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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10133150 No.10133150 [Reply] [Original]

I have a bachelor in Physics from MIT, took my master's in Theoretical Physics from the same place and is currently doing my last year as a PhD student in Thermodynamics.

So many years of pure academia and constant flow of knowledge to my little brainlet skull and I still have no fucking clue exactly what my work is about. Prof says, do this, I do that, some numbers come out the other end and I shitpost some paper about those numbers.

Is science a lie?

>> No.10133162

>Is science a lie?
Let's be honest here. This whole thread is basically just about you bragging about having degrees from MIT.

>> No.10133188

also, how is he a brainlet if he's at MIT, unless he's some rich legacy?

>> No.10133190

>theorist doesn't understand physics
pretty common actually. don't worry, we'll do experiments to check it whether or not you trust it

>> No.10133200

most of it is. as you already know a huge mass of science is kids trying to get A's from profs who are clueless. There is some real breakthroughs but those are few and far between academia nonsense. Most everything taught outside of applied science is far from reality

>> No.10133205

>PhD student in Thermodynamics
You're a rare breed. Most people hate thermodynamics.

>> No.10133206

Read the writings of the masters

>> No.10133666

I know! I didn't mind it, didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either! I just thought it would be slightly more applied than my previous works.

>> No.10133689

Most people at those top unis are pigeon holed into their professors niche without ever doing research on "the bigger picture". Then they think their professors are unrivaled geniusses because they get different ideas.

The professors there are smart enough to crush their competition early because they know forcing then into their own niche will ensure they never beat them for grants (lmao having 5 publications to their 100 and expecting to win over their grant in the field).

>> No.10133710
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>PhD in Thermodynamics
How can somebody larp this badly?

>> No.10133716

You can't LARP on an imageboard, it's just RP.

>> No.10134398
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 650E6E00-E646-427F-9244-06BFF943B503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people at MIT aren’t just average intelligence like the rest of us

>> No.10134481

Yes, from what I've seen so far. Doesn't mean it has to be a lie for you. You can still expand your knowledge.

>> No.10134505

>PhD student in Thermodynamics
Can you link me to some publications in the last 10 years in this field because I'm skeptical this is still a thing.

>> No.10134513

Not him but i could imagine plasma physics research that falls into the category of thermo

>> No.10134515

Ask him tard

>> No.10134516

That's true but I've never met anyone who would introduce their field as just themodynamics.

>> No.10134518
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Im a the only person on this board that goes to a shitty state school

>> No.10134523

Nice humblebrag

>> No.10134857

As far as all of us are concerned, every day we are making consciouss effort to make science "lesser" lie with each passing day. I for example, am researching composite materials, and it looks basically like that -> set up number of parameters, like time of reaction, mixing speed, concentration or temperature, fiddle with each and every one of them, and observe the results. Examine the properties of samples, pick two or three of the best ones, and engage in more seemingly random parameters shifts.

And you know what? My professor does exactly the same thing.

>> No.10134860

>PhD student in Thermodynamics
So how many partition functions do you write out on a daily basis? Also thermo is a bit vague, what part of stat mech do you work in? Solvable systems, plasma, spin glass, what?

>> No.10134863

It isn't like this at all unless you're a chinese student and/or have a chinese professor

>> No.10134874

what do you have against the chinese

>> No.10134936

>PhD student in Thermodynamics
Should have done your PhD in insane integration.

>> No.10134943


“Well we don’t like these 6 terms and this a big number so let’s just fucking write the answer I want”

>> No.10134955

I've always wondered what percent of human learning is just combinatorial and if there is a different type of learning.

>> No.10134976

As far as I know - no.

Smash two different kind of things together, and by the methods of observation - determine if the outcome is favorable towards whatever you've been researching. And if by any chance, you've been the first one to do so, Nobel Prize awaits you.