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10144785 No.10144785 [Reply] [Original]

>physics professor starts ranting again and says stupid people should kill themselves because the earth is overpopulated

>> No.10144789

of course a physics autist would say that, the biggest proportion of people with dunning krugers in STEM are in physics

>> No.10144821
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Give him a bible so he his spirit may relax. Imagine how dumb he is compared to the almighty. His measly 130 IQ is nothing compared to the infinite innteligence and wisdom that god posesses

>> No.10144875

Report him for being ableist

>> No.10144882

>smart people are the biggest polluters and have the most babies
i think smarty pants should commit samurakis

>> No.10144886

> hes implying anybody who fails his class should kill himself and getting away with it

>> No.10144908
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Absolutely BASED

>> No.10144947

He also said people who jog and go to the gym to stay fit instead of working in the field or fixing things around the house should be shot.

>> No.10144951

>>smart people are the biggest polluters and have the most babies
Wrong, fertility rate is the lowest among smart people (and it should not be really, it is dysgenics) and also smart people pollute because they are responsible for maintaining modern civilization

>> No.10144977

>He also said people who jog and go to the gym to stay fit instead of working in the field or fixing things around the house should be shot.

Where is this professor teaching, it can't be in America.

>> No.10144980

hes right you know

>> No.10145031

Not American, I'm east-european.

>> No.10145035

>physics professor
>stupid people should kill themselves


>> No.10145081

It's mathematically impossible that such a "very intelligent" being to exist in the beginning of time such as the beginning of incomprehensible infinity is {0, 1, 2, ...}.
A god/singularity can only exist in the middle or the end of computational complexity.

You can be smart and still believe in god, but you become very susceptible in wasting your time working with this abstract nonsense.

>> No.10145085
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>Not American, I'm east-european.

Blessed are the slavs: for they shall inherit the earth.

>> No.10145092

I'm actually Romanian.

>> No.10145096

>Lol invent an imaginary superbeing to pointlessly compare other achievements to

>> No.10145098

You can be smart but delusional. The definition of the Biblical Yahweh provided is always incoherent logically and scientifically. The closest thing to deities would be some kind of post-Turing AI.

>> No.10145106 [DELETED] 


>> No.10145209

I never understand people like you. You seemingly are fine with the two ideas that the universe started from nothing, or it was never not there. However, you’re quick to say that god doesn’t make sense since nothing can exist without creation or reason

>> No.10145239

Not him, but the creation of the universe being dne by god or not a god is one thing, the mythology book called the bible that claims god created us humans in his image and that he himself impregnated some jewish women with his own seed who was capable of doing magic tricks is a completely different story.
I can understand people who believe in a god who created the universe, but everything else is just food for mortality coping brainlets.

>> No.10145292
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>STEMtard brainlets actually think they are special or significant in any way

>> No.10145303

he is wrong
we just need to let natural selection work and we should stop mandatory welfare (social benefits etc) and stop socialism and prioritizing security and safety

>> No.10145306

lmao, i would love to have your professor

>> No.10145311
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Based Christ-chan. Even though I oppose your antiquated philosophy, i always enjoy your earnestness.

>> No.10145323


>> No.10145324

I'm sure you would. He's like 70 and he always goes off on weird tangents like that. Either angry rants or conspiracy theories.

>> No.10145993

Hes not wrong

>> No.10146092
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>> No.10147674

>the biggest proportion of people with dunning krugers in STEM are in physics

This, so fucking much

>> No.10147679
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Is this your professor?

>> No.10147689

am i right anons?

>> No.10147702

>incoherent logically and scientifically
>and scientifically

Namedropping variants of the word "science" does not make something actually scientific. Stop decorating your anti-theism with superficial mentions science, it's cringy as fuck.

>> No.10147710

>>The definition of the Biblical Yahweh provided is always incoherent logically and scientifically

>Biblical Yahweh
>Can do anything doable (omnipotence)
>Can know anything knowable (omniscience)
>Can affect anything anywhere (omnipresence)

>Can execute any data (-x permissions)
>Can read any data (-r permissions)
>Can write any data (-w permissions)

>inB4 someone starts a "Freedom From IT Foundation"

>> No.10147713
File: 2 KB, 224x250, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A god/singularity can only exist in the middle or the end of computational complexity.


>> No.10147934

>the mythology book called the bible
lel poisoning the well fallacy
>that claims god created us humans in his image
Are there not an endless number of weeaboos that want to create AI waifus in their image?
>and that he himself impregnated some jewish women with his own seed
lel appeal to ridicule fallacy
>who was capable of doing magic tricks
And since when are hacks illogical?
> but everything else is just food for mortality coping brainlets
lel ad hominem fallacy

>> No.10147978

Holy christ. You dont know how much you self-implicated yourself there.

>> No.10147984
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>informal fallacies

>> No.10148048

>Muh achievements
Your pride is one of those things that keep you from understanding god

>> No.10148085

Your mistake is to think of God as you would a caused being. God is a being that is pure act (non-physical) whose essence is existence. I hd the same trouble understanding Him as you because I was thinking backwards- it was absurd to think first of the being Christians call God and then apply these properties to Him. What you should try to do is say “the causality of existence demands a being of pure act whose essence is existence- this is a being that can be made of no parts, who is absolutely unified in substance and who is uncaused. I will give this being the nominal label of God.”

>> No.10148428

Ever notice how it's always "they should kill themselves". Instead of "I/we should kill them"?

>> No.10148438
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Aaay, we have ourselves a winner!

>> No.10148554

God is a superbeing by definition, but if you can create a god that believes in you for you to believe in, it's a great thing. Now you can compare your achievements to your constructs which are bound by your own limited scope. Without the difficulty of the incomprehensible and enormous scale, your god is yours, and it loves you. Maybe this god gave you free will, or maybe you were always destined to generate godhood from your loneliness so it's actions are not an extension of free will, but rather the determinism of fate.

But when you make your god, you won't really care about free will because you'll realize that it's a bullshit pointless argument, and you have better things to do

Personally, I want to hear myself speak, and now I'm done. Good day.

>> No.10148648

>>physics professor starts ranting again and says stupid people should kill themselves because the earth is overpopulated
he's right, you know
except WE should start killing THEM

>> No.10148672

This guys sounds like my cup of tea

>> No.10148686


>> No.10150054

He is half right. The gym is such a waste. As in the energy can me more effectively utilized. Every body on earth can fit on Rhode Island and have room to make snow angels.

>> No.10150952

Based. Chemists can go too

>> No.10150971

salut frate

>> No.10151002

>phsyics professor says if we don't go to grad school we will all work low wage jobs and become financially destitute when automation replaces us
>says we should stay in the school system as long as possible
>he literally does nothing in class and always gets equations wrong and has to correct them a few days later