. Math is the only thing in the world that makes me feel like a fucking failure. How do people do it so easily wtf

>> No.10152193

You're lucky it only lasted for 5 years. I didn't get a clue until 25, since the age of 12, because of childhood trauma and severe depression

>> No.10152198

If you still have it, try to appreciate the smallest things in life, the very quark of something should fill you with glee. This way, you'll either beat depression, or go manic. Both are pretty fun

>> No.10152200

I've more or less broke my depression by reading lots of philosophy, info on learning and lots of contemplation and meditation to strengthen my personality. Still picking up the pieces but whats been helping a lot is how quickly I am learning everything. Realizing my inner potential, so to speak

>> No.10152210

Great work, pretty cool too that you find happiness in literature.

>> No.10152216

Calc 2 is plug and chug. All the real learning is done in Calc 1. Calc 3 is just adding extra integrals and more intuitive because of 3d space.
Just like think lmao

>> No.10152497

cuz im eating. gonna study afte

>> No.10152511

I am, just browsing the chan to kill time during breaks.

> oh Y said you're not a good student/athlete/... ? Just work harder and prove him wrong!

Where does this mindset come from? Why is there a need to prove anything to people other than yourself? What is there to gain?

>> No.10152516
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Because I just finished the IB program. To clarify regarding my proximity to a secondary-school based curriculum I just turned 18 a few months ago.

I have begun working on a locomotive train however. I have just figured out how to convert rotational motion into periodic vertical motion which I will use to create the image of steam coming out of the train's exhaust.

>> No.10152534

ib is a meme

>> No.10152541


Even if it is a meme I get a straight conversion to my country's equivalent of the SAT score or gpa so university application is the same as per the normal course.

>> No.10152553
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Exams are over for the year.

>> No.10152557

I really have to... but its disgusting to look at all the equations

>> No.10152558

Dunno. I was interested in some Edx courses, but I don't know if the time spent is worth

>> No.10152644

Because I finished the homework due this week last week so I could take the weekend off. Over the break I have to study for an exam/get caught up on some calculus 3 so I took this weekend off instead.

>> No.10152689
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I've literally got perfect scores this semester without even buying my books and getting high all the time. Kinda feel guilty about it but whatever. I'm getting that god damn degree