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File: 31 KB, 425x339, 1521225629444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10138728 No.10138728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>a month has 30 days
>a month has 4 weeks
>a week has 7 days
>7 x 4 = 28
something doesn't add up. who can explain this?

>> No.10138734

>7 x 4 = 28

7 x 4 = 30 you dumbass. So it checks out

>> No.10138817

Based and redpilled

>> No.10138822


>> No.10138828

Based and redpilled

>> No.10138834


>> No.10138835

>a month has 30 days
>a month has 4 weeks
According to whomst?

>> No.10138989

>a month has 4 weeks
no. a week can only be defined fully with respect to the preceding and succeeding month.

>> No.10139000

Theorem: There are 10 (ten) months.
>prefix for 7
>prefix for 8
>prefix for 9
>prefix for 10


>> No.10139013

January and February were added afterwards

>> No.10139018

or were July and August?

>> No.10139095

December was added after Jesus was born

>> No.10139098

>added later

>> No.10139103

December is the 11th month you monkey. Not 10

>> No.10139104

how did they slow down the earth's orbit to fit in a whole month

>> No.10139106

DEC means 10 in latin and it's the twelfth month you crab

>> No.10139116


Tide comes in, tide goes out how do you explain that? And magnets, how do they fucking work

>> No.10139119

why did they make time so complicated

>> No.10139122

fuck off adam

>> No.10139129
File: 410 KB, 480x624, TRINITY___NotHumbled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something doesn't add up. who can explain this?
They are still asking my enemy what he wants to do instead of asking me what I want to do. I want to kill him, and that will be my first instruction, so he's going to keep telling them to use him as their primary contact person.

>> No.10139137
File: 287 KB, 491x370, TIMESAND___762++1ef898d4sdryryergsft773t4rhgb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel quite certain that a lot of those "days" I lived through in spring of this year did not have 24 hours in them.

At Elavon I was an ETL guy and my manager Robert, who made an extremely eccentric comment about the KGB one day, was quite proud whenever he got to mention some mysterious file in our ETL shenanigans: to .VOR file.

Later, at Exide, I noticed among the many date columns in the SQL tables was VOR_DATE. That column was defined as DATE-1, but you could do this more than once to change the date as much as you wanted on anything.

>tfw "vor"

>> No.10139315


The OP is being a madman but there is actually a good ancient historical precedent. For the ancient Egyptians, there were 12 months of exactly 30 days each, and then a special "bonus time" of five extra days at the end of each year. The ancient Egyptians also knew the year to within one day, counting one year as 365 days, hence the above.

Now I ain't sayin that they wuz kingz n shiet, but they had a very logical calendar which is close to, but distinct from, our contemporary ways of marking time, and we've backslid with arbitrary Gregorian bullshit since.

>> No.10139335

Of course you want to kill him, but as with me, you have no power over anyone's life except your own and you already managed to fuck that one up.

>> No.10139369
File: 52 KB, 400x400, MESAND___762sdiwfsdvwe6ye56u56u26100ds654r3232wdzzifsw5s55s59s59s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but the reason I have no power over anyone's life is because, despite all the lessons of history, the people have chosen to give that power which is rightfully mine to that person whom I would first use it to kill.

>> No.10139372

who's that jon?

>> No.10139433

Earth slows down imperceptibly as it runs out of gas. At some point they realized there was something missing and added some months to balance it out.

>> No.10139449
File: 33 KB, 648x455, 1541514168747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rigged time so that I steal it all

>> No.10139490
File: 137 KB, 800x579, 13sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you want to know, it will just frustrate you for knowing?

I know you'll say you do, so here you go.

It was changed in order to keep the truth from people, and confuse the slaves. The old system was easy and revealed too much truth about history, so it was changed. The old system was 13s not 12s. 12 decuples + "jesus", ie 12 zodiacs and the sun, 13 things.

Now the year has 365 days, which is (13 x 28) + 1. So the old system had 13 months, each of 4 weeks, plus 1 day "out of time". This allowed the moon to be full on the same day each month, and not drift a day or 2 each month like it does now. The pole day was like leap year, but happened each year sometime in the summer. Hope that helps.

