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10129644 No.10129644 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible to make a panties that light up when the girl is wet

how would you do it

>> No.10130385

I'm taking this idea

>> No.10130389

I'm taking THIS idea

>> No.10130390

No, me.

>> No.10130393

I'm filling the patent next week and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.10130395

Nuh-uhh I already know that it is possible to make panties of this exotic variety and I know how I would do it, therefore I assert myself to this idea. In fact, I already filed the patent.

>> No.10130402

It already exists you stupid monkeys.

>> No.10130409

pH meter

>> No.10130413


You don't even need that much, you just need an electronic sensor calibrated to an adequate moisture level embedded within the seams.

>> No.10130422

You could probably just have a thermometer on them. When aroused blood flow to that area increases and the temperature rises.

>> No.10130496

>knows its real
>>knows not why

>> No.10130513

they shoot x-rays

>> No.10130585

>you just need an electronic sensor calibrated to an adequate moisture level embedded within the seams
>just need an electronic sensor

More than just a sensor you brainlet
You need a sensor (at the very least a positive and negative input), connected to a processor (that is coded to activate the lights once the conductivity reaches a determined threshold), that's then wired to all the LED's and a battery supply.

The shit will be pretty bulky and won't look very sexy or be form-fitting, as you'll have wires running all over the place for the lighting (which of course will have to all be insulated). Sowing the wires into the seams will lessen this to an extent, but you still got the bulk of the battery (which can be minimized to an extent through using flexible batteries; but these are unpractical for their cost). The microprocessor--you can probably get a chink shop to pump out a micro processor as small as the tip of your pinky toe for cheap, but it's rigidity will not be comfortable.

Long story short: to manufacture such a novelty product, that actually looks fashionable (form-fitting, without a bulge sticking out that's bigger than yours), expect it to be pricey. If I were to throw out a manufacturing cost for said product, if mass produced, would probably be in the ball park of ($30-$80 per unit).

>sources: an autistic grad student

>> No.10130590

You've enlightened me

>> No.10130611

>grad student
>thinks threshold for on/off output of sensor needs a fucking computer
I'm no electrical engineer but i'm pretty sure some resistors can accomplish this

>> No.10130612

Glad to hear my wizardry is useful somewhere.

>> No.10130623

>connected to a processor
>to activate the lights
>calls someone else a brainlet
I really hope you aren't doing EE, because if you are you should drop out immediately

>> No.10130625

I was being sarcastic, retard

>> No.10130627

>pretty sure some resistors can accomplish this

They can in theory but choosing that route creates more problems than they are worth.

Instead of modifying software to troubleshoot, you'd have to modify hardware.
In addition, having a processor enables you to take averages of conductivity over a desired length of time (so you don't get the lights cutting out whenever the panties move about).
Also, a processor allows you to have light effects; static lights that just turn on and off are boring af for the money you're already throwing down to get the panties to be form-fitting

>> No.10130647

You literally just need a moisture sensors hooked up to an led

>> No.10130664

A capacitor and a transistor can handle the delayed switch off lol

>> No.10130718

not the autist youre replying to but microprocessor doing some extremely simple logic can be so small i wouldnt hesitate using it for for such project, perhaps you could connect the panties to pc and even have some customization that way

>> No.10130723

OK but can you do the inverse? Create panties that when they flash the girl gets wet?

>> No.10130772

>OP getting a girl wet

I laughed.

>> No.10130789

moisture sensor hooked up to an led. If you do some analog wizardry you wont even need a microcontroller for it.

>> No.10130792

anon whats your major ? I'm guessing it's not EE. If it is, I have bad news for you.

>> No.10130800

>being this clueless
anon you sure you're a grad student , and not someone who reads sparkfun and thinks they're doing muh EE. All the shit that you describe can be done with jelly bean parts that have existed literally since the 80's. And you realize that bringing in a processor would actually greatly reduce the battery life?


>> No.10130802

dayym I'm stealing this idea

>> No.10130931
File: 15 KB, 327x327, 1536958895253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resistors embedded in fabric to monitor conductivity of fabric, when wet the fabric will decrease in resistance, a microchip will determine parameters for when power is supplied from a button cell or some other smallish battery to LEDs

>> No.10130946

you can just use an adafruit gemma or something designed for wearable tech
the logic wouldn't be that bulky, even with a microcontroller

the real problem with this design is supplying power to the panties
you'd either need a cable or a pretty sizable battery embedded in the panties

>> No.10131125

>Have cheap embedded cpus
>suddenly everything needs a processor

>> No.10131237
File: 14 KB, 1020x628, 286700a5d8818f9f52aafdd6fc99a723[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panty moisture can't be much harder to measure than soil moisture, right?

>just ignore those two iron rods baby

>> No.10131636

>anon whats your major

welp... Neurobiology

it's okay though, I watched some crash course videos on EE

>> No.10131643

>won't look very sexy

matches your ugly mug, then

>> No.10131651

Your the type of person who thinks smart light switches are better than traditional light switches aren't ya?

>> No.10131661

Hook a training diaper up to some led's

>> No.10131699

it's because they are!
The cost of constantly powering them totally makes up for that one off situation when you forget to turn your lights off and need to turn them off remotely to save energy.