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10139169 No.10139169[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain to me how
God isn't real, then how did natural pressures cause women to be sooooo much stupider than men? Is intelligence stored in the Y chromosome?
>Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.10139175

Honestly wouldn't surprise me if most of the male superiority propoganda came from theists.

>> No.10139178

What a nice duck!

>> No.10139193

That's not Donald. That's a swan and they are mean as fuck.

>> No.10139200

it isn't iq
women and dogs don't mix

>> No.10139201

Look up the Greater Male Variability Hypothesis.

>> No.10139203

women have been abusing dogs and not getting their dogs out of the way lately
this morning a woman let her dog walk down a hallway and I had to get out of the way of the dog
women are demanding their dogs be used for security
they are being very rude and using their dogs to be rude
what women are doing with dogs really pisses me off
women shouldn't be allowed to own dogs

>> No.10139208

I would go further
women shouldn't be allowed near dogs at all

>> No.10139213

You've made your point.

>> No.10139217

>natural pressures cause women to be sooooo much stupider than men
Easier for men to manipulate.

>> No.10139241
File: 408 KB, 1043x627, brainvolumegender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10139247
File: 54 KB, 640x400, 1541968217778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are just as smart as men.

>> No.10139398

Women are, among other things, 10,000x more likely than a man to randomly do something completely insane for no good reason

>> No.10139401

t. western european statistics
it's patrician tier to know why the only woman fields medalist is iranian

>> No.10139459

I know foreigns can be hard to deal with but you have to respect woman dome of it are actually legal, if we mate enuff it can be ass s-mart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USE86UbsV8c
You trolling?

>> No.10139468

As a dog trainer, I can tell you 100% this is not an issue related to women. Most people know nothing about dogs. Even if they have been around dogs their whole life, most people make incorrect assumptions about dog behavior. A great example is Cesar Milan. For someone who has spent their whole Iife around dogs, he doesn't know anything about dogs.

>> No.10139472

really makes you think

>> No.10139671

>how did natural pressures cause women to be sooooo much stupider than men?
They adapted perfectly fine to what they were required to do - shut up and get back in the kitchen. Being too smart isn't exactly helpful for that.

>> No.10140104

Are women a different race than men?

>> No.10140107

You said that already.

>> No.10140173

If women are dumbing why is my uni full of females becoming doctors?
We have no affirmative action.

>> No.10140210

If you are smart you make better food.

>> No.10140244

The excel at different fields, it's just that men haven't found a good use for women other than being housewives. Check history. Before they were fighting for the right to vote and started demanding more out of men, the men were the ones advancing humanity. Right now a false rape charge can get me some anal brothers or daddy if I don't watch out for myself.

>> No.10140304

IQ doesn't correlate with brain volume. But guess what. Body size correlates with brain volume and now try to think again.

>> No.10140311

>I do not research subjects before spouting off my opinion as a fact

>> No.10140321

It's literally my study major, you tard. There is no significant difference in IQ between men and women. Correlations between IQ and brain size are not significant. DTI scans have shown that women tend to have more fibres connecting both hemispheres. Does that make women smarter now ? Just fuck off with your pseudoscience bullshit

>> No.10140336

What's your "study major"? Cranial volume correlation with IQ? I find that extremely hard to believe when you are so ignorant and dismissive of existing science in this field.

>> No.10140350

Cognitive neuroscience. There is no correlatation between brain size and IQ. Brain size is related to body size which is also determined by the two sexes. Men aren't smarter because their brains are bigger. Men's brains are bigger because their bodies are bigger. This leads to a stronger lateralization of tasks in the brain. Women's brain are typically smaller but show more signs of interconnectedness between the hemispheres. This has nothing to do with IQ. Anatomically differences are not good predictors for IQ.

>> No.10140363

>There is no correlatation between brain size and IQ
You keep repeating that like a mantra. Who are you trying to convince?

>Men aren't smarter because their brains are bigger. Men's brains are bigger because their bodies are bigger. This leads to a stronger lateralization of tasks in the brain.
Aren't you just saying the same thing, but in different words? The original claim was "correlate with," not "caused by." Also, no mention of cranial volume differences by race? It doesn't sound like you're doing rigorous science to me.

>> No.10140383

I replied to the guy who posted the non sensical gender/brain size chart, which doesn't say anything at all. The facts are that male brains are bigger because men are bigger. Our brains aren't larger because we are smarter. There are several anatomical differences caused by gender but those don't relate to the IQ.
Instead of spouting this retarded "bigger is better" it is much more interesting to consider hormonal differences or sttructual differences in the different areas in the brain. There you actually see a difference between men and women.

I never mentioned that so I don't know what you are referring to. I only made one post in this thread.

>> No.10140387

my kangal would eat that swan

>> No.10140394

>Our brains aren't larger because we are smarter.
But men ARE smarter because their brains are bigger, so there is a correlation.
>I never mentioned that
I know. That was my point. If you claim to be an expert in the field, but you fail to acknowledge similar group differences in cranial capacity across races that also correlate with IQ, then I have a hard time taking you seriously.

>> No.10140401

I don't care about race because I was replying to that specific image which DOES NOT mention race. That's why I don't talk about race.

>men are smarter
Our intelligence test are designed to control for gender so there is only little overall difference. That's why you won't get any significant differences for gender ever. Men and women differ in spcific tasks because of gender differences. Mathematical abilities is a typical field where men tend to perform better than women.
I wonder what causes these effects. A difference of 100g in brain mass on average or the fact that for their entire lifetime there have been different genetical, hormonal and social factors that lead to different brain anatomies.

>> No.10140404
File: 35 KB, 618x456, OprahBrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why is it that the smartest and most successful negro AND woman has a massively above average cranial capacity?

>> No.10140406
File: 41 KB, 460x544, sexIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brain size
There is a correlation, it's just weak.
>Anatomically differences are not good predictors for IQ.
I wouldn't say that yet. Neuroimaging studies are just getting started on this.

>> No.10140408

>Differential IQ by gender
The absolute state of this board

>> No.10140422

I don't really care about Oprah. I don't get the point.

>There is a correlation, it's just weak.
Possible that a weak correlation exists. But I doubt that it leads to significant differences.
>I wouldn't say that yet. Neuroimaging studies are just getting started on this.
I phrased that wrong. Brain size is not a good predictor for IQ. Other anatomically differences may explain specific differences. I think it's just hard to attribute any findings to specific regions in the brain. I am working on a MRI study and interpreting the results is just painful.

>> No.10140435

>I wouldn't say that yet. Neuroimaging studies are just getting started on this.
I have been thinking about this for a few minutes now. Do you have any of these studies ? I really wanna see the study design.

>> No.10140467

If it's anything like genetics, it will be a great many small variations of small effect that you would never detect with n=28

>> No.10140494

I am always kind of sceptical of these GWAS approaches. I think the authors also mention the limitations quite a lot towards the end. However, if I had to choose I would say that genetics will probably explain specific differences in IQ for instance way before neuronal correlates do. At least with the current state of neuroimaging.