>> No.10139494

Don't ask a scientist, them motherfuckers lyin, and gettin me pissed

>> No.10139503

Good thread

The original calendar only had 10 months. Jan and Feb were added later, and in some bizarre fuckup of anything sensible and good, they were added in front of the first 10 months instead of becoming the 11th and 12th respectively.
SEPTember = 7
OCTober = 8
NOVember = 9
DECember = 10

This is also why leap years happen at the end of february, because that is supposed to be the last day of the last month, so it seems this arbitrary fuckup of the month ordering is a somewhat recent event within the last couple hundred years.

Whats really going to grind your gears is that
7 × 4 = 28
28 × 13 = 364
Aka there could be 13 months, 12 of which all have 28 days, and the 13th would have 29, or 28 normal days and a final, special day of the year.

This world is fucking gay and stupid.

>> No.10139507

Mayan calendar senpai. The world should've ended 2012.

>> No.10139528

It ended in 2010. Mayans weren't too far off.

>> No.10139532

>hurr durr maya timeline got outcompeted

>> No.10139541

your iq is 50

>> No.10139545
File: 36 KB, 324x422, 1522047845198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this whole system of time keeping by the way, puny earthling, keeping track of rotations around an arbitrary star, is for brainlets and hardly accurate. If you really cared about so called time or accurate time keeping, the human race would calculate precisely the moment of the big bang, AND THEN calculate from their arbitrary time units.

Instead (from my perspective) the human race plays tiddly winks of delusional proportions in believing that time keeping should be a relative quantity to any particular heavenly body, especially if the aims of the time keeping system is an enduring time keeping system that will be true at all times. Clearly a singular star based time system is not that.

>> No.10139552
File: 659 KB, 432x517, dcbpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you were in that thread a few days ago when I brought that up, it's good though, hunh? There's more to it than just that though.

>> No.10139623 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 769x806, calendar_rational.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current calendars are crap, this is the only rational one

>> No.10139628
File: 122 KB, 769x806, calendar_rational.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current calendars are crap, this is the only rational one

>> No.10139697

you forgot decembuary

>> No.10139702


Romans added those two months only because they were arrogant assholes and for not other reason. Augustus and Julius to be exact.

>> No.10139807
File: 20 KB, 400x267, A-look-of-disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice headcanon. March 1st was the first day of the year. The two alien months were january and february, having being inject ahead of march rather than after december.

use your fingers if counting is too hard.

>> No.10139811
File: 138 KB, 1920x1775, Perfect Calendar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10139983

a month has 28 - 31 days
a month has 4 - 4+(3/7) weeks

>> No.10139995

Shut up, Jon.

>> No.10140393


>> No.10140405

Based Caesar and his adopted son added two months for shits and giggles

>> No.10140476

They use bodybuilder weeks

>> No.10140483
File: 91 KB, 640x635, D7DBE572-50BD-4319-AB02-A8EAC1C8EC76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are at least 4 weeks in any month. They don’t need to be continuous.

>> No.10140485

>tfw your boss makes you work on Twosday
C'mon man, no-one shops on a tweakday.

>> No.10141620

Baseded and redittpilled

>> No.10141627

u r rarted

>> No.10141637

Bro, that’s what I’m saying. Working in Twosday is such a waste for the company and my time. Onedays are always worse tho

>> No.10141640

JRR Tolkien's Shire Reckoning calendar is similarly structured.

>> No.10141643

bab'st and bebpilb'd

>> No.10141645

>keeping track of rotations around an arbitrary star
this is wrong.

>> No.10141665

well it happens only once every four years, deal with it

>> No.10141827

better question: why doesn't this shit get deleted in less than 29 hours?

>> No.10141956

A month can have 4 weeks without needing to be only those 4 weeks

4 weeks ∈ 1 month = 28 days ∈ 30 days

>> No.10142033

someone said something i don't like shut it down

>> No.10142115

You try working on Christmas you faggot!

>> No.10142125

just kill yourself if you don't like it

>> No.10142140

Swallow your tongue and cut your teeth faggot