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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1013078 No.1013078 [Reply] [Original]

I know women are stupid, and only better at men when it comes to getting pregnant and cleaning the house, but why are they EXTRA stupid, even by woman standards, when it comes to math?

>> No.1013085


here we go

>> No.1013091

>He doesn't know about the difference in invariance with regard to intelligence between male and females

>> No.1013100

first lesson in manhood

women pretend to be stupid

>> No.1013104

okay, op, on average, men are SLIGHTLY better at math than women, whereas women are SLIGHTLY better at language based activities than men.

big fucking whoop.

>> No.1013121

on average everyone is retarded, so i don't much care about average, that being the case, where are you getting your worthless numbers, i bet they're averages

>> No.1013127

maybe cause you dont believe in them..

or men being hunters and women being gatherers which required different sets of skills like speed vs abstract descriptions for how to get places.

>> No.1013130
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>> No.1013145

>Butthurt cumdumpster detected

>> No.1013167

>>on average everyone is retarded
I'm pretty sure on average everyone is perfectly normal.

>> No.1013233

how the world works:
man failing at math: Wow, you suck at math.

woman failing at math: Wow, women suck at math.

There are just an many epic fails of math for boys as girls.

>> No.1013242

Maybe but since admission to university usually requires math and 60% of university populations are female it is clear men suck at math.

>> No.1013247
File: 27 KB, 268x326, Euler..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1013249

On average no one cares

>> No.1013263

Cause men had to evolve problem solving skills in order to protect their clan, kill prey.predators, find food and water, make shelter, make fire and a bunch of other stuff
While women just evolved to care of children and the wounded and do boring repetitive tasks

>> No.1013274

but it's an avewage

>> No.1013275

She's hawt!

>> No.1013282

not all civilizations were patriarchal, hence your pseudo scientific evolution talk will not hold up here.

>> No.1013284
File: 24 KB, 396x400, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on average, every time you speak such buffoonery, you chance of seeing tits lowers by 36.67%.

feels bad man.

>> No.1013291

This is true.

Women can be very convincing with their language skills when they say "Id never cheat on you." "We dont need a prenup." and "It's safe to cum inside me. Im on the pill."

>> No.1013289

Provide citations, not arguing, but citations are needed for claims

>> No.1013297
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>> No.1013302

He should have said the median person is retarded.

>> No.1013309

wtf are you talking about
I'm pretty fucking sure that its been that way since we were monkeys
The men hunt and protect while the women take care of the babies

>> No.1013316

This is true, women have evolved a very good ability for dishonesty. Anything a woman says should always be thoroughly scrutinized.

>> No.1013317

this is why
is true

>> No.1013318

Awesome! Twins are best.

>> No.1013358

holy fuk havent'you ever heard of Africa - why do you think you euro fags were so enraged at the niggers? Matriarchal society, regular baths and this disturbing habit of scribbling on pieces of parchment. no wonder you had to burn down the place where they put lots of scribbled on parchment. kill the men and fuk the shit out da womens.

I dont do citations, go do your own research eurocentric fagot.

>> No.1013362

like i said not arguing, just saying this
is what happens without citations

>> No.1013366

reverse quotes

>> No.1013388

Fine you want a fucking citacion?
There you go
Seriously I shouldn't even have to give you a link its just common sense

>> No.1013394

Chill the fuck out, I'm not arguing, just saying that citations stop a shit storm of raging fags.

>> No.1013401

why would you even want to learn math if you had the power to order people around to do it for you with only the faint, slight, hint that you'll reward them with some insignificant bodily contact? srsly.

>> No.1013409


better at men

>> No.1013414

Hey it just pisses me off that I have to prove the role of each gender
I mean its pretty fucking obvious

>> No.1013426

Because if you cant do shit, you aint shit.
Leech is the key word.

>> No.1013433

I love leeches, they're excellent bait

>> No.1013480

Another lesson i mandhood

pretend women are stupid (they love it)

>> No.1013487


All civilizations are and were patriarchal. There was a great amount of variation between what freedoms and responsibilities and powers are handed out to women and some cultures have/had reverence for the elder, regardless of gender but all societies are founded upon the man. Man literally creates culture. Take any activity that encompasses a large amount of people. How many were created by men? How many are activities that are predominantly enjoyed by men? The larger in scale, the more likely you will find something created by a guy.

That doesn't mean women are worthless. They create the foundation on which males can create culture and they most certainly have an impact on it. But they don't make it by any stretch of the imagination.

Civilization is patriarchal.

>> No.1013524


only people who hate leeches are the ones being leeched. being a leech is excellent, if it weren't for the judging (which is the only deterrent really)

>> No.1013540

Women are not worthless.

I mean, my dick isnt going to suck itself, is it?

And laundry. What about the laundry?

>> No.1013566

she is disappoint


>> No.1013586

Like women do either of those things anymore

>> No.1013596

Wow a woman who didn't completely suck at math
cool story bros
So what exactly did she accomplish besides completing the curriculum?

>> No.1013619

And the fact that you'd lack complete self worth

>> No.1013639

Hmm... are all the women that are good at math lesbians or asexual? I can't seem to find any that had any interest in men. Is that because lesbians have male brains which helps with math or because they were too busy with math to care about men?

>> No.1013649

Its cause math people suck at attracting the opposite sex...

>> No.1013659

That actually makes sense. I was about to say "autism".

>> No.1013663

>women of intelligence
>don't have interest in men
Why do you think that this could be?

>> No.1013672

Huh. Because no man has anything to offer an intelligent, confident woman?

>> No.1013703

Well according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator math/scientific people have trouble with the opposite sex because they suck at reading body language and most of seduction is done through body language.
Also the fact that they're introverted makes them less sociable.

>> No.1013709

Huh so stupid people are better at breeding. Surprise surprise.

>> No.1013710

>INTJs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from their own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the INTJ from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake ... INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. Whatever system an INTJ happens to be working on is for them the equivalent of a moral cause to an INFJ; both perfectionism and disregard for authority may come into play ... Personal relationships, particularly romantic ones, can be the INTJ's Achilles heel ... This happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals ... Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense
Oh and here's the link

>> No.1013715

They must all be women.

>> No.1013792

Harvard study proved that women are actually better at math,and there brains are "wired" in a sense, better to understand math.

>> No.1013800

Link or troll. The only advantage women have in math is that they're more obedient to teachers and don't have to stop thinking to think about sex every 3 seconds.

>> No.1013821

Just logged on. I think I am going to vomit.

>> No.1013835


Are you shitting me? They know how to get laid while you don't. How does that make them more stupid?

>> No.1013851

>implying getting laid is the only relevant life goal

oh you...

>> No.1013864

What else are you here for?

>> No.1013877

Dude saying that the only goal in life is to get laid would be like saying that your only goal in life is to get high
Maybe in the past it made sense to do it with as many women as possible to spread your man seed, but we all know most sex nowadays is just recreational

>> No.1013895 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 350x275, rosalind franklin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, fuck you.

-Rosalind Franklin, bitch who came up with DNA shapes and chew your nightmare problems in math and chemistry for breakfast.

>> No.1013911

I used to think this when I was 18-22...

>> No.1013918
File: 27 KB, 350x275, rosalind franklin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, fuck you. I could chew whatever math and chemistry problems you had difficulty with for breakfast. I also came up with the DNA strand shape, which two men had to STEAL in order to come up with it.

-Rosalind Franklin

>> No.1013992

I remember once asking my dad why people get fatter when they get older
He told me that when you're younger you get pleasure from sex while when you're older you get pleasure from food