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10127669 No.10127669 [Reply] [Original]


>Lawrence Krauss is an American-Canadian theoretical physicist and cosmologist
>"But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun — the plane of the earth around the sun — the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe."

>"For a long time, part of the community was hoping that this would go away, but it hasn’t."
How do we explain this?
Do we explain it or just ignore it forever?

>> No.10127678

God is real. Repent or burn, gaytheists!

>> No.10127680

>big bang
>axis of scattering of dust/particles
>microrotations about this axis within clouds during formation of the solar system
>solar system is now on the same planar axis as the universe

>> No.10127702

I understand this better than I understand this>>10127669
But can we dumb it down a little?

>> No.10127709

Never mind. I got it. F this thread

>> No.10127724

Life only exists on earth cause something wants it that way

>> No.10127747
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I think I know who

>> No.10128430


>> No.10128452

>There is no consensus on the nature of this and other observed anomalies[20] and their statistical significance is unclear. For example, a study that includes the Planck mission results shows how masking techniques could introduce errors that when taken into account can render several anomalies, including the Axis of Evil, not statistically significant.[21] A 2016 study compared isotropic and anisotropic cosmological models against WMAP and Planck data and found no evidence for anisotropy.[22]

wow, its fucking nothing

>> No.10128462


>> No.10128466

Any particular reason it looks similar to a yin/yang symbol?

>> No.10128470

But why our galaxy and not the fuckton of other galaxies including older galaxies?

>ITT: atheists grasping at straws and shutting down once grabbing something no matter how implausible and with no further argument.

Literally worse than street preachers.

>We don't know if this is error or not. But it could be. Therefore it is.

>> No.10128474


Conceding that something so crucial could simply be illusory and could simply be "corrected" is as damning as the Axis itself.

>> No.10128477

>I don't know what experimental error and statistical uncertainty mean.
>An experiment measured a particle moving at 300,000 km/s plus minus 1%. 300,000>299 792 458, therefore faster than light travel is real!!!

>> No.10128485

>their statistical significance is unclear

>> No.10128487

well then learn what that means. if something is not statistically significant, then the point is that you can't take it as a fact at all. it could just be a fluctuation or an artifact of some experimental systematic uncertainty

this is why in science we have high requirements on statistical significance before anything is accepted. in particle physics, the requirement for "discovering" something needs a statistical significance of 5 sigma, which is roughly equivalent to saying "the chances of this being a fluctuation or due to a systematic uncertainty in the measurement are less than one in one million"

look up the oops-leon particle

>> No.10128490

>that mystery is I, and I am that mystery

>> No.10128501

Very simple, we are THE Universe. I.e. all energy of the Universe was needed so a life was born and we become the peak of this life, concentrated Universe.
This, or we live in simulation.

>> No.10128504

yo brahs, pass the bong

>> No.10128505

>untold billions of galaxies with untold billions of stars, coming in every configuration and planar alignment imaginable
>some of them align with a pattern in the CMB


>> No.10128515

>if something is not statistically significant
The point is you don't know that, retard.

>> No.10128521

Platon was right

>> No.10128560

>I have an observation that is statistically significant at the 5 sigma level.
wow, okay i accept that
>I have an observation that is above the null hypothesis, but it's only 1 sigma
don't care
>I have an observation but i have no idea what it's statistical significance is
even worse than the last guy

>> No.10128568
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>A study that includes the Planck mission results shows how masking techniques could introduce errors
Statistically unsound data is not acceptable data. You're grasping for straws faggot you're out of your depth, return to /his/

>> No.10128573

I love when people are humbled through realizing their ignorance.

Luke 14:11
>For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

>> No.10128591
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>Luke 14:11

>> No.10128601

>i have know idea where the error bars are but this definitely falls within them
>no further examination required

Literally the cancer killing science.


>> No.10128606

Who gives a shit what that retarded christfag says.

>> No.10128638

Proverbs 11:2
>When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

>> No.10128640

Jew on a stick btw

>> No.10128655

>i have no argument
>time to namecall

>> No.10128662

What are the error bars of seeing that the sky is blue?

>> No.10128672

Yes. Coincidence.

>> No.10128674

>I don’t like it therefore it’s nothing

That’s so immature bro.

>> No.10128675
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reminder: Santa is real

>> No.10128676

More real than supersymmetry.

>> No.10128760

>Implying Santa isnt the supersymetric partner of Anta

>> No.10128783

wow, i giggled at that, i guess i’m officially a physcel

>> No.10128931

He is tho.

>> No.10128983


>> No.10128985
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>> No.10129011

You’re physically celibate?

>> No.10130592
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Of course he is, you can visit his bones anytime you want. Only retarded fedoras trying to be contrarian to everything say otherwise.